Final Results

Ascent Resources PLC 19 March 2007 Ascent Resources plc / Epic: AST / Index: AIM / Sector: Oil and Gas Ascent Resources plc ('Ascent' or the 'Company') Final Results Ascent Resources plc, the AIM-traded oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in six countries across Europe, announces its results for the 18 month period to 31 December 2006. Overview • Fast growing European gas and oil exploration company, with over 20 oil and gas projects across six countries in Europe • Portfolio development focused on generating value from proving reserves • Drilled two discoveries, gas in Hungary and oil in Italy, from first three wells • Currently drilling the fourth well, Homtomin-4 in Spain • Six more wells planned for the remainder of 2007 • Increased interest in the Anagni oil discovery in the Frosinone Exploration Permit in Italy • Pre-tax loss of £1,978,126, in-line with budgets • Fully diluted Loss Per Share of 0.81p • Institutional placing raising £3.3 million net of expenses • Experienced corporate and operations team in place Ascent Resources Managing Director Jeremy Eng said, 'In my opinion, there are a number of prerequisites for a successful oil and gas company. These include a diverse portfolio of assets at various stages of the exploration and development cycle, a sensible risk-reward profile, a technical and corporate team capable of sustaining a rapid development schedule and strong institutional backing. I believe Ascent has all of these. We have an extensive portfolio of over 20 oil and gas exploration projects across six European countries. We commenced assembling the portfolio in early 2005, when there was no recognition of the potential of the secondary European exploration plays. The selection criteria adopted included targeting mature oil and gas provinces and our projects are in areas with working hydrocarbon systems and developed infrastructure. The strength of the portfolio is demonstrated by two discoveries, one oil and one gas, in the first three wells of our initial drilling campaign. Up to six more wells are planned for the remainder of 2007; but even with these, still less than half the portfolio will have been explored. As with our recent acquisition in Slovenia, we continue to assess selectively further opportunities in Europe to add to the Company's assets.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Ascent Resources plc has expanded rapidly during this 18 month period after assembling a diverse and robust portfolio during 2005. It is now an established European oil and gas exploration and production company and 2006 witnessed the Company's move into a phase of value realisation from its exploration, development and production assets across six European countries. Your Board is encouraged by the potential of the portfolio and particularly by the early results of the exploration and appraisal programmes, which have delivered two discoveries out of three wells drilled to date and have identified further drilling prospects. The management of our operations was strengthened considerably during the period and the Company is now suitably equipped with the skills and experience to deliver on future work commitments. The addition of Peter Earl and Nigel Moore to the Board as Non-Executive Directors completed our strategy of assembling a Board of Directors capable of managing the development of Ascent into a substantial exploration and production entity. We also appointed an experienced Group Operations Manager, Fraser Pritchard and a Finance Manager, Alistair Jury, both of whom are providing valuable support to Jeremy Eng as Managing Director. Our portfolio was rationalised during late-2006 and early-2007 by acquiring interests in Slovenia, which is a cross-border continuation of our South West Hungary tight gas play, and by a profitable divestment of our minority interests in Romania. We have also announced today that we have increased our interest in Frosinone Exploration Permit, Italy from 70% to 80% and will become the principal contractor. The Company now retains operator status and majority ownership in most of its projects. The Board believes this to be an important factor in controlling the projects and it enables the Company to optimise work programmes to maximise value. Ascent is in the first stage of value realisation across its portfolio. We have drilled wells in Hungary and Italy and are now drilling in Spain. The work programmes in these countries will continue through 2007, and similar programmes are scheduled to start in Switzerland, Slovenia and the