3rd Quarter Results (2 of 2)
AstraZeneca PLC
27 October 2005
Consolidated Income Statement
As restated
For the nine months ended 30 September 2005 2004
$m $m
Sales 17,664 15,627
Cost of sales (3,968) (3,695)
Distribution costs (155) (132)
Research and development (2,506) (2,568)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (6,292) (6,130)
Other operating income 123 174
Operating profit 4,866 3,276
Profit on sale of interest in joint venture - 219
Finance income 484 396
Finance expense (372) (342)
Profit before tax 4,978 3,549
Taxation (1,481) (795)
Profit for the period 3,497 2,754
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company 3,482 2,741
Minority interests 15 13
3,497 2,754
Basic earnings before non-recurring items per $0.25 Ordinary
Share $2.14 $1.46
Basic earnings per $0.25 Ordinary Share $2.14 $1.63
Diluted earnings per $0.25 Ordinary Share $2.14 $1.63
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,626 1,679
Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,627 1,681
Non-recurring items in 2004 comprised profit on sale of interest in joint
venture ($219 million) and non-recurring tax credits ($67 million).
Consolidated Income Statement
As restated
For the quarter ended 30 September 2005 2004
$m $m
Sales 5,789 5,265
Cost of sales (1,245) (1,286)
Distribution costs (51) (46)
Research and development (781) (823)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (2,056) (1,965)
Other operating income 39 27
Operating profit 1,695 1,172
Profit on sale of interest in joint venture - 219
Finance income 168 124
Finance expense (120) (96)
Profit before tax 1,743 1,419
Taxation (513) (280)
Profit for the period 1,230 1,139
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company 1,223 1,133
Minority interests 7 6
1,230 1,139
Basic earnings before non-recurring items per $0.25 Ordinary
Share $0.76 $0.51
Basic earnings per $0.25 Ordinary Share $0.76 $0.68
Diluted earnings per $0.25 Ordinary Share $0.76 $0.68
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,611 1,669
Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,613 1,671
Non-recurring items in 2004 comprised profit on sale of interest in joint
venture ($219 million) and non-recurring tax credits ($67 million).
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As restated
As at 30 September 2005 2004
$m $m
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 7,262 7,628
Goodwill and intangible assets 2,763 2,907
Other investments 239 134
Deferred tax assets 1,168 1,549
11,432 12,218
Current assets
Inventories 2,493 3,080
Trade and other receivables 4,960 4,986
Short term investments 1,242 3,167
Cash and cash equivalents 4,400 1,020
13,095 12,253
Total assets 24,527 24,471
Current liabilities
Short term borrowings and overdrafts (122) (170)
Other creditors (6,619) (6,590)
(6,741) (6,760)
Non-current liabilities
Loans (1,122) (1,095)
Deferred tax liabilities (1,217) (1,371)
Retirement benefit obligations (1,678) (1,505)
Provisions (316) (263)
Other liabilities (84) (63)
(4,417) (4,297)
Total liabilities (11,158) (11,057)
Net assets 13,369 13,414
Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders
Share capital 399 415
Share premium account 638 524
Other reserves 1,866 1,949
Retained earnings 10,372 10,444
13,275 13,332
Minority equity interests 94 82
Total equity and reserves 13,369 13,414
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
As restated
For the nine months ended 30 September 2005 2004
$m $m
Cash flows from operating activities
Operating profit before taxation 4,866 3,276
Depreciation and amortisation 933 896
Decrease/(increase) in working capital 72 (518)
Other non-cash movements 175 177
Cash from operating activities 6,046 3,831
Interest paid (15) (21)
Tax paid (1,217) (1,011)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,814 2,799
Cash flows from investing activities
Disposal of business operations - 308
Movement in short term investments and fixed deposits (101) (150)
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (586) (833)
Disposals of property, plant and equipment 77 17
Purchase of intangible assets (137) (125)
Purchase of fixed asset investments (6) (7)
Interest received 137 96
Dividends paid by subsidiaries to minority interests (5) (5)
Dividends received - 5
Net cash outflow from investing activities (621) (694)
Net cash inflow before financing activities 4,193 2,105
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital 76 75
Repurchase of shares (2,182) (1,550)
Increase in loans - 734
Dividends paid (1,717) (1,378)
Movement in short term borrowings 8 (1)
Net cash outflow from financing activities (3,815) (2,120)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents in the
period 378 (15)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 3,927 872
Exchange rate effects (16) (5)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 4,289 852
Cash and cash equivalents consists of:
Cash and cash equivalents 4,400 1,020
Overdrafts (111) (168)
4,289 852
Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
As restated
For the nine months ended 30 September 2005 2004
$m $m
Net profit for the period (excluding minority interests) 3,482 2,741
Foreign exchange adjustments on consolidation (854) 425
Tax on foreign exchange adjustments (49) 370
Valuation gains taken to equity, net of tax - 1
Actuarial losses, net of tax (22) (4)
Recognised income and expense for the period 2,557 3,533
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
The unaudited financial statements for the nine months ended 30 September 2005
have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards and
International Financial Reporting Standards (collectively 'IFRS') expected to be
endorsed by the European Union (EU) and available for use by European companies
at 31 December 2005. These IFRSs are subject to ongoing review and possible
amendment or interpretive guidance and are therefore still subject to change.
Details of the accounting policies applied are set out in the IFRS Restatement
information in AstraZeneca PLC's Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004,
except that, in the period under review, the amendment to IAS 39 'Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement - The Fair Value Option' has been
adopted. As a result, the accounting for long term loans has been changed; such
loans are now categorised as fair value through profit and loss with changes in
value recognised in the income statement. Previously these loans had been
recognised at cost except where hedge accounting had been applied. The
comparative information has been restated accordingly. The effect of adoption
on comparative results was not significant: net assets at 30 September 2004 were
reduced by $21m. The policies assume that this amendment, together with the
amendments to IAS 19 'Employee Benefits' published in December 2004 by the
International Accounting Standards Board, allowing actuarial gains and losses to
be recognised in full through reserves, will be endorsed by the EU.
The new information contained in Note 3 updates the disclosures concerning legal
proceedings in the Company's Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004 and
Half Year Results 2005.
These interim financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts of the
Group within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2004, which were prepared under
accounting practices generally accepted in the UK, have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified
and did not contain any statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.
The table below provides an analysis of net funds and a reconciliation of net
cash flow to the movement in net funds.
As restated
1 Jan Cash Other Exchange At 30 Sep
2005 flow non-cash movements 2005
$m $m $m $m $m
Loans due after 1 year (1,127) - 5 - (1,122)
Current instalments of loans - - - - -
Total loans (1,127) - 5 - (1,122)
Short term investments 1,167 101 (24) (2) 1,242
Cash and cash equivalents 4,067 351 - (18) 4,400
Overdrafts (140) 27 - 2 (111)
Short term borrowings (2) (8) - (1) (11)
5,092 471 (24) (19) 5,520
Net funds 3,965 471 (19) (19) 4,398
Other non-cash movements in the period consist of fair value adjustments under
IAS 39.
AstraZeneca is involved in various legal proceedings considered typical to its
business, including litigation relating to employment matters, product
liability, commercial disputes, infringement of intellectual property rights and
the validity of certain patents. The matters discussed below constitute the
more significant developments since publication of the disclosures concerning
legal proceedings in the Company's Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004
and Half Year Results 2005.
DiprivanTM (propofol)
In September 2005, AstraZeneca received notification from Amphastar
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. under section 505(b)(2) of the US Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
Act that it intends to manufacture and sell propofol in the US prior to the
expiration of certain of AstraZeneca's propofol-related patents. Amphastar
contends that these patents would not be infringed by such manufacture and sale.
AstraZeneca is evaluating Amphastar's notification and continues to have full
confidence in its intellectual property protecting DiprivanTM.
LosecTM (omeprazole)
As previously disclosed, in June 2005 the European Commission notified
AstraZeneca PLC and AstraZeneca AB of its Decision to impose fines totaling €60m
on the companies for infringements of European competition law (Article 82 of
the EC Treaty and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement). The fine was fully provided
for in the half year results through a charge to operating profit of $75m.
AstraZeneca does not accept the Commission's Decision and has appealed it to the
Court of First Instance. AstraZeneca denies that it had a dominant position or
that it engaged in the behaviours as characterised by the Commission. It is
alleged by the Commission that these activities had the effect of hindering the
entry of the generic version of LosecTM and of parallel trade. It is possible
that third parties could seek damages for alleged losses arising from this. Any
such claims would be vigorously resisted.
