Interim Results

SECURE TRUST BANKING GROUP PLC 21 September 1999 SECURE TRUST BANKING GROUP PLC Interim results for the six months to 30 June 1999 Key Points Interim dividend increased by 6.25% to 8.5p per share Profit before exceptional goodwill item £4.7 million (1998: £5.4 million) Earnings per share before exceptional goodwill item 21.7p (1998: 24.8p) Net asset value up 17% to 153p Chairman, Henry Angest, commented; 'The Group continues to make good progress in many areas, although profits in the first half of 1999 have suffered from the combined effects of low interest rates and job losses in the West Midlands. Nevertheless, we are pressing on with planned investments to develop our businesses, including internet banking, and the directors are optimistic about the Group's long term future.' Press enquiries for Secure Trust Banking Group PLC: Henry Angest, Chairman Tel: 0171 374 0417 Stephen Lockley, Finance Director Tel: 0171 600 4022 Zoe Biddick / Katie Tzouliadis, Biddick Associates Tel: 0171 377 6677 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Profits for the six months to 30 June 1999, before an exceptional goodwill item, amounted to £4.7 million (1998: £5.4 million) and, on the same basis, earnings per share were 21.7p (1998: 24.8p). The interim dividend, which will be paid on 5 November 1999 to shareholders on the register at 1 October 1999, is increased from 8.0p to 8.5p per share. During this period, the Group has continued to make progress in many areas, although profits have been restricted by a combination of external factors which are particularly adverse for us, notably declining interest rates and job losses in the West Midlands. Total lending by the Group was 7% higher than in the first half of 1998. This had a beneficial effect on net interest income, which would have risen by some 5% had it not been for the negative impact of lower base rates, which were, on average, 1.83% lower than in the corresponding period last year. The loss of jobs in the West Midlands manufacturing sector, partly stemming from the prolonged period of doubt over the future of the Rover plant at Longbridge, has been well documented and has given rise to increased claims on the sickness, accident and redundancy insurance scheme offered to customers of Secure Trust Bank. Although this scheme is not underwritten by the Group, its reduced profitability this year has led to a marked decline in the commissions we earn from it. Against this difficult background, the Group has done well to maintain total income at a level similar to last year. At the same time, we have continued to invest in our future, with the increased spending in areas such as marketing and customer service. We are in the process of launching several new products, extending our internet banking capability and planning an increase in the geographic spread of our unique Household Cash Management service. As a result of these initiatives, Group costs, excluding bad debts, rose by some 8% over last year. It is pleasing to report that bad debts reduced from £0.4 million to £0.2 million. Secure Trust Bank The core Household Cash Management service of Secure Trust Bank achieved an increase in management fee income of some 3%. However, cash balances held by the bank were lower as a result of the investment in new premises and the payment of a special dividend to shareholders late in 1998. Coupled with the factors to which I have already referred, this meant that both net interest income and commissions received were reduced compared with last year, by a total of £0.6 million. Looking forward, there are a number of promising new initiatives in hand. We have recently introduced for the first time an accidental death policy for Secure Trust Bank's customers and the early sales of this product are encouraging. Furthermore, we plan to launch a cash advance service during the autumn, at which time we will also begin advertising the Household Cash Management service in several new geographic areas. Progress in Personal Lending and Banking has been encouraging, with new advances ahead by 13% over the first half of 1998. Bad debts are significantly lower than last year and profits from this division were up by 26%. Conditions for our retail Insurance Consultancy business have remained very competitive. Although there has been a welcome, if modest, rise in motor premium rates, volumes have fallen as the direct writers continue to be very aggressive in the marketplace. To counter this, we began during the period to increase our marketing spend, which has left profits below last year's level. Arbuthnot Latham Despite the impact of falling base rates, profits of the Arbuthnot division were broadly static at £0.6 million. Overall, net interest income was ahead by 14%, with increases in business volumes more than compensating for a cost of £0.1 million attributable to lower rates. Fees and commissions increased by 6%, reflecting good performances in each area of business. Against this, costs rose by 14% as we continued to invest in growing the private banking operations. We are rapidly becoming a well-recognised force in this market and recently won a national and several regional awards for the quality of our private client services, in competition with all other institutions active in this sector, many of which are considerably larger than ourselves. Looking to the future, the acquisition in July of Weinel & Partners, an investment manager and financial adviser based in the City of London, together with the launch last month of our innovative new Peacock Portfolio Management Service should ensure that we maintain the forward momentum now established. Internet Banking We were the first UK bank to begin offering internet banking services in 1995. We view this as an important area for future development and have recently stepped up the amount of resources devoted to ensuring that we continue to keep pace with advances in this technology. Exceptional Goodwill Write-Off Shareholders will be aware that, some time ago, we suspended the motor insurance underwriting operations of West Yorkshire Insurance Company. Since then we have been keeping the future of this activity under close review. Market conditions for motor insurers continue to be extremely tough and we have now concluded that it would be wrong for the Group to consider re- entering the motor insurance underwriting market in the foreseeable future. Therefore, in accordance with the requirements of Financial Reporting Standard 10 'Goodwill and Intangible Assets', we have made an accounting entry to reinstate the goodwill relating to West Yorkshire Insurance Company, which had previously been written off directly against reserves, and instead have charged it against the current year profit and loss account. I stress that this is an accounting requirement only which has absolutely no effect on net assets, nor on distributable reserves, nor on cash balances, nor on future cash flows. Year 2000 We stated in our last Annual Report that work was well advanced on preparations for the impact of the Year 2000 on our computer systems. I am pleased to report that we have now reviewed substantially all lines of our computer program code for Year 2000 compliance, made the required amendments or replacements and tested the changes. In the case of hardware and third party software products, in the great majority of instances, we have completed the process of upgrading to certified Year 2000 compliant versions and tested these upgrades. The very few remaining minor upgrades outstanding to be completed are expected to be ready well before the end of the year. Given the complexity of the issue, we cannot be certain that no Year 2000 problems will arise, particularly in view of the number of external factors beyond our direct control. However, the Group has developed contingency plans to minimise the impact of any failure of a business-critical system or service. Although only a relatively small proportion of our customers are dependent upon computer systems for their survival, we have taken such steps as we reasonably can to alert our customers and suppliers to the importance of preparing for the Year 2000 where this is appropriate. Outlook Although there has been an improvement in the West Midlands economy and interest rates appear to be on an upward trend, these factors will take some time to work through into our results. It would be unwise, therefore, to predict a significantly better performance in the second half and it seems inevitable that full-year profits will fall short of the record level achieved by the Group last year. Nevertheless, I have referred over many years to the underlying strength and resilience of the Group's businesses and the directors continue to have confidence in the longer-term prospects for the Group. Henry Angest CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 6 months 6 months Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited)(unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Interest receivable from loans, advances and investments 5,312 5,935 12,208 Less: interest payable (1,408) (2,009) (3,837) ______ ______ ______ Net interest income 3,904 3,926 8,371 Fees and commissions and other income receivable 11,293 11,352 23,269 Less: fees and commissions payable (172) (135) (537) ______ ______ ______ Operating income 15,025 15,143 31,103 Administrative expenses 9,654 8,887 17,705 Depreciation and amortisation 490 465 884 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 169 388 1,107 ______ ______ ______ Operating expenses 10,313 9,740 19,696 ______ ______ ______ Operating profit before exceptional item 4,712 5,403 11,407 Exceptional item (note 2) Goodwill previously eliminated against reserves 2,472 - - ______ ______ _______ Profit on ordinary activities before tax 2,240 5,403 11,407 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 1,364 1,605 3,445 ______ ______ ______ Profit on ordinary activities after tax 876 3,798 7,962 Minority interests 87 80 107 ______ ______ ______ Profit attributable to shareholders of Secure Trust Banking Group PLC 789 3,718 7,855 Dividends 1,279 2,709 5,418 ______ ______ ______ (Loss)/profit retained (490) 1,009 2,437 ______ ______ ______ Earnings per ordinary share (note 3) Basic 5.3p 24.8p 52.3p Basic before exceptional item 21.7p 24.8p 52.3p Fully diluted 5.2p 24.5p 51.9p Fully diluted before exceptional item 21.6p 24.5p 51.9p ______ ______ ______ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30.6.99 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited)(unaudited)(audited) £000 £000 £000 ______ ______ ______ Assets Cash and balances at central banks 180 167 187 Loans and advances to banks and building societies 36,658 57,241 52,243 Loans and advances to customers 69,443 64,924 65,127 Debt securities 8,500 4,500 6,500 Intangible assets 303 - 310 Tangible fixed assets 7,267 3,591 7,519 Other assets 5,478 7,453 5,656 Prepayments and accrued income 2,696 2,722 3,149 ______ ______ ______ Total assets 130,525 140,598 140,691 ______ ______ ______ Liabilities Deposits by banks 2,000 6,000 9,479 Customer accounts 86,233 90,612 87,543 Insurance reserves 4,935 6,692 5,508 Other liabilities 12,029 15,296 14,544 Accruals and deferred income 2,140 2,242 2,507 Equity minority interests 141 128 54 ______ ______ ______ 107,478 120,970 119,635 ______ ______ ______ Called up share capital 150 150 150 Share premium account 13,371 13,362 13,362 Profit and loss account (note 4) 9,526 6,116 7,544 ______ ______ ______ Equity shareholders' funds 23,047 19,628 21,056 ______ ______ ______ Total liabilities 130,525 140,598 140,691 ______ ______ ______ CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 6 months 6 months Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 ______ ______ ______ Net cash inflow from operating activities 6,171 9,313 22,022 Dividends paid to minority shareholders of subsidiary undertaking - - (101) Taxation (677) (152) (2,938) Capital expenditure and financial investment (2,106) (2,502) (8,805) Acquisitions - (200) (245) Equity dividends paid (2,709) (2,401) (5,110) Financing (1,245) (2,484) (2,464) ______ ______ ______ (Decrease)/increase in cash (566) 1,574 2,359 ______ ______ ______ Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operations 6 months 6 months Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited) (unaudited)(audited) £000 £000 £000 ______ ______ ______ Operating profit 4,712 5,403 11,407 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (125) (4) (34) Decrease in accrued income and prepayments 453 (548) (975) Decrease in accruals and deferred income (367) 206 472 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 169 388 1,107 Depreciation and amortisation 490 465 884 Decrease in insurance reserves (573) (883) (2,067) ______ ______ ______ Net cash flow from trading activities 4,759 5,027 10,794 Net decrease in loans and advances to banks and customers 10,592 (3,362) 1,829 Net decrease in deposits by banks and customer accounts (8,789) 7,144 7,554 Net decrease in other assets 178 (408) 489 Net decrease in other liabilities (569) 912 1,356 ______ ______ ______ Net cash inflow from operating activities 6,171 9,313 22,022 ______ ______ ______ NOTES 1. Segmental analysis of profits 6 months 6 months Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited)(unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Personal Financial Services before exceptional item 4,098 4,785 10,327 Exceptional item (note 2) 2,472 - - ______ ______ ______ Personal Financial Services after exceptional item 1,626 4,785 10,327 Private and Merchant Banking 614 618 1,080 ______ ______ ______ 2,240 5,403 11,407 ______ ______ ______ 2. Exceptional item In accordance with FRS 10, goodwill of £2,472,000 arising on the acquisition of West Yorkshire Insurance Company Limited, previously written off directly against reserves, has been reinstated and charged in the profit and loss account as the Group has no plans to resume motor insurance underwriting in the foreseeable future. There is no taxation charge or credit applicable to this item. 3. Earnings per ordinary share (a) Basic Earnings per ordinary share are calculated on the net basis by dividing the profit attributable to the shareholders of £789,000 (30.6.98: £3,718,000, 31.12.98: £7,855,000) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 15,048,893 (30.6.98: 15,019,768, 31.12.98: 15,034,295) in issue during the year. (b) Diluted Diluted earnings per ordinary share have been calculated in accordance with FRS 14 by dividing the profit attributable to shareholders of £789,000 (30.6.98: £3,718,000, 31.12.98: £7,855,000) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares 15,070,721 (30.6.98: 15,147,630, 31.12.98: 15,141,528) in issue during the year, adjusted to reflect the effect of outstanding share options. (c) Adjusted The exceptional item charged against profit on ordinary activities before tax does not relate to the profitability of the Group on an ongoing basis. Therefore, an adjusted basic earnings per share is presented, as follows: 6 months to 6 months to Year to 30.6.99 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 pence £000 pence £000 pence Basic 789 5.3 3,718 24.8 7,855 52.3 Exceptional item 2,472 16.4 - - - - _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Earnings excluding exceptional item and adjusted earnings per share 3,261 21.7 3,718 24.8 7,855 52.3 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4. Profit and loss account 6 months 6 months Year to to 30.6.99 to 30.6.98 31.12.98 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £000 £000 £000 Retained profit 31,456 30,518 31,946 Premiums on acquisitions written off (21,930) (24,402) (24,402) _______ _______ _______ 9,526 6,116 7,544 _______ _______ _______ 5. Basis of reporting The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 1998 statutory accounts. The statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 September 1999 and are unaudited. The auditors have not carried out a review of the interim financial statements. 6. Results for the year ended 31 December 1998 The figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 are extracted from the full Group Accounts for the year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report. 7. Copies of this interim report will be posted to all shareholders and further copies are available from the Company's registered office: Secure Trust Banking Group PLC, Paston House, Arleston Way, Solihull B90 4LH.
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