Final Results
27 August 1999
Report for the year ended 30 June 1999
Anglovaal Mining Limited
('the Company')
(formerly Anglovaal Limited)
Registration number 05/04580/06
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
56 Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa
PO Box 62379, Marshalltown, South Africa, 2107
. . . a year of highlights
* Group structure simplified
* Earnings total R522 million
* Headline earnings total R290 million
* Earnings per share amount to 562 cents
* Headline earnings per share amount to 312 cents
* Non-core operating assets sold
* Operating focus now on ferrous metals, base metals and gold
* Significant assets acquired in ferrous and base metals divisions
* Reduced income from Saturn
. . . financial highlights
30 June 1999
Profit before taxation and
exceptional items (Rm) 575
Earnings (Rm) 522
Headline earnings (Rm) 290
Earnings per share (cents) 562
Headline earnings per share (cents) 312
Contribution to headline earnings
Year ended 30 June 1999
Rm %
Diamonds 260 57
Ferrous metals 150 33
Base metals 41 9
Gold 4 1
455 100
Exploration 52
Net interest paid 28
Discontinued operations (losses) 18
Retrenchment and other Group expenses 67 165
Headline earnings 290
Headline earnings per share (cents) 312
Add: Exceptional items 232
Total earnings 522
Group income statement
(Note 1)
Actual Pro forma
30 June 1999 30 June 1998
Note Rm Rm
Revenue 2 489 2 539
Cost of sales 1 673 1 754
Gross profit 816 785
Other operating income 126 119
Other operating expenses 296 373
Report for the year ended 30 June 1999
Profit from operations 646 531
Income from investments 54 132
Finance costs 125 117
Profit before exceptional items 575 546
Exceptional items 208 (462)
Profit before taxation 783 84
Taxation 147 200
Profit after taxation 636 (116)
Income from associates 2 4 (37)
Net profit 640 (153)
Minority interest 118 89
Earnings 522 (242)
Ordinary dividends 7 5 137
Dividends in specie 3 3 025 -
Net loss (2 578) (379)
Transfers from non-distributable
reserves 693 (8)
Net loss transferred to
distributable reserves (1 885) (387)
Headline earnings (R millions) 290
Earnings per share (cents) 562
Headline earnings per share (cents) 312
Proposed dividend per share (cents) 70
Number of shares in issue at
end of year (thousands) 106 200
Weighted average number of
shares in issue (thousands) 92 894
1. The pro forma income statement reflects the position that would have
prevailed had the comprehensive corporate restructuring of the Anglovaal
Group been effected as at 1 July 1997.
2. Avgold Limited only became a subsidiary during June 1999 and has as a
result been equity accounted for the full year in the income statement but
consolidated for balance sheet purposes.
3. As part of the group restructuring the industrial interests were
unbundled by way of a dividend in specie.
Group balance sheet
At 30 June 1999
Non-current assets
Fixed and tangible assets 3 058
Investments 16
3 074
Current assets
Inventories 672
Trade and other receivables 665
Taxation 5
Deposits and cash 436
1 778
Total assets 4 852
Equity and liabilities
Capital and reserves
Ordinary share capital 5
Preference share capital 4
Share premium 1 602
Non-distributable reserves 98
Distributable reserves 291
Shareholders' interest in capital
and reserves 2 000
Minority interest 1 124
Total shareholders' interest 3 124
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 389
Deferred taxation 142
Long-term provisions 187
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 592
Taxation 58
Shareholders proposed dividend 19
Treasury liabilities 13
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings 328
1 010
Total equity and liabilities 4 852
Review for the year ended 30 June 1999
On behalf of the Board it is a privilege to report back to all stakeholders
following an active year.
. . . a year of change
The Company's profile was altered during the year following a restructuring
programme that resulted in the ultimate holding company and all the
industrial assets being unbundled. Two classes of shares were consolidated
into one and all the assets of Avmin Limited were transferred into the
Company. Another benefit resulting from the restructuring was an increase in
the Company's interest in The Saturn Partnership (Saturn), the important
diamond investment, by nearly 30 per cent to 87,5 per cent.
. . . a stronger focus on performing assets
The Company, which changed its name to Anglovaal Mining Limited (Avmin) on
1 January 1999, now has an exclusive focus on the business of mining and
mineral-related activities. Apart from the major diamond investment, this
focus is concentrated in three core areas of operation: ferrous metals, base
metals and gold.
