Interim Results

Associated British Engineering PLC 8 November 2001 ASSOCIATED BRITISH ENGINEERING PLC INTERIM REPORT 2001 ABE CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The group made a pre-tax loss of £190,000 in the six months to 30 September 2001 compared with of £163,000 on the continuing operations in the same period last year. The losses for this six months include redundancy costs of £74,000, as reported in the my statement in the annual report for the year ended 31 March 2001, and operating losses of £82,000 in the diesel engine remanufacturing division which has now been restructured. The company has a large number of small ordinary shareholders and while the Board welcomes all investors in the company we are aware that some shareholders may not wish to retain their investment, but find it inconvenient or uneconomical to sell their shares at commercial dealing rates. To assist these shareholders we are offering a dealing service with reduced costs through our registrar Computershare Investor Services PLC to enable shareholders owning 175 or fewer ordinary shares to sell their entire holding, or alternatively, to purchase additional shares up to a value of £2,500, with a minimum investment of £500. This facility will be available until 25 January 2002. The documents that deal with this special dealing service will be sent out with this interim report to all shareholders that own 175 or fewer ordinary shares. The Board continues to review opportunities for developing the Group and we will keep shareholders informed of any developments. RA Pearce-Gould Chairman 8 November 2001 ABE UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 Audited year 6 months to 6 months to to 31.3.01 30.9.01 30.9.00 £000s £000s £000s 3,812 Turnover 1,922 1,742 (156) Restructuring costs (74) - (4,160) Other operating costs (2,067) (1,925) (4,316) Total operating costs (2,141) (1,925) (504) Operating loss (219) (183) 297 Exceptional profit on discontinued operations - 220 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before finance costs (504) - Continuing operations (219) (183) 297 - Discontinued operations - 220 (207) (219) 37 51 Net finance income - Continuing 29 20 operations (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (453) - Continuing operations (190) (163) 297 - Discontinued operations - 220 (156) (190) 57 (5) Taxation - - (161) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (190) 57 after taxation (51) Non-equity dividends (26) (26) (212) Retained (loss)/profit (216) 31 (Loss)/profit per ordinary share 39p - Continuing operations (16)p (14)p 16p - Basic (16p) 2p Dividends per share accrued but not paid: 7.0p 7% preference 3.50 3.50 8.0p 8% preference 4.00 4.00 - Ordinary - - ABE UNAUDITED GROUP BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 Audited 31.3.01 30.9.01 30.9.00 £000s £000s £000s FIXED ASSETS 734 Tangible assets 724 633 CURRENT ASSETS 1,751 Stock 1,638 1,385 - Properties held for sale - 926 1,051 Debtors - amount falling due within 925 885 one year 2,019 Cash at bank and in hand 1,578 1,328 4,821 4,141 4,524 1,519 Creditors - amounts falling due within 1,015 916 one year 3,302 Net current assets 3,126 3,608 4,036 Total assets less current liabilities 3,850 4,241 17 Creditors - amounts falling due after one year 23 23 32 Provisions for liabilities and charges 29 35 3,987 Net assets 3,798 4,183 CAPITAL AND RESERVES 3,339 Called up share capital 3,339 3,339 5,038 Share premium account 5,038 5,038 11 Other reserves 11 11 (4,401) Profit and loss account (4,590) (4,205) 3,224 Equity shareholders' funds 3,009 3,445 763 Non Equity shareholders' funds 789 738 3,987 Total shareholders' funds 3,798 4,183 STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES (161) (Loss)/profit for the period (190) 57 22 Foreign Exchange adjustment - - (139) Total recognised gains and losses (190) 57 for the period The foreign exchange adjustment represents exchange gains during the period relating to the restatement of the balance sheet and results of Danway Limited, incorporated in the Cayman Islands. ABE UNAUDITED GROUP CASHFLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 Audited Year 6 months to 6 months to to 31.3.01 30.9.01 30.9.00 £000s £000s £000s OPERATING ACTIVITIES (755) Cash flow from operating activities (275) (140) RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE 56 Finance income received 30 73 (3) Finance costs paid - (45) (2) Finance costs element of finance (1) (8) lease rental payment Net cash flow from returns of 51 investments and servicing of finance 29 20 TAXATION - UK Taxation paid (5) - CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (83) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (31) (5) 45 Net proceeds on sale of tangible fixed - 33 assets (38) (31) 28 DISPOSALS AND CLOSURES (300) Acquisition of Kelvin Diesels (148) - 121 Sale of the Middle East operations - (41) 889 Discontinued catering equipment operations - 310 885 Properties held for sale - - 1,595 Net cash flow from disposals and closures (148) 269 853 Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (430) 177 FINANCING (12) Decrease in debt (5) (6) (47) Capital element of finance lease payments (6) (46) (59) (11) (52) 794 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (441) 125 ABE UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2001 The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on; 2001 2000 Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings per share per share £000s pence £000s pence (Loss)/profit for the financial year (190) 57 Less preference dividends (26) (26) (Loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (216) (16) 31 2 Add loss/(profit) on discontinued operations before taxation - - (220) (16) Loss arising from continuing operations (216) (16) (189) (14) Number Number Weighted average number of ordinary share in issue during the year 1,313,427 1,313,427 1. The comparative figures for the year to 31 March 2001 are abridged from the accounts for that year and do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended). Statutory accounts for that period, on which the Auditors gave an unqualified opinion, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 2. This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the latest published accounts. This interim report has neither been audited nor reviewed by our auditors. 3. As required by Financial Reporting Standard 4 the non-equity dividends have been charged to the profit and loss account and then added back to reserves because the company does not have sufficient reserves to make this payment. The cumulative amount of preference dividends unpaid at 30 September 2001 was £77,000.
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