NexiumTM (esomeprazole magnesium)
In October 2005, AstraZeneca received a notice from Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc.
that Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited has submitted an Abbreviated New Drug
Application to the US Food and Drug Administration for esomeprazole magnesium
delayed-release capsules, 20mg and 40mg, containing paragraph IV certifications
of invalidity and/or non-infringement with respect to certain AstraZeneca US
patents listed in the FDA's Orange Book in reference to NexiumTM, the latter of
which expires in 2018.
The 45 day time period within which AstraZeneca can commence a patent
infringement lawsuit against Ranbaxy that would automatically stay, or bar, the
FDA from approving Ranbaxy's ANDA for 30 months (or until an adverse court
decision, whichever occurs earlier) has not yet expired.
Ranbaxy has also certified with respect to certain other AstraZeneca US patents
listed in the Orange Book in reference to NexiumTM that Ranbaxy will not launch
its product prior to the expiry of those patents, the latter of which expires in
October 2007.
AstraZeneca is evaluating Ranbaxy's notice and continues to have full confidence
in its intellectual property protecting NexiumTM.
PulmicortTM RespulesTM (budesonide inhalation suspension)
In September 2005, AstraZeneca received a notice from IVAX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
that IVAX has submitted an Abbreviated New Drug Application to the US Food and
Drug Administration for a budesonide inhalation suspension containing a
paragraph IV certification alleging invalidity and non-infringement in respect
of certain of AstraZeneca's patents relating to budesonide inhalation
In October 2005, AstraZeneca filed a patent infringement action against IVAX in
the US District Court for the District of New Jersey.
SeroquelTM (quetiapine fumarate)
In September 2005, AstraZeneca received a notice from Teva Pharmaceuticals USA
that Teva has submitted an Abbreviated New Drug Application to the US Food and
Drug Administration for quetiapine fumarate tablets (25mg base) containing a
paragraph IV certification alleging invalidity and non-infringement in respect
of AstraZeneca's US patent number 4,879,288. AstraZeneca's US patent number
4,879,288 is listed in the FDA's Orange Book in reference to SeroquelTM.
AstraZeneca is evaluating Teva's notice and continues to have full confidence in
its intellectual property protecting SeroquelTM.
The 45 day time period within which AstraZeneca can commence a patent
infringement lawsuit against Teva that would automatically stay, or bar, the FDA
from approving Teva's ANDA for 30 months (or until an adverse court decision,
whichever occurs earlier) has not yet expired.
AstraZeneca has been served in the US with approximately 40 SeroquelTM cases in
which plaintiffs have alleged that they developed diabetes, and in some cases
pancreatitis, as a result of taking SeroquelTM or other atypical anti-psychotics
made by other pharmaceutical companies. Eli Lilly, the maker of olanzapine, is
a defendant in all but four of these cases and Janssen Pharmaceutica is a
defendant in more than a dozen of the matters. The vast majority of these cases
recently were filed in Missouri. All of the Missouri cases were filed a day or
two before Missouri's tort reform laws became effective. AstraZeneca has been
informed that other cases involving SeroquelTM were filed in Missouri but have
not yet been served. Only two of the pending SeroquelTM cases involving
diabetes allegations have gone beyond the pleadings stage. AstraZeneca intends
vigorously to defend the claims in these actions.
Toprol-XLTM (metoprolol succinate)
As disclosed in the Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004, patent
litigation is continuing in the US against KV Pharmaceutical Company, Andrx
Pharmaceuticals LLC and Eon Labs Manufacturing Inc. relating to those companies'
notifications of their intentions to market generic versions of Toprol-XLTM
tablets prior to the expiration of AstraZeneca's relevant patents. All of the
patent litigation has been consolidated for pre-trial discovery purposes and
motion practice in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.
As previously disclosed, in January 2005 AstraZeneca filed a terminal disclaimer
of the Toprol-XLTM patents-in-suit over one of the other patents raised by the
defendants, which will result in a revision of the expiration date of the
Toprol-XLTM patents-in-suit from March 2008 to September 2007. Under the
Abbreviated New Drug Application statute, the US Food and Drug Administration
may not approve Andrx's product before June 2006 or Eon's product before August
2006, unless there is an earlier adverse court decision. The 30 months' stay in
respect of KV's product has expired.
The trial in the proceedings is scheduled to commence in February 2006 and will
likely consolidate the cases against KV, Andrx and Eon. Oral arguments on the
pending summary judgement motions on the infringement and validity of the
patents, those motions having been filed by the defendants in December 2004, are
scheduled for November 2005.
