3rd Qrt & 9 Mths Results-Pt.2
AstraZeneca PLC
25 October 2000
Part 2
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Continuing Operations Discont- Total
Ongoing to be Except-
oper- discon- ional
ations tinued items
For the quarter ended 30 Sept. 2000 USDm USDm USDm USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales 3,797 497 - - 4,294
Cost of sales (961) (301) - - (1,262)
Distribution costs (48) (18) - - (66)
Research and development (631) (71) (1) - (703)
Selling, general and administrative
expenses (1,242) (110) (42) - (1,394)
Other operating income 52 12 - - 64
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Group operating profit 967 9 (43) - 933
Share of joint venture and
associates' operating
profits/(losses) (12) - - - (12)
Net interest 22 - - - 22
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 977 9 (43) - 943
Taxation (287) (4) 12 - (279)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 690 5 (31) - 664
Attributable to minorities (5) - - - (5)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net profit for the period 685 5 (31) - 659
Dividends to Shareholders - - - - -
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit retained for the period 685 5 (31) - 659
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Earnings per Ordinary Share before
exceptional items USD0.39 - - - USD0.39
Earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.39 - USD(0.02) - USD0.37
Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.39 - USD(0.02) - USD0.37
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,766
------------------------------------ -----
Diluted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,768
------------------------------------ -----
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Continuing Operations Discont- Total
Ongoing to be Except-
oper- discon- ional
ations tinued items
For the quarter ended 30 Sept. 1999 USDm USDm USDm USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales 3,787 492 - 15 4,294
Cost of sales (1,145) (292) (5) (14) (1,456)
Distribution costs (57) (20) - - (77)
Research and development (589) (75) (12) (1) (677)
Selling, general and administrative
expenses (1,074) (119) (197) (4) (1,394)
Other operating income 32 9 - - 41
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Group operating profit 954 (5) (214) (4) 731
Share of joint venture and
associates' operating
profits/(losses) (17) - - - (17)
Profits less losses on sale and
closure of operations - - - - -
Merger costs - - - - -
Net interest 9 - - - 9
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 946 (5) (214) (4) 723
Taxation (284) 2 44 1 (237)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 662 (3) (170) (3) 486
Attributable to minorities (1) (1) - - (2)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net profit for the period 661 (4) (170) (3) 484
Dividends to Shareholders - - - - -
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit/(loss) retained for the period 661 (4) (170) (3) 484
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Earnings per Ordinary Share before
exceptional items USD0.37 - - - USD0.37
Earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.37 -USD(0.10) - USD0.27
Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.37 -USD(0.10) - USD0.27
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,776
------------------------------------ -----
Diluted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,780
------------------------------------ -----
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Continuing Operations Discont- Total
Ongoing to be Except-
oper- discon- ional
For the nine months ended ations tinued items
30 Sept. 2000 USDm USDm USDm USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales 11,660 2,178 - - 13,838
Cost of sales (3,045) (1,214) (3) - (4,262)
Distribution costs (168) (72) - - (240)
Research and development (1,842) (203) (26) - (2,071)
Selling, general and administrative
expenses (3,715) (370) (193) - (4,278)
Other operating income 123 33 - - 156
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Group operating profit 3,013 352 (222) - 3,143
Share of joint venture and
associates' operating profits 7 - - - 7
Net interest 56 - - - 56
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 3,076 352 (222) - 3,206
Taxation (892) (138) 43 - (987)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 2,184 214 (179) - 2,219
Attributable to minorities (10) (2) - - (12)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net profit for the period 2,174 212 (179) - 2,207
Dividends to Shareholders (406) - - - (406)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit retained for the period 1,768 212 (179) - 1,801
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Earnings per Ordinary Share before
exceptional items USD1.23 USD0.12 - - USD1.35
Earnings per Ordinary Share USD1.23 USD0.12USD(0.10) - USD1.25
Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD1.23 USD0.12USD(0.10) - USD1.25
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,769
------------------------------------ -----
Diluted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,771
------------------------------------ -----
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Continuing Operations Discont- Total
Ongoing to be Except-
oper- discon- ional
For the nine months ended ations tinued items
30 Sept. 1999 USDm USDm USDm USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales 11,218 2,104 - 630 13,952
Cost of sales (3,042) (1,163) (15) (394) (4,614)
Distribution costs (173) (71) - (29) (273)
