Annual Report

Medical Property Investment Fd Ltd 21 March 2005 The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements For the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004 Highlights The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited is a support services company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company was launched in November 2003 and will have financial resources of circa £400m to invest in primary care. This inaugural set of results is in respect of the period ending 31 December 2004. • Good first year results with 46 sites acquired (a further 14 sites in solicitors' hands)1 • Over £175m of capital committed1 • Average net initial yield on capital committed circa 7% • Growing pipeline of acquisitions and developments • BHE acquisition fully integrated, more opportunities in LIFT3 arising • Gross income of £7.6m with retained profit of £0.3m net of all launch and property acquisition expenses • Final dividend 2.67p2 making 4p in total 1 As at 15 March 2005 2 Ex -dividend date 30 March 2005, Record date 1 April 2005, Payment date 11 April 2005 3 Local Improvement Finance Trusts ('LIFT') are part of the Government's aim to procure investment in primary care and community-based facilities and services. Chairman's Statement For the period ended 31 December 2004 This Report is published in respect of the period from incorporation of the business on 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004. The Ordinary Shares were admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange on 21 November 2003. I am pleased to report an extremely satisfactory start for the Company since its flotation on the London Stock Exchange. During the period, total income amounted to £7.6m producing a net profit after investment result of £2.2m. A dividend of 1.33p per Ordinary Share was declared at the interim stage. The Board has recommended a final dividend of 2.67p per Ordinary Share making a total of 4p per share which is in line with budget. As at 15 March 2005, the Company had acquired or exchanged contracts on 46 sites and has a further 14 sites in solicitors' hands. On completion, the aggregate capital value of these investments will be approximately £120m. In addition, the Company has committed a further £55m to its own development projects including its LIFT investments and pharmacy commitments. On all capital committed to date, the average net initial yield on completion is estimated to be circa 7%. The Company has pursued the strategy outlined at the time of flotation. Whilst the property investment market has continued to be very competitive we have been able to acquire existing primary health care properties and undertake sale and leaseback transactions at average yields consistent with our forecasts. At the interim stage, we reported on the acquisition of 70% of British Health Enterprise ('BHE'), a specialist developer with expertise in LIFT developments, general primary care projects and the development of hospital main entrance retail malls. BHE's interests in three LIFT companies together with other development initiatives being undertaken by the investment manager and third party developers is enabling the business to build up its own stock of developments where higher returns can be anticipated. During the latter half of 2004, the Company set up its own pharmacy business, Healthcare Pharmacies Limited. This is in direct response to the increasing role of pharmacy as an integral part of the service provision within larger primary health care developments. We believe that a direct involvement in the way that pharmacies are operated within these establishments will facilitate innovation and enhance their operational performance and earnings potential. Outlook The NHS Plan will continue to create opportunities in the sector generally and we expect the commitment to improve the range of services and facilities within primary health care premises to be a key focus before and after the election. LIFT areas are likely to continue to attract a significant share of the additional funding supporting new premises development and the Company will continue to explore ways of increasing its exposure to this part of the market. The Company is well placed to meet its forecast returns. The second year of operation will see more management resources devoted to development activity particularly on larger schemes. At the same time, the Company will continue to invest in sale and leasebacks in order to increase its national foot-print and continue to pursue the generation of additional income from sites which have already been acquired. Against this backdrop and on the assumption that NHS policy continues to be directed towards increasing resources in primary health care, I am confident that the progress made in the first year of operation will be sustained in the medium term. Stockbroker The Company has recently appointed Cenkos Securities as joint broker. Dr Mark Jackson Chairman 18 March 2005 Investment Manager's Report For the period ended 31 December 2004 The Company's investment objective is to achieve asset-backed earnings' growth from rental and other income streams through the acquisition and development of a modern portfolio of primary health care premises. In the first period of operation the principal focus has been on establishing a regional infrastructure, creating market awareness and sourcing suitable acquisition opportunities. Deal sourcing to date has comprised investment purchases of completed rent producing properties, sale and leaseback transactions with GP practices and forward funding or purchase commitments on various development projects. During the latter half of 2004, we have increased our management resources focussed towards direct development activity and a number of land acquisitions have taken place or are in solicitors' hands which will enable us to build out our own development pipeline. Financial Performance The Company has been profitable in its inaugural year. It has fulfilled the dividend forecast made at the time of flotation and has fully absorbed all property acquisition costs incurred at the time of purchase. During this period, 50% of total income comprised bank and other interest income. In 2005, interest income will be replaced by increased revenue from rental receipts and forward funding arrangements arising from recent capital expenditure on new projects. The Company intends to draw down a first tranche of debt during the third quarter of 2005. The terms of this facility are still being finalised through a competitive tender process involving four banks. The initial bank facility will be of the order of £100m and will be arranged on a short term basis with flexibility to allow for a full refinancing once the property portfolio increases towards £400m. Rent reviews in primary health care property are generally on a three yearly cycle. Given the Company's national focus towards investment and its spread of activities among sale and leasebacks, development projects and LIFT, the Company is building up an extensive database of rental evidence which will become increasingly useful in rent review negotiations. The Company has settled rent reviews on six properties during 2004 resulting in an overall uplift of 14.1% on the passing rent relating to those properties. On all properties acquired as at 31 December 2004, the Company had a weighted income un-expired term of 19.7 years. Strategic Initiatives The acquisition of a 70% interest in the share capital of BHE was completed in August 2004 and we have been pleased with its performance to date. It has brought to the Group financial and operational involvement in three LIFT areas as well as development expertise in other primary health care projects and the niche area of developing hospital main entrance retail malls. A large portfolio of medical properties, owned by the General Practice Finance Corporation (GPFC), the principal lender in the sector, came to the market during the second half of 2004. This attracted considerable interest from a variety of prospective purchasers including ourselves. The eventual sale price was somewhat higher than our proposal which was pitched at a level which balanced the advantages of scale with the ability to achieve a satisfactory return on investment. The winning bid did however reinforce market evidence of the premiums that purchasers are prepared to pay for portfolios. We will continue to monitor the market for such opportunities whilst focussing the majority of our management resources on individual property purchases. The Company has established a pharmacy subsidiary to take advantage of changes in the provision of primary health care. The delivery of a wider range of medical services has been facilitated by the new GP contract and improved premises infrastructure. In order to leverage operational efficiency within this new generation of medical buildings it is becoming increasingly important to promote the interaction between GPs, practice nursing staff and the provision of pharmacy and pharmacists' services. The recent relaxation of conditions controlling the grant of new pharmacy contracts is facilitating this change. As at 15 March 2005, Healthcare Pharmacies Limited had applied for a total of eight licences and more licence applications are expected as the Company's property portfolio expands. The pharmacy initiative is the first example of how we intend to generate other earnings streams as our portfolio of primary health care developments gains critical mass. There are a large number of providers of medical services from both the private and public sector keen to co-locate in these developments. The shortage of available space within the current generation of modern medical facilities is currently their biggest constraint. As our development pipeline gathers momentum, we intend to pursue innovative and sustainable ways to accommodate other service providers. Industry Trends In April 2004, GPs signed up to their new contract known as nGMS. This was a further milestone in the evolution of the NHS Plan towards improved service delivery being undertaken within the primary health care market. During this period GP practices have been adjusting to the new regime. We believe that many practices are only now becoming fully conversant with the implications and opportunities posed by the new contracts. One of the most striking features of the new contract is that GPs are now financially incentivised to offer an increasing range of services. To do this they need modern, larger premises so that they can offer a wider range of services to patients. At the same time GPs' appetite for owning premises is declining. Working practices are becoming more diverse, graduates are more reluctant to be saddled with property assets, older property-owning GPs want to retire and the profession generally is focussing more on service delivery. The inevitable consolidation of smaller