Interim Results
Ashtead Group PLC
15 January 2002
Interim Results for the 6 months ended 31 October 2001
* Revenues up 12% to £310.6m (£276.6m)
* Operating profit* up 13% to £50.3m (£44.4m)
* Adjusted profit before tax* up 16% to £25.8m (£22.3m)
* After exceptionals of £31.3m and goodwill amortisation of £4.4m, the FRS
3 loss before tax is £9.9m (profit of £4.1m)
* Adjusted earnings per share* up 9% to 6.2p (5.7p)
* FRS 14 loss per share of 1.4p (earnings per share of 0.0p) based on the
FRS 3 loss before tax
* Net cash inflow from operations* rose 52% to £109.8m (£72.4m)
* Slowing economies will impact second half performance
* Interim dividend maintained at 0.62p per share
* before goodwill amortisation, exceptional items and other non recurring
costs and, in the case of adjusted earnings per
share, excluding the prior year taxation credits. Additionally the tax charge
in the comparatives has been adjusted for the
current year credit to give a comparable effective tax rate.
Chief executive George Burnett said:
'In the six months to 31 October 2001 the Group achieved a sound performance
in slowing economic conditions. Sunbelt consolidated its position as one of
the top five rental companies in the United States by taking an increased
market share. Ashtead Technology enjoyed strong growth in turnover and
operating profits. A-Plant's concentration was on its strategic repositioning
and on improved cash generation in the highly competitive general equipment
market in the UK.'
'The evidence of the first two months of the second half is of a slowdown in
activity, which is now affecting the profitability of Sunbelt and A-Plant, but
not Ashtead Technology. In the current economic climate, while the Group
continues to trade profitably, full year adjusted pre-tax profits will fall
below last year's equivalent figure of £43.7m by a material amount.'
'Whilst the difficulties in the US economy are affecting the immediate
prospects for the Group, we remain confident that the ongoing shift from
ownership to rental will ensure that the US equipment rental market continues
to outperform the US economy as a whole. The Group is well placed to take
advantage of this and of any upturn in both the UK and US economies.'
In the six months to 31 October 2001 the Group achieved a sound performance in
slowing economic conditions. Group turnover increased by 12% to £310.6m (£
276.6m); operating profits, before goodwill amortisation and exceptional
items, were up 13% to £50.3m (£44.4m); and pre-tax profits, again before
goodwill amortisation and exceptional items, rose 16% to £25.8m (£22.3m).
Adjusted earnings per share rose 9% to 6.2p (5.7p). The directors have
declared an interim dividend maintained at last year's level of 0.62p.
These first half results are stated before goodwill amortisation of £4.4m and
exceptional costs of £31.3m, the most significant of which is the £30m
non-cash write down of the UK equipment rental fleet following the review
announced at the AGM. As a result there is a pre-tax loss of £9.9m under FRS3
giving a loss per share of 1.4p. Strong emphasis was placed on cash generation
with net cash inflow before exceptional cash costs in the period up 52% to £
109.8m (£72.4m). Capital expenditure in the period was £81.2m (£165.2m).
Sunbelt Rentals
In the six months under review Ashtead's US business, Sunbelt Rentals,
enhanced its position as one of the top five companies in the $25 billion
American equipment rental market, taking an increased market share and
outperforming its quoted competitors in terms of like for like growth.
Sunbelt, in increasing its operating profits by 19.3% to £35.9m, accounted for
71% of Group operating profits.
Revenues grew 17.7% to £201.8m while 6% same store growth was achieved in an
economy which declined in the same period. There was a small increase in
operating margins from 17.6% to 17.8% despite the drag effect of the addition
of 19 new businesses (of which 6 resulted from small acquisitions). This
investment in new sites represents the resumption - on a broader canvas
following the acquisition of BET USA in June 2000 - of our process of
'clustering', ie offering our customers an encouragement to outsource through
a wide availability of general and specialist equipment on a local basis. For
example, we now have 10 businesses in the Seattle area compared with 2 a year
ago. Total profit centres at 31 October 2001 numbered 181. Expenditure of £
50.8m on rental equipment this year was significantly lower than the £95.6m
spent in the first half of last year. £23.2m was spent this year on
replacement items reflecting the fleet's average age of only 36 months.