Research and development (1,761) (215) (17) (44) (2,037)
Selling, general and administrative
expenses (3,566) (405) (324) (98) (4,393)
Other operating income 98 28 - 2 128
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Group operating profit 2,774 278 (356) 67 2,763
Share of joint venture and
associates' operating profits 4 1 - 1 6
Profits less losses on sale and
closure of operations - - - 237 237
Merger costs - - (917) - (917)
Net interest (24) - - - (24)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 2,754 279 (1,273) 305 2,065
Taxation (808) (98) 282 (121) (745)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation 1,946 181 (991) 184 1,320
Attributable to minorities (2) (2) - - (4)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net profit for the period 1,944 179 (991) 184 1,316
Dividends to Shareholders (408) - - - (408)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit retained for the period 1,536 179 (991) 184 908
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Earnings per Ordinary Share before
exceptional items USD1.09 USD0.11 - USD0.02 USD1.22
Earnings per Ordinary Share USD1.09 USD0.11USD(0.56)USD0.10 USD0.74
Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD1.09 USD0.11USD(0.56)USD0.10 USD0.74
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,776
------------------------------------ -----
Diluted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue (millions) 1,780
------------------------------------ -----
Consolidated Balance Sheet
30 Sept 31 Dec
2000 1999
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Fixed assets 9,281 9,902
Current assets 11,166 9,914
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Total assets 20,447 19,816
Creditors due within one year (7,236) (7,019)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net current assets 3,930 2,895
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Total assets less current liabilities 13,211 12,797
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Creditors due after more than one year (1,169) (1,202)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,216) (1,253)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net assets 10,826 10,342
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Capital and reserves
Shareholders' funds and minority
interests 10,826 10,342
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
2000 1999
For the nine months ended 30 September USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Cash flow from operating activities
Operating profit before exceptional
items 3,365 3,119
Depreciation and amortisation 773 781
Increase in working capital and
other non-cash movements (186) (661)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net cash inflow from operating
activities before exceptional items 3,952 3,239
Outflow related to exceptional items (623) (1,111)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 3,329 2,128
Dividends received from joint
ventures and associates - 3
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance (10) (28)
Tax paid (587) (685)
Capital expenditure and financial
investment (1,001) (2,169)
Acquisitions and disposals - 1,947
Equity dividends paid to shareholders (820) (800)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net cash inflow before management
of liquid resources and financing 911 396
Net (purchase)/issues of shares (340) 19
Exchange and other movements (159) (3)
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Increase in net cash funds in the
period 412 412
Net cash funds at beginning of
period 2,169 2,254
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Net cash funds at end of period 2,581 2,666
------------------------------------ ----- -----
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
The interim financial statements have been prepared using the merger method
of accounting in relation to the merger of Zeneca Group PLC and Astra AB
which became effective on 6 April 1999. Under merger accounting, the results
and cash flows of Zeneca Group PLC and Astra AB are combined from the
beginning of the financial period in which the merger occurred and their
assets and liabilities combined at the amounts at which they were previously
recorded after adjusting to achieve consistency of accounting policies.
The unaudited results for the nine months ended 30 September 2000 have
been prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles.
The accounting policies applied are those set out in AstraZeneca PLC's 1999
Annual Report and Form 20-F except that during the period under review
AstraZeneca adopted Financial Reporting Standard No. 15 'Tangible Fixed
Assets' (FRS15) and Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 'Current Tax' (FRS16).
The adoption of FRS15 and FRS16 had no material impact on the Group's results
or net assets.
Continuing operations comprises principally the ongoing Healthcare operations
and the Group's Agrochemicals business. The latter (excluding the Advanta
joint venture) has been classified as 'Operations to be discontinued'
following the announcement on 2 December 1999 to merge the business with the
agrochemicals business of Novartis to form Syngenta AG. Discontinued
operations comprise the Zeneca Specialties business sold on 30 June 1999.
These interim financial statements do not comprise the statutory accounts of
the Group. Statutory accounts for AstraZeneca PLC for the year ended 31
December 1999 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors'
report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement
under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.
