Adoption of IFRS

Anglo American PLC 09 May 2005 PART 1 News Release 9th May 2005 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) restatements for 2004 and update on adoption of IFRS For 2004 and previous years, Anglo American has prepared its Group financial statements under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (UK GAAP). In accordance with EU regulations, the Group is required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from 1 January 2005 and prepare its Group financial statements on an IFRS basis. Anglo American will report under IFRS for the first time in its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2005 and the Group's first annual report under IFRS will be for the 2005 financial year. The IFRS results for the six months to 30 June 2005 and the year to 31 December 2005 will include comparative IFRS information for the relevant corresponding period in 2004. This news release includes the Group's 2004 results, for both the half year and the full year, restated under IFRS and explains how Anglo American's results are affected by the change to IFRS. The headline impacts are: IFRS RESTATEMENT FOR THE YEAR TO Year ended IFRS Year ended 31 DECEMBER 2004 31.12.04 adjustments(1) 31.12.04 UK GAAP IFRS US$ million, except per share amounts Group turnover including share of joint ventures(2) 26,125 143 26,268 Total profit from operations and associates before exceptional items(3) 4,193 105 4,298 Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders 2,913 588 3,501 Headline earnings for the year(4) 2,689 (117) 2,572 Net operating assets(5) 37,601 2,540 40,141 EBITDA(6) 7,110 (79) 7,031 Cash flow from operating activities 4,773 518 5,291 Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders 2.03 0.41 2.44 Headline earnings for the year 1.88 (0.09) 1.79 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude the impact of IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation and IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. IAS 32 and IAS 39 are adopted prospectively from 1 January 2005, however pro forma 2004 information adjusted for these two standards is provided in Appendix I of this news release. (2) In the news release announcing the results for 2004 under UK GAAP, turnover of $31,795 million included the Group's share of joint ventures and associates. The 2004 UK GAAP amount of $26,125 million shown above includes the Group's share of joint ventures' turnover of $1,195 million but excludes associates' turnover of $5,670 million. (3) The UK GAAP result of $4,193 million shown here includes associates' share of tax, finance charges and minority interest to ensure comparability. See note 3 in section 4.1.7 for further detail. (4) See note 5 in section 4.1.7 for basis of calculation of headline earnings. (5) See note 1 in section 4.1.7 for definition of net operating assets. (6) EBITDA is operating profit before exceptional items plus depreciation and amortisation of subsidiaries and joint ventures and share of EBITDA of associates. 6 months IFRS 6 months ended ended adjustments(1) 30.06.04 IFRS RESTATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30.06.04 30 JUNE 2004 IFRS UK GAAP US$ million, except per share amounts Group turnover including share of joint ventures(2) 12,282 64 12,346 Total profit from operations and associates before exceptional items(3) 2,017 69 2,086 Profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders 1,709 517 2,226 Headline earnings for the period(4) 1,304 (56) 1,248 Net operating assets(5) 34,486 2,433 36,919 EBITDA(6) 3,433 (33) 3,400 Cash inflow from operating activities 2,075 167 2,242 Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders 1.20 0.36 1.56 Headline earnings for the financial period 0.91 (0.04) 0.87 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude the impact of IAS 32 and IAS 39. IAS 32 and IAS 39 are adopted prospectively from 1 January 2005, however pro forma 2004 information adjusted for these two standards is provided in Appendix I of this news release. (2) In the interim news release announcing the 2004 half year results under UK GAAP, turnover of $15,235 million included the Group's share of joint ventures and associates. The 2004 UK GAAP amount of $12,282 million shown above includes the Group's share of joint ventures' turnover of $496 million but excludes associates' turnover of $2,953 million. (3) The UK GAAP result of $2,017 million shown here includes associates' share of tax, finance charges and minority interest to ensure comparability. See note 3 in section 4.2.7 for further detail. (4) See note 5 in section 4.2.7 for basis of calculation of headline earnings. (5) See note 1 in section 4.2.7 for definition of net operating assets. (6) EBITDA is operating profit before exceptional items plus depreciation and amortisation of subsidiaries and joint ventures and share of EBITDA of associates. Tony Lea, Finance Director, commented: "Transparency and consistency of financial reporting were prime objectives for the Group's transition project. IFRS has not changed how we as a Group do business, and the presentation and accounting changes made will not detract from our underlying business performance". The principal changes to the Group's reported financial information from the adoption of IFRS are: Changes in presentation of financial information: • proportional consolidation of joint venture entities • presentation of minority interests within equity • reporting of some unrealised gains through the income statement; and • net income from associates, after tax, interest and underlying minority interest, is now reported on one line in the income statement. Changes in accounting policies: • treatment of the US dollar preference shares held in De Beers • provision of deferred tax on additional items • replacement of goodwill amortisation with an annual impairment test • recognition of proposed dividends in the period they are declared • recognition of all assets and liabilities for employee benefit schemes operated under defined benefit arrangements • recording biological assets, primarily forests within our Paper and Packaging business, at fair value • recording the fair value of share options granted in employee remuneration schemes over the vesting period; and • inclusion of cumulative currency translation adjustments in the calculation of profits on disposal of foreign operations. For further information: Anglo American - London Investor Relations Media Relations Charles Gordon Kate Aindow Tel: +44 207 968 8933 Tel: +44 207 968 8619 Anglo American - Johannesburg Investor Relations Media Relations Anne Dunn Daniel Ngwepe Tel: +27 11 638 4730 Tel: +27 11 638 2267 Notes to Editors: Anglo American plc is one of the world's largest mining and natural resource groups. With its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, it is a global leader in platinum group metals, gold and diamonds, with significant interests in coal, base and ferrous metals, industrial minerals and paper and packaging. The group is geographically diverse, with operations in Africa, Europe, South and North America, Australia and Asia. ( Note: Throughout this news release '$' denotes United States dollars. Webcast: A webcast of the IFRS presentation starting at 10am GMT on 9th May 2005 can be accessed through the Anglo American website at Pictures: High resolution images can be downloaded by the media at CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 6 2. Impact of IFRS on Group results 8 3. Basis of preparation 15 4. Group Financial Information restated for IFRS 4.1 Consolidated financial information for year ended 31 December 2004: 4.1.1 Consolidated income statement 17 4.1.2 Consolidated balance sheet 18 4.1.3 Consolidated cash flow statement 19 4.1.4 Reconciliation of equity 20 4.1.5 Statement of changes in equity 21 4.1.6 Statement of recognised income and expense 21 4.1.7 Notes to financial information 22 4.2 Consolidated financial information for six months ended 30 June 2004: 4.2.1 Consolidated income statement 29 4.2.2 Consolidated balance sheet 30 4.2.3 Consolidated cash flow statement 31 4.2.4 Reconciliation of equity 32 4.2.5 Statement of changes in equity 33 4.2.6 Statement of recognised income and expense 33 4.2.7 Notes to financial information 33 4.3 Consolidated financial information as at 1 January 2004 4.3.1 Consolidated balance sheet (Opening Balance Sheet) 39 4.3.2 Reconciliation of equity 40 5. Accounting policies 41 6. Audit report from Deloitte & Touche LLP on the preliminary and pro forma IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004 48 7. Review report from Deloitte & Touche LLP on the preliminary and pro forma IFRS financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2004 50 8. Audit report from Deloitte & Touche LLP on the preliminary IFRS financial information as at 1 January 2004 52 Page Appendices I Pro forma IAS 32 and IAS 39 financial information 55 • Accounting policies • Consolidated income statement for year ended 31 December 2004 • Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2004 • Consolidated income statement for 6 months ended 30 June 2004 • Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2004 • Reconciliation from IFRS excluding IAS 32 and 39 to pro forma IFRS with detailed adjustments for year ended 31 December 2004 and six months ended 30 June 2004. II Reconciliation from UK GAAP to IFRS with detailed adjustments for year ended 31 December 2004, six months ended 30 June 2004 and as at 1 January 2004, where appropriate 63 • Consolidated income statement • Consolidated net assets • Operating profit by business • EBITDA by business • Headline earnings by business. 1. INTRODUCTION The Council of the European Union announced in June 2002 that listed companies in Europe would be required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005. In line with this requirement, the Group has adopted IFRS as its accounting basis from the beginning of 2005. The adoption of IFRS will be first reflected in the Group's financial statements for the half year to 30 June 2005 and year to 31 December 2005. This news release sets out how the adoption of IFRS affects the 2004 results and financial position of the Group previously reported under UK GAAP. The document includes: • A summary of the most significant adjustments arising from the adoption of IFRS • Detail on the basis of preparation of the financial statements under IFRS • IFRS consolidated financial information (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, Statement of Changes in Equity and Statement of Recognised Income and Expense) including supplementary notes but excluding the impact of IAS 32 and 39 for the year ended 31 December 2004 • IFRS financial information including supplementary notes but excluding the impact of IAS 32 and 39 for the 6 months ended 30 June 2004 • IFRS consolidated balance sheet and reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2004, the opening balance sheet, excluding the impact of IAS 32 and 39 • Reconciliations between UK GAAP and IFRS financial information showing adjustments in detail; and • An appendix pro forma IFRS 2004 consolidated income statement and balance sheet, for both half year and full year 2004, showing the impact of IAS 32 and 39 had it been adopted at 1 January 2004, rather than at 1 January 2005. The IFRS consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2004 and the IFRS financial information, pro forma information and supplementary notes for the year ended 31 December 2004 have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP. The IFRS financial information, pro forma information and supplementary notes for the 6 months ended 30 June 2004 have been reviewed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. The International Accounting Standards adopted by the Group are subject to ongoing review and endorsement by the EU and possible amendment by interpretative guidance from the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and the accounting profession. The IFRS information presented in this document has been prepared on the basis of current interpretations of standards and assumes that the proposed amendment to IAS 19 will be adopted by the European Union prior to 31 December 2005. Items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure, in accordance with IAS 1.87, are classified as "exceptional items" on the face of the income statement. Exceptional items that relate to the underlying performance of the business are classified as "operating exceptional items" and include impairment charges and reversals. Exceptional items not relating to underlying business performance are classified as "non-operating exceptional items" and are presented below "Total profit from operations and associates" on the income statement. Non-operating exceptional items include profits and losses on disposals of investments, fixed assets and businesses, and costs of, or reversals of, provisions for fundamental reorganisations or restructuring. An analysis of exceptional items is provided in the notes to the financial information. The Group anticipates that it will continue to publish certain additional performance measures under IFRS: • "Headline earnings" and "headline earnings per share", calculated in accordance with the definition in the Institute of Investment Management and Research ("IIMR") statement of Investment Practice No 1, "The Definition of IIMR Headline earnings", which the directors consider to be a useful additional measure of the Group's performance and which allows an understanding of the underlying performance of the business. Headline earnings represents profit for the year excluding any exceptional items and excluding any related tax or minority interests. Exceptional items are defined above as items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure in accordance with IAS 1.87. These typically comprise impairment charges and reversals and profits and losses on disposals of investments and businesses. Headline earnings and headline earnings per share restated for IFRS are shown in notes 5 and 6 to the financial information in sections 4.1.7 and 4.2.7. • 'EBITDA', which is defined as operating profit before exceptional items plus depreciation of subsidiaries of joint ventures and share of EBITDA of associates. EBITDA restated for IFRS is shown in note 8 to the financial information in sections 4.1.7 and 4.2.7. 2. IMPACT OF IFRS ON GROUP RESULTS The more significant areas of our Group financial information that have been impacted by the move to IFRS include: Presentation: • IAS 1 - presentation of minority interests within equity • IAS 1 - reporting of some unrealised gains (such as gains on deemed disposals) through the income statement • IAS 7 - presentation of "cash equivalents" as cash, net of overdrafts, for purposes of the cash flow statement • IAS 28 - net income after tax and interest from associates reported on one line in the income statement, previously gross disclosure of turnover and operating profit with tax and interest recorded in the relevant headings was permitted under UK GAAP • IAS 31 - proportional consolidation of joint venture entities Accounting: • IAS 10 - recognition of dividends in the period declared and not in the period to which they relate • IAS 12 - provision of deferred taxation on temporary differences arising on fair value adjustments at acquisition and subsequent changes reflected in the income statement • IAS 19 (revised) - recognition of all assets and liabilities for employee benefit schemes, particularly post retirement benefits • IAS 21 - recycling of cumulative currency translation adjustments from non US dollar operations on their disposal • IAS 21 - translation of non US dollar goodwill arising on acquisitions after 1 January 2004 to the closing exchange rate • IAS 28 and 21 - US dollar preference shares held in De Beers are no longer considered part of the net investment in the associate • IAS 36 - replacement of goodwill amortisation with an annual impairment test • IAS 41 - recording biological assets at fair value throughout the period of growth, previously held at the lower of historical cost and net realisable value • IFRS 2 - fair valuing share options granted in employee share based remuneration schemes. Although the majority of accounting standards to be applied in the Group's first full IFRS financial statements have been finalised, the principles may still be subject to possible amendment as a result of additional interpretative guidance from IFRIC and the accounting profession. The impact on the Group's earnings, net of tax and minority interest, for the year to 31 December 2004 from the IFRS restatement exercise (pre IAS 32 and IAS 39) is: Total profit Retained Headline US$ million pre dividends profit earnings UK GAAP 2,913 1,906 2,689 Reclassification of unrealised gains 427 427 - Proposed dividend adjustment - 180 - Deferred tax on fair value adjustments 41 41 41 Defined benefit pension schemes - - - Recycling of currency translation adjustments 30 30 - Treatment of De Beers' preference shares (69) (69) (112) Reversal of goodwill amortisation 205 205 - Fair value of biological assets (21) (21) (20) Share based payments (21) (21) (21) Net impact of other IFRS adjustments (4) (4) (5) Restated IFRS results 3,501 2,674 2,572 Net impact from IFRS restatement 588 768 (117) The impact on the Group's earnings, net of tax and minority interest, for the period to 30 June 2004 from the IFRS restatement exercise (pre IAS 32 and IAS 39) is: Total profit Retained Headline US$ million pre dividends earnings profit UK GAAP 1,709 1,436 1,304 Reclassification of unrealised gains 424 424 - Proposed dividend adjustment - (281) - Deferred tax on fair value adjustments 2 2 2 Defined benefit pension schemes 8 8 8 Treatment of De Beers' preference shares (5) (5) (49) Reversal of goodwill amortisation 104 104 - Fair value of biological assets (4) (4) (3) Share based payments (14) (14) (14) Net impact of other IFRS adjustments 2 2 - Restated IFRS results 2,226 1,672 1,248 Net impact from IFRS restatement 517 236 (56) The impact on the Group's net assets, gross of minority interest and currency translation effects, as at 1 January 2004 (transition date), 30 June 2004 and 31 December 2004 from the IFRS restatement exercise (pre IAS 32 and IAS 39) is: Net assets Net assets Net assets US$ million 1 Jan 04 30 Jun 04 31 Dec 04 UK GAAP 19,772(1) 22,531 24,998 Reclassification of UK GAAP minority interests within equity 3,396 4,160 4,620 Proposed dividend adjustment 622 349 815 Recognition of deferred tax on fair value adjustments (1,485) (1,552) (1,655) Defined benefit pension obligations (576) (585) (628) Translation of goodwill arising post 1 January 2004 - - 21 Treatment of De Beers' preference shares (130) (143) (218) Net impairment of goodwill (214) (214) (214) Reversal of goodwill amortisation - 112 221 Fair value of biological assets 26 24 14 Share based payments 6 14 1 Net impact of other IFRS adjustments 6 (1) (18) Restated IFRS results 21,423 24,695 27,957 Net impact from IFRS restatement (including minority interest reclassification) 1,651 2,164 2,959 Net impact from IFRS restatement (excluding minority interest reclassification) (1,745) (1,996) (1,661) (1) As restated for the 2004 UK GAAP reclassification of treasury shares into equity. A summary of the more significant accounting policy changes that have arisen, based on current interpretations of the standards within each of these areas, is provided below. Our assessment may be subject to revision as a result of new accounting developments and interpretations that may arise prior to publication of the Group's first full financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2005. The more significant areas of presentation change are: IAS 1 - Presentation of minority interest in equity Minority interests have been reclassified from "long-term liabilities" to " equity" in accordance with IAS 1. Although this has increased reported net assets by $4.6 billion at 31 December 2004, $4.2 billion at 30 June 2004 and $3.4 billion at 1 January 2004, it has no impact on total shareholders' equity. IAS 1 - Reporting of unrealised gains through the income statement The international accounting framework provides no distinction between unrealised and realised gains for financial reporting. As such, all unrealised gains, with the exception of actuarial gains or losses on post-retirement schemes and currency translation differences, will be recorded through the income statement and not through the statement of total recognised gains and losses, as was required under UK GAAP. Although this reclassification has increased reported profit for the year to 31 December 2004 by $0.4 billion, there is no change to net assets. IAS 7 - Presentation of "cash equivalents" as cash for the purposes of the cash flow statement and balance sheet Short-term cash investments previously disclosed as "current asset investments" that mature within 90 days of deposit are now classified as "cash equivalents" in accordance with IAS 7. Consequently $0.6 billion of cash equivalents were reclassified from current asset investments as at 31 December 2004, $1.3 billion as at 30 June 2004 and $1.0 billion as at 1 January 2004. The $0.4 billion cash movement on cash equivalents for the year to 31 December 2004 was previously recorded as the "management of liquid resources" in the UK GAAP cash flow statement. The IFRS cash flow reconciles the movement in cash and cash equivalents combined. Cash and cash equivalents in the IFRS cash flow statement are now shown net of overdrafts. Previously the movement of overdrafts was included within the net debt reconciliation as "movements in debt due less than one year". Reclassifying the cash movement of overdrafts from financing activities has increased cash outflows by $143 million for the year ended 31 December 2004 and $47 million for the period ended 30 June 2004. IAS 28 - Reporting net income from associates Net income from associates is reported after tax and net finance costs on one line in the consolidated income statement. Previously associates' revenue and operating profit were disclosed separately on the face of the income statement and associates' net finance cost and tax were included within the respective headings in the income statement. This reclassification has no impact on the reported total profit of the Group. IAS 31 - Proportional consolidation of joint venture entities Results of joint venture entities are incorporated on an individual line-by-line basis in the Group financial statements, in accordance with proportional consolidation rules set out in IAS 31. This is a change in presentation and does not impact reported net assets or earnings' performance measures of the Group. The accounting policies for Joint Arrangements Not Entities ("JANEs") and joint venture operations are fundamentally the same under both UK and international accounting standards. The more significant areas of accounting change are: IAS 10 - Recognition of dividends proposed in the period approved for payment Dividends proposed are recognised in the period in which they are formally approved for payment. This is also in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 (International Accounting Standards and Other Accounting Amendments) Regulations 2004, which will be effective for financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2005. The change in timing of recognising proposed dividends and the related tax, thereon, has increased reported net assets of the Group as at 31 December 2004 by $815 million, being the final 2004 proposed dividends to the Group's shareholders and its minority interests, and by $349 million as at 30 June 2004, being the 2004 interim proposed dividends. IAS 12 - Recognition of deferred tax on temporary differences arising on acquisition Deferred tax is recognised at acquisition as part of the assessment of the fair value of assets and liabilities acquired and is provided on balances previously excluded from provision under UK GAAP such as revaluations of tangible fixed assets. The largest temporary difference requiring additional deferred tax provision on transition arises between the carrying value of mineral reserves and the respective tax base. Upon adoption of IFRS, the Group has recognised a deferred tax liability of $1.5 billion in respect of additional temporary differences arising on previous acquisitions. In accordance with IFRS 1 the Group has taken the exemption from restating acquisitions prior to 1 January 2004, and as such this adjustment was made to reserves at 1 January 2004. Deferred tax provided on temporary differences for acquisitions made after 1 January 2004 has either increased the value attributed to mineral reserves or increased goodwill, depending on the nature of the temporary difference giving rise to it. Any deferred tax raised will unwind through the consolidated income statement as the underlying temporary difference is amortised. The net impact from the recognition of additional temporary differences on acquisitions is to increase profit after tax by $41 million for the year ended 31 December 2004 and $2 million for the period to 30 June 2004. IAS 19 - Post retirement benefit schemes IAS 19 requires companies to recognise the full deficit (or surplus, subject to restrictions) of post-retirement benefits under defined benefit arrangements on the balance sheet. The Group has early adopted the proposed amendment to IAS 19 which assumes it will be endorsed by the European Union prior to 31 December 2005, and has recognised all actuarial gains or losses directly through equity. This accounting change has reduced consolidated net assets by approximately $0.6 billion (net of deferred tax) as at 31 December 2004, 30 June 2004 and 1 January 2004 as the full actuarial gains and losses of defined benefit arrangements are now reflected in reserves. There is no material impact on net profit for the year ended 31 December 2004 and an $8 million increase in net profit for the period ended 30 June 2004. IAS 21 - Recycling of consolidated currency translation adjustments from non US dollar operations on their disposal IAS 21 requires cumulative currency translation adjustments ("CTA") arising on translation of a foreign operation to be recycled through the income statement when that entity is disposed of. Currently, under UK GAAP, the CTA is not included in the gain or loss calculated if that operation is sold. In accordance with IFRS 1, the Group has taken the exemption from recycling foreign currency gains or losses arising before 1 January 2004. The accounting policy change has increased reported profit on disposal of non US dollar operations by $30 million for the year to 31 December 2004 which represented recycled CTA gains arising since 1 January 2004. There was no material impact on reported results for the period to 30 June 2004. This accounting change has no impact on consolidated net assets, as it is effectively recycling gains and losses reported previously in reserves back through the income statement. IAS 21 - Translation of non US dollar goodwill arising on acquisitions after 1 January 2004 to the closing exchange rate In accordance with IFRS 1, the Group is required to translate non US dollar goodwill arising on acquisitions after 1 January 2004 to the closing US dollar exchange rate. This accounting adjustment has increased net assets at 31 December 2004 by $21 million; there is no material impact on net assets as at 30 June 2004. The resulting foreign exchange gain arising on consolidation has been taken to the CTA reserve. IAS 28 and 21 - US dollar preference shares held in De Beers Under UK GAAP, US dollar preference shares held in De Beers with a redemption value of $701 million were considered part of the Group's long-term equity ownership in the entity. As such, the preference shares were held at historical cost and included in the total carrying value of the associate in the consolidated balance sheet. The US dollar preference shares, which are held by a Rand functional currency entity and are redeemable by 2010, no longer qualify as quasi-equity and consequently have been reclassified as "non current investments" and are retranslated at each period end. The resulting Rand:US dollar foreign exchange gains and losses are reported through the income statement. Under IAS 21 