Interim Results - Part 2.

Anglo American PLC 8 September 2000 Part 2 Consolidated profit and loss account For the six months ended 30 June 2000 6 months 6months ended ended Year ended US$ million Note 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Group and share of turnover of joint 2 10,312 9,769 19,245 ventures and associates Less: Joint ventures' turnover 2 (1,020) (835) (1,720) Associates' turnover 2 (2,636) (3,385) (5,947) Group turnover - subsidiaries 2 6,656 5,549 11,578 Operating costs (5,585) (4,934) (10,135) Exploration expenditure 4 (55) (62) (138) Group operating profit - subsidiaries 2 1,016 553 1,305 Share of operating profit of joint 2 176 109 245 ventures Share of operating profit of 2 416 272 592 associates Total operating profit before 2 1,608 934 2,142 exceptional items Profit on disposal of fixed assets 5 326 82 489 Costs of fundamental reorganisation by 5 - - (79) AECI Limited Profit on ordinary activities before 3 1,934 1,016 2,552 interest Investment income 470 437 869 Interest payable (322) (312) (604) Profit on ordinary activities before 2,082 1,141 2,817 taxation Tax on profit on ordinary activities 6 (445) (230) (481) Profit on ordinary activities after 1,637 911 2,336 taxation Equity minority interests (430) (369) (784) Profit for the financial period 3 1,207 542 1,552 Equity dividends to shareholders - (234) (164) (585) paid and proposed Retained profit for the financial 973 378 967 period Headline profit for the financial 7 951 537 1,308 period Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the financial period 7 3.09 1.43 4.03 Headline profit for the financial 7 2.44 1.41 3.40 period Diluted earnings per share (US$): Profit for the financial period 7 3.06 1.41 3.98 Headline profit for the financial 7 2.41 1.40 3.35 period Dividend per share (US cents) 60 42 150 Basic number of shares outstanding 7 390 380 385 (million) Diluted number of shares outstanding 7 395 384 390 (million) Consolidated balance sheet As at 30 June 2000 As at As at As at US$ million 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Fixed assets Intangible assets 2,302 1,455 1,585 Tangible assets 10,519 8,829 9,512 Investments in joint ventures and associates 6,911 6,867 6,902 Other financial assets 1,525 1,727 1,489 21,257 18,878 19,488 Current assets Stocks 1,513 1,439 1,431 Debtors 2,707 2,042 2,060 Current asset investments 2,509 2,632 2,315 Cash at bank and in hand 1,206 1,258 1,303 7,935 7,371 7,109 Short term borrowings (1,122) (800) (999) Other current liabilities (2,872) (2,233) (2,611) Net current assets 3,941 4,338 3,499 Total assets less current liabilities 25,198 23,216 22,987 Long term liabilities (4,912) (3,216) (2,538) Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,405) (1,409) (1,324) Equity minority interests (2,841) (2,672) (2,951) Net assets 16,040 15,919 16,174 Capital and reserves Share capital and premium 2,019 2,019 2,019 Reserves 3,471 3,471 3,471 Profit and loss account 10,550 10,429 10,684 Total shareholders' funds (all equity) 16,040 15,919 16,174 Consolidated cash flow statement For the six months ended 30 June 2000 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended US$ million Note 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Net cash inflow from operating activities 8 1,068 804 1,850 Expenditure relating to fundamental - (46) reorganisation of AECI Limited Dividends from joint ventures and 127 120 209 associates Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received and other financial income 146 130 388 Interest paid (168) (246) (402) Dividends received from fixed asset investments 31 34 50 Dividends paid to minority shareholders (188) (167) (380) Net cash outflow from returns on (179) (249) (344) investments and servicing of finance Taxation UK corporation tax (14) (5) (10) Overseas tax (166) (136) (263) Taxes