The Group's share of joint venture sales for the nine months to 30 September
2000 amounted to USD185m and USD197m for the comparative period. Share of
joint venture and associates' operating profits for the nine months to 30
September 2000 amounted to USD7m and nil respectively, and for the comparative
period USD5m and USD1m, respectively.
3rd 3rd Nine Nine
Quarter Quarter Months Months
2000 1999 2000 1999
Exceptional items included in the USDm USDm USDm USDm
profit and loss account
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Integration and synergy costs (43) (202) (222) (332)
Astra Pharmaceuticals L.P.
restructuring costs - (12) - (24)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Exceptional items included in
operating profits (43) (214) (222) (356)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Gain on disposal of Specialties
business (after charging USD406m
of goodwill previously written
off to reserves) - - - 237
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit less losses on sale and
closure of operations - - - 237
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Merck 'Trigger Event' payment - - - (713)
Other merger costs - - - (204)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Merger costs - - - (917)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Total exceptional items before
taxation (43) (214) (222) (1,036)
Net taxation credit 12 44 43 185
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
(31) (170) (179) (851)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
3rd 3rd Nine Nine
Quarter Quarter Months Months
2000 1999 2000 1999
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales by class of business
Healthcare 3,774 3,766 11,580 11,148
Other trading 23 21 80 70
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Ongoing operations 3,797 3,787 11,660 11,218
Agrochemicals (to be discontinued) 497 492 2,178 2,104
Specialties (discontinued) - 15 - 630
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Group 4,294 4,294 13,838 13,952
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit/(loss) before
exceptional items
Healthcare 975 958 3,033 2,792
Other trading (8) (4) (20) (18)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Ongoing operations 967 954 3,013 2,774
Agrochemicals (to be discontinued) 9 (5) 352 278
Specialties (discontinued) - (4) - 67
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Group 976 945 3,365 3,119
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit/(loss) before
exceptional items as a
percentage of sales % % % %
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Healthcare 25.8 25.4 26.2 25.0
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Ongoing operations 25.5 25.2 25.8 24.7
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
3rd 3rd Nine Nine
Quarter Quarter % Growth Months Months % Growth
2000 1999 Constant 2000 1999 Constant
Healthcare USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Losec 1,565 1,539 4% 4,532 4,387 6%
Nexium 4 - - 4 - -
Others 12 12 - 34 36 -6%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Gastrointestinal 1,581 1,551 4% 4,570 4,423 6%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Zestril 299 322 -5% 960 924 6%
Seloken 144 152 -2% 405 409 3%
Tenormin 110 121 -7% 363 368 -1%
Plendil 120 112 11% 353 328 11%
Atacand 72 43 76% 196 116 80%
Others 106 126 -9% 358 401 -6%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Cardiovascular 851 876 1% 2,635 2,546 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Pulmicort 159 169 - 512 539 1%
Rhinocort 51 38 39% 165 137 25%
Accolate 17 35 -48% 131 109 20%
Bricanyl 28 30 - 94 103 -8%
Oxis 28 22 41% 84 63 46%
Others 12 12 - 38 41 -
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Respiratory 295 306 2% 1,024 992 9%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Zoladex 189 161 19% 553 492 13%
Nolvadex 130 142 -8% 405 429 -7%
Casodex 94 79 22% 314 245 31%
Arimidex 35 37 - 117 100 22%
Others 7 6 50% 22 18 45%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Oncology 455 425 9% 1,411 1,284 11%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Diprivan 109 137 -17% 393 464 -12%
Xylocaine 58 56 6% 175 184 -4%
Marcaine 22 21 15% 67 63 14%
Seroquel 89 66 35% 293 161 83%
Zomig 46 49 -2% 178 135 34%
Merrem 44 37 22% 122 114 13%
Other Products 152 169 -6% 492 536 -12%
Astra Tech 27 27 7% 85 82 9%
Salick Health
Care 45 46 -2% 135 164 -18%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Specialist/
Hospital 592 608 - 1,940 1,903 3%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Healthcare 3,774 3,766 3% 11,580 11,148 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
3rd 3rd Nine Nine
Quarter Quarter % Growth Months Months % Growth
2000 1999 Constant 2000 1999 Constant
Healthcare USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Territorial Analysis
Pharmaceuticals 1,921 1,937 -1% 5,841 5,407 8%
Health Care 45 46 -2% 135 164 -18%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Japan 207 164 16% 581 468 10%
France 212 201 17% 662 624 19%
Germany 175 194 18% 528 643 -7%
Italy 98 121 -9% 417 438 5%
Sweden 70 79 -10% 242 263 -6%
UK 189 198 -2% 527 590 -7%
Rest of World 857 826 8% 2,647 2,551 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Healthcare 3,774 3,766 3% 11,580 11,148 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Constant currency % growth has been calculated excluding the effects arising
from exchange rate movements.
