Ariana Resources PLC 21 June 2006 ARIANA RESOURCES PLC 21 June 2006 AIM: AAU PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2005 Ariana Resources plc ('Ariana' or 'the Company'), the gold exploration company focused exclusively on Turkey, announces its maiden annual results following its admission to AIM in July 2005. During the period since December 2004 Ariana has significantly grown its portfolio of gold projects in Turkey through exploration and acquisition. Highlights: * Acquisition of the Sindirgi gold project in western Turkey * Positive exploration results from Kiziltepe and Kepez prospects at the Sindirgi gold project * Geological model of 150,000 oz (non-JORC) from 600m section of Arzu vein at Kiziltepe * Further targets generated by remote sensing and new exploration licences granted * Non executive board appointments * July 2005 IPO financing raising approximately £1.2m * Significant 750m gold in soil anomaly at Kinik prospect Post Period Event: * Additional £2m raised; drilling programmes planned at the Sindirgi gold project Michael Spriggs, Chairman, commented: '2005 was a year of excellent progress. The Company's exploration programmes identified several prospects that exhibit the potential to host economic gold resources. The additional funds raised post the reporting period will be used to accelerate this exploration, including a concerted drilling programme at the Kiziltepe and Kepez prospects which form part of the Company's flagship Sindirgi gold project in western Turkey. The Board is confident that in the current year Ariana will confirm its exciting potential.' All technical information contained in this announcement has been announced previously and has been read and approved by a suitably qualified person. Contacts: Ariana Resources plc Steven Poulton, Chief Executive Tel: 01235 511 767 Mobile: 0797 408 6712 Beaumont Cornish Limited Roland Cornish/Felicity Geidt Tel: 020 7628 3396 Ambrian Partners Limited Richard Chase Tel: 020 7776 6461 Bankside Consultants Michael Padley / Susan Scott Tel: 020 7367 8888 About Ariana Resources Ariana is a technology-driven exploration company focused on the discovery of epithermal gold-silver and porphyry copper-gold deposits with multi-million ounce potential within the Tethyan metallogenic belt of Turkey. The Company has a portfolio of prospective licences covering approximately 1,000km2, selected on the basis of its advanced in-house remote sensing database. Ariana's broker is Ambrian Partners Limited and Beaumont Cornish Limited is the Company's nominated adviser. For further information on Ariana you are invited to visit the Company's website at The Report and Accounts for the year to 31 December 2005 are being posted to shareholders and are available to the public, for at least one month, free of charge at Ridgeway House, 1 Hagbourne Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 8ER. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT This is my first opportunity to write to you formally as Chairman of Ariana Resources plc and I am very pleased to provide an overview of the excellent progress made by your Company in 2005. I would like to highlight the key developments and to emphasise the contributions from the people who have made them happen. 'Inspired to Discover' is a theme which runs continuously like a rich vein through your Company's activities, and 2005 was certainly a year of inspired discovery for Ariana. The drive and enthusiasm of Ariana's management team in the pursuit of excellence was rewarded with the addition of substantial market value in the period. Our successful admission to AIM in July 2005, raising approximately £1.2m against a difficult market background, provided a powerful demonstration of your Company's energy and commitment and is something of which I am particularly proud. Paralleling this progress, your Company has driven forward its exploration programmes to deliver on a number of the key objectives defined in our AIM Admission Document. These include notably the confirmation of significant gold showings together with numerous additional discoveries at our flagship Sindirgi gold project in western Turkey. Further exploration highlights included the discovery of a major gold in soil anomaly at the Kinik prospect and the indication of additional gold mineralised systems from our enlarged generative exploration programme. During the period, your Company's board was expanded and strengthened with the appointment of non-executives Directors, Mike Etheridge and Michael de Villiers, two highly experienced individuals in their respective fields of exploration and finance. Sindirgi Gold Project The decision by your Company to acquire the Sindirgi gold project in western Turkey from Newmont Mining in early 2005 proved to be well judged. The project, which covers an area of 224km2, hosts over 45km of gold-silver bearing quartz veins which vary between 1m and 20m in width. Independent consultants SRK have produced an outline geological model indicating a resource (not yet in accordance with the JORC code) of 150,000oz at an average grade of 4.2 g/t, from just a single 600m section of one vein. In 2005, Ariana's attention focused on the two most advanced prospects at Sindirgi, namely Kiziltepe and Kepez. The best intersects by Ariana from a programme of channel sampling were 6.29 g/t Au over 13.5 m true thickness (Kiziltepe) and 8.68 g/t Au over 16 m (Kepez). After the period under review, two significant bulk tonnage potential stockwork targets were also defined from a programme of rock chip sampling at Kiziltepe and Kepez. At least three additional high interest prospect areas exist at Sindirgi and these will be the focus of a continuing exploration campaign in 2006. Grassroots Success Ariana places strong emphasis on the use of advanced remote sensing technology to generate new discoveries. Our in-house database now covers over 500,000km2 of Turkey and includes geological, mineral occurrence, structural and satellite data. It is an approach that allows Ariana to reduce risks through undertaking rapid and low cost reconnaissance exploration on specific target areas. This strategy has generated numerous targets and forms the backbone of our licence portfolio programme, which now covers approximately 1,000km2 and which continues to grow. The Kinik gold discovery in western Turkey testifies to the power of this exploration strategy, where following positive sample results in 2004, a soil geochemical survey has defined a 750m long by 50m wide gold anomaly. Looking ahead Your Company's strategy is to add value by: • Drilling at the Kiziltepe and Kepez prospects • Discovering new vein and bulk tonnage targets • Acquiring further prospective licences • Developing joint ventures with local and international partners Subsequent to the year end, your Company raised £2 million by way of a private placement of new shares at 13 pence per share, and it is my pleasure to welcome our new shareholders. The excellent response to our fundraising both from existing and new senior institutional investors underlines the growing market appreciation of your Company's management team, projects and growth potential. I would like to thank all our Shareholders for their continued support. The solid progress to date which I have outlined has only been achieved through the strong commitment and determination of the entire Ariana team whom I congratulate sincerely. Together, we can anticipate further vigorous exploration activity, in what I expect will prove another pivotal year for your Company, and one in which we will continue to deliver on our stated promises. Michael J Spriggs Chairman OPERATING REVIEW Since December 2004 Ariana has successfully grown its portfolio of gold projects in Turkey through exploration and acquisition. Most notably, in January 2005, the Company acquired the Sindirgi gold project from Newmont Mining Corporation. The information in this report reviews results up to May 2006. 2005 Highlights January Sindirgi gold project acquired from Newmont Mining April Appointment of non executive Directors Michael de Villiers & Mike Etheridge July Shares admitted to trading on AIM, raising £1.165 million September Scoping study at Sindirgi commenced November 750m long gold in soil anomaly discovered at Kinik prospect SINDIRGI GOLD PROJECT The Sindirgi gold project ('Sindirgi') comprises two operating and eleven exploration licences which cover a contiguous area of 252 km2 in Balikesir Province, western Turkey. The area was originally targeted during the Company's regional remote-sensing studies and 11 licences were acquired from Newmont Mining Corporation in January 2005 for the consideration of US$400,000. Newmont also retains the right to a royalty of up to 2.5% on future gold production from the Sindirgi gold project. Sindirgi hosts over 45km of gold-silver bearing epithermal quartz veins defined across at least four target areas, being the prospects of Kiziltepe, Kepez, Karakavak and Kizilcukur South. The focus of work to date has been on the Kiziltepe prospect where a geological model of 150,000 ounces (non JORC) at an average grade of 4.2 g/t has been calculated on a 600m long section of the Arzu South vein, based on drilling undertaken by previous owners. Less than 5% of the vein system at Kiziltepe has been drill tested to date. Work completed by Ariana at Kiziltepe has established a series of targets comprising narrow (1-14m wide) high grade veins and wider (>50m) low grade stockwork areas which will be followed up by drilling in 2006 to define resources. Since May 2005, 600m of trenching, approximately 800m of rock-saw channel sampling in addition to the collection of 880 rock chip samples and 315 soil samples and 122 stream samples has been completed on Sindirgi leading to the discovery of a number of high priority targets. Elsewhere on Sindirgi, at the Kepez prospect Ariana has discovered a significant high-grade zone of mineralisation on the Karakaya Vein (including 8.68 g/t Au over 16m and 6.28 g/t Au over 11m). Ongoing exploration on the Karakavak and Kizilcukur South prospects has defined further areas of interest which are currently being assessed by the Company. Kiziltepe Prospect The majority of work completed to date on Sindirgi has focused on the Kiziltepe prospect where at least 19 km of low-sulphidation epithermal quartz veins outcrop at surface. There are seven main veins, which generally trend northwest and dip to the northeast within a dacitic volcanic unit. The vein system occurs over an area covering approximately 3 x 1 km. Individual veins are exposed at surface for up to 700m in strike length and are between 1 and 14 m wide. Kiziltepe Prospect - Arzu Vein Ariana commissioned SRK UK Ltd ('SRK') to undertake a 3D resource model, based on existing drilling data (Table 1) from the southern (600m) portion of the Arzu Vein representing approximately 5% of the outcropping vein system at Kiziltepe. SRK outlined a geological model of 1.1Mt at an average grade of 4.2 g/t gold for 150,000 ounces (not yet in accordance with the JORC Code) and concluded that wider potential exists for economic resources from a number of open pits at Sindirgi hosting between 25,000 and 100,000 ounces each. Table 1: Higher grade intercepts from previous drilling. Hole Vein From(m) To (m) Length Grade (m) Au (g/t) KT01 Arzu South 51.95 63.00 11.06 3.72 KT02 Arzu South 63.40 67.20 3.70 9.38 KT03 Arzu South 76.30 86.40 9.95 7.23 KT06 Arzu South 35.40 49.50 13.97 3.85 KT16 Arzu North 79.10 83.40 4.35 4.08 RSC6 Arzu South 28.00 34.00 5.69 10.23 RSC8 Arzu South 45.00 52.50 7.50 10.55 Ariana has undertaken surface mapping, trenching, rock-chip sampling and rock-saw channel sampling on the Kiziltepe vein system. Channel sampling on the Arzu South Vein was designed to verify the gold grades and widths at surface, as indicated by historical drill data. Elsewhere, the programme was applied to test the grade and geometry of other, less well exposed veins and determine the source of a significant (>100ppb Au) soil anomaly covering an area of 0.25 x 0.6km. On the Arzu South Vein, 38 rock-saw channels were completed. The channels were between 1m and 35m in length and spaced at 12.5m intervals along 400m of vein strike. The vein was located and significant mineralisation encountered in all but eight channels. Eight further channels terminated in vein or stockwork material grading above 0.5 g/t Au. A best channel intersect of 6.29 g/t Au over 13.5m true thickness was returned close to historical vein workings. Ariana completed eight trenches (up to 55m in length) across the Arzu North Vein which were channel sampled at regular 1m intervals. The channels were spaced at approximately 40m intervals along a strike length of 250m. All eight channels were mineralised, with a series of parallel quartz veins, stockwork material and dacitic host rock intersected. Significant intercepts included 1.25 g/t over 17.5m, 1.54 g/t over 16.5m, 1.44 g/t over 15.6m, 1.23 g/t over 14.6m, and 2.12 g /t over 12.0m (true thicknesses using a 0.5 g/t Au cut off). The Arzu North system remains open in all directions, with several trenches terminating in mineralization. Vein textures and trace element data are indicative of the upper part of an epithermal system and, supported by historic drill data, gold grades are expected to increase with depth. Kiziltepe Prospect - Other veins The rock saw channel sampling and trenching programme has defined a number of other targets which will be drill tested by the Company in 2006. On the recently discovered Aybor Vein, a best intersect of 2.45 g/t Au over 9.5m was returned from 3 initial trenches. Channel sampling on the Hale Vein defined 10.5m @ 2.9 g /t Au coincident with a higher grade soil anomaly that extends some 300m to the west. Rock-chip sampling across the Ceylan Vein and adjacent stockwork, identified consistent gold mineralisation along 300m of strike length, including a higher grade section averaging 12.6 g/t Au over 32m of strike length, (peak grade of 14.2 g/t Au). The Company plans to drill test these targets in 2006. Kiziltepe Prospect - Stockwork A large gold in soil anomaly at least 650m long and typically up to 250m wide, as defined by a >100 ppb gold contour has been defined immediately west of the Arzu North Vein. In March 2006 the Company completed a programme of systematic rock chip sampling across the soil anomaly. In total, 84 samples were collected on a regular 50m x 50m grid and assay results confirm the presence of a wide zone of stockwork style mineralization. Peak grades from this survey include 7.05 g/t Au and 16.2 g/t Au from samples coinciding with vein material. Kepez Prospect The Kepez prospect is located within the same 36km2 ten-year renewable operating licence which hosts the Kiziltepe prospect. Ariana has mapped over 2.5km in strike length of gold-silver bearing low-sulphidation epithermal quartz veins at Kepez, across an area of at least 2km by 1km. Individual veins are exposed for up to 850m and widths vary between 1m and 25m. The main vein trends northward, dips to the west at 50 degrees and is hosted along the contact between Miocene age andesitic volcanic rocks and Cretaceous ophiolitic units. In March 2005, initial reconnaissance sampling at Kepez established the presence of significant gold grades at Kepez after a grab sample from historical workings returned 19.66 g/t Au. In December 2005, Ariana completed five rock-chip channel samples along a 100m section of the Karakaya Vein at the Kepez gold prospect to verify grades and widths at surface as indicated by historical drill data. Results from the channels, which measured up to 20m wide and were spaced approximately 25m apart along the vein are presented in Table 2 below. All five channels intersected gold mineralisation with higher grade intercepts of 6.28 g/ t over 11m (channel #2) and 8.68 g/t Au over 16m (channel #4). Significantly, channel #4 ended in vein grading above 8 g/t Au at each end. Table 2: Karakaya vein rock-chip channel sample results Line Intersection Gold Grade Silver Number Width (m) (g/t Au) Grade (g/t Ag) 1 1 3.42 7.00 2 11 6.28 34.39 Includes 5 12.25 51.46 3 14 2.43 23.18 Includes 5 4.25 38.40 4 16 8.68 58.92 Includes 6 11.75 72.93 5 4 1.62 57.53 Notes: No top cut has been applied to assay results. Intersection based on a 0.5 g/t cut off grade. Umurlar Target In April 2006 the Company completed a programme of reconnaissance rock-chip sampling and mapping over the Umurlar target within the Kepez prospect. Rock-chip samples were collected from three silicified bodies (quartz stockworks, breccias and veins) outcropping at surface for up to 150 metres in length, discontinuously along a total strike length of 1km within a zone up to 50m wide. Sampling defined the presence of gold and silver mineralization at Umurlar, with peak grades of 9.77 g/t Au and 9.73 g/t Au (including 68.1 g/t Ag). The quartz textures observed in these areas indicate formation at a high level in the hydrothermal system and the results highlight further potential at depth, where grades are expected to increase. GENERATIVE EXPLORATION Overview As part of its strategy of rapidly and cost efficiently generating a pipeline of projects, the Company has developed a comprehensive understanding of the key geological parameters controlling the location of known gold deposits in Turkey. This systematic methodology has yielded exploration success, with the discovery of the Kinik gold prospect. Elsewhere, reconnaissance sampling at the Company's licences at Kosedere and Cinarpinar in Canakkale province of western Turkey has determined several target areas for gold and base metal mineralization with grades up to 6 g/t Au. In September, exploration commenced on the Company's newly acquired licences in Van province, eastern Turkey. With an enlarged field team comprising eight Turkish geologists, the Company has accelerated its generative exploration programmes. Progress in the period is summarised as follows: - Land holdings increased from 210 km2 to approximately 1,000km2 - 23 licences explored (approx. 460 km2) - 7 licences relinquished (approx. 140 km2) - 3 licences advanced to phase 2, including the Kinik gold prospect (approx. 60km2) - Over 72,000km2 analysed by ASTER remote-sensing - Over 80 new targets designated for future licence application Kinik gold prospect The Kinik gold prospect forms part of the Ivrindi project, which also includes the Bengiler, Camavsar, Osmanlar and Okcular licences, totalling 61km2 in Balikesir Province, western Turkey. The Kinik snd Camavsar licences were acquired following delineation of Landsat remote-sensing alteration anomalies spanning 1.5km x 0.5km and 4km x 0.5km, respectively. The prospect is situated in a regional-scale structural corridor that contains known occurrences of epithermal gold-silver and antimony mineralisation. Following positive rock chip and channel sampling results Ariana has defined a significant (750m by 50m) gold in soil anomaly (>100 ppb Au) at the Kinik prospect. The Company intends to undertake drilling on this target in order to define the vertical extent of gold mineralization. Kosedere and Cinarpinar licences The Kosedere and Cinarpinar licences cover 57km2 in Canakkale Province, western Turkey and were selected on the basis of the Company's remote sensing database. Reconnaissance work (January 2006) has returned grades up to 6 g/t Au from samples of rock 'float' collected from streams. Samples also returned anomalous copper (0.19%) and zinc (0.25%). A second phase of follow up exploration on these licences is planned. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2005 Notes 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Administrative expenses 397 154 Other operating income - 2 Operating loss 2 (397) (152) Interest receivable and similar income 16 1 ------- ------ Loss on ordinary activities before (381) (151) taxation Tax on loss on ordinary activities - - ------ ------ Loss for the financial year after (381) (151) taxation Loss per share (pence) 4 1.35 0.69 CONTINUING OPERATIONS None of the group's activities were acquired or discontinued during the current year or previous year. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Loss for the financial year (381) (151) Currency differences on foreign currency net (6) - investments ------ ------ Total Recognised gains and losses for the (387) (151) period CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31st DECEMBER 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 498 67 Tangible assets 33 4 531 71 Current assets Debtors 131 7 Cash at bank and in hand 771 682 902 689 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year 68 72 Net current assets 834 617 Total assets less current liabilities 1,365 688 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 315 217 Share premium account 966 - Merger reserve 720 720 Profit and loss account (636) (249) Shareholders' funds 1,365 688 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2005 Notes 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating 3 (528) (189) activities Returns on investments and servicing of 16 1 finance Capital expenditure and financial (463) (67) investment (975) (255) Financing 1064 937 Increase in cash in the period 89 682 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds Increase in cash in the period 89 682 Net funds at 1 January 682 - Net funds at 31 December 771 682 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting convention The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice Accounting for Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production and Decommissioning Activities revised in June 2001 (the SORP). Basis of consolidation On 19th July 2005 Ariana Resources Plc acquired the entire issued share capital of Ariana Exploration and Development Limited by way of a share for share exchange. The transaction qualifies as a Group reconstruction within the meaning of FRS 6, and has been accounted for using the merger accounting method. Accordingly, the financial information for the current period and comparatives have been presented as if Ariana Exploration and Development Limited had been owned by Ariana Resources Plc throughout the current and prior periods. Going concern The Group is at an early stage of development. In common with many exploration companies the Group raises funds in discrete tranches and the proceeds of the Company's listing on AIM in 2005 raised £1.16m. The Directors and management are using these funds for exploration and evaluation activities on several projects. The funds are forecast to provide sufficient working capital through 2006 and to raise additional funds when required. Accordingly, the Directors consider that it is appropriate to prepare the financial information on a going concern basis. Exploration and development costs In accordance with the full cost method as set out in the SORP, expenditure including directly attributable overheads on the acquisition, exploration and evaluation of interests in licences not yet transferred to a cost pool s capitalised under intangible assets. Cost pools are established on the basis of geographic area. When it is determined that such costs will be recouped through successful development and exploitation or alternatively by sale of the interest, expenditure will be transferred to tangible assets and depreciated over the expected productive life of the asset. Whenever a project is considered no longer viable the associated exploration expenditure is written off to the profit and loss account. Tangible fixed assets Depreciation is provided at the following annual rates in order to write off each asset over its estimated useful life. Fixtures and fittings - 33% on cost Motor vehicles - 25% on cost Deferred tax Deferred tax is recognised on all timing differences where the transactions or events that give the Group an obligation to pay ture, or a right to pay less tax in the future, have occurred by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised when it is more likely than not that they will be recovered. Deferred tax is measured using rates of tax that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Foreign currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The exchange differences arising from the retranslation of the opening net investment in subsidiaries are taken directly to reserves. All other exchange differences are dealt with through the profit and loss account. Financial instruments The Group uses financial instruments to manage exposures to fluctuations in interest rates. Financial assets are recognised in the balance sheet at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Provision is made for diminution in value where appropriate. Interest receivable and payable is accrued and credited/charged to the profit and loss account in the period to which it relates. Liquid resources Liquid resources comprise cash on short term deposit at not less than 24 hours notice. 2. OPERATING LOSS The operating loss is stated after charging: 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Depreciation - owned assets 3 1 Auditors' remuneration 10 8 Directors' emoluments 150 104 3. RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING LOSS TO NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Operating loss (397) (152) Depreciation charges 3 1 Foreign Exchange Differences (6) - Increase in debtors (124) - Decrease in creditors (4) (38) Net cash outflow from operating (528) (189) activities 4. LOSS PER SHARE The calculation of basic loss per share is based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders £381,000 (2004- £151,000) divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year 29,007,625 (2004-21,719,400). There is no dilutive effect of share options or warrants on the basic loss per share. On 16th May 2006 a further 15,384,617 shares were issued as detailed. This decreases the loss per share to 0.86 pence. 5. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTS On 11th May 2006 the Company announced a conditional placing of 15,384,617 new Ordinary Shares of 1 pence each at a price of 13 pence per share, raising £2,000,000 before expenses. The net proceeds of the placing will be used to accelerate exploration with a programme at the Sindirgi gold project in Western Turkey. The shares were admitted to AIM and dealings commenced on 19th May 2006. The new shares rank pari passu in all respects to the existing share capital. Ends This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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