Analysis of Results

Associated British Foods PLC 2 November 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2 November 2001 Associated British Foods plc - Segmental Analysis of Results To allow a better understanding of its activities, Associated British Foods plc will in future be providing a greater analysis of its financial performance, starting with the company's preliminary results for the year ended 15 September 2001 to be announced on 6 November 2001. Whereas in the past the company has presented an analysis of its turnover and profits between two business sectors, manufacturing and retail, a more comprehensive disclosure of the results by business will now be provided and will now include capital employed. With a view to helping prepare for this change, in advance of the company's results statement, set out below is the segmental analysis that will be adopted showing the turnover, operating profit and capital employed in the new format for the prior year (i.e. the year ended 16 September 2000). For the sake of clarity there is no change to the totals for turnover of £ 4,406 million or operating profit of £204 million for the group from that reported in the last published report and accounts. The segments to be reported are in line with those discussed in the chief executive's report in the last report and accounts and will be: Segment Businesses Primary Food & Agriculture Allied Mills British Sugar UK British Sugar Overseas Germains Technology Group ABNA Ingredients & Oils ACH SPI Polyols Abitec Grocery Allied Bakeries Ryvita Silver Spoon Speedibake Twinings Westmill Foods Retail & Packaging Primark Allied Glass Containers Australia & New Zealand George Weston Foods Following the above format, the segmental analysis for the year ended 16 September 2000 is as follows: ASSOCIATED BRITISH FOODS plc Segmental Analysis for the year ended 16 September 2000 Group Operating Capital turnover profit employed 2000 2000 2000 £m £m £m Analysis by business Primary food & agriculture 1,802 157 746 Ingredients & oils 706 34 289 Grocery 860 29 295 Retail & packaging 484 53 249 Australia & New Zealand 608 31 246 Inter company sales (295) - - Central costs/capital employed - (4) (10) Pension credit - 27 - ------------ ----------- ----------- 4,165 327 1,815 Businesses disposed: Grocery 241 13 83 Exceptional items - (130) - Amortisation of goodwill - (6) - ------------ ----------- ----------- 4,406 204 1,898 ------------ ----------- ----------- Notes:- 1. Business segment operating profits for continuing businesses include a charge that reflects the regular cost for pensions. The difference between this charge and that required under SSAP 24 is shown as a credit held centrally. 2. In the analysis above, businesses disposed comprise Burton's, the UK biscuit and sugar confectionery business, and Rowallan, an industrial fats business, which have already been announced. The profit for businesses disposed of £13 million has been adjusted from that reported in the interim results to reflect the reallocation of the pension credit held at the centre in respect of these businesses. 3. The Australia & New Zealand profit previously reported was £27 million. This has been amended to £31 million to reflect a £4 million difference in the timing between George Weston Foods and the company in the recognition of IT costs which were previously held at the centre. 4. Capital employed comprises tangible fixed assets, interests in joint ventures and associates, current assets (excluding cash and investments), creditors (excluding borrowings, tax and dividends) and provisions for liabilities & charges. for further information please contact: John Bason, Finance Director tel: 020 7589 6363
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