The Company also pursued its objective of disposing of non-core operating
assets and non-strategic investments during the year. The investment holding
portfolio of various listed shares was disposed of and the coal and
industrial minerals businesses were sold. Total receipts from these sales
exceeded R600 million.
During the second half of the year, Avmin issued 15 287 352 new ordinary
shares. Of these shares 6 147 908 were exchanged with various international
investors and institutions for 67 626 990 Avgold Limited (Avgold) shares, 9
091 200 shares were issued for cash and 48 244 shares were issued to share
incentive scheme members. The exchange for Avgold shares resulted in Avmin
increasing its Avgold holding to 60,1 per cent.
. . . further acquisitions add strength
In other developments during the year, the Company acquired major new assets
in its base and ferrous metals businesses. In September 1998, a significant
cobalt and copper operation was acquired on the Zambian Copperbelt and The
Associated Manganese Mines of South Africa Limited (Assmang) purchased the
high-quality Dwarsrivier chrome deposit.
. . . all resulting in higher earnings
As a result of a lower rand/US dollar exchange rate, important contributions
from the diamond investment and the ferrous metal division, well contained
costs and the curtailment of some exploration, the Group's earnings for the
year ended 30 June 1999 amounted to R522 million
(30 June 1998: R242 million - pro-forma loss). This relates to earnings per
share of 562 cents. On a headline basis, which excludes the surplus on the
sale of assets and investments, earnings amounted to R290 million, which
relates to headline earnings per share of 312 cents.
Exceptional items, mainly the surplus on the sale of assets and investments,
generated R208 million and taxation decreased to R147 million, while profit
after taxation amounted to R636 million.
. . . diamonds remain an important contributor
During the year under review, Saturn, which is now held 87,5 per cent by
Avmin and which receives 50 per cent of the profits of the Venetia diamond
mine through payments made every six months, contributed R260 million (R276
million - pro-forma) to the Company. The first payment was received in
August 1998 and amounted to R144 million, while the year's second payment
was received in February 1999 and totaled R119 million.
Towards the end of June 1999, Avmin drew shareholders' attention to an
announcement by De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited (De Beers) published on 22
June 1999 regarding first-half sales by the Central Selling Organisation. This
statement included a cautionary announcement that delays in the delivery of
certain goods from De Beers' South African mines, following disputes between
De Beers and the Government diamond valuator (GDV) over valuation, would
have a negative impact on the combined Diamond Account for the first half.
As a result, De Beers announced that diamonds sold by Venetia would be
affected by these delays. De Beers has informed the Company that the August
royalty payment by Venetia to Saturn in respect of the six month royalty
period ending on 30 June 1999, would be materially adversely affected.
De Beers has not, as yet, informed the Company of final resolution to its
dispute with the GDV and, as such, shareholders must remain aware that the
total earnings of the Company for the six month period ending 31 December
1999 are likely to be materially adversely affected. It is still expected,
and as indicated by De Beers, that any shortfall in the royalty paid in the
first half will be recouped in the second half of the year and earnings for
the year ending 30 June 2000 may not be affected by this dispute.
. . . ferrous metals deliver strong earnings growth
The contribution to the Company during the year made by Assmang, Avmin's
50,2 per cent held ferrous metals subsidiary, was exceptionally pleasing,
despite sales of manganese ore reducing slightly to 1 475 000 tons
(1 501 000 tons) and sales of iron ore declining to 3 981 000 tons (5 124 000
tons) in line with lower Asian consumption. Earnings rose 61 per cent to R237
million (R147 million), which was attributable mainly to a 9,6 per cent
increase in turnover and the implementation of stringent cost control
programmes at both the mines and the works. Profit before taxation and State's
share of profit totaled R349 million (R234 million).
Feralloys Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Assmang, increased its
profit after taxation by 131 per cent to R56 million (R24 million). Sales of
ferromanganese increased to 176 000 tons (153 000 tons), but sales of
ferrochrome were lower at 112 000 tons (151 000 tons).
During the year under review, the southern extension of the Beeshoek iron
ore mine was commissioned, which is intended to boost iron ore exports to
5,5 million tons by the year 2001.
Shortly after the end of the year, Assmang announced that it would proceed
with various large projects within its chrome and manganese businesses. The
projects, estimated at a capital cost of about R1 billion over a four year
period and to be self-funded by Assmang, include the establishment of an
open cast chrome mine and beneficiation plant on the Dwarsrivier property,
as well as the upgrading of three furnaces at Feralloys' ferrochrome
division, and the establishment of a new shaft system to the west of the
current Nchwaning high grade manganese mine.
