Directorate change

STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT BOARD APPOINTMENT AT EDINBURGH DRAGON TRUST PLC The board of Edinburgh Dragon Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of David Gairns as a non-executive director of the company with effect from 1 July 2003. Mr Gairns, who is 66 and a chartered accountant, has spent his professional career with KPMG in the UK and in Hong Kong, retiring in 1991 as senior partner of the Hong Kong firm. He is a former non- executive director of many public companies in Hong Kong, including The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited. He was chairman of the audit committees of these major companies. He is a former president of the Council of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants. There are no details on Mr Gairns which require to be disclosed in relation to paragraph 6.F.2(b) to (g) of the Listing Rules
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