In September 2005, AstraZeneca received a paragraph IV notification from KV of
its intention to market metoprolol succinate tablets in the 25mg dose prior to
the expiration of AstraZeneca's patents. AstraZeneca has filed a patent
infringement suit against KV in the US District Court for the Eastern District
of Missouri.
AstraZeneca maintains that its patents are valid, enforceable and infringed by
the KV, Andrx and Eon products.
Average wholesale price class action litigation
As disclosed in the Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004, AstraZeneca
was named as a defendant along with 24 other pharmaceutical manufacturers in a
class action suit, in Massachusetts, brought on behalf of a putative class of
plaintiffs alleged to have overpaid for prescription drugs as a result of
inflated wholesale list prices. The suit seeks to recover unspecified damages.
AstraZeneca was also named as a co-defendant with various other pharmaceutical
manufacturers in similar suits filed in nine other states. Most of these suits
were consolidated with the Massachusetts action for pre-trial purposes, pursuant
to federal multi-district litigation procedures.
In August 2005, the District Court in Boston issued a decision on class
certification favourable to the defendants. The plaintiffs had sought to
certify three nationwide classes of plaintiffs: (1) Medicare Part B
beneficiaries who paid allegedly inflated co-payments for certain
physician-administered (injectable) drugs reimbursed under the Medicare Part B
programme; (2) third-party payers offering MediGap coverage for the same
physician-administered drugs or otherwise reimbursed outside Medicare for the
drugs; and (3) payers for certain non-Part B (self-administered) drugs.
The court denied the self-administered drug class entirely. As to the two
proposed classes involving physician-administered drugs, the court conditionally
certified a nationwide class of Part B beneficiaries, provided that the
plaintiffs can amend the complaint to include as class representatives
individual Part B beneficiaries who actually paid Medicare co-payments for the
named drugs. The second proposed physician-administered drug class, third-party
payers who reimbursed for physician-administered drugs or covered Part B
co-payments, was certified only as a Massachusetts state, as opposed to a
nationwide, class. In both classes, the only AstraZeneca drug at issue is
ZoladexTM (goserelin acetate implant).
Drug importation anti-trust litigation
As disclosed in the Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004 and Half Year
Results 2005, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP and eight other pharmaceutical
manufacturers have been defending a purported class action filed in the US
District Court for Minnesota which alleged that the defendants conspired to
prevent American consumers from purchasing prescription drugs from Canada, '
depriving consumers of the ability to purchase' drugs at competitive prices.
Earlier in 2005, the chief magistrate judge assigned to the case issued a report
on the defendants' motion to dismiss the case, making certain recommendations to
the presiding district court judge. The report recommended dismissal of the
plaintiffs' federal anti-trust claims, but not dismissal of the state statutory
and common law claims. In August 2005, the district court dismissed with
prejudice the plaintiffs' federal anti-trust claims. As to the state statutory
and common law claims, the district court declined to exercise supplemental
jurisdiction and dismissed them without prejudice. The plaintiffs have appealed
the district court's decision. In the similar California state court
proceedings, the trial is scheduled to commence in July 2006.
In 1999, AstraZeneca UK Limited entered into a licence agreement with Mediolanum
farmaceutici S.p.A. under which Mediolanum licensed to AstraZeneca certain
rights in respect of avorelin, a luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonist.
At the end of 2000, AstraZeneca terminated the agreement. Mediolanum has
commenced proceedings against AstraZeneca alleging that AstraZeneca breached the
terms of the agreement and claiming damages. AstraZeneca denies any breach of
the agreement and is vigorously defending the proceedings. The trial in the
proceedings is scheduled to commence in the English courts in February 2006.
With respect to each of the legal proceedings described above, we are unable to
make estimates of the loss or range of losses at this stage, other than where
noted in the case of the European Commission fine. We also do not believe that
disclosure of the amount sought by plaintiffs, if that is known, would be
meaningful with respect to those legal proceedings.
Arrangements with Merck
As described in more detail in the Annual Report and Form 20-F Information 2004,
AstraZeneca has significant arrangements with Merck & Co., Inc. relating to
certain of our products and development compounds (the agreement products).
These arrangements include exit provisions from 2008 onwards and we regularly
monitor the value of the benefits we expect to receive.
The exit provisions are subject to a minimum overall net payment of $3.3 billion
and will offer AstraZeneca unencumbered discretion in its operations in the US
market (except in respect of PrilosecTM and NexiumTM) without the restrictions
of various contractual obligations that are currently imposed as a result of
Merck's interests, together with relief from contingent payment obligations.
