Investment in ASP and e-Billing Services

Microgen PLC 18 November 1999 MICROGEN PLC Investment in ASP and e-Billing Services Microgen plc, the information management services company, announces that it is to increase investment in its application service provider ('ASP') and e-billing services in order to accelerate the transition of the Group from its legacy services into e-business sectors. Microgen's e-business services are based on a core technology, Microgen Axess, which has been considerably enhanced in terms of capacity and capability during the past year and now provides a robust infrastructure for database management ASP services and has also evolved to provide a platform for e-billing services. Over the past six months, Microgen has noted the increasing demand for such services and also the market position which it has established in these sectors. As a result, in order to develop these significant opportunities and to maximise shareholder value, the Board of Microgen has decided to invest up to £8 million in the Group's ASP and e-billing services over the next two years. This investment will be used to : - Increase sales and marketing resources in these new sectors in order to maximise the 'first-mover' advantage; - Establish a new central processing facility, integrating the processing of Microgen's outsource services; and - Continue developing the services and building the operational management infrastructure to deliver the potential from these opportunities. With strong cash flow from the Group's legacy operations and the Group's net cash balance (£11.5 million at 30 June 1999, after payment of tax for 1998), the investment in these e-business services will be financed by the Group's existing internal resources. Application Service Provider ('ASP') An update on the Microgen Axess ASP business was issued on 5 October 1999, detailing the operating performance, the growth in the blue-chip customer base and the operating infrastructure established. In summary, Microgen Axess now has over 33 customers for database management ASP services, with over 120 million pages stored. Annualised recurring revenue now exceeds £1 million and the contribution from this revenue now covers the bureau level (fixed cost and direct customer support) cost base. As a result of this success, the Board considers Microgen Axess to be one of the leading ASP's in the UK. A leading research organisation is forecasting average compound annual growth rates in excess of 50% for the European document hosting market, equivalent to US$362 million by 2001. Business-to-Business ('B2B') e-Billing On 29 June 1999, Microgen announced a B2B outsource e- billing service with two pilot customers, both of which are now live and anticipate rolling out the service to their customer base during the next few months. In addition, Microgen has already received commitments from, or is in advanced negotiations with, a further ten customers, several of which should be live this year. Furthermore the pipeline of prospects is strong across a range of industries, including both existing Microgen customers adopting e-billing services and potential new customers. The Board believes that the increasing demand for the Microgen service confirms the effectiveness of Microgen's ASP outsourced model, which confers the following benefits : - Reduced cost of invoice, statement and credit note distribution - Improved service to the biller's customer by providing detailed invoice distribution in document and spreadsheet format, enabling downloading into the recipient's accounting/ERP system - Improved cash flow to the biller through the 'invoice tracking' and exception reporting provided by the Microgen service. - No capital expenditure is required by the biller or its customer (recipient) - The biller can introduce e-billing services very rapidly Through the existing 'print & mail' infrastructure within the Document Processing Services division, Microgen is uniquely positioned in the UK in being able to transition billers from paper print & mail into e-bill distribution, or to manage distribution of billers' invoices via both media. Furthermore, using the Microgen Axess ASP services, the B2B e-billing service can be further enhanced to provide a cost-effective sales ledger document management application, integrating all sales/debtor documentation with an option to provide full supplier integration through a supply-chain extranet hosted by Microgen. The demand for B2B e-billing is expected to increase dramatically during the next five years with Ovum Ltd forecasting in excess of 1 billion bills per annum being distributed between businesses electronically in the UK by 2005. Microgen's experience in invoice processing indicates a potential average revenue per invoice of 15- 20 pence, producing a potential UK B2B e-billing distribution market in the order of £200 million by 2005. Having now proven the B2B business model, the Board considers that Microgen is well positioned to gain a significant market share in this sector. Business-to-Consumer ('B2C') e-Billing Following the successful 'proof-of-concept' for multiple media bill distribution through the B2B e-billing service, Microgen has now developed a B2C model and is in advanced discussions with a number of parties, including major billers, financial institutions and distribution portals. Based on an 'Aggregator' concept, the Microgen model provides substantial cost reductions to the biller (up to 50% of print & mail costs) and a new revenue stream to the distribution portal, while overcoming the major obstacle to B2C e-billing, namely the high levels of consumer e-mail address churn. In the first phase, B2C e-bills/statements will most likely be distributed via suitable internet portals. Due to the characteristics of the UK banking infrastructure, and the increasing penetration of internet banking, financial institutions are anticipated to play an important role. However this channel is unlikely to distribute more than a third of B2C e-bills and hence Microgen is also currently in discussions with a number of other potential distribution channels including digital television and mobile phones. The UK B2C e- billing market is currently forecast by Ovum Ltd to reach 150 million bills per annum by 2005. This slower adoption rate reflects the greater complexity of B2C e-bill distribution, although a similar Aggregation model is anticipated for e-bill distribution to the SME sector. In summary, the Board believes that Microgen is positioned at the forefront of rapidly developing e- business market sectors in the UK and intends to maximise the potential of these opportunities. With the established Microgen Axess infrastructure and the additional investment in sales, marketing and operational resources, Microgen has the capability to establish itself as a leading service provider in outsource ASP database management and e-billing services. Contact : Martyn Ratcliffe, Executive Chairman, Microgen plc 01753-847177 Mike Phillips, Group Finance Director, Microgen plc Steve Liebmann, Buchanan Communications 0171-466-5000
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