paid (180) (141) (273) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments for fixed assets 10 (604) (534) (1,251) Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets 15 37 84 Payments for other financial assets(1) (22) (209) (45) Proceeds from the sale of other financial assets(1) 314 361 534 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (297) (345) (678) and financial investment Acquisitions and disposals Acquisition of subsidiaries (2,070) (444) (889) Disposal of subsidiaries - - 103 Investment in associates and joint ventures (192) (226) (429) Sale of interests in associates 88 385 592 Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (2,174) (285) (623) Equity dividends paid to Anglo American (421) (130) (276) shareholders Cash outflow before use of liquid resources (2,056) (226) (181) and financing Management of liquid resources(2) 395 403 912 Financing 1,595 66 (403) (Decrease)/Increase in cash in the period 9 (66) 243 328 (1) Disposal and acquisition of other financial assets included in fixed assets. (2) Cash flows in respect of current asset investments included in current assets. Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses For the six months ended 30 June 2000 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended US$ million 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Profit for the financial period 1,207 542 1,552 Currency translation differences on foreign (997) (215) (549) currency net investments Other movements in associates (110) - - Total recognised gains for the financial period 100 327 1,003 Combined statement of movement in shareholders' funds 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended US$ million 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Shareholders' funds at start of period 16,174 15,016 15,016 Profit for the financial period 1,207 542 1,552 Dividends paid and proposed (234) (164) (585) Currency translation differences (997) (215) (549) Shares issued - 740 740 Other movements in associates (110) - - Shareholders' funds at end of period 16,040 15,919 16,174 Notes to financial information 1 Accounting policies The financial information has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the UK. The accounting policies applied in preparing the financial information are consistent with those adopted and disclosed in the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999 other than the adoption of FRS 16 'Current Taxation' which has not had a material impact on the Group's results. The comparative information for the six months to 30 June 1999 has been restated on to a similar consistent basis. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 1999 has been derived from the Group's statutory accounts for that period as filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999 was unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985 (regarding adequacy of accounting records and returns) or under section 237(3) (regarding provision of necessary information and explanations). The interim financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined under section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 2 Segmental information Table 1 part A Turnover Operating profit 6 6 6 6 months months Year months months Year ended ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million By business segment Group subsidiaries Gold 1,051 1,035 2,102 181 208 404 Platinum 1,084 636 1,428 546 207 480 Diamonds - - - (3) (4) (7) Coal 335 375 731 55 62 121 Base metals 420 336 740 51 (1) 49 Industrial minerals 1,075 481 988 77 48 116 Ferrous metals 392 411 839 24 22 40 Forest products 694 618 1,307 95 59 149 Industries 1,605 1,657 3,443 116 111 222 Financial Services - - - 4 1 19 Exploration - - - (55) (62) (138) Corporate Financial - - - (75) (98) (150) 6,656 5,549 11,578 