Netherlands. In line with expectations we are reporting a pre-tax loss of £1,978,126 We have today announced that the Company is raising £3.3 million net of expenses through an institutional placing, which confirms solid support from existing institutional investors and sees the entry of some new institutions. The proceeds from the placing will be used primarily to fund the increase in our interest in the Frosinone Exploration Permit in Italy and to evaluate the oil discovery that was made there in January 2007. I would like to thank everyone involved with the Company for their hard work and dedication in moving Ascent into its new position. I look forward to working with them in 2007 to continue to build Ascent into a successful company. I would also like to thank our shareholders for their ongoing support and I am confident that their loyalty will be further rewarded in the future. I am excited by the prospects open to us in 2007 and the Board looks forward to reporting to shareholders on progress during the year. John Kenny Chairman OPERATIONAL REVIEW Ascent has moved to the next phase of its development and implemented an aggressive exploration and drilling programme aimed at crystallising the potential of its portfolio. The Company's drilling campaign is on-going and the results of the first three wells underlining the strength of the portfolio with gas discovery in Hungary and an oil discovery in Italy. HUNGARY In Hungary, Ascent operates through its 90% owned joint venture company, PetroHungaria Kft. PetroHungaria drilled two wells were in the Nyirseg area of north eastern Hungary in Q3 2006. These, with two further wells to be drilled in the Q2 2007, will earn Ascent's partners DualEx of Canada a 37.5%, and Petro Pequnia of Sweden, a 2% working interest in the project. In November 2006, the Company announced its first gas discovery following the drilling and testing of the PEN-104 well in the area of the Peneszlek gasfield. A second well, the Fehergyarmat 2 ('FGY-2') well was spudded in late November. Although finding good quality reservoir it did not contain gas. The results of these wells were sufficiently encouraging for the partners to commit to the drilling of the second two optional wells under the farm-in agreement. Ascent also progressed the MOL Tight Gasfield re-development project. Technical studies confirmed the economic viability of the project will use horizontal recompletion techniques to improve the productivity of wells in low productivity reservoirs. Subject to final project sanction, the first two horizontal recompletions may be drilled in Q4 2007. In this project, PetroHungaria drills the wells and the MOL provides the production infrastructure with the resulting production divided between the two companies. ITALY In Italy, Ascent commenced its Italian drilling programme in the Latina Valley to the south east of Rome and also initiated programmes to explore acreage in the highly prospective Po Valley, Cento and Bastiglia permits. The Anagni-1 well has discovered an oil reservoir and the well has been temporarily completed to allow for the procurement of additional equipment to enable the well evaluated. Seismic acquisition in the well is designed to evaluate the structure and to investigate the complete Carbonate sequence. It is planned to re-enter the Anagni-1 well when the rig has completed drilling the Hontomin-4 well in Spain and returned to Italy. The rig will deepen the well and will undertake a full production test to determine the characteristics of the reservoir. Agreement has been reached with Pentex Italia Limited that Ascent, through its wholly owned Italian subsidiary, Ascent Resources Italia srl, will increase its interest by 10% to 80% and in due course take over operatorship. Ascent farmed into the onshore Fiume Arrone exploration permit to the west of Rome along the Latium coast. Gas shows have been detected in wells drilled nearby and a gas exploration well is planned to be drilled after the testing operations on Anagni-1 are complete. Ascent's working interest will be 40% and other partners in the project are JKX Oil & Gas plc, Oracle Energy Corporation of Canada and Italmin Exploration srl. After acquiring and reprocessing seismic data and completing geological studies on its 100% owned Cento and Bastiglia Exploration Permits in the central part of the Po Valley, Ascent is now in the process of farming out an interest in these permits. The farm-out is for two wells to be drilled in 2007 and in 2008. SPAIN In Spain, Ascent now controls 88.75% of the producing Ayoluengo oil field in the