Final Results
Edinburgh Dragon Trust PLC
12 October 2001
12 October 2001
31 AUGUST 2001
Edinburgh Dragon Trust's objective is long-term capital growth through
investment in the Far East (excluding Japan and Australasia). The trust is
managed by Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, a subsidiary of Edinburgh Fund
Managers Group plc, the international fund management group with funds under
management of around £7 billion.
Preliminary Results for Year Ended 31 August 2001
* Net asset value fell by 32.2% compared with the fall of 32.3 % (in sterling
terms) in the MSCI All Country Asia Free (excluding Japan) Index
* Share price fell by 37.1% to 57.75p representing a discount to the net
asset value of 20.7%
* Having suffered the region's debt crisis in 1998, many Asian companies are
better placed to cope in this weak economic environment and we will seek to
identify specific investment opportunities
For further information please contact:-
Alistair Thompson, Investment Manager
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
Chairman's Statement
Over the past year Edinburgh Dragon Trust's performance, although
disappointing, was slightly ahead of the 32.3% fall of the benchmark, the
MSCI All Country Asia Free (ex Japan) Index. The net asset value of Edinburgh
Dragon Trust fell by 32.2% from 107.39p to 72.8p and the share price
depreciated by 37.1% to 57.75p, representing a discount to the net asset
value of 20.7%.
Asian stockmarkets have been unable to escape the global impact of the
slowdown in the US economy, which has resulted in a rapid decline in the
region's exports and lower corporate profitability. Generally, analysts'
corporate earnings forecasts have been too optimistic and downgrades have
been commonplace throughout the financial year. These downgrades, which began
in the technology and communications sector, have spread to other areas of
the economy.
Dragon's marginal net asset value lead over the Index resulted from good
stock selection in Hong Kong, China and Thailand, which was offset by a small
amount of gearing utilised during the year and by poor stock performance in
Revenue Account
The earnings deficit per share fell from 1.00p to 0.24p. This reduction was
largely due to the increased gross revenues of £6.9 million following the
receipt of additional interest from higher average cash balances. Expenses
fell from £3.1 million to £2.5 million reflecting lower investment management
fees (which are calculated on the value of net assets).
The net result is that the revenue deficit, after taxation, has fallen from
£2.3 million to £0.5 million. However, since the objective of the trust is
long-term capital growth, this revenue deficit should not be seen as a cause
for concern.
In line with our investment objective, it is again proposed that no dividend
be paid.
Marketing Initiative
Over the past two years, the board has supported the AITC's 'its' marketing
initiative designed to raise awareness of the attraction of investment
trusts. The next phase of the AITC's 'its' campaign will focus more on a core
marketing programme, consisting of better public relations, improved consumer
information and the promotion of better understanding in the IFA market. The
campaign is being funded by the investment trust sector and the board remains
supportive of the proposals.
The trust also participates in the Edinburgh Fund Managers Investment Trust
Initiative which enables shareholders to invest in Edinburgh Dragon Trust in
a cost-effective manner through saving products such as regular savings
schemes, ISAs and the Pension Scheme. Shareholders who wish additional
information can find it on the Edinburgh Fund Manager's website
Future prospects
Following the terrorist attacks in the US, a global recession is now likely
and most of Asia will not be immune. However, it is too early to judge the
depth and duration of such a recession on the Asian economies. The region is
reliant on the US consumer continuing to spend, but despite aggressive
Federal Reserve easing, it is difficult to see consumption rising. Household
debt in the US is at record levels and unemployment is set to soar.
In general, higher risk premiums, lower growth and lower returns on capital
do not bode well for equities. However, Asia's bear market is more long
standing than that of the US and valuations are far lower. Having suffered
the region's debt crisis in 1998, many Asian companies are better placed to
cope in this weak economic environment due to improved corporate governance,
restructured balance sheets and more proactive management. We thus believe
this uncertainty and resulting volatility will, nonetheless, provide some
specific investment opportunities which the trust will seek to identify.
Tony Cassidy
11 October 2001
for the year ended 31 August 2001 (audited) Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 13,943 13,943
Unrealised losses on investments - (90,348) (90,348)
Currency losses - (1,570) (1,570)
Buyback of warrants - - -
Investment income 4,326 - 4,326
Interest receivable 2,499 - 2,499
Other income 93 - 93
Investment management fee (1,925) - (1,925)
Administrative expenses (600) (50) (650)
------ ------ -------
Net return before finance costs and taxation 4,393 (78,025) (73,632)
Interest payable and similar charges (4,844) - (4,844)
------ ------ -------
Return on ordinary activities before (451) (78,025) (78,476)
Taxation (89) - (89)
------ ------ -------
Return attributable to equity shareholders (540) (78,025) (78,565)
------ ------ -------
Return per ordinary share (0.24p) (34.42p) (34.66p)
------ ------ -------
Diluted return per ordinary share (0.24p) (34.13p) (34.37p)
------ ------ -------
for the year to 31 August 2000 (audited) Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised gains on investments - 21,920 21,920
Unrealised gains on investments - 24,914 24,914
Currency losses - (3,968) (3,968)
Buyback of warrants - (197) (197)
Investment income 4,425 - 4,425
Interest receivable 1,148 - 1,148
Other income 65 - 65
Investment management fee (2,321) - (2,321)
Administrative expenses (763) - (763)
------ ------ -------
Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,554 42,669 45,223
Interest payable and similar charges (4,583) - (4,583)
------ ------ -------
Return on ordinary activities before taxation (2,029) 42,669 40,640
Taxation (236) - (236)
------ ------ -------
Return attributable to equity shareholders (2,265) 42,669 40,404
------ ------ -------
Return per ordinary share (1.00p) 18.76p 17.76p
------ ------ -------
Diluted return per ordinary share (0.98p) 18.51p 17.53p
------ ------ -------
At 31 August 2001 At 31 August 2000
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments 175,694 279,291
------- -------
Current assets 56,289 38,011
Current liabilities 1,508 8,149
------- -------
Net current assets 54,781 29,862
------- -------
Total assets less current 230,475 309,153
Creditors: amounts falling due 65,279 65,045
after more than one year
------- -------
165,196 244,108
------- -------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital - equity 45,325 45,415
Reserves 119,871 198,693
------- -------
Total equity shareholders' funds 165,196 244,108
------- -------
Net asset value per share 72.80p 107.39p
Diluted net asset value per share 72.22p 105.26p
For the year ended For the year ended
31 August 2001 31 August 2000
£000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating 4,500 2,410
Net cash outflow from servicing (4,847) (4,454)
of finance
Total tax paid (2) (80)
Net cash inflow from financial 21,012 12,000
------ ------
Net cash inflow before financing 20,663 9,876
Net cash outflow from financing (347) (1,989)
Management of liquid resources (13,586) (3,627)
------ ------
INCREASE IN CASH 6,730 4,260
------ ------
1. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of
Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies'.
The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the
year to 31 August 2000.
2. The directors propose that no final dividend be paid in respect of
the year ended 31 August 2001.
3. The statement of total return, balance sheet and cashflow statement
set out above do not represent full statutory accounts in accordance with
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year
ended 31 August 2000 has been extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts
of the company which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The
auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified. The statutory accounts
for 2001 contain an unqualified auditors' report and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the company's Annual General Meeting which
will be held at Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh on 3
December 2001 at 11.00am.
4. The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 29 October 2001
and copies will be available from the registered office.
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future
and that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well
as rise and may be affected by exchange rate movements. Investors may not get
back the amount they originally invested. Where investment is made in
emerging markets, their potential volatility may increase the risk to the
value of the investment.
For Edinburgh Dragon Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary