Final Results - Year Ended 31 Dec 1999, Part 1

Amlin PLC 18 May 2000 Part 1 AMLIN plc PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1999 (UNAUDITED) HIGHLIGHTS * Major improvements in operating ratios * Total dividend increased by 8.6% to 3.8p * Improving rates - Fleet motor renewal rates up by 24% - Property catastrophe rates hardening - Property insurance recovering * Better focus through disposal of: - Whittington Group (run-off services) - Amlin Private Capital (Members Agency) - Non-aligned Lloyd's capacity * B2B internet credit insurer growing strongly * Annual accounting adopted for first time in 1999 Restated 1999 1998(1) £m £m Gross written premium - continuing operations 161.4 52.7 - discontinued 91.4 170.3 operations Operating profit(2) - continuing operations 7.2 (3.1) - discontinued 5.3 15.4 operations Profit on ordinary 18.3 18.0 activities before taxation Earnings per share 5.9p 5.6p Dividend per share 3.8p 3.5p Net assets per share 110.0p 107.5p (1) The comparative period is for the seven months to 31 December 1998. (2) Operating profit is based upon longer term investment returns. Roger Taylor, Chairman, commented: '1999 was a challenging year for Amlin but one from which our Group emerges stronger, more clearly focused and with a sound platform from which to grow.' Charles Philipps, Chief Executive, commented: 'We achieved an operating profit from continuing operations of £7.2 million, up by £10.3 million from 1998. Our claims ratio was 7% better at 71% and our expense ratio was 2% better at 37%. It was particularly encouraging that we delivered these results despite 1999 being the second worst ever year for world-wide insured catastrophe losses.' 'We now focus purely on underwriting, having sold our non-core activities of Whittington, Amlin Private Capital and our spread capacity, for total proceeds of £13.4 million. This clarity is essential to our achieving our objective of building a high quality specialist insurance company.' 'We have streamlined the Group and improved its efficiency by merging our managing agencies, consolidating all our London Market operations into one set of premises and rationalising our finance and administration functions. We have also invested in technology, syndicate monitoring and compliance.' 'Amlin Insurance Services, our motor and UK insurance business, took advantage of the withdrawal of competitive capacity from the fleet motor market by achieving average rate increases of 24% on business renewed in 1999, and adding £6.9 million of new fleet motor business in the first quarter of 2000.' 'Our young e-commerce business,, has grown significantly with premium income almost doubling. This business has exciting potential and we are currently exploring new product opportunities in the small business market with partners in the UK and continental Europe.' 'Amlin has come through the down cycle with a strong balance sheet. With our increased focus, a more streamlined operation and terms of business moving in our favour, we are confident of being able to grow our business successfully over the coming years.' Enquiries: Charles Philipps 020 7860 8222 Richard Hextall 020 7860 8916 David Haggie 020 7417 8989 FINANCIAL RESULTS The 1999 results are presented on an annual accounting basis. This is a change from prior years when a three year fund method of accounting has been used and reflects the refocusing of our business on our own managed syndicates. Consolidated operating profit, after applying a longer term rate of investment return consistent with usual insurance company accounting policies, was £12.5 million (1998 : £12.3 million). Pre-tax profits were £18.3 million (1998 : £18.0 million) and earnings per share were 5.9p (1998 : 5.6p). £7.2 million (1998 : loss of £3.1 million) of the operating profit referred to above was from continuing operations and £5.3 million (1998: £15.4 million) was from discontinued operations, comprising the Whittington Group, Amlin's former members' agency business and non-aligned capacity. These increased operating profits reflect our ownership of managed capacity, which was 38% in 1999 compared to 24.6% in 1998, and a better underlying result by our managed syndicates. DIVIDEND The Board is proposing a final dividend of 2.5p per share, making a total dividend of 3.8p per share for the year (1998 : 3.5p). This 8.6% increase is in line with the progressive dividend policy set out in last year's report and accounts. OUTLOOK AND CURRENT TRADING 2000 will continue to benefit from the rate increases which have resulted in the turnaround of our UK motor fleet account. With these increases we are currently adding good volumes of new fleet motor business and this class is expected to represent approximately 17% of our 2000 premium income (on a Lloyd's year of account basis). We are seeing increased excess of loss reinsurance rates this year and we expect this class, which in 1999 represented 21% of our business, to continue to strengthen further as we approach the 2001 renewal season. We anticipate that other classes of business will remain difficult during 2000. We have taken firm action in classes, such as medical malpractice, medical expenses and US trucking which worsened in 1999, and we are not renewing business unless satisfactory rate increases are achieved. With this stance we are beginning to see evidence of a hardening of rates across a wider spectrum of our non-marine accounts, although these increases will have little impact on our 2000 results. If such increases continue to gather momentum, the outlook for 2001 will be encouraging. As underwriting profitability improves, our results will also benefit from our increased ownership of managed capacity, which is at 58% for the 2000 Lloyd's year of account (1999 : 38%). We also have a strong platform from which to grow our underlying business. CORE UNDERWRITING BUSINESS Amlin manages three Lloyd's syndicates which have £538 million of capacity, of which Amlin owns 58% as shown below. During the 1999 auction season Amlin successfully acquired £105 million of its capacity, before de-emption, at a cost of 7p per £. Amlin intends to reach 100% of its capacity, but will continue to buy capacity in the auctions only at the right price. Aligned capacity for the 1997 to 2000 years of account 1997 1998 1999 2000 £m £m £m £m Syndicate 902 5.3 13.2 17.1 21.3 Syndicate 1141 4.7 16.6 39.7 53.2 Syndicate 2001 57.2 128.4 159.3 236.3 Total 67.2 158.2 216.1 310.8 Total managed 642.4 643.6 568.0 538.0 capacity Percentage owned 10.5% 24.6% 38.0% 57.8% To provide an understanding of the scale and trends of the underlying business, annual accounts figures are shown below as if Amlin had owned 100% of its managed capacity. 1999 1998 £m £m Gross premium written 446.2 426.4 Net premium written 340.8 335.6 Earned premium, net of reinsurance 345.3 342.0 Claims incurred, net of (246.6) (266.5) reinsurance Claims ratio (%) 71% 78% Brokerage (76.5) (70.5) Syndicate expenses (39.2) (47.9) Lloyd's charges (7.7) (11.4) Increase in deferred acquisition costs 0.2 0.3 Net operating expenses (123.2) (129.5) Expense ratio (%) 37% 39% Combined ratio (%) 108% 117% Investment income before smoothing 19.4 37.6 investment return Technical loss (7.0) (20.9) Competition remained intense in 1999 across most of our classes and with this there was the highest frequency of catastrophe losses since 1990. The period also suffered from adverse claims development in US liability business, particularly on our medical malpractice account. As the year progressed, conditions in the motor market improved, particularly the fleet motor which forms the core part of our Amlin Insurance Services division. Average rate increases of 24% have been achieved on fleet business renewed in 1999, and our premium income in this class increased by over 60% to £46 million. Our result also benefited from the closure of a large part of our non-US liability business which made a 1998 loss of £6.8 million, with a combined ratio of 144%. NON-ALIGNED UNDERWRITING The remaining portfolio of non-aligned syndicate participations was sold in 1999, realising a gain of £5.0 million which is included in the results as an exceptional profit. Underwriting profits and losses from non-aligned syndicates continue to be accounted for on a three year fund basis and will therefore have an impact on the Group's results for two more years. In the year under review, profits and losses from the 1997 Lloyd's year of account and movements in provisions for the 1998 and 1999 open years are included. The results of our non-aligned portfolio are disappointing. However, relative to Lloyd's overall result, our portfolio has outperformed the market. Our results and forecasts for the 1997 and 1998 years of account are losses of 1.6% and 3.8% respectively. Six of our 1997 year of account syndicates, on which we had a total of £14.9 million of capacity, have been left open and we have provided for possible run off deterioration of £1 million on these syndicates. We have strengthened our provisions for the 1998 year of account reflecting the late deterioration of forecasts. Total provisions in respect of this year of account amount to £8.4 million, which represents 5.4% of 1998 non-aligned capacity. The 1999 year of account is still at an early stage of development but we have provided for potential losses of £2.6 million, which represents 3.1% of 1999 non-aligned capacity. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 1999 Unaudited 7 months to 1999 31 December Continuing Discontinued Total 1998 operations operations (Restated) £m £m £m £m Technical Account Gross 161.4 91.4 252.8 223.0 premiums written Outward (34.6) (22.7) (57.3) (47.2) reinsurance premiums Net 126.8 68.7 195.5 175.8 premiums written Change in the provision for unearned premiums - gross amount (22.8) - (22.8) (12.3) - reinsurers' 2.4 - 2.4 1.1 share Earned premiums, net 106.4 68.7 175.1 164.6 of reinsurance Allocated investment return transferred from the 14.8 9.9 24.7 17.8 non-technical account Claims paid - gross amount (69.1) (85.4) (154.5) (100.1) - reinsurers' share 16.9 31.6 48.5 31.0 Change in the provision for claims - gross amount (48.1) (38.6) (86.7) (123.9) - reinsurers' 21.2 25.5 46.7 65.0 share Claims incurred, net (79.1) (66.9) (146.0) (128.0) of reinsurance Net (39.7) (12.8) (52.5) (45.9) operating expenses Balance on the technical 2.4 (1.1) 1.3 8.5 account for general business The technical account for the seven months ended 31 December 1998 includes twelve months transactions in respect of the Group's non-aligned participations and seven months in respect of its aligned participations. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 1999 Unaudited 7 months to 1999 31 December Continuing Discontinued 1998 operations operations Total (Restated) £m £m £m £m Non-technical account Balance on the 2.4 (1.1) 1.3 8.5 technical account for generalbusiness Investment Inco 16.5 10.1 26.6 19.8 Unrealised 10.8 - 10.8 0.3 gains on investments Investment (1.4) (0.2) (1.6) (1.7) expenses and charges Allocated investment return (14.8) (9.9) (24.7) (17.8) transferred to the technical account 13.5 (1.1) 12.4 9.1 Other 5.8 24.2 30.0 31.1 income Other (9.9) (17.8) (27.7) (27.0) charges Operating profit 9.4 5.3 14.7 13.2 Comprising: Operating profit based on 7.2 5.3 12.5 12.3 longer term investment return Short term 2.2 - 2.2 0.9 fluctuations in investmentreturn Profit on sale of syndicate participations 5.0 8.7 Loss on sale of subsidiary (1.4) - undertakings Merger costs - (3.9) Profit on ordinary activities 18.3 18.0 before taxation Taxation on profit on ordinary activities (6.2) (6.5) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 12.1 11.5 Equity dividends (7.8) (7.2) Retained profit for the period 4.3 4.3 Earnings per ordinary share - basic 5.9p 5.6p - diluted 5.6p 5.2p Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 31 December 1999 7 Months to 31 December 1999 1998 (Restated) £m £m Profit for the period 12.1 11.5 Total recognised gains for the period 12.1 11.5 Prior period adjustment (9.5) Total gains and losses recognised Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1999 Unaudited 1998 1999 (Restated) £m £m ASSETS Intangible assets 12.4 5.3 Investments Other 426.1 400.6 financial investments Reinsurers' share of technical provisions Provision for 6.5 4.0 unearned premiums Claims outstanding 128.6 107.1 135.1 111.1 Debtors Debtors arising out of 42.9 54.9 direct insurance operations Debtors arising out or 108.4 115.6 reinsurance operations Other debtors 31.3 15.4 182.6 185.9 Other assets Tangible assets 1.5 3.5 Cash at bank and in hand 26.8 31.8 Own shares 3.9 2.4 32.2 37.7 Prepayments and accrued income Deferred 10.7 6.4 acquisition costs Other prepayments 6.1 16.1 and accrued income Total assets 805.2 763.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1999 Unaudited 1999 1998 (Restated) £m £m LIABILITIES Capital and reserves Called up share 54.1 53.9 capital Share premium 54.6 54.2 account Shares to be 1.3 1.8 issued Merger reserve 41.9 42.1 Warrant reserve 2.8 2.8 Profit and loss 72.2 66.8 account Equity shareholders' funds 226.9 221.6 Technical provisions Provision for 64.6 39.5 unearned premiums Claims outstanding 396.1 394.3 460.7 433.8 Provisions for other risks and charges 6.8 5.1 Creditors Creditors arising out of direct 29.8 7.3 insurance operations Creditors 23.6 13.4 arising out of reinsurance operations Other creditors including 37.2 52.8 taxation and social security 90.6 73.5 Creditors: amounts falling due after 9.9 14.8 more than one year Accruals and deferred income 10.3 14.3 Total liabilities 805.2 763.1 Consolidated net assets per share - basic 110.0p 107.5p - diluted 106.9p 102.2p Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds At 31 December 1998 1999 (restated) £m £m Profit attributable to 12.1 11.5 shareholders Less dividends (7.8) (7.2) Retained profit for the period 4.3 4.3 Issue of capital 0.6 2.1 Share to be issued (0.5) 1.2 Goodwill previously written off 1.1 - Goodwill (0.2) (0.8) Net addition to shareholders' 5.3 6.8 funds Shareholders' funds brought forward 221.6 214.8 Shareholders' funds carried forward 226.9 221.6 Reserves Share Merger Warrant Profit premium reserve reserve and loss account account (Restated) £m £m £m £m At 1 January 1999 as previously 54.2 42.1 2.8 76.3 reported Prior period adjustment - - - (9.5) At 1 January 1999 restated 54.2 42.1 2.8 66.8 Movement in period: Issues of shares on exercise of 0.1 - - - warrants Issue of shares in respect of 0.3 - - - deferred consideration Adjustment to goodwill in respect of acquisition in a prior period - (0.2) - - Goodwill previously written off on - - - 1.1 disposals in the year Retained profit for - - 4.3 the year At 31 December 1999 54.6 41.9 2.8 72.2 MORE TO FOLLOW FR UWSBRRARVARR
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