GP practices into larger, more capital intensive new developments and the arrival of practice based commissioning are likely to accelerate these dynamics and increase the demand for new facilities. Growth money funding continues to be a hot topic within the sector with Primary Care Trusts being restricted in the amount of funding available to support new premises' development. Whilst there have been a number of increases announced by Government during the period under review this continues to be patchy and in many cases can adversely affect the smooth delivery of new facilities. We believe the Company is well placed to tackle these issues as it has the financial resources to take a long term view and is not reliant on project specific bank debt funding. Strategy and Outlook The main focus over the next twelve months will be on allocating investment into five key areas: sale and leaseback transactions; investment purchases; forward funding development commitments; own developments and investment in LIFT companies. The relative mix between the categories is not fixed however it is our intention to allocate at least 50% of our gross assets towards developments and LIFT. Our aim is to build on the position we have established in the market as the natural partner for GPs and PCTs alike as a long term owner and active asset manager of primary care premises. We anticipate an increased level of sale and leaseback activity during this year as more GP practices recognise the merits of forming a relationship with a partner committed to ongoing capital investment and development. The Company is uniquely positioned to take an active role in the development of bigger projects or 'one stop shops' where there is an opportunity to attract complementary medical providers and services alongside the GP practice. We will develop additional space on a 'risk' basis as we believe there is a substantial and unsatisfied group of users keen to gain representation in these establishments. We will also explore ways to accelerate the procurement of new premises. Looking ahead, we believe that the Company's active involvement in the development process will be a key driver of shareholder value and, as a result, more resources are being allocated to this part of the business. The prime objective of delivering asset-backed income growth by building up the Company's portfolio of properties and development projects is on course. We continue to explore opportunities to grow other income streams from our expanding portfolio of medical premises and we are pleased with the progress of the Company so far. Richard Burrell Berrington Fund Management Limited 18 March 2005 The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited Report of the Directors The Directors of The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited ('the Company') and its subsidiaries (together 'the Group') are pleased to submit the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group for the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004. Investment Policy The primary investment objective of the Group is to achieve income and capital growth primarily from a portfolio of medical centres situated in the United Kingdom and related primary care services. Listing The Ordinary Shares of the Company were admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange on 21 November 2003. Results The results for the period are shown in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. Dividend During the period the Company has declared and paid the following interim dividend and declared the following final dividend to its Ordinary Shareholders: Dividend Date Declared Rate Interim 13 September 2004 1.33p Final 18 March 2005 2.67p Directors' and Other Interests None of the Directors or persons connected with them held any shares at 31 December 2004. None of the Directors had a service contract with the Company during the period. As at 31 December 2004, Berrington Fund Management Limited was interested in 147,000 Ordinary Shares. Corporate Governance As a Guernsey incorporated company, the Company is not required to comply with the Code of Best Practice published by the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (the 'Combined Code'). However, the Directors place a high degree of importance on ensuring that high standards of Corporate Governance are maintained. Going Concern The Directors believe it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements as, after due consideration, the Directors consider that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Substantial Shareholdings At 1 March 2005, Directors were aware that the following shareholders owned 3% or more of the issued Ordinary Shares of the Company. Number of Ordinary Shares % of Ordinary Shares The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited 4,645,970 3.26 BNY (OCS) Nominees Limited 6,776,810 4.76 HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited 4,300,000 3.02 Morstan Nominees Limited 13,930,000 9.78 Nortrust Nominees Limited 9,350,000 6.57 Nutraco Nominees Limited 4,355,000 3.06 State Street Nominees Limited 14,118,649 9.91 Vidacos Nominees Limited 32,596,674 22.89 Directors' Responsibilities The Directors are responsible for preparing financial statements for each financial period which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period and are in accordance with applicable laws. In preparing those financial statements the Directors are required to:- • select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Report of the Directors and other information included in the Annual Report is prepared in accordance with applicable company law. They are also responsible for ensuring that the Annual Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority. Status for Taxation The Income Tax Authority in Guernsey has granted the Company exemption from Guernsey income tax under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 and the income of the Company may be distributed or accumulated without deduction of Guernsey income tax. Exemption under the above mentioned Ordinance entails payment by the Company of an Annual Fee of £600. The property subsidiary is subject to United Kingdom tax on income arising on investment properties, after deduction of their debt financing costs and allowable expenses. The UK trading subsidiaries are subject to UK corporation tax on their profits. Auditors Ernst & Young LLP have indicated their willingness to continue in office. Dr Mark Jackson, Chairman Graham Chase, Director 18 March 2005 Independent Auditors' Report to the Members of The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited We have audited the Group's financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2004 which comprise the Consolidated Statement of Operations, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Company Balance Sheet, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and the related notes 1 to 25. These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out therein. This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance with Section 64 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Respective Responsibilities of Directors and Auditors The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with Guernsey law as described in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, United Kingdom Auditing Standards and the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the Directors' Report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the Company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit or if information specified by the Listing Rules regarding Directors' transactions with the Group is not disclosed. We read the other information contained in the Annual Report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information comprises the Highlights, Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report, Directors' Profiles, Management and Administration and Report of the Directors. We consider the implications for our Report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information. Basis of Audit Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the Directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Group's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. Opinion In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group as at 31 December 2004 and of its profit for the period then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. Ernst & Young LLP Guernsey, Channel Islands 18 March 2005 Consolidated Statement of Operations For the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 Notes £ Income Rent receivable 3,399,736 Fees receivable 358,488 Bank and other interest 3,829,875 Total Income 7,588,099 Expenses Interest payable and similar charges 5 43,448 Investment Manager's fees 3(i) 2,958,265 Salaries 2 409,520 Legal and professional fees 189,893 Property management expenses 186,546 Audit fees 35,000 Tax and accountancy fees 22,560 Administration fee 3 (ii) 113,453 Directors' fees 4 243,287 Insurance 37,686 Advertising, PR & marketing 260,420 Other expenses 409,168 Depreciation 350 Bank charges 9,503 Total Expenses 4,919,099 Net Profit before Investment Result 2,669,000 Unrealised loss on revaluation of properties (508,027) Minority interests 69,703 Net Profit before Taxation 2,230,676 Taxation 7 - Net Profit for the Period 2,230,676 Dividend 6 (1,893,971) Retained Profit 336,705 Basic and Diluted Profit per Ordinary Share 8 1.58p All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 31/12/2004 Notes £ Non-current Assets Property 10 51,739,136 Investments 11 4,232 Goodwill 12 5,867,768 Tangible fixed assets 13 20,078 57,631,214 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 15 66,650,944 Debtors 16 4,615,396 Development work in progress 10,071,702 81,338,042 Total Assets 138,969,256 Current Liabilities Creditors 17 2,222,416 Total Liabilities 2,222,416 Net Assets 136,746,840 Represented by: Capital and Reserves Share capital 18 14,240,385 Share premium 19 122,239,453 Reserves 20 336,705 136,816,543 Minority interests (69,703) Total Equity 136,746,840 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 21 96.03p The financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 18 March 2005 and signed on its behalf by: Dr Mark Jackson, Chairman Graham Chase, Director The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. Company Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 31/12/2004 Notes £ Non-current Assets Property 10 - Investments in subsidiary companies 9 & 11 15,696,868 Loans 14 53,299,452 68,996,320 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 15 66,340,103 Debtors 16 1,515,910 67,856,013 Total Assets 136,852,333 Current Liabilities Creditors 17 105,493 Total Liabilities 105,493 Net Assets 136,746,840 Represented by: Capital and Reserves Share capital 18 14,240,385 Share premium 19 122,239,453 Reserves 20 267,002 Total Equity 