Aspire Defence Finance plc, the Issuer for the Allenby/Connaught Private Finance Initiative project, has announced on 30 May 2023 that a Meeting of the Series B Bondholders held on Friday 26 May 2023 (and convened by the Series B Bond Trustee by the Notice dated 4 May 2023) was adjourned through lack of a quorum and that the adjourned Meeting of the Series B Bondholders will be held at the offices of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP at Cannon Place, 78 Cannon St, London EC4N 6AF on 14 June 2023 at 11 a.m. (London time) for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the Extraordinary Resolution (as previously notified) in accordance with the provisions of the Series B Bond Trust Deed dated 6 April 2006 made between the Issuer and Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (the Series B Bond Trustee) as trustee for the Series B Bondholders and constituting the Series B Bonds.
By order of the Board,
A R McColl
Company Secretary
30 May 2023