A-Plant's first half operating profits before exceptional items fell 4.9% to £
11.6m (£12.2m) on turnover marginally ahead at £100.4m (£99.5m). The market in
general equipment rental has remained highly competitive and there have been
clear signs of a decline in the Irish economy which has had a detrimental
effect on revenues. Specialist businesses on the whole have shown an advance
on the same period last year. There has been a concentration on improving
operating efficiencies, asset utilisation and cash generation. In particular,
during the last six months the level of capital expenditure continued at lower
levels than previously at £19.6m (£57.7m). Reflecting this, A-Plant will now
be significantly cash generative in the second half.
The strategic decision to discontinue lower margin high-risk business has been
to the short term detriment of revenues but there are encouraging signs of
further success in promoting A-Plant's national market leadership in
geographic spread, product range and customer support through IT development
to obtain long term preferred supplier agreements. A-Plant is optimistic that
it will benefit from a number of major contracts scheduled to be awarded in
the UK in coming months and is now well positioned to benefit from these.
Ashtead Technology
Ashtead Technology increased its turnover by 50% to £8.4m (£5.6m) aided by the
contribution from Response Rentals acquired in October 2000. Same store growth
of 25% underlined a strong performance in its recovering offshore markets,
particularly in Houston. Overall operating profits grew by 33% to £2.8m (£
Net cash inflow from operations before exceptional cash costs grew by 52% to £
109.8m (£72.4m). This reflected growth of 5.0% in EBITDA before exceptional
items to £109.5m (£104.3m) and good control of working capital, particularly
receivables. The combined total of bank debt and bills of exchange was reduced
by £29.1m in the first half. There will be further reductions in the second
half reflecting in particular the reduction in capital expenditure over the
last year.
The evidence of the first two months of the second half (ie November and
December) is of a slowdown in activity, which is now affecting the
profitability of Sunbelt and A-Plant, but not Ashtead Technology. For the
eight months to 31 December, total revenue grew 9% for the Group as a whole,
with the same store revenue growth in the period being 5% in Sunbelt, a
decline of 2% in A-Plant and growth of 28% in Ashtead Technology.
Sunbelt is trading well on a comparative basis in the United States which is
now clearly in recession while A-Plant continues to operate in a competitive
market in the UK and a declining one in Ireland. In the current economic
climate, the Board anticipates that, while the Group continues to trade
profitably, full year adjusted pre-tax profits will fall below last year's
equivalent figure of £43.7m by a material amount.
Whilst the difficulties in the US economy are affecting the immediate
prospects for the Group, the Board remains confident that the ongoing shift
from ownership to rental will ensure that the US equipment rental market
continues to outperform the US economy as a whole. The Board considers that
the Group is well placed to take advantage of this and of any upturn in both
the UK and US economies.
There will be a presentation to analysts at 9.00am at the London Stock
Exchange Media Centre. A copy of the slides will be available on the Company's
website ( as soon as practicable after the presentation.
ENDS 15 January 2002
Contacts: George Burnett Chief Executive 01372 362 300
Ian Robson Finance Director
Andrew Grant Tulchan Communications 0207 353 4200
Nigel Fairbrass
Group revenues rose by 12.3% to £310.6m (2000 - £276.6m). Revenues in Sunbelt
Rentals grew 17.7% to £201.8m of which 11.0% was accounted for by the
inclusion of BET USA (acquired 1 June 2000) revenues for an additional month
in the current year. A-Plant's revenues grew 0.9% to £100.4m reflecting
continued competitive trading conditions and Ashtead Technology revenues grew
50.0% to £8.4m of which 24% related to the inclusion of Response Rentals
(acquired 2 October 2000) revenues for the first time.
Same store revenues (defined as revenues from stores owned throughout both
financial periods) rose 6% in Sunbelt Rentals reflecting a strong competitive
performance in an economy which declined in the period. Technology's same
store growth of 25% reflected good performance in its recovering offshore
markets. A-Plant's same store growth was in line with its overall growth.