136,746,840 The financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 18 March 2005 and signed on its behalf by: Dr Mark Jackson, Chairman Graham Chase, Director The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 £ Retained profit 336,705 Minority interest (69,703) Issue of Ordinary Shares, net of issue costs 136,479,838 Equity at 31 December 136,746,840 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 Note £ Operating Activities Rent received 3,285,877 Fees received 358,488 Bank and other interest received 3,829,875 Expenses paid (5,240,581) Interest paid and similar charges (43,448) Net cash inflow from operating activities 22 2,190,211 Investing Activities Purchase of property (53,228,913) Purchase of investments (4,232) Purchase of fixed assets (20,428) Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired (5,867,768) Cost of development work in progress (10,071,702) Short term loan to associated company (932,091) Net cash outflow from investing activities (70,125,134) Financing Activities Issue of Ordinary Shares 142,500,000 Issue costs paid on issuance of Ordinary Shares (6,020,162) Dividend paid (1,893,971) Net cash inflow from financing activities 134,585,867 Increase in cash and cash equivalents 66,650,944 Cash and cash equivalents at 7 October 2003 - Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2004 66,650,944 The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements. Notes to the Financial Statements For the period from 7 October 2003 to 31 December 2004 1. Operations The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in Guernsey whose investment objective is to achieve capital growth and rising rental income from the ownership and development of a diversified portfolio of primary health care properties and the provision of related services. 2. Principal Accounting Policies Basis of Preparation The financial statements of the Group have been prepared in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee and applicable legal and regulatory requirements of Guernsey Law, and reflect the following policies: Convention The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the Historical Cost Convention except for the measurement at fair value of investment properties. Basis of Consolidation The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of The Medical Property Investment Fund Limited and its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 December 2004. Segmental Reporting The Directors are of the opinion that the Group is engaged in a single segment of business, being primary care investment and development business and related services. The Group invests in primary health care properties and developments situated in the United Kingdom. Income Interest and fees receivable are included in the financial statements on an accruals basis. Rental income is included in the financial statements on an accruals basis and is shown gross of any UK income tax. Expenses All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Salaries The Company has no employees. Salary costs relate to the Group's subsidiary, BHE Management Services Limited, which has nine employees. The latter company does not have a pension scheme. Issue Costs The share issue costs incurred amounted to £6,020,162 and have been written off in full against the share premium account. Investments in Subsidiary Companies The investments in subsidiary companies are included in the Company Balance Sheet at cost less any provisions for diminution in value. Goodwill Goodwill arising on acquisition is accounted for being the difference between the cost of acquisition and the fair value of the assets acquired. It is then subject to annual review for any impairment. Property - Freehold Freehold properties are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of consideration given, including transaction costs associated with the property. After initial recognition, freehold properties are measured at fair value, with unrealised gains and losses recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Operations. Fair value is based upon the open market valuations of the properties as provided by FPD Savills Commercial Limited, a firm of independent chartered surveyors, as at the balance sheet date. Property - Long Leasehold IAS 40 (2003 - revised) has been adopted early. As a result, long leasehold properties have been accounted for as freehold properties and, after initial recognition at cost, are measured at fair value (on the same basis as freehold properties above). Tangible Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets are depreciated over their expected useful lives which are: Fixtures & Fittings - four years. Investments Investments are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration paid, including transaction costs associated with the investment. After initial recognition, investments are carried at the Group's share in the net asset value of the investment. Loans to Subsidiary Companies The unsecured subordinated loan that has been granted to MPIF Holdings Limited at various times during the accounting period, has been accounted for as an originated loan under IFRS. This loan, and other loans to subsidiary companies, have been accounted for on an amortised cost basis with intercompany interest being recognised under the effective interest rate method. The loans are reviewed regularly for impairment. Development Work in Progress Development work in progress, including capitalised interest where applicable, is carried at cost or, if lower, market value. No interest was capitalised in the period. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash on hand and deposits in banks are carried at cost. Cash and cash equivalents are defined as cash in hand, demand deposits, and highly liquid investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. For the purposes of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash in hand and deposits in banks. 3. Material Agreements (i) Under the terms of an appointment made by the Board on 18 November 2003, Berrington Fund Management Limited ('BFML') was appointed as Investment Manager to the Company. With effect from 21 November 2003 the Investment Manager is paid an aggregate annual management fee of 2.0% of the net asset value of the Company payable monthly in arrears. In addition, BFML is entitled to receive a performance fee in respect of the period from Admission to 31 December 2008 of 18% of the amount by which the market value per share exceeds on 31 December 2008 the Placing Price (compounded annually at 12% per annum) and, thereafter, 18% of the amount by which the market value per share exceeds the higher of (1) the Placing Price (compounded annually at 12% per annum) or (2) the highest previous market value per share as stated in the Prospectus. The Investment Management Agreement is terminable by the Company on 12 months' notice, such notice to be given on or after the fourth anniversary of the Investment Manager's Agreement. The Investment Manager has delegated the management of the investment properties to Barlows Asset Management Limited. (ii) Under the terms of an Administration Agreement dated 18 November 2003, the Company appointed Guernsey International Fund Managers Limited ('GIFM') as Administrator, Secretary and Registrar of the Company. This agreement was terminated with effect from 27 April 2004. The Company entered into an Administration Agreement dated 26 April 2004 with Mourant Guernsey Limited ('Mourant') under which Mourant agreed to provide services to the Company as Administrator and Secretary to the Company. Mourant is entitled to an annual fee of £85,000 per annum, such fees being invoiced monthly in arrears. 4. Directors' Fees 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 During the period each of the Directors was entitled to the following fees: £ M. Jackson (Chairman) 121,643 J. Curran (Deputy Chairman) 48,657 G. Chase 24,329 F. Porter 24,329 C. Vibert 24,329 243,287 5. Interest Payable and Similar Charges 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 Bank & other interest payable 43,448 43,448 6. Dividends Paid and Payable on Ordinary Shares 7/10/2003 No. of to Ordinary Rate 31/12/2004 Shares pence £ Interim dividend paid 15 October 2004 142,403,847 1.33 1,893,971 Dividends paid 1.33 1,893,971 A final dividend of 2.67 pence per Ordinary Share was declared on 18 March 2005. 7. Taxation The Company and its Guernsey registered subsidiary, MPIF Holdings Limited, have obtained exempt company status in Guernsey under the terms of the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 so that they are exempt from Guernsey taxation on income arising outside Guernsey and on bank interest receivable in Guernsey. Each Company is, therefore, only liable to a fixed fee of £600 per annum. The Directors intend to conduct the Group's affairs such that it continues to remain eligible for exemption. MPIF Holdings Limited is subject to United Kingdom income tax on income arising on the investment properties, after deduction of its debt financing costs, allowable expenses and capital allowances. The Company's UK subsidiaries are subject to United Kingdom corporation tax on their profits less losses. 8. Basic and Diluted Profit per Ordinary Share The basic and diluted profit per Ordinary Share is based on the net profit for the period of £2,230,676 and on 140,909,564 Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue throughout the period since 21 November 2003, when the shares were admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. 9. Investments in Subsidiary Companies The Company owns the whole of the issued Ordinary Share capital of MPIF Holdings Limited, specially formed to act as the property investment holding company for the Group, which is incorporated and registered in Guernsey. MPIF Holdings Limited owns the whole of the issued Ordinary Share capital of BHE (Heartlands) Limited (property investment company - registered in England), and BHE (Bonnyrigg) Limited and BHE (Wand) Limited, both of which are dormant and registered in England. MPIF Holdings Limited also owns the whole of the issued Ordinary Share capital of MPF Pharmacies Limited, specially formed to act as the pharmacy investment holding company for the Group, which is incorporated and registered in Guernsey. MPF Pharmacies Limited owns the whole of the issued Ordinary Share capital of Healthcare Pharmacies Limited which is registered in England and will, in due course, carry on its pharmacy trade in the United Kingdom. The Company also owns 70% of the issued Ordinary Share capital of BHE Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, Development Support Partnership Limited and BHE (York) Limited, both of which are dormant, and BHE Management Services Limited. BHE Holdings Limited and BHE Management Services Limited, all of which are registered in England, both undertake property development, health planning and related consultancy services. 