. . . a growing base metals sector
Avmin added substance to its base metals division during the year when it
acquired a 90 per cent interest in Chambishi Metals plc during September
1998. Chambishi Metals purchased the Chambishi cobalt and acid plants and
the Nkana Slag Dumps, a high grade on-surface cobalt and copper resource,
from Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM) on the Zambian
Copperbelt for US$50 million. The existing cobalt and acid plants continued
to toll treat material for other Copperbelt operators during the ten months
of the year that the company owned these assets. The rehabilitation,
modernisation and technological upgrading of the plant, which has cost
approximately US$7 million, has resulted in improved recoveries with the
product produced now comparing favourably with the world's best. As a result
of these improvements, an operating profit of R48 million was reported.
The plant produced 1 844 tons of cobalt and 8 658 tons of copper during the
year and interest in Chambishi Metals as a toll treatment facility from
other operators is growing.
Work has also commenced to expand and further upgrade the plant, at an
approximate cost of US$100 million, to allow Chambishi Metals to start
treating the Nkana Slag Dumps. The Company has mandated Rand Merchant Bank
to provide a seven year US$70 million corporate/project finance facility to
Chambishi Metals for this project. The surface dumps contain a resource
estimated at 20 million tons and the average yield is 0,76 per cent cobalt
and 1,06 per cent copper. The annual cobalt metal output from the new
facility is forecast at 4 200 tons, processing a maximum 385 000 tons of
slag material at an average grade of 1,32 per cent cobalt over a five year
period starting in October 2000. Thereafter, the average grade reduces to
0,72 per cent cobalt and a decision is still to be made on the installation
of a second furnace to maintain the 4 200 tons a year product level by
processing a maximum 780 000 tons a year of slag material for about
20 years.
The Company's 75 per cent held Nkomati mine, the South African-based
producer of nickel, cobalt, copper and platinum group metals (PGM's), had an
exceptionally pleasing year. Revenue rose to R142 million (R106 million) and
operating profit increased substantially to R28 million (R12 million). The
mine milled 188 481 tons of ore, producing 38 567 tons of concentrate with an
average nickel grade of 10,05 per cent, which was some 32 per cent higher than
planned. The mine remained at the lower-end of the cost quartile of
international producers with a benchmark direct cost to produce nickel of
US$0,84/lb, net of by-product credits. During the year, the PGM credits
remained an important contributor following strong metal prices received.
Avmin's base metal division is continuing with a final feasibility to assess
the potential on an expansion of mining operations to include portions of the
large lower-grade reserve base. This study includes investigations into
alternative downstream technologies and open-cast operations.
. . . gold division prepares for low cost, high quality asset focus
Avgold, in which the Company now holds a 60,1 per cent interest, has
experienced a significant year towards achieving its vision of becoming a
high quality and low cost gold producer. An important development occurred
shortly after the end of the financial year when an unconditional agreement
was signed with Durban Roodepoort Deep, Limited (DRD) for the sale of its
Hartebeestfontein (Harties) mine as a going concern to Buffelsfontein Gold
Mines Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of DRD. The Harties divestment
realises R295 million for Avgold;
R45 million cash and R250 million from the necessary close-out of the hedge
book related to Harties' portion of gold production. Avgold has also
retained certain mining equipment and other assets, mainly refrigeration
plants and winding equipment that have an estimated replacement value of R50
million, for use at its Target mine.
Avgold will now be able to focus additional management and operational
resources on the Target and ETC mines. Both Target, which has started
producing its first gold, and ETC meet the objectives of the Company's
overall vision and any future development and operating decisions will be
based on achieving these criteria.
Avgold turned a loss of R74 million reported at 30 June 1998 into earnings
of R9 million at 30 June 1999, a turn-around of R83 million. Total ore
milled declined to 6,1 million tonnes (6,8 million tonnes) and the overall
yield was lower at 3,26g/t (3,86g/t). The year's average gold price received
rose to R59 055/kg (R56 649/kg), largely due to all gold sales being
delivered against its hedge book during the year. The cash cost improved to
R49 586/kg, or US$255/oz, from R52 370/kg and Avgold sold 19 810kg, or 636
906oz (26 656kg) of gold.