The projected value of the benefits obtained in 2008 depends on a number of
factors including the future contributions from products that have already been
launched, those that are due to be launched in the US and those that are in
development together with the further value AstraZeneca can extract from greater
freedom to operate in the US.
% Growth
9 Months 9 Months
2005 2004 Constant
$m $m Actual Currency
US 7,864 6,974 13 13
Canada 719 651 10 1
North America 8,583 7,625 13 12
France 1,265 1,208 5 1
UK 561 432 30 26
Germany 917 717 28 23
Italy 878 809 9 4
Sweden 232 222 5 1
Europe others 2,521 2,273 11 6
Total Europe 6,374 5,661 13 8
Japan 1,103 1,018 8 8
Rest of World 1,604 1,323 21 18
Total 17,664 15,627 13 10
% Growth
3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter
2005 2004 Constant
$m $m Actual Currency
US 2,621 2,407 9 9
Canada 231 202 14 2
North America 2,852 2,609 9 8
France 391 361 8 8
UK 181 151 20 22
Germany 296 250 18 18
Italy 269 266 1 1
Sweden 70 69 1 4
Europe others 805 761 6 5
Total Europe 2,012 1,858 8 8
Japan 367 352 4 6
Rest of World 558 446 25 18
Total 5,789 5,265 10 9
World US
9 Months 9 Months Actual Constant 9 Months Actual
2005 2004 Growth Currency 2005 Growth
$m $m % Growth $m %
Losec 1,241 1,501 (17) (20) 191 (33)
Nexium 3,386 2,777 22 20 2,276 18
Others 51 64 (20) (23) 8 (64)
Total Gastrointestinal 4,678 4,342 8 6 2,475 10
Zestril 248 327 (24) (27) (4) (108)
Seloken/Toprol-XL 1,280 1,006 27 26 945 33
Atacand 727 639 14 10 179 (5)
Plendil 287 361 (20) (22) 78 (44)
Tenormin 262 271 (3) (6) 17 (35)
Crestor 915 596 54 51 527 52
Others 235 256 (8) (12) 3 (75)
Total Cardiovascular 3,954 3,456 14 11 1,745 19
Pulmicort 824 737 12 10 470 21
Rhinocort 295 268 10 9 214 11
Symbicort 742 578 28 22 - -
Accolate 55 84 (35) (36) 35 (42)
Oxis 69 76 (9) (14) - -
Others 115 118 (3) (7) - -
Total Respiratory 2,100 1,861 13 10 719 12
Zoladex 752 675 11 7 94 (20)
Casodex 840 736 14 11 179 6
Nolvadex 86 99 (13) (15) 3 50
Arimidex 856 578 48 45 345 59
Iressa 201 309 (35) (36) 49 (69)
Faslodex 101 73 38 35 67 8
Others 8 11 (27) (36) - -
Total Oncology 2,844 2,481 15 12 737 1
Seroquel 2,006 1,465 37 35 1,450 33
Zomig 258 267 (3) (6) 82 (27)
Diprivan 281 374 (25) (27) 112 (44)
Local anaesthetics 380 398 (5) (8) 48 (49)
Others 50 54 (7) (11) 13 (13)
Total Neuroscience 2,975 2,558 16 14 1,705 13
Infection and Other:
Merrem 375 310 21 16 61 13
Other Products 262 207 27 26 154 71
Total Infection and Other 637 517 23 20 215 49
Aptium Oncology 247 226 9 9 247 9
Astra Tech 229 186 23 19 21 62
Total 17,664 15,627 13 10 7,864 13
World US
3rd 3rd Constant 3rd
Quarter Quarter Actual Currency Quarter Actual
2005 2004 Growth Growth 2005 Growth
$m $m % % $m %
Losec 376 430 (13) (15) 59 (25)
Nexium 1,127 951 19 18 762 17
Others 15 26 (42) (46) 2 (82)
Total Gastrointestinal 1,518 1,407 8 7 823 11
Zestril 83 105 (21) (22) 1 (94)
Seloken/Toprol-XL 437 353 24 23 334 31
Atacand 238 214 11 9 57 (11)
Plendil 82 102 (20) (22) 16 (53)
Tenormin 87 93 (6) (7) 7 (36)
Crestor 325 260 25 23 189 17
Others 75 81 (7) (8) 1 (67)
Total Cardiovascular 1,327 1,208 10 9 605 11
Pulmicort 234 211 11 10 134 24
Rhinocort 91 87 5 4 66 2
Symbicort 240 185 30 28 - -
Accolate 14 31 (55) (55) 8 (67)
Oxis 23 25 (8) (12) - -
Others 34 35 (3) (3) - -
Total Respiratory 636 574 11 10 208 6
Zoladex 258 236 9 7 33 27
Casodex 276 258 7 7 61 (2)
Nolvadex 26 30 (13) (13) - (100)
Arimidex 303 221 37 36 122 40
Iressa 61 113 (46) (46) 12 (80)
Faslodex 37 24 54 50 23 21
Others 2 3 (33) (66) - -
Total Oncology 963 885 9 8 251 -
Seroquel 706 529 33 32 517 30
Zomig 86 81 6 5 27 (7)
Diprivan 76 126 (40) (41) 26 (64)