1,016 553 1,305 Joint ventures Gold 59 53 108 23 20 44 Coal 19 21 43 3 3 5 Base metals 183 137 307 64 42 95 Industrial minerals 26 7 20 5 - 2 Ferrous metals 106 63 149 4 (5) (12) Forest products 627 554 1,093 77 49 111 1,020 835 1,720 176 109 245 Associates Gold - 25 25 3 5 4 Platinum 42 - - 9 - - Diamonds 1,181 1,062 1,809 255 89 252 Coal 22 4 13 (5) (4) (12) Base metals 37 50 116 13 16 30 Ferrous metals 271 175 469 40 29 47 Forest products 42 28 64 17 5 12 Industries 1,041 2,041 3,451 23 88 136 Financial services - - - 61 43 119 Corporate activities - - - - 1 4 2,636 3,385 5,947 416 272 592 10,312 9,769 19,245 1,608 934 2,142 Table 1 part B Net operating assets 6 6 month month Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million By business segment Group subsidiaries Gold 2,884 2,617 2,990 Platinum 1,488 1,299 1,519 Diamonds 115 136 131 Coal 605 750 708 Base metals 1,877 1,291 1,606 Industrial minerals 3,388 1,128 1,184 Ferrous metals 449 482 470 Forest products 1,204 1,208 1,348 Industries 2,039 2,247 2,137 Financial services - (21) - Exploration - - - Corporate activities 457 710 441 14,506 11,847 12,534 2 Segmental information continued Table 2 part A Turnover Operating profit 6 6 6 6 months months Year months months Year ended ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million By geographical segment (by origin) Group subsidiaries South Africa 4,193 3,951 8,258 880 464 1,173 Rest of Africa 120 149 259 (1) (29) (30) Europe 1,318 666 1,442 39 23 50 North America 446 352 708 13 (1) 7 South America 338 261 614 63 81 114 Australia and Asia 241 170 297 22 15 (9) 6,656 5,549 11,578 1,016 553 1,305 Joint ventures South Africa 125 84 192 7 (2) (7) Rest of Africa 44 29 64 23 11 35 Europe 646 561 1,113 80 49 113 South America 199 161 351 66 51 104 Australia and Asia 6 - - - - - 1,020 835 1,720 176 109 245 Associates South Africa 1,100 1,618 3,108 234 193 388 Rest of Africa 596 615 1,075 136 53 163 Europe 67 - 123 6 3 13 North America 260 757 797 20 13 9 South America 68 35 88 12 5 2 Australia and Asia 545 360 756 8 5 17 2,636 3,385 5,947 416 272 592 10,312 9,769 19,245 1,608 934 2,142 2 Segmental information continued Table 2 part B Net operating assets 6 6 months months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.9 US$ million By geographical segment (by origin) Group subsidiaries South Africa 7,663 8,117 8,039 Rest of Africa 420 132 150 Europe 3,965 1,970 1,864 North America 689 571 502 South America 1,260 978 1,431 Australia and Asia 509 79 548 14,506 11,847 12,534 3 Profit for the financial period The table below analyses the contribution of each division to the Group's headline profit. Six months ended 30.6.00 Profit Profit for before Net Equity the financial interest Investment minority period ended 30.06.00 income Tax interests 30.06.00 US$ million Gold 223 (9) (46) (81) 87 Platinum 563 15 (163) (206) 209 Diamonds 255 11 (80) (5) 181 Coal 56 4 (21) - 39 Base metals 129 (34) (15) (1) 79 Industrial minerals 103 (5) (17) (6) 75 Ferrous metals 68 (19) (2) (4) 43 Forest products 189 (50) (30) (9) 100 Industries 143 (9) (18) (68) 48 Financial services 65 9 (20) (2) 52 De Beers investments(1) - 210 (56) (51) 103 Exploration (see note 4) (55) - - 6 (49) Corporate activities (64) 25 23 - (16) Headline profit for the period (see note 7) 1,675 148 (445) (427) 951 Headline profit adjustment 259 - - (3) 256 (see note 7) Profit for the financial period 1,934 148 (445) (430) 1,207 (1) Represents De Beers' share of Anglo American plc profits for the 6 months to 30 June. 3 Profit for the financial period continued Six months ended 30.6.99 Profit for the Profit financial before Net Equity period interest investment minority ended 30.06.99 income Tax interest 30.06.99 US$ million Gold 239 40 (48) (105) 126 Platinum 211 10 (55) (89) 77 Diamonds 89 (8) (31) (9) 41 Coal 65 