Ashtead Group PLC
8 October 2001
At today's Annual General Meeting of Ashtead Group plc, the equipment rental
company, Henry Staunton, Chairman, will say:
'Overall Ashtead has continued to show good year-on-year growth in the five
months ended 30 September with total revenues up 14%. Our US business,
Sunbelt Rentals, which accounted for two-thirds of our profits in the year to
30 April 2001, achieved like-for-like growth of 8% in the five-month period,
demonstrating a continued ability to outperform the market in slowing
economic conditions. When we announced our preliminary results in July, we
indicated that US management had set itself the target of adding 30 new
profit centres in the year to 30 April 2002, through 'cold starts'
(greenfield openings), or 'warm starts' (the acquisition of small local
businesses). To date, 18 new profit centres have been added, the majority in
the geographic areas served by the former BET businesses, as we continue our
strategy of 'clustering', ie having a significant presence in major towns and
cities. For example, we now have ten profit centres in the Seattle area,
compared with two when BET was acquired.
In the UK and Ireland, like-for-like growth was 1%, as our concentration on
good quality business continued in a very competitive market. The much lower
capital expenditure, which characterised the second half of the last
financial year, has continued with the result that A-Plant is expected to be
cash positive in the second half and beyond. At the time of the preliminary
results we indicated that our concentration in the UK would be on improving
cash generation and our return on invested capital. As part of this process,
a review of all aspects of the A-Plant business has been conducted. We have
concluded that our current profit centre structure is appropriate, but it has
been decided to withdraw from certain low margin, high debt risk areas of
business. A review of under-utilised assets is therefore being conducted and
it is anticipated that there will be a resultant exceptional non-cash charge
of no more than £25 million.
On a Group basis, cash flow will further benefit from a lower level of
capital expenditure. We anticipate that this year, we will spend
approximately one half of last year's unusually high figure of £238 million.
Our rental fleet continues to be well below industry average in terms of its
age profile.
Ashtead Technology continues to make excellent progress with like-for-like
growth of 28% in the first five months. In addition, we have seen a good
performance from Response Rentals acquired in October 2000 and so not
included in the above comparative figures.
While we can take comfort from a sound start to the financial year, what are
the prospects following the terrible events of 11 September? The number and
estimated value of rental contracts today is at the same level as a month
ago. The level of Government spending in both the UK and US on infrastructure
and other public services is scheduled to increase. Interest rates have
fallen to historically very low levels. On the other hand, concerns mount
regarding the onset of recessionary conditions in both the USA and UK. To the
extent that there is a downturn, we believe we will derive some benefit, as
former purchasers of equipment will turn to the rental option; to the extent
that there is a severe recession we are unlikely to be immune. We do however
consider that our experience of managing through the UK's deep recession in
the 1990s will stand us in good stead.
In the UK, we continue our policy of developing major accounts where our
market leadership enables us to meet the national outsourcing requirements of
these important customers through sole and preferred supply agreements. In
the US our successful operating model enables us to continue to outperform
our major competitors as fourth largest player in a $25 billion market,
which, despite the present uncertainties is forecast to grow at a faster rate
than the economy generally over the next five to ten years. We have the
opportunity to increase our current 2% market share. Our specialist rental
business, Ashtead Technology in serving its oil, gas and environmental
markets has growth potential in the short and long term.
Demand for the rental product is not only fundamental to the market places in
which we trade, but will in the medium term be considerably greater,
particularly in the United States. The customers we serve - governments,
local authorities, utilities, major industrial companies, construction,
railways, oil and gas, will continue to require our services. Accordingly,
while it is appropriate to be cautious as we enter our more seasonal second
half, we remain confident of the long-term opportunities for your Group.'
8 October 2001
George Burnett Chief Executive 01372 362300
Ian Robson Finance Director
Andrew Grant Tulchan Communications 0207 353 4200
Nigel Fairbrass
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