10. Property Properties are stated at fair value, which has been determined based on valuations performed by FPD Savills Commercial Limited as at 31 December 2004, on the basis of open market value, supported by market evidence, in accordance with International Valuation Standards. 31/12/2004 Group £ At 7 October 2003 - Additions at cost 52,247,163 Unrealised loss on revaluation (508,027) At 31 December 2004 51,739,136 31/12/2004 Company £ At 7 October 2003 - Additions at cost 32,040,262 Disposals (32,040,262) At 31 December 2004 - During the period the Group has complied with Sections 21.27 (f) to 21.27 (i) of the FSA Listing Rules. 11. Investments The Group has the following investments: Shares held % held Place of Business Name of Company by the Group Incorporation Activity Infracare (Midlands) 5 Ordinary 5% (with an option to England Dormant (formed to Limited Shares of £1 increase to 40% for invest in the Dudley nominal South LIFT Company) consideration) GB Consortium (No. 1) 4,200 Ordinary 40% held by BHE England Holds 60% of the Limited Shares of £1 (Holdings) Limited share capital in the which is 70% owned by Barnet, Enfield and the Company Haringey, and Liverpool and Sefton LIFT Companies GB Consortium (No. 2) 27 Ordinary 45% held by BHE England Holds 60% of the Limited Shares of £1 (Holdings) Limited share capital in the which is 70% owned by Coventry LIFT the Company Company The Company has the following investments in subsidiaries: 31/12/2004 Company £ Investment in MPIF Holdings Limited 12,000,000 Investment in BHE Holdings Limited 6,670,771 Provision for diminution in value of subsidiaries (2,973,903) 15,696,868 12. Goodwill On 30 July 2004 the Company acquired 70% of the share capital of BHE Holdings Limited, and 100% of the share capital of BHE (Bonnyrigg) Limited and BHE (Heartlands) Limited for a consideration of £4m in cash plus 2,403,847 Ordinary Shares in the Company with a value of £2,500,000. The net assets of the group acquired were £Nil. The goodwill arising and at the period end is as follows: 31/12/2004 Group £ Purchase consideration 6,500,000 Stamp duty, legal fees and other costs of acquisition 170,771 Total cost 6,670,771 Net assets acquired - Revaluation at date of acquisition 803,003 Goodwill arising and at 31 December 2004 5,867,768 13. Tangible Fixed Assets 31/12/2004 Group £ Fixtures & Fittings Cost At date of acquisition and at 31 December 2004 37,896 Depreciation At date of acquisition 17,468 Depreciation for the period 350 At 31 December 2004 17,818 Net book value at 31 December 2004 20,078 14. Loans 31/12/2004 Company £ MPIF Holdings Limited (i) 48,355,860 BHE Holdings Limited (ii) 250,000 BHE (Heartlands) Limited (iii) 3,424,675 BHE (Bonnyrigg) Limited (iii) 1,032,032 MPF Pharmacies Limited (iii) 216,560 GB Consortium (No. 1) Limited (iii) 20,325 53,299,452 (i) These comprise unsecured subordinated loans issued in support of property acquisitions. The loans are repayable on 31 December 2013 and interest is charged at the fixed rate for that period plus a margin of 3%. (ii) The loan is unsecured, repayable upon demand and carries interest at 8% per annum. (iii) These loans are unsecured, non interest bearing and repayable upon demand. 15. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash balances include £635,000 held to the bank's order as security for letters of credit issued by the bank to the debt funders for the three Local Improvement Finance Trusts (LIFT Companies) to which the Group has pledged funding upon practical completion of the medical centres under development. 16. Debtors 31/12/2004 Group £ VAT recoverable 873,584 Other debtors 934,796 Short term loan to Infracare (Midlands) Limited* 932,091 Rent receivable 893,175 Property purchase deposits 981,750 4,615,396 * The unsecured loan from MPIF Holdings Limited to Infracare (Midlands) Limited carries interest at 12% and is repayable upon financial close of the Dudley South LIFT. Company Due from MPIF Holdings Limited 1,479,132 Prepayments 36,778 1,515,910 17. Creditors 31/12/2004 £ Group Trade creditors 954,745 Other creditors 488,355 Rents received in advance 779,316 2,222,416 Company Trade creditors 6,357 Other creditors 99,136 105,493 18. Share Capital Authorised £ 200,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 20,000,000 20,000,000 Preference Shares of 10p each 2,000,000 22,000,000 Number of Share Shares Capital Ordinary Shares issued and fully paid £ 142,403,847 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 142,403,847 14,240,385 Total share capital 142,403,847 14,240,385 The Company has yet to issue any Preference Shares. Voting Rights Ordinary shareholders are entitled to vote at all general meetings. Preference shareholders are entitled to receive notice of and speak at any general meeting of the Company but they can only vote on any resolution relating to the Preference Shares. Dividends The preference shareholders are entitled to, in priority to the holders of any other class of share, a fixed cumulative preferential cash dividend at the rate of 6p per Preference Share per annum. The ordinary shareholders are entitled to the balance of revenue made available for distribution by the Company. Conversion Each preference shareholder may convert part of his shareholding into fully paid Ordinary Shares at the rate of one Ordinary Share for each Preference Share held, in the manner and basis set out in the articles. Capital If not converted, the Preference Shares may be redeemed by the Company subject to notice periods set out in the articles. The ordinary and preference shareholders are entitled to all capital pari passu once the preference shareholders have received their dividend entitlement. 19. Share Premium 31/12/2004 £ Proceeds arising on issue of Ordinary Shares 128,259,615 Allocation of issue costs (6,020,162) Share premium at 31 December 2004 122,239,453 Profit and Loss 20. Reserves Reserves 31/12/2004 £ Group Retained profit 336,705 Reserves at 31 December 2004 336,705 Company Retained profit 267,002 Reserves at 31 December 2004 267,002 21. Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to the ordinary shareholders of £136,746,840 and on 142,403,847 Ordinary Shares in issue at the balance sheet date. 22. Note to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 7/10/2003 to 31/12/2004 £ Reconciliation of net profit before investment result to net cash outflow from operating activities: Net profit before investment result 2,669,000 Adjustment for non-cash items: Depreciation 350 (Increase) in debtors (2,701,555) Increase in creditors 2,222,416 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,190,211 23. Financial Instruments and Properties The Group holds cash and liquid resources as well as having debtors and creditors that arise directly from its operations. The Group has not entered into any derivative transactions during the period under review. The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments and properties are market price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks and these are summarised below. Market Price Risk The Group's exposure to market price risk is comprised mainly of movements in the value of the Group's investment in property. Property and property related assets are inherently difficult to value due to the individual nature of each property. As a result, valuations are subject to uncertainty. There is no assurance that the estimates resulting from the valuation process will reflect the actual sales price even where a sale occurs shortly after the valuation date. Rental income and the market value for properties are generally affected by overall conditions in the local economy, such as growth in gross domestic product, employment trends, inflation and changes in interest rates. Changes in gross domestic product may also impact employment levels, which in turn may impact the demand for premises. Furthermore, movements in interest rates may also affect the cost of financing for real estate companies. Both rental income and property values may also be affected by other factors specific to the real estate market, such as competition from other property owners, the perceptions of prospective tenants of the attractiveness, convenience and safety of properties, the inability to collect rents because of the bankruptcy or the insolvency of tenants or otherwise, the periodic need to renovate, repair and release space and the costs thereof, the costs of maintenance and insurance, and increased operating costs. The Directors monitor market value by having independent valuations carried out quarterly by FPD Savills Commercial Limited. Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Group. In the event of a default by an occupational tenant, the Group will suffer a rental income shortfall and incur additional costs, including legal expenses, in maintaining, insuring and re-letting the property. Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will encounter in realising assets or otherwise raising funds to meet financial commitments. Investments in property are relatively illiquid, however, the Group has tried to mitigate this risk by investing in desirable properties which are well let to General Practitioners and Primary Care Trusts. Interest Rate Risk The Group's exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the Group's cash deposits and, once debt is being utilised, long-term debt obligations. The Group's policy will be to manage its interest cost using fixed rate debt in due course. The interest rate profile of the Group at 31 December 2004 is as follows: Total Variable Assets on Weighted rate which no average interest is interest received rate per annum £ £ £ % Assets Properties 51,739,136 - 51,739,136 - Fixed assets 20,078 - 20,078 - Goodwill 5,867,768 - 5,867,768 - Investments 4,232 - 4,232 - Non-current assets 57,631,214 - 57,631,214 - Cash and cash equivalents 66,650,944 66,650,944 - 4.6 Debtors 4,615,396 - 4,615,396 - Development work in progress 10,071,702 - 10,071,702 - Total assets as per Balance Sheet 138,969,256 66,650,944 72,318,312 Total Liabilities on which no interest is paid £ £ Liabilities Creditors 2,222,416 2,222,416 Total liabilities as per Balance Sheet 2,222,416 2,222,416 24. Commitments At the period end the Group had commitments to invest a further £15,616,000 in its portfolio of investment property. The Company has given guarantees in favour of the General Practice Finance Corporation (GPFC) amounting to £635,000 to secure future LIFT investments by the Group. 25. Related Parties The Company was charged investment manager's fees totalling £2,958,265 by Berrington Fund Management Limited, none of which was outstanding at the balance sheet date. At the period end Berrington Fund Management Limited had an interest in 147,000 Ordinary Shares in the Company. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange MSCPKFKQABKDNND


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