Sedano Basin in northern Spain following the purchase of a further 25% interest in the field. The remaining 11.25% is owned by Gold Oil plc. Ascent also has 50% interests in three exploration licences in the area, Basconcillos, Huemeces and Valderedibles with Tethys Oil AB of Sweden. During the period, an application was made for a further exploration licence to the north west of the Ayoluengo field to be called Rocamundo. This application has been made with Tethys and Shesa, a regional oil exploration company based in Bilbao. On the Ayoluengo field, production enhancement and operating efficiency programmes have been implemented. Thus far these initiatives have only counteracted the production decline in the field and production has remained steady. Other possibilities are being investigated in order to increase the production and profitability of the field. Current production averages 120 barrels of oil per day. The Huermeces exploration licence contains the Hontomin oil discovery which was drilled by Chevron in 1960s and produced, for a short time, good quality oil. Geological and seismic studies were conducted during 2006 and resulted in a decision to drill an up-dip appraisal well. This well is being drilling now. Once the well has been drilled, with satisfactory results, the testing and completion of it as a producer will use the Ayoluengo field workover rig and facilities. In the Basconcillos-H licence the possibility of re-entering the Tozo-1 well was studied. The Tozo-1 well contains an untested gas reservoir after the well was closed in by the operator in the 1960's following the production of a few thousand barrels of oil. The objective of the re-entry is to test the well and evaluate its viability for a gas to power project producing electricity to be sold to the power grid. Permitting and site preparations have been completed and the use of the Ayoluengo field rig to undertake the re-entry is under consideration. The Rocamundo application is for an area where two deeper wells have been drilled and high pressure gas has been detected. These gas prone formations are in Traissic formations that underlie a thick layer of salt on top of which is the Ayoluengo oilfield. SWITZERLAND In Switzerland, the Company has been awarded a third exploration permit. In addition to the two permits already awarded in the Canton of Bern, this permit is in the Canton of Vaud and contains the Essertines oil discovery drilled by BEB in 1962. All the permits are held by a joint venture between SEAG of Zurich (10%) and Borona Holdings (90%), a wholly owned subsidiary of Ascent. During the period, the Company's efforts have been focused on preparing a comprehensive Prospectivity Report and Prospect Inventory across the three exploration permits. This work involved collecting, re-examining and collating the hydrocarbon exploration archive material, reprocessing seismic data, acquiring new passive spectral seismic surveys and new geochemical analyses to type source rocks. These results were integrated into a new geological model and prospect catalogue and with the completion of this work, the next stage of the exploration effort, finding suitable drilling locations, has now commenced. The first locations will be in the Hermrigen and Vaud permits, and subject to locations, permitting and rig availability, drilling is targeted for the Q4 2007 or early 2008. NETHERLANDS In November 2006 Ascent was awarded four exploration areas offshore the Netherlands, P4 in the 'P' quadrant adjacent to the UK-Netherlands median line and M8, M10 and M11 all contiguous licences in the 'M' quadrant. In terms of exploration and development potential the area is considered prospective for gas. In the Quadrant M, there are already two discoveries, one each in M11 and M10. According to the data released by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and TNO, the Netherlands Geological Survey, these discoveries are both gas which is produced from Rotliegend sandstones. The work that is on-going in these areas is initially the re-interpretation of the existing seismic data. 3-D surveys have been acquired over most of the Quadrant M area and various vintages of 2-D data are available over both Block P4 and Quadrant M. SLOVENIA In March this year Ascent acquired the Nemmoco Slovenia Corporation ('NSC'). The assets of NSC's, located in eastern Slovenia near Lendava, include a 45% interest and operatorship of the Joint Venture that owns the development rights to the Petisovci Dolina ('P-D') oil and gasfields and a 15.75% interest and operatorship of the Joint