a currency loss of $49 million has been recorded for the six months ended 30 June 2004, and a total of $112 million for the year ended 31 December 2004. Consequently the $44 million exceptional currency loss recognised on the partial redemption of preference shares under UK GAAP reporting has been reversed. The net impact from this accounting policy difference also reduced net assets by $130 million as at 1 January 2004. After the partial redemption in June 2004 of 25% of the shares, the residual carrying value of the remaining US dollar preference shares held as at 31 December 2004 was $526 million. IAS 36 - Replacement of goodwill amortisation with an annual impairment test and elimination of centrally held goodwill IFRS does not permit the amortisation of goodwill, but requires the carrying amount to be supported by an annual impairment test. For the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units ("CGUs"), or groups of CGUs, that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. The group of CGUs to which the goodwill is allocated represents the lowest level at which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes and is not larger than a geographical or business segment. On transition to IFRS as at 1 January 2004, approximately $260 million of " strategic" goodwill arising on the formation of Anglo American plc in 1999 was eliminated. In accordance with FRS 11, this goodwill reflected the increase in future shareholder value arising from the merger of the AACSA and Minorco companies and not the intrinsic value of Minorco assets existing at the date of restructure and was held centrally. IFRS, however, requires that all goodwill is allocated to cash generating units. On making this allocation, the goodwill has been reduced as a result of disposals or impairments. In addition, approximately $50 million of negative goodwill was written back in accordance with IFRS 3 in the opening balance sheet. Together these adjustments give rise to a net reduction to the carrying value of goodwill on transition of $0.2 billion. The replacement of goodwill amortisation with an annual impairment test has increased reported profits for the Group by $0.2 billion for the year to 31 December 2004 and $0.1 billion for the period to 30 June 2004. This accounting change does not impact headline earnings, as headline earnings were stated before goodwill amortisation for UK GAAP. IAS 41 - Fair value of biological assets Afforestation and other agricultural assets, primarily forests within our Paper and Packaging business, were previously held at historical cost. These assets are now recorded at fair value in accordance with IAS 41, with fair value changes reported through the income statement up until the point at which the assets are harvested. The historical cost of such assets was previously classified within fixed assets. This accounting change has resulted in the reclassification of afforestation and other agricultural asset costs from fixed assets to the separate asset category "biological assets", and the resultant fair value has increased net assets by $14 million as at 31 December 2004, $24 million as at 30 June 2004 and $26 million as at 1 January 2004. The effect of recognising fair value gains from growing afforestation and other agricultural assets earlier than under UK GAAP has reduced reported net profit for the year ended 31 December 2004 by approximately $21 million and by $4 million for the period ended 30 June 2004. IFRS 2 - Share based remuneration schemes IFRS 2 Share-based payments requires options granted by the Group to employees, for example under Employee Share Option Schemes and Save As You Earn schemes, to be fair valued at grant date using an option pricing model and charged through the income statement over the vesting period of the options. UK GAAP required the "intrinsic valuation" method to be applied whereby a charge was made if the exercise price of the option at grant date was below the market price. This accounting change has reduced consolidated net profit by $21 million for the year to 31 December 2004 and $14 million for the period to 30 June 2004. Group employee remuneration schemes have now replaced option schemes with share schemes. Consequently the impact of this accounting policy change will diminish. IAS 32 and 39 - pro forma information Pro forma 2004 IFRS numbers including the impact of IAS 32 and 39 have been prepared, although the full adoption of both of these standards is not mandatory until 1 January 2005. The basis of preparation for the pro forma information including IAS 32 and 39 is set out in section 3 of this news release. The standards have not been applied to 2004 transactions within entities that were fully disposed of in 2004, or to contracts containing embedded derivatives that no longer existed as at 1 January 2005. The impact of IAS 32 and 39 on the Group's earnings, net of minority interest and tax, for the six months to 30 June 2004 and the year to 31 December 2004 is as follows: Period ended Year ended 30 June 2004 31 December 2004 Total Headline Total Headline profit earnings profit earnings US$ million IFRS pre IAS 32 and 39 2,226 1,248 3,501 2,572 Derivatives(1) (47) (47) (63) (63) Impairment of assets(2) - - (64) 2 Cash flow hedges 18 18 15 15 Convertible debt(3) 8 8 (12) (12) Fair value of equity investments (43) (2) (46) (3) Deemed disposal of Anglogold 30 - 30 - Other adjustments (2) (1) 1 3 Pro forma IFRS results post IAS 32 and 39 2,190 1,224 3,362 2,514 Pro forma impact of IAS 32 and 39 (36) (24) (139) (58) The indicative impact on the Group's restated IFRS (pre IAS 32 and 39) net assets, gross of minority interest and currency translation, as at 30 June 2004 and 31 December 2004 is: Net assets Net assets US$ million 30 Jun 04 31 Dec 04 IFRS pre IAS 32 and 39 24,695 27,957 Derivatives(1) 81 72 Impairment of assets(2) (69) (140) Cash flow hedges (168) (159) Convertible debt(3) 90 60 Fair value of equity investments 52 57 Other adjustments (1) (3) Restated IFRS net assets post IAS 32 and 39 24,680 27,844 Pro forma impact of IAS 32 and 39 (15) (113) (1) "Derivatives" comprise the mark to market of derivatives, including embedded derivatives, that have not been designated as hedges. (2) Recognition of an embedded derivative asset arising in a commercial purchase contract within a Base Metals' operation, has increased the carrying value of total assets over their recoverable amount. As a consequence, an impairment has been recognised in the pro forma financial information. On adoption of IAS 32 and IAS 39 at 1 January 2005 any resulting writedown will be taken through brought forward reserves at that date. (3) Convertible debt is restated in accordance with the Group's accounting policy, as set out in Appendix I. 3. BASIS OF PREPARATION Basis of preparation The consolidated financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2004 and the year ended 31 December 2004 and the opening balance sheet at 1 January 2004 ("the financial information") have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the first time. The financial information has been prepared applying the requirements of IFRS 1 First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. Where estimates were not previously required under UK GAAP, they have been based only on those factors existing on the balance sheet date. This is consistent with treating information received after the balance sheet date as non-adjusting events under IAS 10 Events after the Balance Sheet Date. Estimates not previously required under UK GAAP primarily relate to financial instruments, embedded derivatives, share based payments and biological assets. The Group has made the following first-time accounting policy choices, in accordance with IFRS 1: • Business combinations - acquisitions prior to 1 January 2004 have not been restated; • Goodwill - the requirement to retranslate goodwill balances at the exchange rate at reporting date in accordance with IAS 21 The effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates have been applied prospectively to goodwill balances arising on acquisitions after 1 January 2004; • Post-retirement benefits - deficits and surpluses (subject to restrictions) of post-retirement schemes under defined benefit arrangement have been recognised in full at 1 January 2004. From 1 January 2004 the Group has applied the full provision accounting method, as permitted by the proposed amendment to IAS 19 Employee Benefits, and as such, subsequent actuarial gains and losses are recorded directly in equity; • Currency translation differences - translation differences relating to foreign currency investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in existence at the transition date are deemed to be zero at the date of transition, and as such the gain or loss on subsequent disposal of any foreign operation excludes translation differences that arose before that date; • Financial instruments - IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation and IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement will be applied prospectively from 1 January 2005 and as such the 2004 restated information presented excludes any adjustments required on adoption of these standards; • Share based payments - IFRS 2 Share-Based Payment is applied to all share based rewards made after 7 November 2002 that did not vest before 1 January 2005. In addition, the Group has chosen to proportionally consolidate joint venture entities in accordance with IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures. The Group, as a first-time reporter, has adopted early the following standards and interpretations that are not mandatory as at 31 December 2005, the reporting date of the Group's first IFRS financial statements. The following standards and interpretations have been applied with effect from 1 January 2004: • IAS 19 Employee Benefits including the proposed amendments thereto • IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources. The standard does not impact the Group's existing policy for exploration and evaluation expenditure • IFRIC 1 Changes in Existing Decommissioning, Restoration and Similar Liabilities • IFRIC 2 Members' Shares in Co-operative Entities and Similar Instruments • IFRIC 3 Emission Rights • IFRIC 4 Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease • IFRIC 5 Rights to Interests Arising from Decommissioning, Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds Early adoption of these standards and interpretations assumes the EU will endorse them by 31 December 2005, the Group's first full annual IFRS reporting date. The following standards will be applied with effect from 1 January 2005: • IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. The 2004 restated IFRS information therefore applies the requirements of IAS 35 Discontinuing Operations. • IAS 32 and 39 - Pro forma consolidated income statements and balance sheets including the application of IAS 32 and 39 prospectively from 1 January 2004 have been presented in Appendix I to this report. The basis of preparation of the pro forma information is explained in more detail below. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of certain financial instruments for pro forma information as discussed below and certain biological assets. Items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure, in accordance with IAS 1.87, are classified as "exceptional items" on the face of the income statement. Exceptional items that relate to the underlying performance of the business are classified as "operating exceptional items" and include impairment charges and reversals. Exceptional items that do not relate to underlying business performance are classified as "non-operating exceptional items" and are presented below "Total profit from operations and associates" on the income statement. Non-operating exceptional items include profits and losses on disposals of investments, fixed assets and businesses, and costs of, or reversal of, provisions for reorganisations or restructuring. The adjustment for items not relating to underlying business performance is broadly equivalent to the current UK GAAP classification of exceptional non-operating items. Pro forma IAS 32 and 39 financial information Pro forma IFRS consolidated income statements and balance sheets including the effects of applying IAS 32 and 39 for the period ended 30 June 2004 and the year ended 31 December 2004 have been provided in Appendix I to this report. The full adoption of both these standards is not mandatory until January 2005. IAS 32 and 39 have not been applied to 2004 transactions within entities that were fully disposed of in 2004, or to contracts containing embedded derivatives that no longer existed as at 1 January 2005. In accordance with the transition rules applicable for first-time adopters, documentation and effectiveness calculations required for hedge accounting were put in place as at 1 January 2005. Where hedge accounting has been applied with effect from 1 January 2005, 2004 pro forma financial information has been stated on the same basis as if necessary documentation had been in place. AngloGold Ashanti, a Rand functional currency entity, issued a US dollar convertible bond in February 2004. The pro forma financial information classifies the equity conversion option within this debt as a derivative within liabilities, marked to market through the income statement. This is in accordance with the recent clarification of IAS 32 by IFRIC set out in their published update following their April 2005 meeting. This may be subject to change as a result of future discussions between IFRIC and the IASB. 4. GROUP FINANCIAL INFORMATION RESTATED FOR IFRS 4.1 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 4.1.1 Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 As previously Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS consolidation adjustments reported under of joint revised (1) Notes UK GAAP ventures US$ million Turnover 31,795 - 31,795 (5,527) 26,268 Share of joint ventures' turnover (1,195) 1,195 - - - Share of associates' turnover (5,670) - (5,670) 5,670 - Group turnover 1 24,930 1,195 26,125 143 26,268 Total operating costs (21,869) (749) (22,618) (9) (22,627) Operating exceptional items 25 - 25 - 25 Group operating profit(2) 1 3,086 446 3,532 134 3,666 Share of joint ventures' operating profit 446 (446) - - - Share of associates' operating profit 1,065 - 1,065 (1,065) - Share of associates' exceptional items (117) - (117) 117 - Net income from associates(3) 1 - - - 550 550 Total profit from operations and associates 4,480 - 4,480 (264) 4,216 (4) Non-operating exceptional items 520 - 520 495 1,015 Net finance costs (359) - (359) (8) (367) Profit before tax 4,641 - 4,641 223 4,864 Income tax expense 4 (1,279) - (1,279) 356 (923) Profit for the financial year 3,362 - 3,362 579 3,941 Attributable to Minority interests 449 - 449 (9) 440 Equity shareholders of the Company 2,913 - 2,913 588 3,501 Total dividends paid and proposed (1,007) - (1,007) 180 (827) Retained profit 1,906 - 1,906 768 2,674 Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the year attributable to equity 6 2.03 - 2.03 0.41 2.44 shareholders Diluted earnings per share (US$) Profit for the year attributable to equity 6 1.96 - 1.96 0.39 2.35 shareholders (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Pro forma financial information including IAS 32 and 39 is set out in Appendix I to this release. (2) Group operating profit disclosed on the face of the income statement is presented on an IFRS presentation basis. This excludes the operating profit from associates. (3) $550 million includes the Group's share of associates' operating exceptional charges of $117 million, and is stated net of interest and tax in accordance with IAS 28. (4) Under UK GAAP, $4,480 million shown above represented operating profit, excluding all associates' interest, tax and underlying minority interest. 