The majority of the underground exploration drilling at Target, and the
subsequent interpretation and evaluation, has been completed. Proven and
probable reserves now total two million ounces, equivalent to seven years of
production at the 90 000 tonnes a month milling rate. The detailed
information from the drilling has enabled the compilation of a comprehensive
development and production schedule. The mine remains on schedule to reach
full production by January 2002 and expects to average 10g/t over its
14-year life at a production rate of 330 000 ounces of gold a year at a
projected cash cost of below US$150 an ounce of gold.
Various alternatives are now being considered for the remaining R750 million
funding required over the next four years for Target. Contributing to this
funding will be the R250 million necessitated by the close-out of the hedge
book and the R45 million proceeds from the sale of Harties. Other funding
sources are being investigated together with Avmin.
. . . ready for the year 2000
The Company, guided and supported by a steering committee, has considered
the implications of the new millennium on electronic systems throughout the
Group. The committee has sought to ascertain the exposure of the entire
Group, and the adequacy of the steps taken to address possible exposures.
All remedial steps considered necessary have been implemented to ensure
acceptable levels of Year 2000 compliance throughout all the business
operations and this exercise has progressed according to plan and on budget.
Avmin's major suppliers and business partners have also been approached in
an attempt to limit any material and adverse impact on the Group.
. . . a more adaptable company has been built
Both the external and internal restructuring initiatives have resulted in a
greatly strengthened Company with excellent alignment between strategic
needs and efforts required. The focusing of the business into three
operational divisions and the disposal of non-strategic and non-core assets
has clarified management responsibilities. The present environment in which
most commodity prices seem to have levelled-out at the bottom and are
showing the first signs of recovery, particularly in diamonds, copper,
nickel and some of the ferrous metal products, will help in the future. An
expected improvement in contributions from the diamond and base metals
sectors of the business, as well as a continuation of the strategy to
improve efficiencies and reduce costs at all operations, could result in an
increase in earnings next year.
. . . with thanks to all our stakeholders
On behalf of the directors we would like to express our sincere gratitude to
the members of the management board and all employees within the Anglovaal
Mining Group for the dedication and devotion displayed over the last year. A
strong platform has been created and we are proud of the team's results.
Capitalisation share award and dividend
The rationalisation of the Company and of Avmin Limited with effect from 1
January 1999 resulted in an exceptional write-off in the income statement of
the Company (not on consolidation) which in turn resulted in a negative
distributable reserve figure at 30 June 1999. In order to eliminate such
negative balance and to provide at least sufficient distributable reserves
in the Company to cover a proposed capitalisation award/dividend and
contingencies, the necessary resolutions to transfer the appropriate amount
from the share premium account, will be proposed at the forthcoming annual
general meeting on 4 November 1999. Appropriate amendments to the Articles
of Association will also be proposed. Immediately following the annual
general meeting, the Board of directors intend to award capitalisation
shares to members provided that members may instead elect to receive a cash
dividend of 70 cents per share in respect of the financial year ended 30
June 1999 in respect of all or part of their shareholdings. Such dividend
will be covered approximately four times by headline earnings.
The aforementioned proposals have been effected in the annual financial
statements of the Company in respect of the year ended 30 June 1999.
For and on behalf of the Board
K W Maxwell, Chairman
R P Menell, Chief Executive Officer
27 August 1999
K W Maxwell (Chairman), R P Menell (Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer), D E Jowell,
Dr T V Maphai, J R McAlpine, B M Menell, Dr M Z Nkosi.
Management board
R P Menell (CEO), D D de Beer (Finance), J J Geldenhuys (Gold), G J
Robbertze (Base Metals), J C Steenkamp (Ferrous Metals).
Registered address Investment and media enquiries
PO Box 62379 Julian Gwillim
Marshalltown, 2107 Anglovaal Mining Limited
South Africa 56 Main Street
Telephone (011) 634-9111 Johannesburg 2001, South Africa
Telefax (011) 634-0038 Telephone (011) 634-0092
Shareholders enquiries
South African London
transfer secretaries transfer secretaries
St James's Corporate
Mercantile Registrars Limited Services Limited IRG plc
11 Diagonal Street 6 St James's Place Balfour House
Johannesburg, 2001 London SW1A 1NP 390/398 High Road
South Africa Telephone (0171) 499-3916 Ilford, Essex
Telephone (011) 370-5000 Telefax (0171) 491-1989 IG1 1NQ
Telefax (011) 370-5271 United Kingdom