Local anaesthetics 118 128 (8) (10) 17 (50)
Others 15 16 (6) (6) 3 (40)
Total Neuroscience 1,001 880 14 13 590 9
Infection and Other:
Merrem 117 101 16 13 13 (28)
Other Products 73 71 3 10 42 35
Total Infection and Other 190 172 10 11 55 12
Aptium Oncology 82 78 5 5 82 5
Astra Tech 72 61 18 18 7 40
Total 5,789 5,265 10 9 2,621 9
Shareholder Information
Announcement of fourth quarter and full year 2005 results 2 February 2006
Announcement of first quarter 2006 results 27 April 2006
Annual General Meeting 2006 27 April 2006
Announcement of second quarter and half year 2006 results 27 July 2006
Announcement of third quarter and nine months 2006 26 October 2006
The record date for the first interim dividend paid on 19 September 2005 was 12
August 2005. Ordinary Shares traded ex-dividend on the London and Stockholm
Stock Exchanges from 10 August 2005. ADRs traded ex-dividend on the New York
Stock Exchange from the same date.
The record date for the second interim dividend for 2005 payable on 20 March
2006 (in the UK, Sweden and the US) will be 10 February 2006. Ordinary Shares
will trade ex-dividend on the London and Stockholm Stock Exchanges from 8
February 2006. ADRs will trade ex-dividend on the New York Stock Exchange from
the same date.
Future dividends will normally be paid as follows:
First interim Announced in July and paid in September
Second interim Announced in January/February and paid in March
The following brand names used in this interim report are trademarks of the
AstraZeneca group of companies:
Accolate Arimidex Astra Tech Atacand Casodex Cerovive Crestor Diprivan
Exanta Faslodex Galida Iressa Losec Merrem Nexium Nolvadex Oxis Plendil
Prilosec Pulmicort Pulmicort Respules Rhinocort
Rhinocort Aqua Seloken Seroquel Symbicort Tenormin Toprol-XL Zactima
Zestril Zoladex Zomig
Registrar and Depositary Registered Office Swedish Securities
Transfer Office for ADRs Registration Centre
The AstraZeneca Registrar JPMorgan Chase Bank 15 Stanhope Gate VPC AB
Lloyds TSB Registrars PO Box 43013 London PO Box 7822
The Causeway Providence W1K 1LN SE-103 97 Stockholm
Worthing RI 02940-3013 UK Sweden
West Sussex US
BN99 6DA
UK Tel (toll free in US): Tel: +44 (0)20 7304 5000 Tel: +46 (0)8 402 9000
Tel (freephone in UK): 888 697 8018
0800 389 1580 Tel (outside US):
Tel (outside UK): +1 (781) 575 4328
+44 (0)121 415 7033
In order to utilise the 'Safe Harbor' provisions of the United States Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, AstraZeneca is providing the following
cautionary statement. These interim financial statements contain
forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of
operations and businesses of AstraZeneca. By their nature, forward-looking
statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to
events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a
number of factors that could cause actual results and developments to differ
materially from that expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
These factors include, among other things, the loss or expiration of patents,
marketing exclusivity or trade marks; exchange rate fluctuations; the risk that
R&D will not yield new products that achieve commercial success; the impact of
competition, price controls and price reductions; taxation risks; the risk of
substantial product liability claims; the impact of any failure by third parties
to supply materials or services; the risk of delay to new product launches; the
difficulties of obtaining and maintaining governmental approvals for products;
and the risk of environmental liabilities.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange