Revised JORC Resource at Kiziltepe

30 April 2008 AIM / PLUS Markets: AAU     REVISED JORC RESOURCE AT KIZILTEPE   Ariana Resources plc ("Ariana" or "the Company"), the gold exploration and development company focused on Turkey, is pleased to announce a revision of its resource estimate for the Company's Kiziltepe gold prospect, at its flagship Sindirgi Project in Balikesir Province, western Turkey.  The total resource has increased by almost 20% with two thirds within the Measured Mineral Resource category.   Highlights   * SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd ("SRK") estimates a JORC compliant mineral resource containing 118,000 oz Au and 2,080,000 oz Ag (~ 160,000 oz Au equivalent)   * Measured Mineral Resources comprise two-thirds of the total resource   * High-grade (7.3 g/t Au equivalent) resource defined on three veins out of the eight tested to date   * A further resource update on other drilled veins expected in June   Dr. Kerim Sener, Managing Director, commented:   "We are exceptionally pleased with this resource update for Kiziltepe.  Not only has the total resource increased by a factor of almost 20%, but our confidence in the resource estimate has also increased dramatically.    "We would particularly like to emphasise the significance of the high level of resource conversion from our 2007 mineral resource estimate and that the overall grade of the resource remains high: approximately 7.3 g/t gold equivalent.  Due to our confidence in the geological model, we expect that the existing Inferred Resources will be upgraded to Indicated and Measured without too much additional drilling.    "We remain highly encouraged by the results of our work to date and we expect that the resource at Kiziltepe can be expanded further.  More drilling will be undertaken in 2008 to define additional potential at the prospect with the aim of further increasing the global resource at the Sindirgi Project.   "We look to establish a minimum mineable resource and to rapidly progress the project towards production to take advantage of the current gold price."   Resource Statement   SRK has completed a 3D geological model and mineral resource estimate in compliance with the JORC code for certain gold-bearing quartz veins at the Kiziltepe prospect.  Measured and Indicated Resources contain 500,000 t at 6.2 g/t Au and 102 g/t Ag, and the Inferred Mineral Resource comprises 180,000 t at 2.9 g/t Au and 76g/t Ag.    SRK commented, "Ariana has completed over 7,360m of drilling and 250m of channel sampling at Arzu South . and 1,438m of drilling and 96m of channel sampling at Banu . and has ensured a high quality of sample preparation and laboratory results, resulting in grade and density data which can support a JORC compliant resource estimate."   Three mineralised structures have been incorporated into the resource model, namely: Arzu South, Banu and Arzu North.  The majority of the current resource is located within Arzu South, the central part of which has been drilled and channel sampled with sufficient density to support a Measured Mineral Resource.  Parts of the southern and northern areas of Arzu South are in the Indicated Mineral Resource category while Arzu North and Banu comprise the Inferred Mineral Resource.  The figures for Arzu North remain unchanged from last year as new drilling on this vein has not yet been incorporated in to the resource model (data is pending).  It is expected that this vein and potentially two other veins will form part of a further resource update in June.    SRK has placed a depth limit of approximately 125m to the model, as most drill intersections are above this level and it is unlikely that material below this level would be taken by an open pit.  A 2 g/t Au cut-off grade, established as part of the mining options study being undertaken by Wardrop Engineering, has been applied to the resource blocks, which measure 25 x 25m x 10m.  The parts of the model that are above the cut-off grade are generally continuous and, within these, higher grade features appear to plunge steeply to the southeast.    SRK Mineral Resource Statement   Classification Vein Tonnage Grade Metal *     (Kt) (Au g/t) (Ag g/t) (kg Au) (kg Ag)               Measured Arzu South 390 6.4 101 2,500 39,000               Indicated Arzu South 110 5.7 106 600 12,000               Inferred Banu 130 2.6 82 330 10,500 Inferred Arzu North** 50 4.0 65 200 3,250   * Equivalent to 159,400 oz gold equivalent.  The gold equivalent is calculated on the basis of a 50:1 price ratio between gold and silver (this price ratio fluctuates and is dependent on market conditions). ** The resource figure for Arzu North remains unchanged from the May 2007 resource estimate, although the integration of new drilling data will result in a revised estimate.    SRK considers there to be reasonably good exploration potential in the wider Kiziltepe project area.  The exceptionally high conversion of Inferred Mineral Resources to Indicated Mineral Resources to Measured Mineral Resources at Arzu South demonstrates the robust nature of the geological model applied.  This also provides greater confidence in the selection of veins for follow-up drilling in 2008.    A mining options study being prepared by Wardrop Engineering is ongoing, which is considering a number of potential mining and processing routes.  The study will also establish the minimum resource threshold required for the project to be economic with respect to the preferred mining/processing option.    Contacts:   Ariana Resources plc Tel: 020 7407 3616 Michael Spriggs, Chairman   Kerim Sener, Managing Director       Beaumont Cornish Limited Tel: 020 7628 3396 Roland Cornish       Bankside Consultants Tel: 020 7367 8888 Michael Padley / Louise Davis       Loeb Aron & Company Ltd Tel: 020 7628 1128 Peter Freeman / Frank Lucas       City Capital Corporation Limited Tel: 020 7842 5867 Charles Dampney     Editors' note:   About the Kiziltepe prospect   The Kiziltepe prospect is located within a ten-year renewable operating licence that forms part of the Company's 100% owned Sindirgi gold project in Balikesir Province, western Turkey.   Kiziltepe lies approximately 100km east of the one million ounce vein-hosted Ovacik gold mine and 115km northwest of the five million ounce Kisladag gold mine. The prospect hosts over 20km in strike length of gold-silver bearing low-sulphidation epithermal quartz veins across an area of at least 3km by 1km. Individual veins are exposed for up to 750m and widths vary between 1m and 14m. The main veins trend northwest, dip to the northeast and are hosted within Miocene age dacitic volcanic rocks.   Ariana acquired the Sindirgi Gold Project from Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE & ASX: NEM; TSX: NMC) in March 2005.  Franco Nevada Corporation retains the right to a royalty of up to 2.5% on future gold production from the Sindirgi gold project.    Ahead of commencing the drilling programme, Ariana obtained all necessary environmental and forestry approvals from the provincial government in Balikesir and the State Government in Ankara.   Sampling and Assaying Procedures   Ariana's sampling of drill core, reverse circulation chips and surface samples conforms to industry best-practice.  Laboratory sample preparation, assaying procedures and chain of custody are appropriately controlled.  Preparation of samples is undertaken by ALS Chemex in Izmir and assayed for gold by 30g fire assay at the ALS Chemex laboratory in Romania.  Routine re-assaying of samples assaying greater than 10 g/t Au and 100 g/t Ag has also been completed by ALS Chemex.  Standard, blank and duplicate samples are being used in the sample batches in line with the Company's quality control procedures.  Quality control checks have determined excellent performance of blanks and standards, and duplicate samples have shown very high correlations.  The Company maintains an archive of half core samples and a photographic record of all cores for future reference.   Statement of Qualification   Martin Pittuck, MIOM3, C.Eng, a Principal Resource Geologist at SRK with over 10 years experience in Mineral Resource estimation for gold deposits, has overseen the preparation of this estimate. He is considered to be a competent person for the purposes of reporting Mineral Resources in accordance with the terminology and guidelines given in the JORC Code.   About Ariana Resources   Ariana is an exploration and development company focused on epithermal gold-silver and porphyry copper-gold deposits in Turkey.  The Company is exploring a portfolio of prospective licences selected on the basis of its in-house remote-sensing database.   The Company's flagship asset is the Sindirgi Gold Project, which targets a series of prospects, within a prolific mineralised district in western Turkey.  The project hosts over 45km of gold-silver bearing epithermal quartz veins.  This project is presently being assessed as to its economic merits.    Loeb Aron & Company Ltd. and City Capital Corporation Limited are joint brokers to the Company and Beaumont Cornish Limited is the Company's nominated adviser.   For further information on Ariana you are invited to visit the Company's website at   Ends ---END OF MESSAGE---
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