3rd 3rd Nine Nine
Quarter Quarter % Growth Months Months % Growth
2000 1999 Constant 2000 1999 Constant
Agrochemicals USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Product Analysis
Non-Selective 153 164 -4% 621 533 19%
Selective 105 100 8% 555 590 -3%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Herbicides 258 264 1% 1,176 1,123 7%
Insecticides 89 100 -7% 359 330 12%
Fungicides 135 115 20% 592 590 5%
Others 15 13 15% 51 61 -23%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Agrochemicals 497 492 4% 2,178 2,104 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Territorial Analysis
North America 150 151 - 765 727 5%
Europe 126 122 15% 726 755 6%
Latin America 134 137 -3% 343 302 14%
Asia, Africa,
Australasia 87 82 8% 344 320 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Agrochemicals 497 492 4% 2,178 2,104 7%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Constant currency % growth has been calculated excluding the effects arising
from exchange rate movements.
Shareholder Information
Preliminary announcement of full year results
and announcement of second interim dividend 8 February 2001
Annual General Meeting 26 April 2001
Announcement of First Quarter Results 26 April 2001
Announcement of Second Quarter & Half Year Results 26 July 2001
Announcement of Third Quarter & Nine Months Results 24 October 2001
The record date for the first interim dividend payable on 23 October 2000
(in the UK, Sweden and the US) was 8 September 2000. Ordinary Shares traded
ex-dividend on the London Stock Exchange from 4 September 2000 and on the
Stockholm Stock Exchange from 6 September 2000. ADSs traded ex-dividend on
the New York Stock Exchange from 6 September 2000.
Future dividends will normally be paid as follows:
First Interim Announced in July and paid in late October
Second Interim Announced in February and paid in late April
All product or brand names included in Note 5 of this Interim Statement and
the following names are trademarks of, or licensed to, AstraZeneca PLC or
its subsidiary companies:
Amistar Atacand Plus Gramoxone Prilosec Pulmicort Respules Rapimelt
Rhinocort Aqua Symbicort Surpass Toprol-XL
For simplicity, sales are reported under the above lead brand names, whereas
some compounds are sold under several brand names to address separate market
Registrar and Depositary Registered Office Swedish Central
Transfer Office for ADRs Securities
The AstraZeneca Morgan Guaranty 15 Stanhope Gate Depositary
Registrar Trust Company London VPC AB
Lloyds TSB of New York W1K 1LN Box 7822
Registrars ADR Service S-103 97 Stockholm
The Causeway Center Sweden
Worthing PO Box 842006
West Sussex Boston
BN99 6DA MA 02284-2006
Tel: (01903) Tel: (781) Tel: (020) Tel: (8)
502 541 575 4328 7304 5000 402 9000
In order to utilise the 'Safe Harbor' provisions of the United States Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, AstraZeneca is providing the
following cautionary statement. This Interim Report contains forward-looking
statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations
and businesses of AstraZeneca. By their nature, forward-looking statements
and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and
depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of
factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially
from that expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These
factors include, among other things, exchange rate fluctuations, the risk
that research and development will not yield new products that achieve
commercial success, the impact of competition, price controls and price
reductions, the risk of loss or expiration of patents or trade marks,
difficulties of obtaining and maintaining governmental approvals for products,
the risk of substantial product liability claims, exposure to environmental
liability and the risks related to the difficulty of integrating Astra's and
Zeneca's large and complex businesses on a timely basis and realising