Turnover Operating profit
6 months to 31 Year 6 months to 31 Year to
October to October 30 April
2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m £m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
Sunbelt Rentals 201.8 171.5 345.7 35.9 30.1 62.4
A-Plant 100.4 99.5 194.5 11.6 12.2 25.1
Ashtead Technology 8.4 5.6 11.8 2.8 2.1 3.6
310.6 276.6 552.0 50.3 44.4 91.1
Exceptional items - - - (14.6) (2.6) (12.3)
Redundant BET staff - - - - (2.5) (2.5)
salary costs
Goodwill amortisation - - - (4.4) (3.4) (8.1)
Operating profit 310.6 276.6 552.0 31.3 35.9 68.2
Operating profit before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation rose 13.3%
to £50.3m. This reflected growth in Sunbelt Rentals and Technology offset by a
small reduction in operating profit at A-Plant. Operating margins before
goodwill amortisation, exceptional and non-recurring items are as follows:
6 months to 31 October
2001 2000
Sunbelt Rentals 17.8% 17.6%
A-Plant 11.6% 12.3%
Ashtead Technology 33.3% 37.5%
Group 16.2% 16.1%
Across the Group operating margins before goodwill amortisation, exceptional
and non-recurring items rose slightly from 16.1% to 16.2%. Margins in Sunbelt
Rentals rose marginally over last year reflecting continued emphasis on
improving margins in the acquired BET USA locations despite the reintroduction
of some drag effect from the 19 new stores in the first half. Margins in
A-Plant declined reflecting competitive market conditions. Margins in
Technology fell compared to last year's first half reflecting the impact of
the Response Rentals acquisition.
Net interest payable and similar charges
6 months to 31 Year to 30
October April
2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m
Net bank interest payable 20.7 18.8 40.8
5.25% unsecured convertible loan note 3.8 3.3 6.6
24.5 22.1 47.4
Exceptional costs re bank facility 1.3 9.7 9.7
25.8 31.8 57.1
Net bank interest payable rose 10.1% over the first half of 2000/01 reflecting
the inclusion this year of a full six months' interest on the borrowings
assumed on 1 June 2000 to finance the acquisition of BET USA. Compared to the
second half of 2000/01 net interest costs fell by 6% reflecting lower
prevailing interest rates. Net bank interest payable includes amounts payable
under the US$250m 3 year interest rate swaps at 6.825% entered into on 24
August 2000 as required by our banking agreement. Consequently the Company has
only benefited from lower interest costs on around two-thirds of its bank
debt, a feature which will continue until the swaps expire in August 2003.
Interest on the 5.25% unsecured convertible loan note, due 2008 only became
payable in cash effective 1 June 2001, the anniversary of its issue to
Rentokil Initial plc as part consideration for the acquisition of BET USA.
Prior to that date an accrued interest charge was included in the accounts
under FRS 4 reflecting the fact that the fair value of the loan note at issue
(£121.3m) was less than its face value of £134m. The annual interest charge
included in the accounts now that cash interest has become payable will
reflect the £7.0m cash interest payment plus an ongoing non-cash charge under
FRS 4 of £0.7m annually which will bring the stated value of the loan note in
the balance sheet up to its face value of £134m at 31 May 2008 if it is not
previously converted by its holder prior to that date.
Exceptional items
6 months to 31 Year to 30
October April
2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m
UK asset disposal programme
- included within cost of sales 14.6 - -
- presented as an exceptional loss on disposal 15.4 - -
BET USA integration costs (included in cost of - 2.6 12.3
Costs incurred in relation to the bank facility 1.3 9.7 9.7
(included in interest)
31.3 12.3 22.0
It was announced at the Annual General Meeting on 8 October 2001 that A-Plant
had decided to withdraw from certain low margin, high debt risk areas of
business and that a review of associated assets was therefore being conducted
which was then anticipated to result in an exceptional non-cash charge of no
more than £25 million. This review has now been largely completed and the
disposal of the associated assets is underway with the initial sale of a
portion of these assets having taken place at a major European auction in late
It is expected that the programme will be completed by June 2002 with the
majority of the asset sales expected to have taken place prior to the year
end. Once the assets to be sold have been earmarked, the disposal programme is
being largely managed outside A-Plant's operating management structure to
ensure that operational management can focus on meeting customers'
requirements and on revenue maximisation. At 31 October the anticipated net
cost of the programme of £30.0m has been booked as an exceptional item with
around half of the charge taken to exceptional loss on disposal of fixed
assets (where the disposal process is underway) and the balance taken to cost
of sales (relating to assets where the ultimate disposal route is still
subject to some uncertainty as well as to the estimated loss on disposal of
the parts inventory relating to the machines being sold). By year end, when
the disposal programme is expected to be largely complete, all of the charge
except that related to parts inventory will be reclassified to the exceptional
loss on disposal of fixed assets line in the profit and loss account. The
increase in the charge from the 8 October estimate reflects the fact that,
following the public announcement, an in depth review of the programme was
carried out with all of A-Plant's operational management which has led to the
additional charge to ensure that all appropriate equipment is fully addressed
in the programme.
The exceptional item in 2000/01 relating to BET USA integration costs covered
the costs of integrating the acquired BET USA branches into Sunbelt of which
the largest cost was the rebranding programme. The exceptional costs in
relation to the bank facility in the six months to 31 October 2001 relate to
variation and other fees paid to the banking group in connection with the
changes required to the banking agreement (principally to covenants)
consequent on the adoption of revised accounting policies and estimation
techniques under FRS 18 in the accounts for the year ended 30 April 2001. The
exceptional cost in the previous year related to the underwriting fees of £
8.3m paid on 1 June 2000 to the banks which underwrote the new bank facility
entered into to finance the BET USA acquisition and to early redemption costs
of £1.4m on Sunbelt's private placement debts which were redeemed in June
Profit before tax before exceptional items and goodwill
Profit before tax before exceptional items and goodwill or adjusted pre-tax
profit rose 15.7% to £25.8m. The adjusted pre-tax profit margin rose from 7.9%
for the year ended 30 April 2001 and 8.1% for the six months to 31 October
2000 to 8.3% for the current period. The reconciliation to the loss before tax
under FRS 3 is as follows:
Unaudited Audited
6 months to 6 months to Year to 30 April
31Oct 2001 31Oct 2000 2001
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
Adjusted pre-tax profit 25.8 22.3 43.7
Exceptional A-Plant asset (30.0) - -
write down
Exceptional BET USA - (2.6) (12.3)
integration costs
Exceptional costs re bank (1.3) (9.7) (9.7)
Non recurring BET USA salary - (2.5) (2.5)
Goodwill amortisation (4.4) (3.4) (8.1)
Pre-tax profit/(loss) under (9.9) 4.1 11.1
Reflecting one of the benefits of the capital intensive nature of the Group's
operations, the current tax charge for the half year continues to be low at £
0.4m representing an effective tax rate on adjusted pre-tax profits of 2%. The
effective current tax rate is expected to remain at low levels (significantly
less than ten percent) for the foreseeable future.
The Group has, however, adopted the new UK standard on deferred tax, FRS 19,
which requires full provision to be made for deferred tax in line with
international practice as opposed to the partial provision method previously
applicable under SSAP 15. Adoption of FRS 19 has been dealt with as a prior
period adjustment and increases the deferred tax provision at 30 April 2001
from £4.0m previously reported to £66.0m but has no impact on the amount of
tax the Group will actually pay in years to come.
