Holding in Company

Anglo American PLC 1 June 2001 Notification concerning interests in ordinary shares of US$0.50 each in the capital of Anglo American plc ('Ordinary Shares') Notifications pursuant to Sections 198(1) and 202(4) of the Companies Act 1985 We received today a notice pursuant to the provisions of Section 198(1) and 202(4) of the Companies Act 1985 in relation to the following transactions. On behalf of the following entities: * De Beers Centenary AG ('DBCAG') * Centenary Holdings ('Centenary Holdings') * Delibes Holdings Limited ('Delibes') * Felton Holdings Limited ('Felton') The notice gives details of the following transactions: 1. On 21 May 2001 55,615,336 ordinary shares of US$0.50 each in Anglo American plc (the 'Shares') were transferred by Felton to De Beers Investments (Pty) Limited ('DBIPL') and from that date the registered holder of the Shares changed from Felton to DBIPL. With effect from that date each of DBCAG, Centenary Holdings, Delibes and Felton continued to have notifiable interests in the Shares. 2. On 28 May 2001 DBCAG, Centenary Holdings and Delibes ceased to have notifiable interests in the Shares. These transactions were effected for the purposes of implementing the Scheme of Arrangement proposed by DB Investments between De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited and its members holding linked deferred shares, which implementation is expected to be completed on 8 June 2001. As previously explained, further announcements will be made in the near future as implementation of the De Beers transaction proceeds.
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