4.1.2 Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2004 Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS consolidation adjustments As previously of joint revised (1) Notes reported under ventures UK GAAP US$ million Intangible fixed assets 2,590 17 2,607 37 2,644 Tangible fixed assets 31,155 1,534 32,689 483 33,172 Biological assets - - - 374 374 Environmental rehabilitation - - - 237 237 trusts Investments in associates 4,346 1 4,347 (861) 3,486 Fixed asset investments 889 (21) 868 216 1,084 Deferred tax assets - - - 128 128 Other non current assets - - - 66 66 Share of joint ventures 1,496 (1,496) - - - Total non current assets 40,476 35 40,511 680 41,191 Stocks 3,401 137 3,538 11 3,549 Trade and other receivables 5,449 219 5,668 (134) 5,534 Current tax assets 219 1 220 - 220 Current asset investments 575 - 575 (573) 2 Cash and cash equivalents 2,086 296 2,382 573 2,955 Total current assets 11,730 653 12,383 (123) 12,260 Total assets 52,206 688 52,894 557 53,451 Short term borrowings 3,333 50 3,383 - 3,383 Trade and other payables 5,984 129 6,113 (745) 5,368 Current tax liabilities 836 15 851 (20) 831 Total creditors due within one 10,153 194 10,347 (765) 9,582 year Medium and long term 7,449 368 7,817 - 7,817 borrowings Retirement benefit obligations 753 5 758 443 1,201 Deferred tax liabilities 2,908 130 3,038 2,528 5,566 Provisions for liabilities and 1,325 (9) 1,316 12 1,328 charges Total long term liabilities 12,435 494 12,929 2,983 15,912 Total liabilities 22,588 688 23,276 2,218 25,494 Minority Interests 4,620 - 4,620 (4,620) - Net assets 24,998 - 24,998 2,959 27,957 Equity Called-up share capital 747 - 747 - 747 Share premium account 1,633 - 1,633 - 1,633 Other reserves 4.1.4 1,205 - 1,205 1,886 3,091 Retained earnings 4.1.4 21,413 - 21,413 (3,515) 17,898 Total shareholders' equity 24,998 - 24,998 (1,629) 23,369 Minority interests 4.1.4 - - - 4,588 4,588 Total equity 24,998 - 24,998 2,959 27,957 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Pro forma financial information including IAS 32 and 39 is set out in Appendix I. 4.1.3 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 As previously Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS presented consolidation adjustments under of joint revised (1) Notes UK GAAP ventures US$ million Cash flows from operating activities 7 4,773 518 5,291 - 5,291 Dividends from associates 368 - 368 - 368 Dividends from fixed asset investments 28 - 28 - 28 Dividends from joint ventures 40 (40) - - - Income tax paid (478) (22) (500) - (500) Net cash flow from/(used in) operating 4,731 456 5,187 - 5,187 activities Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash (1,119) (16) (1,135) - (1,135) acquired Investment in joint ventures (21) 21 - - - Purchases of property, plant and equipment (3,129) (104) (3,233) - (3,233) Purchases of fixed asset investments (142) 34 (108) - (108) Loans granted to related parties - 6 6 - 6 Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed 402 (110) 292 (18) 274 Sale of interests in joint ventures 37 - 37 - 37 Repayment of loans and capital from/(to) joint 77 (77) - - - ventures Sale of interests in associates 1,424 - 1,424 - 1,424 Repayment of loans and capital from associates 299 - 299 - 299 Proceeds from sale of fixed asset investments 263 - 263 - 263 Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets 151 - 151 - 151 Other adjustments - (3) (3) (1) (4) Net cash used in investing activities (1,758) (249) (2,007) (19) (2,026) Cash flows from financing activities Movement on current asset investments - - - 23 23 Issue of share capital 192 - 192 - 192 Interest received and other investment income 270 (75) 195 - 195 Interest paid (572) (29) (601) - (601) Dividends paid to minority interests (238) (1) (239) - (239) Issue of convertible debt - - - 990 990 Repayment of short term borrowings (1,664) (23) (1,687) (143) (1,830) Receipt/(repayment) of medium and long term 305 87 392 (990) (598) borrowings Movement in minority loans (2) - (2) - (2) Other financing activity - 13 13 - 13 Dividends paid to Company Shareholders (818) - (818) - (818) Net cash used in financing activities (2,527) (28) (2,555) (120) (2,675) Management of liquid resources 456 - 456 (456) - Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 902 179 1,081 (595) 486 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year(2) 9,10 1,094 114 1,208 978 2,186 Cash movements in year 902 179 1,081 (595) 486 Effects of exchange rate changes 90 1 91 18 109 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year(2) 9,10 2,086 294 2,380 401 2,781 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. (2) Cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow statement is reconciled to the balance sheet in note 10. 4.1.4 Reconciliation of equity as at 31 December 2004 Total Total shareholders' share Retained Other equity Minority Total US$ million capital earnings reserves equity (1) (2) interest UK GAAP at 31 December 2004 2,380 21,413 1,205 24,998 4,620 29,618 CTA transfer from retained earnings(3) - (2,500) 2,500 - - - IFRS opening balance sheet adjustments - (1,335) (379) (1,714) (31) (1,745) Movements arising in the year Reversal of goodwill amortisation - 205 - 205 16 221 Recycling of CTA on disposal - 30 (30) - - - Fair value of biological assets - (21) 3 (18) 6 (12) Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - 41 (193) (152) (18) (170) Defined benefit arrangements - (16) (31) (47) (5) (52) Translation of De Beers' preference shares - (69) (19) (88) - (88) Share based payments(4) - (38) 32 (6) 1 (5) Removal of proposed dividend - 180 2 182 11 193 Retranslation of goodwill acquired in 2004 - - 21 21 - 21 Other adjustments - (21) 9 (12) (12) (24) Other transfers - 29 (29) - - - Total IFRS adjustments - (3,515) 1,886 (1,629) (32) (1,661) IFRS at 31 December 2004 2,380 17,898 3,091 23,369 4,588 27,957 (1) Total share capital comprises called-up share capital and the share premium account. (2) Detailed analysis is provided below. (3) Cumulative currency translation differences are deemed to be zero as at 1 January 2004. The currency translation adjustment ("CTA") transferred is therefore the UK GAAP currency translation gains/(losses) arising since that date. (4) Share based payments include $12 million reclassified from retained earnings to share based payment reserve. Total other reserves are further analysed as: Cumulative Share based translation Merger payment adjustment Other Total other reserve reserve reserves(1) reserves US$ million reserve UK GAAP reserves at 31 December 2004 489 - - 716 1,205 CTA transfer from retained earnings(2) - - 2,500 - 2,500 IFRS opening balance sheet adjustments (460) 25 - 56 (379) Movements arising in the year Recycling of CTA on disposal - - (30) - (30) Fair value of biological assets - - 3 - 3 Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - - (193) - (193) Defined benefit arrangements - - (31) - (31) Translation of De Beers' preference shares - - (19) - (19) Share based payments - 30 2 - 32 Removal of proposed dividend - - 2 - 2 Retranslation of goodwill acquired in 2004 - - 21 - 21 Other adjustments - - 9 - 9 Other transfers to retained earnings (29) - - - (29) Total IFRS adjustments (489) 55 2,264 56 1,886 IFRS reserves at 31 December 2004 - 55 2,264 772 3,091 (1) Other reserves comprise $685 million legal reserve and $87 million capital redemption reserve. (2) Currency translation differences transferred are those UK GAAP differences arising since 1 January 2004. 4.1.5 Statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the year ended 31 December 2004 Share Cumulative based translation Total Total adjustment shareholders' share Retained payment reserve Other equity Minority Total US$ million capital reserves equity (1) earnings reserve interest IFRS at 1 January 2004 2,022 15,239 25 - 772 18,058 3,365 21,423 Net IFRS profit for the year - 3,501 - - - 3,501 440 3,941 Dividends paid - (827) - - - (827) - (827) Shares issued 358 - - - - 358 - 358 Share based payments - 12 30 - - 42 3 45 Actuarial losses(2) - (16) - - - (16) (4) (20) Subsidiary shares issued - - - - - - 890 890 Minority interest acquired - - - - - - (402) (402) Deemed disposal of AngloGold - - - - - - 155 155 Dividend received by minority - - - - - - (178) (178) interest Cumulative translation differences - - - 2,294 - 2,294 340 2,634 Recycled CTA(3) - - - (30) - (30) - (30) Other movements - (11) - - - (11) (21) (32) IFRS at 31 December 2004 2,380 17,898 55 2,264 772 23,369 4,588 27,957 (1) Total share capital comprises called-up share capital and the share premium account. (2) Stated net of deferred tax of $6 million. (3) Currency translation adjustments. 4.1.6 Statement of recognised income and expense for the year ended 31 December 2004 US$ million 2004 IFRS profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders 3,501 Actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit retirement schemes (22) Deferred tax on actuarial losses 6 Other movements (11) Total recognised income and expense for the financial year 3,474 4.1.7 Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004 1. Segmental information By business segment Operating profit before Net operating US$ million Turnover exceptional Operating profit assets(1) items Group subsidiaries and joint ventures(2) Platinum 3,065 527 527 7,607 Gold 2,396 296 295 7,459 Coal 1,914 321 321 2,546 Base Metals 3,232 1,280 1,160 5,180 Industrial Minerals 3,833 416 407 4,864 Ferrous Metals and Industries 5,137 591 746 5,592 Paper and Packaging 6,691 575 575 6,879 Exploration - (120) (120) - Corporate Activities - (245) (245) 14 Total 26,268 3,641 3,666 40,141 (1) Net operating assets consist of tangible and intangible assets, biological assets, stocks and operating debtors less non interest bearing current liabilities. (2) Joint ventures are proportionally consolidated. Net income from associates is shown in the income statement. Group turnover excludes the Group's share of turnover of associates. As additional disclosure, turnover and operating profit of associates is given below, together with the reconciliation from associates' operating profit to "net income from associates". Operating profit before US$ million Turnover exceptional Operating profit items Associates Platinum 55 9 9 Gold 13 - - Diamonds 3,177 573 573 Coal 468 176 176 Base Metals 88 (4) (121) Industrial Minerals 25 5 5 Ferrous Metals and Industries 1,526 296 296 Paper and Packaging 228 (6) (6) Exploration - - - Corporate Activities 90 7 7 Total 5,670 1,056 939(1) (1) Including an exceptional charge of $117 million. Operating profit from associates is reconciled to "Net income from associates" as follows: US$ million IFRS Operating profit 939 Non-operating exceptional items 10 Net finance charge (100) Income tax expense (280) Underlying minority interests (19) Net income from associates 550 By geographic segment (by origin) US$ million Turnover Operating profit Net operating assets Group subsidiaries and joint ventures South Africa 10,279 1,116 18,258 Rest of Africa 804 44 4,184 Europe 9,449 774 9,756 North America 1,018 176 603 South America 3,176 1,398 4,564 Australia and Asia 1,542 158 2,776 Total 26,268 3,666 40,141 Group turnover and operating profit does not include the Group's share of associates. As additional information, the Group's share of associates' turnover and operating profit is shown below: US$ million Turnover Operating profit Associates South Africa 1,565 170 Rest of Africa 1,972 356 Europe 969 166 North America 461 32 South America 447 132 Australia and Asia 256 83 Total 5,670 939(1) (1) Operating profit from associated is reconciled to "Net income from associates" as shown above. By geographic segment (by destination) US$ million Turnover Group subsidiaries and joint ventures South Africa 4,768 Rest of Africa 485 Europe 12,610 North America 3,062 South America 1,355 Australia and Asia 3,988 Total 26,268 For information, the Group's share of associates' turnover by geographic segment, by destination, is set out below: US$ million Turnover Associates South Africa 340 Rest of Africa 21 Europe 1,476 North America 2,222 South America 66 Australia and Asia 1,545 Total 5,670 2. Reconciliation of UK GAAP operating profit to IFRS operating profit UK GAAP US$ million IFRS adjustments revised (1) IFRS Group subsidiaries and joint ventures(2) Platinum 529 (2) 527 Gold 262 33 295 Coal 315 6 321 Base Metals 1,159 1 1,160 Industrial Minerals 332 75 407 Ferrous Metals and Industries 753 (7) 746 Paper and Packaging 565 10 575 Exploration (120) - (120) Corporate Activities (263) 18 (245) Group operating profit - subsidiaries and joint ventures 3,532 134 3,666 Associates Platinum 8 1 9 Diamonds 586 (13) 573 Coal 172 4 176 Base Metals (121) - (121) Industrial Minerals 5 - 5 Ferrous Metals and Industries 297 (1) 296 Paper and Packaging (6) - (6) Corporate Activities 7 - 7 Total associates' operating profit 948 (9) 939 Total Group operating profit, including associates 4,480 125 4,605 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. (2) These are the consolidated results for group subsidiaries and joint ventures, as joint venture entities are now proportionally consolidated. 3. Exceptional items Items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure, in accordance with IAS 1.87, are classified as "exceptional items" on the face of the income statement. Exceptional items that relate to the underlying performance of the business are classified as "operating exceptional items" and include impairment charges and reversals. Exceptional items that do not relate to underlying business performance are classified as "non-operating exceptional items" and are presented below "Total profit from operations and associates" on the income statement. Non-operating exceptional items include profits and losses on disposals of investments, fixed assets and businesses, and costs of, or reversal of, provisions for reorganisations or restructuring. US$ million Operating exceptional items under UK GAAP 25 Share of operating exceptional items of associate under UK GAAP (117) Total operating exceptional items disclosed under UK GAAP (92) IFRS adjustments - Total IFRS operating exceptional items (92) Disclosed as: Operating exceptional items 25 Included in net income from associates (117) Total IFRS operating exceptional items (92) US$ million Non-operating exceptional items under UK GAAP 520 IFRS adjustments(1) 505 Total IFRS non-operating exceptional items 1,025 Disclosed as: Non-operating exceptional items 1,015 Included in net income from associates 10 1,025 ((1)) IFRS adjustments comprise: Unrealised gains on deemed disposal of AngloGold 410 Recycling of CTA on deemed disposal of AngloGold 5 Reversal of exceptional loss on redemption of De Beers' preference 44 shares Adjustment to loss on disposal of Hudson Bay 32 Unrealised gains on disposal of Pandora in Platinum 15 Other items (1) 505 Total profit from operations and associates before exceptional items is set out below: US$ million UK GAAP(1) revised IFRS Total profit from operations and associates 4,480 4,216 Operating exceptional items (25) (25) Group's share of exceptional items of associate 117 117 Share of associates' tax (296) - Share of associates' finance charge (64) - Share of associates' underlying minority interests (19) - Share of associates' non-operating exceptional items - (10) Total profit from operations and associates before exceptionals 4,193 4,298 (1) The UK result of $4,193 million includes associates' share of tax, finance charges and minority interests to enable comparability with the restated IFRS number. 4. Tax on profit on ordinary activities Analysis of charge for the year US$ million IFRS United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% 61 South Africa corporation tax at 30% 253 Other overseas taxation 347 Current tax on exceptional items 59 Total current tax 720 Deferred tax charge for the period 260 Deferred tax on exceptional items (57) Total deferred tax 203 Total tax charge 923 Reconciliation from UK GAAP tax charge to IFRS tax charge US$ million Current tax Deferred tax Total UK GAAP tax charge 1,038 241 1,279 Fair value of biological assets - (6) (6) Removal of tax on dividends proposed (10) - (10) Reclassification of associates' UK GAAP tax (308) 12 (296) Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - (69) (69) Defined benefit arrangements - 1 1 Share based payments - 1 1 Other adjustments - 23 23 IFRS tax charge 720 203 923 5. Headline earnings US$ million IFRS Profit attributable to equity shareholders 3,501 Operating exceptional charges (see note 3) 92 Non-operating exceptional gains (see note 3) (1,025) Related tax 2 Related minority interests 2 Headline earnings for the financial year 2,572 Reconciliation of UK GAAP headline earnings to IFRS headline earnings IFRS US$ million UK GAAP adjustments(1) IFRS By business segment Platinum 239 1 240 Gold 158 (19) 139 Diamonds 381 (113) 268 Coal 351 6 357 Base Metals 1,042 (6) 1,036 Industrial Minerals 267 21 288 Ferrous Metals and Industries 480 (4) 476 Paper and Packaging 381 (14) 367 Exploration (91) - (91) Corporate Activities (519) 11 (508) Headline earnings 2,689 (117) 2,572 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. 6. Earnings per share IFRS Basic number of ordinary shares outstanding (million) 1,434 Potentially dilutive ordinary shares (million) 66 Diluted number of ordinary shares outstanding (million) 1,500 Profit for the financial year: Basic earnings per share (US$) 2.44 Diluted earnings per share (US$) 2.35 Headline earnings for the financial year: Basic earnings per share (US$) 1.79 Diluted earnings per share (US$) 1.73 7. Reconciliation of Group profit to cash inflow from operating activities US$ million IFRS Profit for the year before tax 4,864 Depreciation and amortisation 2,107 Share option expense 50 Exceptional items of subsidiaries and joint ventures (1,040) Net finance costs 367 Share of profit of associates (550) Provisions 17 Increase in stocks (279) Increase in operating debtors (444) Increase in operating creditors 113 Other adjustments 86 Cash inflow from operating activities 5,291 8. Reconciliation of UK GAAP EBITDA to IFRS EBITDA IFRS US$ million UK GAAP IFRS adjustments(1) By business segment Platinum 867 (14) 853 Gold 701 (7) 694 Diamonds 688 (33) 655 Coal 686 1 687 Base Metals 1,626 (1) 1,625 Industrial Minerals 624 14 638 Ferrous Metals and Industries 1,249 (18) 1,231 Paper and Packaging 996 (18) 978 Exploration (120) - (120) Corporate Activities (207) (3) (210) EBITDA 7,110 (79) 7,031 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. 9. Movement in net debt Debt due Debt due after within 1 year - Cash and cash 1 year - carrying value Current Total US$ million equivalents carrying value (1) asset net debt investments Opening balance at 1 January 2004 2,186 (4,143) (6,997) 25 (8,929) Cash flow 486 1,830 (392) (23) 1,901 Acquisitions excluding cash and cash equivalents - - (249) (314) (563) Disposals excluding cash and cash equivalents - - 6 23 29 Other non cash movements - (4) (15) - (19) Reclassifications - (309) 309 - - Exchange movements 109 (340) (431) - (662) Closing balance at 31 December 2004 2,781 (3,209) (7,817) 2 (8,243) (1) Debt due after 1 year includes convertible debt. 10. Reconciliation from UK GAAP cash to IFRS cash and cash equivalents US$ million 1 January 31 December 2004 2004 Cash defined under UK GAAP 1,094 2,086 Share of cash in joint ventures 116 296 Cash equivalents 1,007 573 Cash and cash equivalents per the balance sheet 2,217 2,955 Overdrafts (excluding joint ventures) (29) (172) Share of overdrafts in joint ventures (2) (2) IFRS cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow 2,186 2,781 11. Reconciliation from EBITDA to cash inflow from operating activities US$ million IFRS EBITDA 7,031 Share of operating profit of associates, before (1,056) exceptionals Underlying depreciation in associates (227) Share option expense 50 Provisions 17 Increase in stocks (279) Increase in operating debtors (444) Increase in operating creditors 113 Other adjustments 86 Cash inflow from operating activities 5,291 4.2 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2004 4.2.1 Consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 June 2004 As Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS previously consolidation adjustments of joint revised (1) Note reported ventures under US$ million UK GAAP Turnover 15,235 - 15,235 (2,889) 12,346 Share of joint ventures' turnover (496) 496 - - - Share of associates' turnover (2,953) - (2,953) 2,953 - Group turnover 1 11,786 496 12,282 64 12,346 Total operating costs (10,279) (329) (10,608) 20 (10,588) Operating exceptional items - - - - - Group operating profit(2) 1 1,507 167 1,674 84 1,758 Share of joint ventures' operating profit 167 (167) - - - Share of associates' operating profit 574 - 574 (574) - Net income from associates(3) 1 - - - 330 330 Total profit from operations and associates(4) 2,248 - 2,248 (160) 2,088 Non-operating exceptional items 535 - 535 470 1,005 Net finance costs (191) - (191) 30 (161) Profit before tax 2,592 - 2,592 340 2,932 Income tax expense 4 (686) - (686) 170 (516) Profit for the financial period 1,906 - 1,906 510 2,416 Attributable to Minority interests 197 - 197 (7) 190 Equity shareholders of the Company 1,709 - 1,709 517 2,226 Total dividends paid and proposed (273) - (273) (281) (554) Retained profit 1,436 - 1,436 236 1,672 Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the period attributable to equity 6 1.20 - 1.20 0.36 1.56 shareholders Diluted earnings per share (US$) Profit for the period attributable to equity 6 1.14 - 1.14 0.36 1.50 shareholders (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Pro forma financial information including IAS 32 and IAS 39 is set out in Appendix I. (2) Group operating profit disclosed above on the face of the income statement is presented on an IFRS presentation basis. This excludes the operating profit from associates. (3) $330 million includes the Group's share of associates' non-operating exceptional gains of $2 million, and is stated net of interest and tax in accordance with IAS 28. (4) Under UK GAAP, $2,248 million shown above represented operating profit, excluding all associates' interest, tax and underlying minority interest. 4.2.2 Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2004 As Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS previously consolidation adjustments of joint revised (1) Note reported ventures under US$ million UK GAAP Intangible fixed assets 2,600 14 2,614 (113) 2,501 Tangible fixed assets 28,227 1,544 29,771 456 30,227 Biological assets - - - 374 374 Environmental rehabilitation trusts - - - 182 182 Investments in associates 4,217 (9) 4,208 (822) 3,386 Fixed asset investments 844 17 861 336 1,197 Deferred tax assets - - - 97 97 Share of joint ventures 1,371 (1,371) - - - Total non current assets 37,259 195 37,454 510 37,964 Stocks 2,986 131 3,117 31 3,148 Trade and other receivables 5,034 122 5,156 (115) 5,041 Current tax assets 191 1 192 - 192 Current asset investments 1,393 4 1,397 (1,322) 75 Cash and cash equivalents 1,039 134 1,173 1,322 2,495 Total current assets 10,643 392 11,035 (84) 10,951 Total assets 47,902 587 48,489 426 48,915 Short term borrowings 3,196 70 3,266 - 3,266 Trade and other payables 4,908 107 5,015 (283) 4,732 Current tax liabilities 677 6 683 (4) 679 Total creditors due within one year 8,781 183 8,964 (287) 8,677 Medium and long term borrowings 7,966 290 8,256 2 8,258 Retirement benefit obligations 703 6 709 372 1,081 Deferred tax liabilities 2,606 99 2,705 2,344 5,049 Provisions for liabilities and 1,155 9 1,164 (9) 1,155 charges Total long term liabilities 12,430 404 12,834 2,709 15,543 Total liabilities 21,211 587 21,798 2,422 24,220 Minority interests 4,160 - 4,160 (4,160) - Net assets 22,531 - 22,531 2,164 24,695 Equity Called-up share capital 746 - 746 - 746 Share premium account 1,609 - 1,609 - 1,609 Other reserves 4.2.4 1,176 - 1,176 124 1,300 Retained earnings 4.2.4 19,000 - 19,000 (2,100) 16,900 Total shareholders' equity 22,531 - 22,531 (1,976) 20,555 Minority interests 4.2.4 - - - 4,140 4,140 Total equity 22,531 - 22,531 2,164 24,695 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Pro forma financial information including IAS 32 and IAS 39 is set out in Appendix I. 4.2.3 Consolidated cash flow statement for six months ended 30 June 2004 As previously Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS adjustments presented consolidation revised (1) under of joint UK GAAP US$ million Notes ventures Cash flows from operating activities 7 2,075 167 2,242 - 2,242 Dividends from associates 136 - 136 - 136 Dividends from fixed asset investments 15 - 15 - 15 Dividends from joint ventures 11 (11) - - - Income tax paid (246) (12) (258) - (258) Net cash flow from/(used in) operating 1,991 144 2,135 - 2,135 activities Cash flows from investing activities - - Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash (953) - (953) - (953) acquired Investment in joint ventures (1) 1 - - - Investment in associates (1) - (1) - (1) Purchases of property, plant and equipment (1,397) (59) (1,456) - (1,456) Purchases of fixed asset investments (3) - (3) - (3) Disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed 16 - 16 - 16 Sale of interests in joint ventures 37 - 37 - 37 Repayment of loans and capital from joint 41 (41) - - - ventures Sale of interests in associates 1,180 - 1,180 - 1,180 Repayment of loans and capital from associates 220 - 220 - 220 Proceeds from sale of fixed asset investments 82 - 82 - 82 Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed 56 - 56 - 56 assets Loan repayments from related parties - 16 16 - 16 Other adjustments 4 1 5 - 5 Net cash used in investing activities (719) (82) (801) - (801) Cash flows from financing activities Movement on current asset investments - (4) (4) (46) (50) Issue of share capital 165 - 165 - 165 Interest received and other investment income 137 6 143 - 143 Interest paid (292) (22) (314) - (314) Dividends paid to minority interests (139) (1) (140) - (140) Issue of convertible debt - - - 990 990 (Repayment)/receipt of short term borrowings (1,490) (2) (1,492) (47) (1,539) (Repayment)/receipt of medium and long term borrowings 1,176 (12) 1,164 (990) 174 Movement in minority loans 7 - 7 - 7 Other financing activity - (11) (11) - (11) Dividends paid to Company Shareholders (547) - (547) - (547) Net cash used in financing activities (983) (46) (1,029) (93) (1,122) Management of liquid resources (344) - (344) 344 - Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (55) 16 (39) 251 212 Cash and cash equivalents at start of year(2) 9,10 1,094 114 1,208 978 2,186 Cash movements in year (55) 16 (39) 251 212 Effects of exchange rate changes - 2 2 17 19 Calculated cash and cash equivalents at end of period(2) 9,10 1,039 132 1,171 1,246 2,417 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. (2) Cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow statement is reconciled to the balance sheet in note 10. 