Under FRS 19 the Group's full year estimated effective tax rate (for the
current year element of the tax charge) is 22% which is lower than the UK
statutory rate due to tax benefits arising from the structure of the BET USA
acquisition. Additionally, no deferred tax benefit has been assumed in
relation to the exceptional items at the half year because to do so would
result in a net deferred tax asset in the UK. The prior year deferred tax
credit relates to tax benefits relating to the structure of the BET USA
acquisition not previously recognised which are now being brought into
account. Overall the total tax credit for the half year is £5.4m (charge of £
Rental equipment 6 months to 31 Oct 2001 6 months to 31 Year to 30
additions Oct 2000 April 2001
Expansion Replacement Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Sunbelt Rentals 27.6 23.2 50.8 95.6 146.3
A-Plant 6.8 12.8 19.6 57.7 67.0
Ashtead Technology 2.5 0.3 2.8 1.7 4.2
36.9 36.3 73.2 155.0 217.5
Capital expenditure in the six months to 31 October 2001 of £81.2m, including
£73.2m spent on rental equipment is significantly lower than in the previous
year when £165.2m (rental equipment - £155.0m) was spent in the first six
months and £237.7m for the year as a whole (rental equipment - £217.5m).
Despite the lower capital expenditure both Sunbelt and A-Plant retain
relatively young fleets with the average age of the Group's rental fleet at 31
October being 38 months.
Net cash inflow from operations before exceptional cash costs rose 52% to £
109.8m (£72.4m). This reflected growth in EBITDA before exceptional items and,
in 2000, non recurring BET USA staff salary costs which rose 5.0% over the
previous year to £109.5m (£104.3m) and good control of working capital,
particularly receivables. This control resulted in a net inflow of £0.6m from
working capital movements in the six months to 31 October 2001 compared with
an outflow of £22.1m for 2000/01 as a whole and an outflow of £26.9m in the
first half last year. As a result net cash inflow from operating activities
before exceptional items represented 100.3% of EBITDA before exceptional items
compared to 71.1% in the first half of 2000/01 and 85.2% for the year as a
Other cash items
Interest paid rose 28.9% in the half year reflecting the timing of interest
payments and the additional month's financing for BET USA. Capital expenditure
paid in the period rose to a record £149.1m as we completed paying for the
high capital expenditure in the first six months of 2000/01. In consequence
bills payable fell from £90.7m at 30 April 2001 to only £18.4m at 31 October
2001. Proceeds from disposals of fixed assets rose 38.9% to a record figure
for the six months of £25.7m and provided a useful contribution to the
reduction in debt levels in the period. This included £8.8m relating to the
sale of the UK vehicle fleet which was moved onto a serviced lease basis
similar to that already used by Sunbelt Rentals.
Net debt
At 31 October At 30 April
2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m
5.25% unsecured, convertible loan note, due 2008 129.4 124.5 127.9
Net bank debt 527.6 464.1 484.4
Bills of exchange payable 18.4 120.7 90.7
Net bank debt rose as anticipated in the half year reflecting the £149.1m paid
in the period for capital expenditure (up 48% over the previous half year).
Much of this expenditure related to equipment purchased on long credit terms
in the first six months of 2000 before capital expenditure levels were
reduced. This is further shown by the level of bills payable which have
reduced 85% from £120.7m at 31 October 2000 to only £18.4m at 31 October 2001.
Taking net bank debt and bills of exchange together, the combined total has
reduced steadily over the past year (by £29.1m in the first half and by £38.8m
since 31 October 2000) reflecting the Group's cash generation from operations
which will in future be reflected directly in the level of bank borrowings.
Consequently net bank debt is expected to fall further in coming months with
A-Plant in particular expected to be significantly cash positive in the second
half of the current year and in the subsequent year.
The Group retains significant headroom in both committed and uncommitted
facilities above its projected borrowing requirements and is in full
compliance with the financial covenants in its banking agreements which were
adjusted in July to reflect the impact of the new accounting policies and
estimation techniques adopted under FRS 18. Headroom was £55.7m against all
facilities at 31 October 2001 and £37.3m against committed facilities.