1 (25) - 41 Base metals 57 (31) (6) (5) 15 Industrial minerals 54 2 (18) - 38 Ferrous metals 51 (5) (2) - 44 Forest products 113 (25) (11) (2) 75 Industries 201 (20) (24) (76) 81 Financial services 44 22 (14) (1) 51 De Beers' investments(1) - 140 (32) (42) 66 Exploration (see note 4) (62) - - 8 (54) Rationalisation costs (32) - - - (32) Corporate activities (51) (1) 20 - (32) Headline profit for the 979 125 (246) (321) 537 financial period (see note 7) Headline profit adjustment 37 - 16 (48) 5 (see note 7) Profit for the financial period 1,016 125 (230) (369) 542 (1) Represents De Beers' share of Anglo American plc profits for the 6 months to 30 June. Year ended 31.12.99 Profit for the financial Profit Equity period before Net minority ended interest investment Tax interests 31.12.99 31.12.99 income US$ million Gold 469 38 (90) (207) 210 Platinum 495 20 (97) (218) 200 Diamonds 252 - (77) (13) 162 Coal 122 3 (46) - 79 Base metals 175 (64) (6) (8) 97 Industrial minerals 131 7 (15) (7) 116 Ferrous metals 80 (14) 3 (2) 67 Forest products 275 (47) (21) (8) 199 Industries 367 (39) (78) (168) 82 Financial services 131 21 (35) (5) 112 De Beers' investments(1) - 296 (61) (84) 151 Exploration (see note 4) (138) 2 - 24 (112) Corporate activities (121) 42 24 - (55) Headline profit for the 2,238 265 (499) (696) 1,308 financial period (see note 7) Headline profit adjustment 314 - 18 (88) 244 (see note 7) Profit for the financial period 2,552 265 (481) (784) 1,552 (1) Represents De Beers' share of Anglo American plc profits for the 12 months to 31 December. 4 Exploration expenditure 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million Gold 18 21 48 Base metals 35 41 85 Other 2 - 5 55 62 138 5 Exceptional items 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.06.00 30.06.99 31.12.99 US$ million Disposal of interest in Driefontein - 89 89 Consolidated Limited Disposal of interest in Johnnies Industrial 179 - - Corporation Limited Partial disposal of interest in Gold Fields 37 - 53 Limited Partial disposal of interest in South - - 84 African Breweries plc Disposal of AECI's interest in Polifin - - 181 Limited Disposal of Terra Industries Inc. - (34) (33) distribution operations Profit on sale of mineral rights to Northam 17 - - Platinum Limited Disposal of other non-core assets 42 27 36 Share of associates' exceptional items 51 - 79 Profit on disposal of fixed assets 326 82 489 Cost of fundamental reorganisation by AECI - - (79) Limited Exceptional items 326 82 410 Taxation - 14 18 Minority interests (8) (49) (98) 318 47 330 6 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million United Kingdom corporation tax 14 8 10 South Africa corporation tax 206 115 237 Other overseas taxation 40 6 62 Share of joint ventures' taxation 3 3 18 Share of associates' taxation 185 112 186 Deferred taxation (3) - (14) Tax on exceptional items - (14) (18) 445 230 481 7 Earnings per share 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 390 380 385 in issue (million) Ordinary shares issuable under employee 5 4 5 share schemes (million) Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary 395 384 390 shares in issue (million) Basic earnings per share (US$): Profit for the financial period 3.09 1.43 4.03 Headline profit for the financial period 2.44 1.41 3.40 Diluted earnings per share (US$): Profit for the financial period 3.06 1.41 3.98 Headline profit for the financial period 2.41 1.40 3.35 7. Earnings per share continued Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. The average number of shares in issue excludes the shares held by the employee benefit trust. Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue on the assumption of conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The only category of dilutive potential ordinary shares is share options granted where the exercise price is less than the average price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period. Basic and dilutive earnings per share are also shown based on headline profit, which the directors believe to be a useful additional measure of the Group's past performance. Headline earnings per share is calculated in accordance with the definition in the Institute of Investment Management and Research ('IIMR') Statement of Investment Practice No. 1, 'The Definition of IIMR Headline Earnings'. Earnings (US$ million) Basic earnings per share (US$) 6 months 6 months Year 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Profit for the financial 1,207 542 1,552 3.09 1.43 4.03 period Exceptional items (326) (82) (410) (0.83) (0.22) (1.06) Related tax and minority 8 35 80 0.02 0.09 0.21 interests Profit before exceptional 889 495 1,222 2.28 1.30 3.18 items Amortisation of goodwill 67 45 96 0.17 0.12 0.25 Related tax and minority (5) (3) (10) (0.01) (0.01) (0.03) interests Headline profit for the 951 537 1,308 2.44 1.41 3.40 period 8 Reconciliation of group operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million Group operating profit - subsidiaries 1,016 553 1,305 Depreciation and amortisation charges 422 376 736 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (36) 58 30 Increase in debtors (408) (32) (215) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 3 (234) (83) Other items 71 83 77 Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,068 804 1,850 9 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net (debt)/funds 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (66) 243 328 Cash (inflow)/outflow from debt financing (1,592) 257 959 Cash inflow from management of liquid resources (395) (403) (912) Change in net debt arising from cash flows (2,053) 97 375 Loans and current asset investments acquired with (378) (51) (149) subsidiaries Other items and currency translation differences 31 27 54 Movement in net (debt)/funds (2,400) 73 280 Net funds/(debt) at start of the period 81 (199) (199) Net (debt)/funds at the end of the period (2,319) (126) 81 10 Capital expenditure 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 US$ million Gold 92 92 223 Platinum 111 103 239 Coal 6 7 26 Base metals 194 113 257 Industrial minerals 71 35 70 Ferrous metals 18 23 47 Forest products 31 59 181 Industries 66 91 175 Other 15 11 33 604 534 1,251 11 Analysis of net (debt)/funds Acquisitions and disposals As at excluding cash Exchange As at US$ million 31.12.99 Cash flow and overdrafts adjustments 30.6.00 Cash at bank and 1,252 (66) - (31) 1,155 in hand(1) Debt due after in (2,570) (1,490) (1,013) 161 (4,912) one year Debt due within (916) (102) (1) (52) (1,071) one year (3,486) (1,592) (1,014) 109 (5,983) Current asset 2,315 (395) 636 (47) 2,509 investments 81 (2,053) (378) 31 (2,319) (1) Net of bank overdrafts. Notice of interim dividend Notice is hereby given that an interim dividend on the company's ordinary share capital in respect of the year to 31 December 2000 will be payable as follows: Amount (United States currency) 60 cents per ordinary share (see notes) Currency conversion date Tuesday, 5 September 2000 Ex-dividend on the London and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges from the commencement of trading on Monday, 18 September 2000 Record date Friday, 22 September 2000 Dividend warrants posted Thursday, 19 October 2000 Payment date of dividend Friday, 20 October 2000 Notes: 1. Shareholders on the United Kingdom register of members with an address in the United Kingdom will be paid in pounds sterling, unless they elect for payment in US dollars, and those shareholders with an address elsewhere will be paid in US dollars, unless they elect for payment in pounds sterling, provided all such elections are received by the United Kingdom Registrar by Friday 22 September 2000. The equivalent of the dividend in sterling will be 41.22 pence per ordinary share based on an exchange rate of US$1 = £0.6870. 2. Shareholders on the South African branch register will be paid in South African rand, at ZAR 4.1906 per ordinary share based on an exchange rate of US$1 = ZAR 6.9843. Production statistics (1) 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 AngloGold (gold in troy ounces) South Africa 2,717,000 2,895,000 5,745,000 North and South America 443,000 433,000 911,000 Australia and Asia 241,000 - - Rest of the world 150,000 117,000 262,000 3,551,000 3,445,000 6,918,000 Anglo Platinum (troy ounces) Platinum 896,100 928,000 2,022,700 Palladium 447,700 464,000 1,017,200 Rhodium 76,200 76,000 171,700 Nickel (tonnes) 9,000 9,000 19,600 Anglo Coal (tonnes) Eskom 20,200,000 20,900,000 41,700,000 Trade 9,000,000 9,600,000 19,600,000 Cerrejon 800,000 200,000 500,000 30,000,000 30,700,000 61,800,000 Anglo Base metals Copper (tonnes) Collahuasi 96,200 96,200 191,200 Mantos Blancos 77,900 75,500 151,600 Hudson Bay 24,800 22,300 50,300 Konkola 12,100(2) - - Other 13,500 17,600 31,000 224,500 211,600 424,100 Nickel (tonnes) Codemin 3,300 3,300 6,500 Tati 1,800 1,500 3,700 Other 2,300 3,000 5,900 7,400 7,800 16,100 Zinc (tonnes) Hudson Bay 37,800 44,000 82,800 Black Mountain 13,500 16,000 31,200 Lisheen 16,200(2) - 3,600(2) 67,500 60,000 117,600 Lead (tonnes) Black Mountain 36,700 38,000 73,800 Lisheen 6,100(2) - 3,700(2) 42,800 38,000 77,500 Namakwa Sands (tonnes) Chloride slag 46,000 41,800 85,700 Sulphate slag 9,000 6,200 13,900 Pig iron 35,200 24,500 60,200 Zircon 55,900 39,100 91,900 Rutile 10,400 7,300 17,800 (1) Includes entire output of consolidated entities and the Group's share of joint ventures and associates where applicable. (2) Pre-commercial production Production statistics continued(1) 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Anglo Industrial minerals (tonnes) Aggregates 31,000,000 13,200,000 26,701,000 Lime products 487,000 480,000 926,000 Concrete (m3) 2,900,000 1,300,000 2,612,000 Potash 531,000 400,000 825,000 Sodium tripolyphosphate 37,000 41,000 82,000 Phosphates 176,000 143,000 589,000 Anglo Ferrous metals (tonnes) Chrome ore 748,000 624,000 1,360,000 Stainless steel 88,000 70,000 183,000 Vanadium slag 40,000 28,000 58,000 Chrome alloys 226,000 200,000 394,000 Manganese ore 663,000 679,000 1,462,000 Manganese alloys 148,000 139,000 255,000 Steel 662,000 604,000 1,228,000 Ferro-Alloys 123,000 117,000 240,000 Niobium (kg) 1,181,000 1,186,000 2,445,000 Anglo Forest products (tonnes) South Africa Pulp 194,000 187,000 346,000 Graphic papers 258,000 251,000 496,000 Packaging papers 275,000 239,000 436,000 Corrugated board (000 m2) 82,000 46,000 89,000 Lumber (m3) 171,000 183,000 385,000 Wood chips (m3) 596,000 473,000 1,018,000 Mining timber 61,000 69,000 133,000 Europe Pulp 69,000 69,000 141,000 Graphic papers 321,000 274,000 555,000 Packaging papers 273,000 248,000 487,000 Corrugated board (000 m2) 319,000 305,000 635,000 Paper sacks (000 units) 392,000 338,000 652,000 Brazil Pulp 76,000 73,000 149,000 (1) Includes entire output of consolidated entities and the Group's share of joint ventures and associates where applicable. US dollar exchange rates Average spot prices for the period 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 South African Rand 6.59 6.25 6.15 Sterling 1.56 1.61 1.61 Euro 0.96 1.13 0.99 Commodity prices Average market prices for the period 6 months 6 months ended ended Year ended 30.6.00 30.6.99 31.12.99 Gold - US$/oz 285 280 278 Platinum - US$/oz 506 359 376 Palladium - US$/oz 596 342 358 Rhodium - US$/oz 1,894 882 906 Copper - US$/oz 80 65 71 Nickel - US$/oz 427 224 273 Zinc - US$/oz 51 46 49 Lead - US$/oz 20 23 23 European Eucalyptus Pulp price (CIF) -US$/tonne 593 414 462
UK 100