Interim Results - 6 Months to 30 September 1999
Anglesey Mining PLC
21 December 1999
Interim Report to Shareholders
Our activities over the period since 1 April have been limited by available
funds for the development of the Dolaucothi and Parys Mountain projects.
Nevertheless work has continued on geological and scientific studies at Parys
Mountain and further drilling of two holes at Dolaucothi has resulted in four
small gold intersections.
The loss for the half year was £91,000, up on the corresponding period last
year because of an increased amount of expenditure on the review and
evaluation of new opportunities and because of higher interest charges.
Expenditures on mineral development at Parys and Dolaucothi properties were
£45,000 compared to £184,000 in 1998 when drilling was taking place at Parys
Mountain. These development expenses are capitalised, in accordance with the
company's accounting policy.
Juno has continued to support the company in these difficult times and a
further extension to the working capital agreement has been arranged.
Parys Mountain
The company has concentrated its efforts on geological and scientific studies
with limited field work. We continue to be encouraged by the results of this
extensive examination of data however the planned drilling programme of 10,000
metres in 10 to 15 holes cannot commence until appropriate finance is
There has been a significant rise the price of zinc over the past year. In
fact the increase from the low point of 41 cents to the high of 55 US cents
per pound is 34%. This is encouraging and there are some firm signs that
further increases are likely.
Zinc would provide over half of the revenues from the probable reserves at
Parys Mountain with the balance coming from copper, lead, silver and gold, in
that order. A sustained higher price for zinc would greatly assist our efforts
to obtain finance for the planned drilling programme.
During the period hole M13 was deepened to a depth of 132m. As described in
the annual report, this hole had already intersected gold at 40m below
surface, with grades of 3.48 grams over 2.53m and within that, 6.50 grams over
0.95m. In the extension of this hole two further small intersections with
mineralised material were noted. These have not yet been assayed.
Hole M14 was drilled to a depth of 49m at an inclination of 76 degrees from
the horizontal. Two small mineralised intersections were made which also have
not yet been assayed. These appear to represent the down dip continuation of
intersections in M12 and M13.
This cluster of intersections between 30m and 40m in M12, M13 and M14 appear
to be spatially related to a small anticlinal fold within the recently
identified zone of deformation. The geometry of this fold is similar to the
geometry of the fold with which the Roman Lode is associated and highlights a
possible association between anticlinal fold axes and mineralisation at
It is planned to deepen hole M14 to a depth of 115m.
New projects
During the period we carried out an evaluation of a zinc opportunity in
Ireland. That property continues to be the subject of legal action and while
the opportunity will be monitored no immediate action is anticipated. We
continue to work on several other new projects and hope to make progress in
respect of at least one of these matters within three months.
On behalf of the board of directors
John F Kearney
21 December 1998
Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Six months to Six months to
30 September 1999 30 September 1998
£ £
Turnover - -
Net operating expenses
- continuing operations 66,629 50,962
Interest receivable - (861)
Interest payable 24,495 8,787
Loss on ordinary activities
before and after taxation 91,124 58,888
Loss per share - basic 0.1 pence 0.1 pence
Loss per share - fully diluted 0.1 pence 0.1 pence
No dividend is proposed.
There are no minority interests or extraordinary items.
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
30 September 30 September
1999 1998
Fixed assets £ £
Intangible assets 12,057,365 11,989,437
Tangible assets 186,418 186,905
Total fixed assets 12,243,783 12,176,342
Current assets
Debtors 107,506 103,431
Cash - -
Total current assets 107,506 103,431
Current liabilities (note 1)
Creditors - amounts due
within one year (621,546) (420,251)
Net current (liabilities)/assets (514,040) (316,820)
Net assets 11,729,743 11,859,522
Shareholders' funds
Share capital 6,607,693 6,593,371
Share premium 5,737,746 5,738,146
Profit & loss account - deficit (615,696) (471,995)
Total shareholders' funds 11,729,743 11,859,522
Equity shareholders' funds 10,868,565 10,998,344
Non equity shareholders' funds 861,178 861,178
Notes : -
1 Current liabilities include £559,478 due to Juno Limited, the ultimate
parent company.
2 The half year figures are unaudited. The profit and loss account and
the balance sheet have been prepared on a basis consistent with that of the
accounts for the year ended 31 March 1999. The auditors' report on those
accounts was not qualified and did not contain a statement under section 237
of the Companies Act 1985.
3 This interim statement is being posted to all shareholders and copies
are available on request from the company's registered office.
Ian Cuthbertson John F. Kearney
Finance Director Chairman
01248 361333 001 416 362 6686