Profit centre numbers Staff numbers
At 31 October At 30 April At 31 October At 30 April
2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2001
Sunbelt Rentals 181 151 163 3,884 3,313 3,471
A-Plant 265 270 273 2,547 2,771 2,498
Ashtead Technology 7 7 7 81 56 61
Corporate office - - - 13 13 13
453 428 443 6,525 6,153 6,043
Unaudited Audited
Six months to 31 October 2001 Six months to Year to 30
31Oct 2000 April 2001
Before Exceptional
items &
exceptional items & goodwill Total
goodwill amortisation
£m £m £m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
Turnover 310.6 - 310.6 276.6 552.0
Cost of sales (238.9) (14.6) (253.5) (214.5) (430.8)
Gross profit 71.7 (14.6) 57.1 62.1 121.2
Administrative (21.4) (4.4) (25.8) (26.2) (53.0)
Operating profit 50.3 (19.0) 31.3 35.9 68.2
Operating profit 50.3 - - 41.9 88.6
before goodwill and
exceptional items
Exceptional loss on - (15.4) (15.4) - -
disposal of UK fixed
Net interest payable (24.5) (1.3) (25.8) (31.8) (57.1)
and similar charges
(Loss)/profit on 25.8 (35.7) (9.9) 4.1 11.1
ordinary activities
before taxation
Tax on (loss)/profit on
ordinary activities:
- current tax (0.4) - (0.4) - 1.2
- deferred tax - (5.3) - (5.3) (4.0) (10.1)
current year
- deferred tax - 11.1 - 11.1 - -
prior year
5.4 - 5.4 (4.0) (8.9)
(Loss)/profit for the 31.2 (35.7) (4.5) 0.1 2.2
financial period
Equity dividends (2.1) (2.0) (11.3)
Retained (loss)/ (6.6) (1.9) (9.1)
profit transferred to
Basic (loss)/earnings (1.4p) 0.0p 0.7p
per share
Diluted (loss)/ (1.4p) 0.0p 0.7p
earnings per share
Comparative figures have been restated as described in note 6
Unaudited Audited
Six months to Six months to Year to 30
31 October 2001 31 October 2000 April
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
(Loss)/profit for the financial (4.5) 0.1 2.2
Foreign currency translation (1.2) 3.1 (0.2)
Total recognised gains and losses (5.7) 3.2 2.0
for the period
Prior period adjustments (48.4) (9.6)
Total losses recognised since the (54.1) (6.4)
last annual report/interim report
Unaudited Audited
Six months to 31 Six months to 31 Year to 30
October 2001 October 2000 April
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
(Loss)/profit for the (4.5) 0.1 2.2
financial period
Dividends (2.1) (2.0) (11.3)
(6.6) (1.9) (9.1)
Share capital subscribed 0.7 0.3 0.5
Foreign currency translation (1.2) 3.1 (0.2)
Net (reduction)/addition to (7.1) 1.5 (8.8)
shareholders' funds
At 1 May as previously 250.5 246.4 236.8
Prior year adjustment (48.4) (35.5) (25.9)
At 1 May as restated 202.1 210.9 210.9
Closing shareholders' funds 195.0 212.4 202.1
Comparative figures have been restated as described in note 6
Unaudited Audited
31 October 31 October 30 April
2001 2000
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
- goodwill 162.4 163.4 164.3
Tangible assets
- rental equipment 696.3 724.1 725.6
- other fixed assets 69.3 72.2 76.9
765.6 796.3 802.5
928.0 959.7 966.8
Current assets
Stocks 14.7 17.4 15.3
Debtors 119.9 137.2 125.7
Cash at bank and in hand 2.5 10.2 1.1
137.1 164.8 142.1
Creditors - amounts falling due within one
Bank loans and overdrafts (0.2) (13.6) (2.2)
Bills of exchange (18.4) (120.7) (90.7)
Trade and other creditors (125.6) (128.1) (132.0)
(144.2) (262.4) (224.9)
Net current liabilities (7.1) (97.6) (82.8)
Total assets less current liabilities 920.9 862.1 884.0
Creditors - amounts falling due after more
than one year
Bank and other loans (529.9) (460.7) (483.3)
5.25% unsecured convertible loan note, due (129.4) (124.5) (127.9)
(659.3) (585.2) (611.2)
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation (59.4) (61.0) (66.0)
Other provisions (7.2) (3.5) (4.7)
(66.6) (64.5) (70.7)
Total net assets 195.0 212.4 202.1
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 32.5 32.3 32.4
Share premium account 100.7 100.0 100.1
Revaluation reserve 0.5 0.5 0.5
Profit and loss account 61.3 79.6 69.1
Total capital and reserves (equity 195.0 212.4 202.1
Comparative figures have been restated as described in note 6
Unaudited Audited
Six months Six months to Year to
to 31 31 October 30 April
October 2000
£m £m £m
Net cash inflow from operating
Cash inflow before operating exceptional 109.8 72.4 173.0
Exceptional cash costs - (2.6) (10.3)