Venture that owns the development rights to the underlying Petisovci Globoki ('P-G') gasfield. The P-G gasfield is reservoired in similar formations to the reservoirs of south west Hungary which is the subject of the MOL Tight Gasfield Re-development project. Independent consultants have estimated that P-D and P-G both have substantial additional reserves and it is the Company's intention to prove the economic potential of the area through a targeted work programme. ROMANIA In April 2006, Ascent purchase Millennium International Resource Corporation (' MIRC') which owned a 5% share of three exploration projects in Romania. In January 2007, MIRC was sold to the project operator, Aurelian Oil and Gas plc. GABON Ascent owns a 1.75% Net Profits Interest in two Production Sharing Contracts offshore Gabon. During the period, Ascent disposed of a 20% interest in the adjacent Ibekelia Technical Evaluation Area to Afren plc. The period under review has seen the start of operations by Ascent Resources and with excellent results so far. The Company will have a very busy year in 2007 and this busy schedule does not even include the appraisal work that naturally follows on from exploration success. Jeremy Eng Managing Director CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 18 months ended 9 months ended 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 (Restated) Unaudited Audited Notes £ £ Group turnover - Acquisitions 384,499 - Cost of sales - Acquisitions (320,343) - Gross profit 64,156 - Other operating income 3 139,180 - Administrative expenses before (1,652,726) (407,487) impairment of exploration expenditure (intangible fixed assets), amortisation of goodwill and charge for share based payments Impairment of exploration 5 (242,708) expenditure - Release of negative goodwill 5 142,071 (10,553) Share based payments 11 (576,380) (290,600) Total administrative expenses 2 (2,329,743) (708,640) Group operating loss : Continuing (1,606,115) (708,640) Acquisitions (520,292) - (2,126,407) (708,640) Interest receivable 129,117 15,594 Interest payable (11,514) - Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (2,008,804) (693,046) Taxation - - Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (2,008,804) (693,046) Minority interest 30,678 1,314 Loss for the period (1,978,126) (691,732) Loss per share - pence 4 Basic (0.81)p (0.54)p Diluted (0.81)p (0.54)p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 18 months ended 31 9 months ended December 2006 30 June 2005 (Restated) Unaudited Audited £ £ Retained loss for the period (1,978,126) (691,732) Exchange differences on retranslation (12,275) - of net assets of foreign currency operations Total recognised losses relating to the period (1,990,401) (691,732) Prior year adjustment (note 12) (290,600) Total recognised losses since the last annual report 2,281,001 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2006 30 June 2005 Notes 31 December 2006 (Restated) Unaudited Audited Fixed Assets £ £ £ £ Intangible assets: 5 - exploration costs 4,807,400 70,000 - rehabilitation costs 5 110,794 - - goodwill 5 (863,369) 94,973 Tangible assets 6 198,215 - 4,253,040 164,973 Current assets Current asset investments 7 855,786 987,629 Consumable stocks 450,773 - Debtors 2,097,688 57,418 Cash at bank and in hand 1,941,044 3,673,353 5,345,291 4,718,400 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,196,385) (54,984) Net current assets 3,148,906 4,663,416 Total assets less current liabilities 7,401,946 4,828,389 Creditors: amounts falling due after one year (917,722) - 6,484,224 4,828,389 Provision for liabilities and charges 8 (194,995) - Minority interest 30,309 (369) Net assets 6,319,538 4,828,020 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 10 264,825 208,518 Share premium account 12 7,943,786 5,020,634 Share based payment reserve 12 793,060 290,600 Profit and loss account 12 (2,682,133) (691,732) Shareholders' funds 13 6,319,538 4,828,020 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 18 months ended 9 months ended 30 31 December 2006 June 2005 Unaudited Audited Notes £ £ Net cash outflow from operating 14 (1,334,509) (410,447) activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 129,117 15,594 Interest paid (11,514) - Net cash inflow from returns on 117,603 15,594 investment and servicing of finance Capital expenditure Funds used for investing in exploration (3,120,155) (70,000) Acquisitions and disposals Acquisitions of current asset investments (855,786) (387,629) Proceeds from sale of current asset 987,629 - investments Acquisition of subsidiaries (158,144) - Cash acquired with subsidiaries 77,533 1,683 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 51,232 (385,946) acquisitions and disposals Financing New loans received 1,346,620 - Cash proceeds from issue of 1,282,515 4,838,410 shares Share issue costs (75,615) (314,258) Net cash inflow from financing 2,553,520 4,524,152 (Decrease)/increase in cash 16 (1,732,309) 3,673,353 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 1. Basis of preparation The financial information has been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Accounting for Oil and Gas Exploration, Development, Production and Decommissioning Activities'. The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures are extracted from the unaudited financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2006 which will be filed with the Registrar of Companies following formal completion of the audit. 2. Administrative expenses Period ended 31 December 2006 Continuing Acquisitions Total £ £ £ Normal administrative expenses 1,153,085 499,641 1,652,726 Share based payments 576,380 - 576,380 Impairment of intangible fixed assets - 242,708 242,708 Amortisation of goodwill 15,830 (157,901) (142,071) 1,745,295 584,448 2,329,743 Period ended 30 June 2005 (Restated) Continuing Acquisitions Total £ £ £ Normal administrative expenses 407,487 - 407,487 Share based payments 290,600 - 290,600 Impairment of intangible fixed assets - - - Amortisation of goodwill 10,553 - 10,553 708,640 - 708,640 3. Other operating income 18 months ended 9 months ended 30 31 December 2006 June 2005 £ £ Fees for technical services 62,112 - Profit on sale of investments 57,858 - Revaluation of quoted 19,210 - investments 139,180 - NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 4. Loss per share The basic and diluted loss per share have been calculated using the loss for the 18 months ended 31 December 2006 of £1,978,126 (9 months ended 30 June 2005 - £691,732 loss). The basic loss per share was calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue of 244,747,623 (2005 - 127,879,476). The diluted loss per share has been calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue and to be issued of 250,964,854 (2005 - 127,879,476). The diluted loss per share has been kept the same as the basic loss per share as the conversion of share warrants decreases the basic loss per share, thus being anti-dilutive. 5. Intangible assets Decommissioning and exploration costs Decommissioning costs represents an estimate of a provision for liability for the removal of production facilities and site restoration at the end of the production life of a field. Exploration costs represent the cost of investment in oil and gas projects where it is too early to make a decision regarding the existence or otherwise of commercial reserves. Decommissioning Exploration costs Total Costs Italy Hungary Europe Exploration costs £ £ £ £ £ Group Cost At 1 July 2005 - 70,000 - - 70,000 Decommissioning costs - Spain 121,075 - - - - Investing in exploration - 1,873,632 1,246,523 - 3,120,155 costs Acquired with subsidiaries - 1,729,832 - 130,121 1,859,953 121,075 3,673,464 1,246,523 130,121 5,050,108 At 31 December 2006 Amortisation & impairment At 1 July 2005 - - - - - Charged for the period 10,281 - 242,708 - 242,708 10,281 - 242,708 - 242,708 At 31 December 2006 Net Book Value At 31 December 2006 110,794 3,673,464 1,003,815 130,121 4,807,400 At 1 July 2005 - 70,000 - - 70,000 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 5. Intangible assets (continued) In accordance with the accounting policies, the Directors have reviewed the oil and gas exploration costs for possible impairment. As a result, a decision was made to provide for all the costs of £242,708 of the FGY-2 well in Hungary. The FGY-2 well, with total depth of 1100m, targeted Pannonian clastics, the same formations which were successfully tested in the PEN-104 well. The testing of the primary target, however, demonstrated the presence of a good quality reservoir interval in which the mobile phase was water instead of gas. No other provision was considered necessary against the remaining exploration costs incurred on the oil and gas fields under exploration at 31 December 2006. Goodwill Positive goodwill Negative goodwill Borona PEOS AG Ascent Italia Teredo Oils Total £ £ £ £ £ Group Cost At 1 July 2005 105,526 - - - 105,526 Additions - 59,229 (853,478) (306,164) (1,100,413) 105,526 59,229 (853,478) (306,164) (994,887) At 31 December 2006 Amortisation and impairment At 1 July 2005 10,553 - - - 10,553 Charge/(release) for the 15,830 8,391 (128,022) (38,270) (142,071) period 26,383 8,391 (128,022) (38,270) (131,518) At 31 December 2006 Net book value At 31 December 2006 79,143 50,838 (725,456) (267,894) (863,369) 94,973 - - - 94,973 At 1 July 2005 The full names of the companies listed above are as follows: Borona - Borona Holdings Limited PEOS AG - PEOS AG Ascent Italia - Ascent Resources Italia srl Teredo Oils - Teredo Oils Limited These purchases have been accounted for using acquisition accounting principals. Goodwill is being amortised over the Directors' estimate of its useful economic life of ten years or on commencement of production over the estimated life of the commercial reserves of the underlying exploration and appraisal assets of the subsidiary acquired, or on an unit-of-production basis. NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 5. Intangible assets (continued) Details of additions to goodwill are set out below: Ascent Italia PEOS AG Teredo Oil Total Date of acquisition 1 July 2005 22 July 2005 30 September 2005 £ £ £ £ Fair values acquired Exploration and appraisal 1,729,832 - 130,121 1,859,953 assets Fixed assets - - 224,325 224,325 Debtors 653,670 2,220 422,008 1,077,898 Cash at bank 41,561 35,972 - 77,533 Creditors (7,782) (38,665) (162,146) (208,593) 2,417,281 (473) 614,308 3,031,116 Net assets/(liabilities) acquired (853,478) 59,229 (306,164) (1,100,413) Goodwill arising on acquisition 1,563,803 58,756 308,144 1,930,703 Total consideration of acquisition Satisfied by: Cash consideration paid - - 158,144 158,144 Shares issued as consideration 1,563,803 58,756 150,000 1,772,559 1,563,803 58,756 308,144 1,930,703 Ascent Resources Italia srl's principal assets are 70% of the Frosinone Licence, 50% of the Strangolagalli licence, 40% of the Fiume Arrone Licence, and 100% of the Cento Bastiglia Licence. Teredo Oils Limited's principal assets are 30% in the Lalora licence which also includes the producing Ayoluengo field disclosed as tangible assets. NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 6. Tangible assets Developed Oil and Gas Assets - Spain Group £ Cost At 1 July 2005 - Acquired with subsidiaries 224,325 224,325 At 31 December 2006 Amortisation At 1 July 2005 - Charge for the period 26,110 26,110 At 31 December 2006 Net book value At 31 December 2006 198,215 At 1 July 2005 - The carrying value of the developed oil and gas assets relate to a 30% interest in the oil producing Ayoluengo field in Northern Spain owned by the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Teredo Oils Limited. 7. Current asset investments 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 Group Companies: £ £ Gabon Investments (Iris Marin) Pty Limited - 507,882 Gabon Investments (Themis Marin) Pty Limited - 479,747 Millennium International Resources Corporation Limited 657,087 - Northern Petroleum Exploration Limited ('NPEL') 148,217 - Quoted Investments at market value: Afren Plc 50,482 - 855,786 987,629 Although the above group of companies are subsidiaries of the Company at the year end, they have been excluded from consolidation, because interests in these undertakings are held exclusively with a view to subsequent resale. These undertakings are recorded in the financial information as current asset investments at the lower of cost and net realisable value in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 2 'Accounting for subsidiary undertakings'. Millennium International Resources Corporation Limited was sold after the year end for €2,000,000. The Company is proposing to sell its shares in NPEL to Gold Oil plc (a third party) in the current financial year. Prior to the sale the oil and gas licenses held by NPEL will be transferred to the Company's wholly owned Spanish subsidiary, Compania Petrolifera de Sedano. NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 8. Provision for liabilities and charges 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ Group At 1 July 2005 - - Decommissioning provision 121,075 - National insurance on share-based payments 73,920 - At 31 December 2006 194,995 - The amount provided for decommissioning represents the Group's share of decommissioning liabilities in respect of the producing Ayoluengo field acquired in October 2005. The most recent estimate is that the provision will become payable in 2008/9. The charge for national insurance on share-based payments has been calculated by reference to the difference between the market value of the underlying shares at the balance sheet date and the exercise price of the warrants, as required by Urgent Issues Task Force ('UITF') 25. 9. Exploration expenditure commitments In order to maintain an interest in the oil and gas permits in which the Group is involved, the Group is committed to meet the conditions under which the permits were granted and the obligations of any joint operating agreements. The timing and the amount of exploration expenditure commitments and obligations of the Group are subject to the work programme required as per the permit commitments. This may vary significantly from the forecast programmes based upon the results of the work performed. Drilling results in any of the projects may also result in variation of the forecast programmes and resultant expenditure. Such activity may lead to accelerated or decreased expenditure. It is the Group's policy to seek joint operating partners at an early stage to reduce its commitments. The Group had the following exploration and expenditure commitments. 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ 3,386,000 280,000 Not more than one year Between one and two years 1,000,000 - 4,386,000 280,000 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 10. Share capital 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ Authorised 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p each Allotted, called up and fully paid 264,825 208,518 264,824,686 (2005 - 208,518,168) ordinary shares of 0.1p each: At 1 July 2005 208,518 - Shares issued during the period 56,307 208,518 At 31 December 2006 264,825 208,518 The movements in the share capital and the warrants are summarised Number of shares Number of warrants below: As at 1 July 2005 208,518,168 61,692,418 Shares issued in lieu of services provided 1,011,816 - Shares issued on acquisition of PEOS AG 1,175,100 - Shares issued on acquiring 50% of Northern Petroleum Exploration 370,370 - Shares issued on acquisition of Teredo Oils Limited 1,500,000 - Shares issued in acquisition of Millennium International Resources 678,906 - Shares issued for cash 100,000 - Shares issued to GTO Limited Joint Venture for funding exploration 814,941 - Shares issued for acquisition of 25% interest of La Lora field by 562,967 - NPEL Exercise of warrants for cash 50,092,418 (50,092,418) Warrants issued - 25,973,106 At 31 December 2006 264,824,686 37,573,106 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 10. Share capital (continued) 2006 £ The share premiums arising as a result of the above share transactions were as follows: Shares issued in lieu of services provided 61,701 Shares issued on acquisition of PEOS AG 57,580 Shares issued on acquiring of 50% of Northern Petroleum Exploration Limited 46,852 Shares issued on acquisition of Teredo Oils Limited 148,500 Shares issued on acquisition of Millennium International Resources Corporation Limited 57,028 Shares issued for cash 10,400 Shares issued to GTO Limited Joint Venture for funding exploration 95,185 Shares issued for acquisition of 25% interest of La Lora field by NPEL 66,993 Exercise of warrants for cash 2,454,528 2,998,767 The details of the warrants outstanding at 31 December 2006 are as follows: Number of warrants Warrant price Exercisable between 10,000,000 5p 10/04/2006 - 10/04/2010 1,600,000 5p 28/06/2006 - 28/06/2010 5,450,000 15p 23/03/2006 - 23/09/2008 4,500,000 40p 23/09/2006 - 23/09/2009 1,690,000 12.5p 02/10/2006 - 22/12/2007 500,000 11.5p 09/11/2006 - 09/11/2010 10,833,106 12p Up to 22/12/2007 1,000,000 10.5p 28/12/2006 - 28/12/2010 500,000 10.5p Up to 01/01/2008 500,000 11.5p 15/05/2007 - 15/05/2011 500,000 9.5p 28/06/2007 - 28/06/2011 500,000 12.5p 01/10/2007 - 01/10/2011 37,573,106 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 11. Share based payments 2006 2005 (Restated) The Group recognised the following charge in the profit and loss £ £ accounts in respect of its share based payment plans: As required by Financial Reporting Standards ('FRS') 20 502,460 290,600 As required by UITF 25 (note 8) 73,920 - 576,380 290,600 These are based on the requirements of FRS 20 and UITF 25 on share based payments. For this purpose, the weighted average estimated fair value for the share warrants granted was calculated using a Black-Scholes option pricing model in respect of warrants. The volatility measured at the standard deviation of expected share price return is based on statistical analysis of the share price over the 18 month period to 31 December 2006 and this has been calculated at 49.2%. The risk free rate has been taken as 5%. The estimated fair values and other details which have been processed into the model are as follows: Number of warrants Grant date Warrant price Fair value Expected exercise date 10,000,000 10/04/2005 5p 2.5p 10/04/2010 1,600,000 28/06/2005 5p 2.9p 28/06/2010 5,450,000 23/09/2005 15p 4.6p 23/09/2008 4,500,000 23/09/2005 40p 1.9p 23/09/2009 1,690,000 02/10/2005 12.5p 4.1p 22/12/2007 500,000 09/11/2005 11.5p 5.3p 09/11/2010 10,833,106 22/12/2005 12p 2.3p 22/12/2007 1,000,000 28/12/2005 10.5p 4.7p 28/12/2010 500,000 28/12/2005 10.5p 2.8p 01/01/2008 500,000 15/05/2005 11.5p 5p 15/05/2011 500,000 28/06/2006 9.5p 5.4p 28/06/2011 500,000 01/10/2006 12.5p 5.8p 01/10/2011 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 12. Statement of movement on reserves The movements in the Group reserves during the 18 months ended 31 December 2006 were as follows: Share-based payment Share premium Profit and loss reserve reserve £ £ £ At 1 July 2005 : - as previously reported - 5,020,634 (401,132) - prior year adjustments 290,600 - (290,600) - as restated 290,600 5,020,634 (691,732) Issue of shares in the period 2,998,767 - Share issue costs - (75,615) - Cost of share-based payments (note 11) 502,460 - - Retained losses - - (1,978,126) Currency translation differences on foreign - - (12,275) currency operations At 31 December 2006 793,060 7,943,786 (2,682,133) The prior year adjustments arise from the adoption of FRS 20 with regard to share-based payments. The warrants issued prior to 30 June 2005, which have been exercised soon thereafter, have not been considered for the purposes of this adjustment as these warrants have been issued to institutional investors. 13. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds - equity only 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ Loss for the period (1,978,126) (691,732) Dividends - - (1,978,126) (691,732) Shares issued less costs 2,979,459 5,229,152 Currency translation differences on foreign currency operations (12,275) - Cost of share based payments 502,460 290,600 Opening shareholders' funds 4,828,020 - 6,319,538 4,828,020 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 14. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities 18 months ended 31 9 months ended December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ Group operating loss (2,126,407) (708,640) Depreciation 26,110 - Impairment of exploration expenditure 242,708 - Amortisation of decommissioning costs 10,281 - Release of negative goodwill / amortisation of goodwill (142,071) 10,553 Share-based payments charge 576,379 290,600 Increase in debtors (962,372) (57,418) Increase in consumable stocks (450,773) - Increase in creditors 1,503,911 54,458 Effect of foreign exchange rates (12,275) - Net cash outflow from operating activities (1,334,509) (410,447) 15. Analysis of changes in net funds 30 June 2005 Cash flows Cash acquired with 31 December 2006 excluding subsidiaries acquisitions £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 3,673,353 (1,809,862) 77,553 1,941,044 Bank loan - (1,346,620) - (1,346,620) Net funds 3,673,353 (3,156,482) 77,553 594,424 16. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 31 December 2006 30 June 2005 £ £ (Decrease)/increase in cash (1,732,309) 3,673,353 Cash inflow from increase in debt (1,346,620) - Movement in net funds (3,078,929) 3,673,353 Net funds at 1 July 2005 3,673,353 - Net funds at 31 December 2006 594,424 3,673,353 NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE 18 MONTH PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 17. Post balance sheet events On 8 January 2007, the Company entered into an agreement to sell its wholly owned subsidiary, Millennium International Resources Corporation Limited ('Millennium'), to Aurelian Oil & Gas PLC for a cash consideration of €2,000,000. The operating assets of Millennium are a 5% non-operated interest in three concessions in Romania. The proceeds of the sale will be used to further develop the Group's European exploration and production portfolio. On 26 February 2007, the Company acquired the entire share capital of Nemmoco Solvenia Corporation ('NSC') for an initial consideration of €150,000 payable by the issue of new shares by the Company. NSC's operating assets include a 45% interest and operatorship of the Joint Venture that owns the development rights to the Petisovci Dolina ('P-D') oil and gasfields and 15.75% interest and operatorship of the joint venture that owns the development rights to the underlying Petisovci Globoki ('P-G') gasfield. The fields are in eastern Slovenia near Lendava, close to the borders of Solvenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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