4.2.4 Reconciliation of equity as at 30 June 2004 Total Total shareholders' share Retained Other equity Minority Total capital(1) earnings reserves US$ million (2) interest equity UK GAAP at 30 June 2004 2,355 19,000 1,176 22,531 4,160 26,691 CTA transfer from retained earnings(3) - (580) 580 - - - IFRS opening balance sheet adjustments (1,335) (379) (1,714) (31) (1,745) Movements arising in the year Reversal of goodwill amortisation - 104 - 104 8 112 Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - 2 (65) (63) (4) (67) Defined benefit arrangements - 1 (10) (9) - (9) Translation of De Beers preference shares - (5) (8) (13) - (13) Share based payments (9) 21 12 (4) 8 Removal of proposed dividend - (281) - (281) 8 (273) Other adjustments - 3 (15) (12) 3 (9) Total IFRS adjustments (2,100) 124 (1,976) (20) (1,996) IFRS at 30 June 2004 2,355 16,900 1,300 20,555 4,140 24,695 (1) Total share capital comprises called-up share capital and the share premium account. (2) Detailed analysis is provided below. (3) Cumulative currency translation differences are deemed to be zero as at 1 January 2004. The currency translation adjustment ("CTA") transferred is therefore the UK GAAP currency translation gains/(losses) arising since that date. Total other reserves are further analysed as: Cumulative translation Share based adjustment Merger payment reserve reserve reserve Other Total US$ million reserves other (1) reserves UK GAAP reserves at 30 June 2004 460 - - 716 1,176 CTA transfer from retained earnings(2) - - 580 - 580 IFRS opening balance sheet adjustments (460) 25 - 56 (379) Movements arising in the year Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - - (65) - (65) Defined benefit pension adjustment - - (10) - (10) Translation of De Beers' preference shares - - (8) - (8) Share based payments - 19 2 21 Other adjustments - - (15) - (15) Total IFRS adjustments (460) 44 484 56 124 IFRS reserves at 30 June 2004 - 44 484 772 1,300 ((1)) Other reserves comprise $685 million legal reserve and $87 million capital redemption reserve. (2) Currency translation differences transferred are those arising since 1 January 2004. 4.2.5 Statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the six months ended 30 June 2004 Share Cumulative based translation Total payment adjustment Total US$ million reserve reserve Other shareholders' share Retained reserves equity Minority Total capital earnings interest equity (1) Restated IFRS at 1 January 2004 2,022 15,239 25 - 772 18,058 3,365 21,423 Net IFRS profit for the period - 2,226 - - - 2,226 190 2,416 Dividends paid - (554) - - - (554) - (554) Shares issued 333 - - - - 333 - 333 Share based payments(2) - 5 19 - - 24 3 27 Actuarial losses(3) - (8) - - (8) - (8) Subsidiary shares issued - - - - - - 890 890 Minority interest acquired - - - - - - (425) (425) Deemed disposal of AngloGold - - - - - - 155 155 Dividend received by minority - - - - - - (100) (100) interest Cumulative translation adjustment - - - 489 - 489 62 551 Recycled CTA(4) - - - (5) - (5) - (5) Other movements - (8) - - - (8) - (8) Balance at 30 June 2004 2,355 16,900 44 484 772 20,555 4,140 24,695 (1) Total share capital comprises called-up share capital and the share premium account. (2) Stated net of deferred tax of $3 million. (3) Stated net of deferred tax of $3 million. (4) Currency translation adjustment. 4.2.6 Statement of recognised income and expense for the six months ended 30 June 2004 US$ million IFRS IFRS profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders 2,226 Actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit retirement schemes (11) Deferred tax on actuarial losses 3 Other movements (8) Total recognised income and expense for the six months ended June 2004 2,210 4.2.7 Notes to the IFRS financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2004 1. Segmental information By business segment Operating profit before Net US$ million Turnover exceptional items Operating profit operating assets (1) Group subsidiaries and joint ventures(2) Platinum 1,446 308 308 6,618 Gold 1,051 156 156 6,971 Coal 828 115 115 2,105 Base Metals 1,548 576 576 5,473 Industrial Minerals 1,831 179 179 4,535 Ferrous Metals and Industries 2,380 266 266 5,017 Paper and Packaging 3,262 322 322 6,166 Exploration - (56) (56) - Corporate Activities - (108) (108) 34 Total 12,346 1,758 1,758 36,919 (1) Net operating assets consist of tangible and intangible assets, biological assets, stocks and operating debtors less non interest bearing current liabilities. (2) Joint ventures are proportionately consolidated. Net income from associates is shown in the income statement. Group turnover excludes the Group's share of associates' turnover. As additional disclosure, turnover and operating profit of associates is given below, together with reconciliation from associates' operating profit to "net income from associates". Operating profit before US$ million Turnover exceptional items Operating profit Associates Platinum 29 6 6 Gold 7 - - Diamonds 1,647 340 340 Coal 212 86 86 Base Metals 44 (8) (8) Industrial Minerals 12 2 2 Ferrous Metals and Industries 803 128 128 Paper and Packaging 109 6 6 Exploration - - - Corporate Activities 90 7 7 Total 2,953 567 567 Operating profit from associates is reconciled to "Net income from associates" as follows: US$ million IFRS Operating profit 567 Non-operating exceptional gains 2 Income tax expense (164) Net finance charge (66) Underlying minority interest (9) Net income from associates 330 By geographic segment (by origin) Net US$ million Turnover Operating profit operating assets Group subsidiaries and joint ventures South Africa 4,920 640 16,039 Rest of Africa 259 29 4,065 Europe 4,645 395 9,002 North America 437 21 853 South America 1,430 609 4,460 Australia and Asia 655 64 2,500 Total 12,346 1,758 36,919 Group turnover and operating profit does not include the Group's share of associates. As additional information, the Group's share of associates' turnover and operating profit is show below. US$ million Turnover Operating profit Associates South Africa 838 130 Rest of Africa 1,042 215 Europe 461 91 North America 288 29 South America 202 72 Australia and Asia 122 30 Total 2,953 567(1) (1) Operating profit from associates is reconciled to "Net income from associates" as shown above. 2. Reconciliation of UK GAAP operating profit to IFRS operating profit UK GAAP IFRS adjustments(1) IFRS revised US$ million Group subsidiaries and joint ventures(2) Platinum 314 (6) 308 Gold 133 23 156 Coal 112 3 115 Base Metals 573 3 576 Industrial Minerals 143 36 179 Ferrous Metals and Industries 260 6 266 Paper and Packaging 314 8 322 Exploration (56) - (56) Corporate Activities (119) 11 (108) Group operating profit - subsidiaries and joint ventures 1,674 84 1,758 Associates Platinum 6 - 6 Diamonds 350 (10) 340 Coal 84 2 86 Base Metals (8) - (8) Industrial Minerals 2 - 2 Ferrous Metals and Industries 127 1 128 Paper and Packaging 6 - 6 Corporate Activities 7 - 7 Total associates' operating profit 574 (7) 567 Total Group operating profit, including associates 2,248 77 2,325 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. (2) These are aggregated results for Group subsidiaries and joint ventures, as joint venture entities are now proportionally consolidated. 3. Exceptional items Items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure, in accordance with IAS 1.87, are classified as "exceptional items" on the face of the income statement. Exceptional items that relate to the underlying performance of the business are classified as "operating exceptional items" and include impairment charges and reversals. Exceptional items that do not relate to underlying business performance are classified as "non-operating exceptional items" and are presented below "Total profit from operations and associates" on the income statement. Non-operating exceptional items include profits and losses on disposals of investments, fixed assets and businesses, and costs of, or reversal of, provisions for reorganisations or restructuring. US$ million Operating exceptional items under UK GAAP - IFRS adjustments - Total IFRS operating exceptional charges - US$ million Non-operating exceptional items under UK GAAP 535 IFRS adjustments(1) 472 Total IFRS non-operating exceptional gains 1,007 Disclosed as: Non-operating exceptional items 1,005 Included in "Net income from associates" 2 Total IFRS non-operating exceptional gains 1,007 ((1)) IFRS adjustments comprise: Unrealised gain on deemed disposal of AngloGold 410 Recycling of CTA gain on deemed disposal of AngloGold 5 Reversal of exceptional loss on redemption of De Beers' preference shares 44 Unrealised gains on disposal of Pandora in Platinum 15 Other items (2) Total IFRS adjustments 472 Total profit from operations and associates before exceptional items is set out below: US$ million UK GAAP(1) IFRS revised Total profit from operations and associates 2,248 2,088 Share of associates' tax (173) - Share of associates' finance charge (48) - Share of associates' underlying minority interests (10) - Share of associates' non-operating exceptional items - (2) Total profit from operations and associates before exceptionals 2,017 2,086 (1) The UK result of $2,017 million shown here includes associates' share of tax, finance charges and minority interests to enable comparability with the IFRS number. 4. Tax on profit on ordinary activities Analysis of charge for the six months US$ million IFRS United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% 55 South Africa corporation tax at 30% 97 Other overseas taxation 132 Current tax on exceptional items 30 Total current tax 314 Deferred tax charge for the period 200 Deferred tax on exceptional items 2 Total deferred tax 202 Total tax charge 516 Reconciliation from UK GAAP tax charge to IFRS tax charge US$ million Current tax Deferred tax Total UK GAAP tax charge 493 193 686 Fair value of biological assets - (1) (1) Removal of tax on dividends proposed (10) - (10) Reclassification of associates' tax (169) (4) (173) Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - (5) (5) Defined benefit arrangements - 3 3 Share based payments - (2) (2) Other adjustments - 18 18 IFRS tax charge 314 202 516 5. Headline earnings US$ million IFRS Profit for period attributable to equity shareholders 2,226 Operating exceptional charges (see note 3) - Non-operating exceptional gains (see note 3) (1,007) Related tax on exceptional items 32 Related minority interest (3) Headline earnings for the financial period 1,248 Reconciliation of UK GAAP headline earnings to IFRS restated IFRS US$ million UK GAAP adjustments(1) IFRS By business segment Platinum 139 (2) 137 Gold 66 1 67 Diamonds 217 (48) 169 Coal 147 1 148 Base Metals 455 (21) 434 Industrial Minerals 114 6 120 Ferrous Metals and Industries 207 1 208 Paper and Packaging 226 (3) 223 Exploration (42) - (42) Corporate Activities (225) 9 (216) Headline earnings 1,304 (56) 1,248 ((1)) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. 6. Earnings per share IFRS Basic number of ordinary shares outstanding (million) 1,429 Potentially dilutive ordinary shares (million) 67 Diluted number of ordinary shares outstanding (million) 1,496 Profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders Basic earnings per share (US$) 1.56 Diluted earnings per share (US$) 1.50 Headline earnings for the period attributable to equity shareholders Basic earnings per share (US$) 0.87 Diluted earnings per share (US$) 0.84 7. Reconciliation of Group profit to cash inflow from operating activities US$ million IFRS Profit for the period before tax 2,932 Depreciation and amortisation 963 Exceptional items of subsidiaries and joint ventures (1,005) Share option expense 32 Net finance costs 161 Share of profit of associates (330) Provisions 2 Increase in stocks (61) Increase in operating debtors (418) Decrease in operating creditors (42) Other adjustments 8 Cash inflow from operating activities 2,242 8. Reconciliation of UK GAAP EBITDA to IFRS EBITDA UK GAAP IFRS IFRS adjustments(1) US$ million By business segment Platinum 479 (14) 465 Gold 317 2 319 Diamonds 395 (20) 375 Coal 286 - 286 Base Metals 718 2 720 Industrial Minerals 281 6 287 Ferrous Metals and Industries 562 2 564 Paper and Packaging 532 (9) 523 Exploration (56) - (56) Corporate Activities (81) (2) (83) EBITDA 3,433 (33) 3,400 (1) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. Further analysis of the IFRS adjustments is provided in Appendix II. 9. Movement in net debt Debt due within Debt due after 1 year - 1 year - Cash and carrying value carrying value Current Total US$ million cash (1) asset equivalents investments net debt Opening balance at 1 January 2004 2,186 (4,143) (6,997) 25 (8,929) Cash flow 212 1,539 (1,164) 50 637 Acquisitions excluding cash and cash equivalents - - (275) (268) (543) Reclassifications - (279) 279 - - Exchange movements 19 (30) (108) - (119) Closing balance at 30 June 2004 2,417 (3,188) (8,258) 75 (8,954) (1) Debt due after 1 year includes convertible debt. 10. Reconciliation of UK GAAP cash to IFRS cash and cash equivalents 1 January 30 June US$ million 2004 2004 Cash defined under UK GAAP 1,094 1,039 Share of cash in joint ventures 116 134 Cash equivalents 1,007 1,322 Cash and cash equivalents per the balance sheet 2,217 2,495 Overdrafts (excluding joint ventures) (29) (76) Share of overdrafts in joint ventures (2) (2) IFRS cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow 2,186 2,417 11. Reconciliation from EBITDA to cash inflow from operating activities US$ million IFRS EBITDA 3,400 Share of operating profit of associates, before exceptionals (567) Underlying depreciation in associates (112) Share option expense 32 Provisions 2 Increase in stocks (61) Increase in operating debtors (418) Increase in operating creditors (42) Other adjustments 8 Cash inflow from operating activities 2,242 4.3 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION AS AT 1 JANUARY 2004 4.3.1 Consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2004 (Opening balance sheet) As Proportional UK GAAP IFRS IFRS previously consolidation adjustments reported of joint revised (2) Notes under ventures UK GAAP US$ million (restated (1)) Intangible fixed assets 2,267 127 2,394 (224) 2,170 Tangible fixed assets 24,379 1,700 26,079 (283) 25,796 Biological assets - - - 346 346 Environmental rehabilitation trusts - - - 190 190 Investments in associates 4,804 44 4,848 (1,010) 3,838 Fixed asset investments 772 9 781 501 1,282 Deferred tax assets - - - 100 100 Share of joint ventures 1,630 (1,630) - - - Total non current assets 33,852 250 34,102 (380) 33,722 Stocks 2,744 125 2,869 (1) 2,868 Trade and other receivables 4,334 146 4,480 (119) 4,361 Current tax assets 49 - 49 - 49 Current asset investments 1,032 - 1,032 (1,007) 25 Cash and cash equivalents 1,094 116 1,210 1,007 2,217 Total current assets 9,253 387 9,640 (120) 9,520 Total assets 43,105 637 43,742 (500) 43,242 Short term borrowings 4,094 80 4,174 - 4,174 Trade and other payables 4,777 123 4,900 (570) 4,330 Current tax liabilities 447 5 452 (8) 444 Total creditors due within one year 9,318 208 9,526 (578) 8,948 Medium and long term borrowings 6,665 330 6,995 2 6,997 Retirement benefit obligations 681 6 687 359 1,046 Deferred tax liabilities 2,330 80 2,410 1,464 3,874 Provisions for liabilities and 943 13 956 (2) 954 charges Total long term liabilities 10,619 429 11,048 1,823 12,871 Total liabilities 19,937 637 20,574 1,245 21,819 Minority interests 3,396 - 3,396 (3,396) - Net assets 19,772 - 19,772 1,651 21,423 Equity Called-up share capital 738 - 738 - 738 Share premium account 1,284 - 1,284 - 1,284 Other reserves 4.3.2 1,176 - 1,176 (379) 797 Retained earnings 4.3.2 16,574 - 16,574 (1,335) 15,239 Total shareholders' equity 19,772 - 19,772 (1,714) 18,058 Minority interests 4.3.2 - - - 3,365 3,365 Total equity 19,772 - 19,772 1,651 21,423 (1) In 2004 the Group adopted UITF38 'Accounting for ESOP trusts'. As required by this abstract, own shares held by employee trusts were reclassified from other investment and recorded as a reduction in shareholders' funds. (2) IFRS adjustments exclude IAS 32 and IAS 39. 4.3.2 Reconciliation of equity as at 1 January 2004 Total Total share Retained Other shareholders' Minority Total capital earnings reserves equity equity US$ million (1) (2) interest UK GAAP at 1 January 2004 2,022 16,574 1,176 19,772 3,396 23,168 Net impairment of goodwill - (221) - (221) 7 (214) Deferred tax on fair value adjustments - (1,389) - (1,389) (96) (1,485) Reclassification of other reserves - 404 (404) - - - Fair value of biological assets - 29 - 29 (3) 26 Defined benefit arrangements - (568) - (568) (8) (576) Share based payments (19) 25 6 6 Removal of proposed dividend - 552 - 552 70 622 Retranslation of De Beers' preference - (130) - (130) - (130) shares Other adjustments - 7 - 7 (1) 6 Total IFRS adjustments - (1,335) (379) (1,714) (31) (1,745) IFRS at 1 January 2004 2,022 15,239 797 18,058 3,365 21,423 ((1)) Total share capital comprises called-up share capital and the share premium account. (2) Detailed analysis is provided below. Total other reserves are further analysed as follows: Merger Share Cumulative reserve based translation US$ million payment adjustment Other Other reserve reserve(1) reserves reserves (2) UK GAAP share capital at 1 January 2004 460 - - 716 1,176 Reclassification to retained earnings (460) - - 56 (404) Share based payments - 25 - - 25 Total IFRS adjustments (460) 25 - 56 (379) IFRS reserves at 1 January 2004 - 25 - 772 797 ((1)) UK GAAP at 1 January 2004 is deemed to be zero. (2) Other reserves comprise $685 million legal reserve and $87 million capital redemption reserve. 5. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of consolidation The financial statements incorporate a consolidation of the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) made up to 31 December each year. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the results of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates to bring their accounting policies into line with those used by the Group. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation, where appropriate. The interest of minority shareholders is initially stated at the minority's proportion of the fair values of the assets and liabilities recognised on acquisition. Subsequently, any losses applicable to the minority interest in excess of the minority interest are allocated against the interests of the parent. Associates Associates are investments over which the Group is in a position to exercise significant influence, but not control or joint control, through participation in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee. Typically the Group owns between 20% and 50% of the voting equity of its associates. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting except when classified as held for sale (see below). Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the Group's share of the fair values of the identifiable net assets of the associate at the date of acquisition is recognised as goodwill. Where the Group's share of the fair values of the identifiable net assets of the associate at the date of acquisition exceeds the cost of the acquisition, the surplus, which represents the discount on the acquisition, is credited to the income statement in the period of acquisition. The Group's share of associates' profit or loss is based on their most recent audited financial statements or unaudited interim statements drawn up to the Group's balance sheet date. The total carrying values of investments in associates represent the cost of each investment including the carrying value of goodwill, the share of post-acquisition retained earnings, any other movements in reserves and any long-term debt interests which in substance form part of the Group's net investment. The carrying values of associates are reviewed on a regular basis and if an impairment in value has occurred, it is written off in the period in which those circumstances are identified. The Group's share of an associate's losses in excess of its interest in that associate is not recognised unless the Group has an obligation to fund such losses. Joint venture entities A joint venture entity is an entity in which the Group holds a long-term interest and shares joint control over the strategic financial and operating decisions with one or more other venturers under a contractual arrangement. The Group's share of the assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and cash flows of jointly controlled entities are accounted for using proportionate consolidation. Proportionate consolidation combines the Group's share of the results of the joint venture entity on a line by line basis with similar items in the Group's financial statements. Joint venture operations The Group has contractual arrangements with other participants to engage in joint activities other than through a separate entity. The Group includes its assets, liabilities, expenditure and its share of revenue in such joint venture operations with similar items in the Group's financial statements. Revenue recognition Turnover amounts are measured at the fair value of consideration received or receivable, after deducting discounts, volume rebates, value added tax and other sales taxes. A sale is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have passed. This is when title and insurance risk has passed to the customer, and the goods have been delivered to a contractually agreed location. Turnover from metal mining activities is based on the payable metal sold. Revenues from the sale of material by-products are included within turnover. Where a by-product is not regarded as significant revenue may be credited against the cost of sales. The amount credited to cost of sales for the year ended 31 December 2004 was $81 million and $40 million for the period ended 30 June 2004 and relates principally to AngloGold Ashanti which credits uranium and silver to cost of sales in accordance with the Gold Industry Standard on production costs. Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable. Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to receive payment have been established. Acquisitions and goodwill arising thereon At the date of acquisition, the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary, joint venture entity or an associate are measured at their provisional fair values at the date of acquisition. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is attributed to goodwill. Provisional fair values are finalised within 12 months of the acquisition date. Goodwill in respect of subsidiaries and joint ventures is included within intangible fixed assets. Goodwill relating to associates is included within the carrying value of the associate. Where the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired exceeds the cost of the acquisition, the surplus (ie the discount on the acquisition) is credited to income statement in the period of acquisition. Goodwill arising on acquisitions before the date of transition to IFRS has been retained at the previous UK GAAP carrying value subject to being tested for impairment at that date. Subsequent impairment tests are performed in accordance with the "impairment policy" set out below. Goodwill that was eliminated against reserves under UK GAAP prior to 1998 has not been reinstated and will not be included in determining any profit or loss on disposal. Negative goodwill arising on acquisitions prior to 31 December 2003 has been eliminated against the income statement reserve at that date. Tangible fixed assets Mining properties and leases include the cost of acquiring and developing mining properties and mineral rights. Mining properties are depreciated down to their residual values using the unit-of-production method based on proven and probable reserves. Depreciation is charged on new mining ventures from the date that the mining property is capable of commercial production. When there is little likelihood of a mineral right being exploited, or the value of the exploitable mineral right has diminished below cost, a write-down to the recoverable amount is charged to the income statement. Stripping costs incurred during the production phase to remove additional overburden or waste ore are deferred and charged to operating costs using the expected average stripping ratio over the average life of the area being mined. Land and properties in the course of construction are carried at cost, less any recognised impairment. Depreciation commences when the assets are ready for their intended use. Buildings, plant and equipment are depreciated down to their residual values at varying rates, on the straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. Estimated useful lives normally vary up to 20 years for items of plant and equipment and up to a maximum of 50 years for buildings. Residual values are reviewed at least annually. Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of the lease term and the expected useful lives of the assets. Impairment of tangible and intangible assets excluding goodwill At each balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets are impaired. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment (if any). Where the asset does not generate cash flows that are independent from other assets, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is tested for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired. Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment is recognised immediately as an expense. Where an impairment subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (or cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment been recognised for the asset (or cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment is recognised as income immediately. Impairment of goodwill Goodwill arising on acquisition is allocated to the group of cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination and represents the lowest level at which goodwill is monitored by the Group's board of directors for internal management purposes. The recoverable amount of the group of cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated is tested for impairment annually on a consistent date during each financial year, or when such events or changes in circumstances indicate that it may be impaired. Any impairment is recognised immediately in the income statement. Impairments of goodwill are not subsequently reversed. Research and exploration expenditure Research and exploration expenditure is written off in the year in which it is incurred. When a decision is taken that a mining property should be developed for commercial production, all further directly attributable, pre-production expenditure is capitalised. Capitalisation of pre-production expenditure ceases when the mining property is capable of commercial production. Capitalised pre-production expenditure is assessed for impairment in accordance with the group accounting policy stated above. Afforestation and other agricultural activity Afforestation and other agricultural assets are measured at their fair values less estimated selling costs during the period of biological transformation, from initial recognition up to the point of harvest. The fair values are determined based on current market prices for the assets in their present location and condition. Changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement within operating costs for the period between planting and harvest. At point of harvest, the carrying value of afforestation and other agricultural assets is transferred to inventory. Inventory Inventory and work-in-progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The production cost of inventory includes an appropriate proportion of depreciation and production overheads. Cost is determined on the following bases: - raw materials and consumables are valued at cost on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis; metal, coal and coke stocks