Net cash inflow from operating 109.8 69.8 162.7
Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest paid (net) (19.6) (15.2) (36.7)
Exceptional costs re bank facility (1.3) (9.7) (9.7)
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance (20.9) (24.9) (46.4)
Taxation (outflow)/inflow (0.1) (0.3) 1.7
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (149.1) (100.7) (202.6)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 25.7 18.5 38.3
Net cash outflow from capital (123.4) (82.2) (164.3)
Acquisitions and disposals (6.7) (213.1) (214.1)
Equity dividends paid (9.4) (8.4) (10.4)
Net cash outflow before management of (50.7) (259.1) (270.8)
liquid resources and financing
Inflow from management of liquid - 15.0 15.6
resources due to decrease in short term
Issue of ordinary share capital 0.7 0.3 0.5
Net draw down/(redemption) of loans 53.4 287.3 296.3
Net cash inflow from financing 54.1 287.6 296.8
Increase in cash 3.4 43.5 41.6
Comparative figures have been restated as described in note 6
1. The abridged 2001 profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow
statement are taken from the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April
2001 which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's
report on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.
2. The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.62p per share
(2000 - 0.62p per share) which will be paid on 8 April 2002 to shareholders on
the register on 1 March 2002.
3. Earnings per share for the six months ended 31 October 2001 have been
calculated based on the profit or loss attributable to the shareholders of
Ashtead Group plc and on 324,482,727 ordinary shares, being the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period (6 months to 31
October 2000 - 323,172,959 shares, year to 30 April 2001 - 323,334,079
Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 31 October 2001have been
calculated based on the profit or loss attributable to the shareholders of
Ashtead Group plc and on 324,482,727 Ordinary Shares, being the weighted
average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period in each case
adjusted as required to reflect conversion of the convertible loan stock and
the issue of shares under the Group's option schemes (6 months to 31 October
2000 - 325,848,045 shares, year to 30 April 2001 - 326,307,678 shares).
4. Segmental analysis
Turnover Operating profit
6 months to Year to 30 6 months to Year to 30
31 October April 31 October April
Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m £m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
United States 205.7 172.7 350.2 37.2 27.8 61.2
United Kingdom 103.7 102.6 199.7 12.8 13.6 26.8
Rest of World 1.2 1.3 2.1 0.3 0.5 0.6
310.6 276.6 552.0 50.3 41.9 88.6
Exceptional items - - - (14.6) (2.6) (12.3)
Goodwill - - - (4.4) (3.4) (8.1)
310.6 276.6 552.0 31.3 35.9 68.2
Net assets: 6 months to 31 October Year to 30 April
Unaudited Audited
2001 2000 2001
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
United States 634.8 573.1 591.5
United Kingdom 274.8 287.1 286.9
Rest of World 1.8 1.8 2.0
911.4 862.0 880.4
Central items (funding related) (716.4) (649.6) (678.3)
195.0 212.4 202.1
5. Net interest payable and similar charges
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months to 31 6 months to 31 Year to
October 2001 October 2000 30 April
£m £m £m
On bank and other 20.7 18.8 40.8
Convertible loan interest 3.8 3.3 6.6
24.5 22.1 47.4
Exceptional costs re bank 1.3 9.7 9.7
25.8 31.8 57.1
6. The interim results information has been prepared on the basis of
accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year
ended 30 April 2001 to which no changes have been made except for the
implementation of FRS 19, Deferred Tax. Adoption of FRS 19 which requires full
provision to be made for deferred tax has been dealt with by way of a prior
year adjustment. Adjustments have also been made to the previously published
results for the six months to 31 October 2000 to reflect the subsequent
adoption of FRS 18 as described in the accounts for the year ended 30 April
2001 and to comply with the presentation adopted in the accounts for the year
ended 30 April 2001.
7. The effective rate of tax assumed for the six months to 31 October
2001, reflecting the new accounting basis for deferred tax is 22% (six months
to 31 October 2000 - 53%, year to 30 April 2001 - 53%) and is calculated by
applying the Director's present best estimate of the annual tax rate to the
profit before tax for the period after adding back goodwill amortisation for
which no tax allowance is available. It is also stated before the impact of
prior period adjustments (£11.1m credit in the six months to 31 October 2001
and a credit of £1.3m in the year to 30 April 2001). The full year tax charge
is currently expected to almost entirely comprise a deferred tax charge as was
also the case in the year to 30 April 2001.
8. Fixed assets
Rental equipment Total
Net book value: £m £m
At 30 April 2001 725.6 802.5
Exchange difference (7.4) (8.0)
Additions 73.2 81.2
Acquisitions 4.0 4.1
Disposals (16.6) (26.3)
Depreciation (53.8) (59.2)
Exceptional UK asset write-down (28.7) (28.7)
At 31 October 2001 696.3 765.6
9. Goodwill
Cost Amortisation NBV
£m £m £m
At 30 April 2001 158.4 (7.7) 150.7
Prior year adjustment re BET USA deferred tax 14.4 (0.8) 13.6
As restated 172.8 (8.5) 164.3
Acquisitions in the period 2.5 - 2.5
Charged in the period - (4.4) (4.4)
175.3 (12.9) 162.4
10. Notes to the cash flow statement
(a) Reconciliation to net debt
Unaudited Audited
Six months to 31 Six months to 31 Year to 30
October 2001 October 2000 April
£m £m £m
(Increase) in cash in the (3.4) (43.5) (41.6)
Increase in bank loans 53.4 287.3 296.3
Cash inflow from decrease in - 15.0 15.6
short term investments
Change in net debt from cash 50.0 258.8 270.3
Translation difference (6.8) 14.0 22.8
Movements in net debt in the 43.2 272.8 293.1
Net bank debt at 1 May 484.4 191.3 191.3
Net bank debt at 31 October 527.6 464.1 484.4
5.25% unsecured convertible 129.4 124.5 127.9
loan note, due 2008
Net debt at 31 October 657.0 588.6 612.3
(b) Cash flow from operating activities
Unaudited Audited
Six months to Six months to Year to 30
31 October 31 October April
2001 2000
£m £m £m
(restated) (restated)
Operating profit 31.3 35.9 68.2
Exceptional operating costs 14.6 2.6 12.3
Amortisation of goodwill 4.4 3.4 8.1
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 59.2 59.9 114.5
EBITDA before exceptional operating 109.5 101.8 203.1
Loss/(gain) on sale of tangible fixed 0.7 (2.5) (6.8)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks (0.7) 0.6 (0.7)
Decrease/(increase) in trade debtors 6.9 (25.1) (12.1)
(Decrease)/increase in trade creditors (5.6) (2.4) (9.3)
Exchange differences (1.0) - (1.2)
Net cash inflow from operating
activities before exceptional 109.8 72.4 173.0
operating costs
11. Copies of this interim statement are being posted to all shareholders.
Copies are available on request from the Company Secretary at the
Registered Office of the Group at Ashtead House, Business Park 8, Barnett
Wood Lane, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7DG.
We have been instructed by the Company to review the interim financial
information comprising the consolidated income statement, consolidated
statement of total recognised gains and losses, consolidated balance sheet,
consolidated cash flow statement, reconciliation of movement in shareholders'
funds and related notes. We have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the
Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the
accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts
except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999
/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies
and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than
an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2001.
Chartered Accountants
15 January 2002