Notice of Meetings, etc.

Anglovaal Mining Ld 18 May 2000 Anglovaal Mining Limited (Formerly Anglovaal Limited) (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1933/004580/06) ('Avmin' or 'the company') Notice of shareholder meetings and details of the proposed distribution and amendments INTRODUCTION Further to the terms announcement by Avmin dated 4 February 2000, the Board of Directors of Avmin ('the Board') announces that meetings of Avmin ordinary and preference shareholders will be held from 10:00 on Monday, 12 June 2000, at the registered office of the company, 56 Main Street, Johannesburg, to consider and vote on: - the disposal by Avmin of its 87,5% interest in the Saturn Partnership; - the disposal by Avmin of its 20% interest in Finsch Diamonds (Proprietary) Limited (together 'the disposal'); - the cash distribution by Avmin to ordinary shareholders ('the distribution'); - amendments to Avmin's share incentive schemes; and - the amendment to Avmin's articles of association (together 'the amendments'). A circular which details the terms of the disposal, the distribution and the amendments and which incorporates the notices of meetings will be posted to Avmin shareholders on Friday, 19 May 2000. THE DISPOSAL Details of the disposal to De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited were published in the terms announcement referred to above. The only remaining condition precedent to the implementation of the disposal is approval by Avmin shareholders. The Board of Industrial & Commercial Holdings Group Limited has given its written consent to Avmin to dispose of the company's interest in the Saturn Partnership, such consent being required in terms of the Saturn Partnership agreements. The Competition Tribunal unconditionally approved the disposal by Avmin of its 87,5% interest in the Saturn Partnership on 20 April 2000. Deutsche Bank Securities, the corporate adviser to Avmin, has provided advice in an independent capacity to Avmin on the terms and conditions of the disposal. In the opinion of Deutsche Bank Securities, the disposal is fair and reasonable from a financial point of view to Avmin and its shareholders. THE DISTRIBUTION The Board of Directors of Avmin has evaluated the future cash requirements of the group and has concluded that, following the disposal, it will hold cash significantly in excess of its foreseeable short- and medium-term requirements. Accordingly, the Board has resolved to make a distribution in cash to its ordinary shareholders in the amount of R2,9 billion of which approximately R1,7 billion will be paid from the company's share premium account and the remainder from distributable reserves. This amounts to R27 per ordinary share. The declaration and payment of the distribution will only be of effect if and when the disposal becomes unconditional. Should the disposal become unconditional, the last day to register for the distribution will be 30 June 2000. Avmin shareholders are required to authorise the distribution by way of ordinary resolution. THE AMENDMENTS The distribution, if effected, will materially reduce the value of the shares of the company with the result that holders of options issued in terms of Avmin's share incentive schemes will be materially prejudiced. It is therefore proposed to amend Avmin's share incentive schemes to permit the company's directors to adjust the price of the options and to issue additional options in order to place participants under the schemes in the same economic position in which they would have been had the distribution not taken place. Avmin shareholders are required to approve the amendments to the share incentive schemes by way of ordinary resolution. A special resolution will be proposed to Avmin shareholders to amend Avmin's articles of association so as to change the conversion ratio for the company's 646 380 convertible preference shares in issue from one ordinary share for every preference share to 2,3 ordinary shares for every preference share. The reason for this amendment is to adjust for the reduction in the value of the ordinary shares into which the preference shares will convert (on or before 30 June 2001) as a result of the distribution. Deutsche Bank Securities has independently verified the rationale behind and the calculation of the revised conversion ratio and is satisfied as to the reasonableness and accuracy thereof. A separate class meeting of preference shareholders is required to approve the amendment to Avmin's articles of association as the rights of preference shareholders are being varied. The financial effects of the amendments on Avmin's headline and fully diluted earnings per share and net asset value per ordinary share are negligible. FINANCIAL EFFECTS OF THE DISPOSAL AND THE DISTRIBUTION Before After After the disposal the disposal the distribution (cents) (cents) (cents) Headline earnings per ordinary share(1) 91 173(2)(+90%) 63(2)(-31%) Net asset value per ordinary share(3) 1 939 5 400 (+178%) 2 574 (+33%) Notes: The pro forma financial effects of the disposal and the distribution on the headline earnings per ordinary share and the net asset value per ordinary share are based on Avmin's published unaudited interim report for the six months ended 31 December 1999. The column marked 'After the disposal' illustrates the pro forma financial effects per Avmin ordinary share had Avmin retained the entire disposal proceeds of R3,72 billion and invested it at the prevailing deposit rate for the six months ended 31 December 1999. The column marked 'After the distribution' illustrates the pro forma financial effects per Avmin ordinary share had Avmin immediately applied R2,9 billion of the disposal proceeds towards making the distribution to ordinary shareholders and invested the remainder (less STC on the distribution) at the prevailing deposit rate for the six months ended 31 December 1999. In order to fully appreciate the overall financial effects of the distribution to Avmin ordinary shareholders, the value of the amount received by shareholders in terms of the distribution (i.e. R27 per ordinary share) must be added to the financial effects per share as illustrated above. (1) Assuming the disposal had taken place on 1 July 1999, and based on the then weighted average of 106 284 000 Avmin ordinary shares in issue during the six months ended 31 December 1999. (2) Assuming the proceeds of the disposal were invested or would have been invested at an after tax interest rate of 7,7% for the six months ended 31 December 1999. (3) Assuming the disposal and the distribution had taken place on 31 December 1999 and that STC of approximately R134 million was paid. SALIENT DATES AND TIMES The salient dates and times for the implementation of the disposal, the distribution and the amendments are set out below: 2000 Circular and notices of general and separate class meetings posted to Avmin shareholders on Friday, 19 May Last day for lodging of forms of proxy for the general and separate class meetings (by no later than 10:00) on Thursday, 8 June General meeting of shareholders held at 10:00 on Monday, 12 June Separate class meeting of preference shareholders held at 10:30 on Monday, 12 June Registration of special resolution by the Registrar of Companies Tuesday, 13 June Announcement of the results of the general and separate class meetings on Tuesday, 13 June Last day to register for the distribution Friday, 30 June Ordinary shares to trade ex-distribution on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange from Monday, 3 July Earliest date for currency conversion for payments made from the United Kingdom register and United States register Wednesday, 5 July Earliest payment date Friday, 7 July By order of the Board Essop Sather Company secretary Johannesburg 19 May 2000 Corporate adviser to Avmin Deutsche Bank Securities (SA) (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 1995/011798/07) Merchant Bank Investec Bank Limited (Registration number 1969/004763/06) Sponsoring broker Consultant to Avmin and De Beers on the Saturn Partnership Goldman Sachs (Regulated in the United Kingdom by the Securities and Futures Authority) Legal Adviser Jowell, Glyn & Marais Inc (Registration number 1990/000819/21) Sponsoring broker Deutsche Bank Securities (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 1973/006709/07) Member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Auditors and reporting accountants Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants (SA) (Registered accountants and auditors)
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