are valued at average cost; and - finished products are valued at raw material cost, labour cost and a proportion of manufacturing overhead expenses. Retirement benefits The Group operates both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes for its employees. For defined contribution schemes the amount charged to the income statement account is the contributions paid or payable during the year. For defined benefit pension and post-retirement medical plans, full actuarial valuations are carried out every three years using the projected unit credit method and updates are performed for each financial year end. The average discount rate for the plans' liabilities is based on AA rated corporate bonds of a suitable duration and currency. Pension plans' assets are measured using market values. The Group has adopted the proposed amendment to IAS 19, and as such actuarial gains and losses, which can arise from differences between expected and actual outcomes or changes in actuarial assumptions, are recognised immediately in the consolidated statement of changes in equity. Any increase in the present value of plans' liabilities expected to arise from employee service during the period is charged to operating profit. The expected return on the plans' assets and the expected increase during the period in the present value of the plans' liabilities arising are included in other finance income. Past service cost is recognised immediately to the extent that the benefits are already vested, and otherwise is amortised on a straight-line basis over the average period until the benefits become vested. The retirement benefit obligation recognised in the balance sheet represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation as adjusted for unrecognised past service costs, and as reduced by the fair value of scheme assets. Any asset resulting from this calculation is limited to past service cost, plus the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to the plan. Restoration, rehabilitation and environmental costs An obligation to incur restoration, rehabilitation and environmental costs arises when environmental disturbance is caused by the development or ongoing production of a mining property. Such costs arising from the installation of plant and other site preparation work, discounted to its net present value, are provided for and capitalised at the start of each project, as soon as the obligation to incur such costs arises. These costs are charged against profits over the life of the operation, through the depreciation of the asset and the unwinding of the discount on the provision. Costs for restoration of subsequent site damage which is created on an ongoing basis during production are provided for at their net present values and charged against profits as extraction progresses. Changes in the measurement of a liability relating to the decommissioning of plant or other site preparation work that result from changes in the estimated timing or amount of the cash flow, or a change in the discount rate, are added to, or deducted from, the cost of the related asset in the current period. If a decrease in the liability exceeds the carrying amount of the asset, the excess shall be recognised immediately in the income statement. If the asset value is increased and there is an indication that the revised carrying value is not recoverable, an impairment test is performed in accordance with the accounting policy above. Environmental rehabilitation trusts holding monies committed for use in satisfying environmental obligations are presented separately on the balance sheet as non current assets. Exceptional items Items of income and expense that are material and require separate disclosure, in accordance with IAS 1.87, are classified as "exceptional items" on the face of the income statement. Exceptional items that relate to the underlying performance of the business are classified as "operating exceptional items" and include impairment charges and reversals. Exceptional items that do not relate to underlying business performance are classified as "non-operating exceptional items" and are presented below "Total profit from operations and associates" on the income statement. Non-operating exceptional items include profits and losses on disposals of investments, fixed assets and businesses, and costs of, or reversal of, provisions for reorganisations or restructuring. Taxation The tax expense represents the sum of the current tax charge and the movement in deferred tax. The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are not taxable or deductible. The Group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax basis used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary differences arise from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of an asset or liability in a transaction that affects neither the tax profit nor accounting profit. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and is adjusted to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset is realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also taken directly to equity. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority and the Group intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis. Leases Rental costs under operating leases are charged to the income statement account in equal annual amounts over the lease term. Assets held under finance leases are recognised as assets of the Group on inception of the lease at the lower of fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments derived by discounting at the interest rate implicit in the lease. The interest element of the rental is charged against profit so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability, unless it is directly attributable to qualifying assets, in which case it is capitalised in accordance with the Group's general policy on borrowing costs (see below). Foreign currency transactions and translation Foreign currency transactions by Group companies are booked in their functional currencies at the exchange rate ruling on the date of transaction. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Gains and losses arising on retranslation are included in net profit or loss for the period. On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the Group's overseas operations are translated into the presentation currency of the Group at exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates for the period where these approximate the rates at the dates of transactions. Exchange differences arising, if any, are classified within equity and transferred to the Group's currency translation reserve. The Group elected to set the currency translation reserve to zero at 1 January 2004 in accordance with IFRS 1. Exchange differences on foreign currency loans financing these overseas operations are offset in the currency translation reserve in accordance with net investment hedge accounting rules. Cumulative translation differences arising after the transition date to IFRS are recognised as income or as expenses in the period in which the operation they relate to is disposed of. Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets of the foreign entity and translated at the closing rate. Where applicable, the Group has elected to treat goodwill arising on acquisitions before the date of transition to IFRS as US dollar denominated assets. Borrowing costs Interest on borrowings directly relating to the financing of qualifying capital projects under construction is added to the capitalised cost of those projects during the construction phase, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale which, in the case of mining properties, is when they are capable of commercial production. Where funds have been borrowed specifically to finance a project, the amount capitalised represents the actual borrowing costs incurred. Where the funds used to finance a project form part of general borrowings, the amount capitalised is calculated using a weighted average of rates applicable to relevant general borrowings of the Group during the period. All other borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Employee share awards The Group has applied the requirements of IFRS 2 Share based payments. In accordance with the transitional provisions, IFRS 2 has been applied to all grants of equity instruments after 7 November 2002 that had not vested as at 1 January 2005. The Group makes equity-settled share based payments to certain employees, which are measured at fair value at the date of grant. For those share schemes which do not include non market vesting conditions, the fair value is determined at the grant date and expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group's estimate of shares that will eventually vest. The fair value of share options issued with non market vesting conditions has been calculated using the Black Scholes model. The fair value of share awards with market related vesting conditions has been calculated using the Monte Carlo method. For all other share awards, the fair value is determined by reference to the market value of the share at the date of grant. For all share schemes with non-market related vesting conditions, the likelihood of vesting has been taken into account when determining the IFRS charge. Vesting assumptions are reviewed during each reporting period to ensure they reflect current expectations. Employee benefit trust The carrying value of shares held by the employee benefit trust are recorded as a reduction in retained earnings within shareholders' equity. Reporting currency As permitted by UK company law, the Group reports in US dollars, the currency in which most of its business is conducted. 6. INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ANGLO AMERICAN PLC ON THE PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 In accordance with our engagement letter dated 6th May 2005, we have audited: • the accompanying preliminary International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") consolidated financial information of Anglo American plc for the year ended 31 December 2004, excluding the impact of IAS 32 and IAS 39, which comprises the consolidated income statement, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow statement, the reconciliation of equity, the statement of changes in equity, the statement of recognised income and expense and related notes 1 to 11, (hereinafter referred to as "the preliminary financial information"); and • the pro forma consolidated financial information, including the impact of IAS 32 and IAS 39, which comprises the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet (hereinafter referred to as "the pro forma financial information"). This preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information is the responsibility of the Company's directors. They have been prepared by management as part of the Company's conversion to IFRS in accordance with the " Basis of Preparation" set out in Section 3, which describes how IFRSs have been applied under IFRS 1, including the assumptions management has made about the standards and interpretations expected to be effective, and Section 5 which describes the accounting policies expected to be adopted, when management prepares its first complete set of IFRS financial statements as at 31 December 2005. In preparing that first complete set of IFRS financial statements management expects to take the option in IFRS 1 not to restate the 2004 comparatives for IAS 32 and IAS 39. However, in order to provide comparable information management has chosen to prepare the pro forma financial information which assumes the application of IAS 32 and IAS 39 to transactions and financial instruments to entities other than those disposed of in 2004 and to contracts other than those containing embedded derivatives that no longer existed as at 1 January 2005 and the application of hedge accounting where management believes it is appropriate to assume the relevant accounting criteria regarding documentation and testing of effectiveness could have been met even though the necessary documentation was not in place. Our report has been prepared solely for the exclusive use of the directors and solely for the purpose of assisting them in connection with Anglo American plc's conversion of the basis of the preparation of the financial statements to IFRS. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the directors those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. We do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the directors for our work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information are free from material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Emphasis of matter Without qualifying our audit opinion, we draw attention to the fact that there is a possibility that the accompanying preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information may require adjustment before constituting the final financial information and final pro forma financial information for inclusion in IFRS financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2005. This is because, as set out in section 1, International Accounting Standards are subject to on going review and possible amendment. Moreover, we draw attention to the fact that, under IFRSs, only a complete set of financial statements comprising an income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement, together with comparative financial information and explanatory notes, can provide a fair presentation of the group's financial position, results of operations and cash flows in accordance with IFRSs. Opinion In our opinion, the accompanying preliminary financial information and pro forma financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004 has been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the basis set out in the "Basis of preparation" set out in Section 3 and accounting policies set out in Section 5. Deloitte & Touche LLP Chartered Accountants London 9th May 2005 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange MORE TO FOLLOW MSCIIFLAERIAIIE
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