4th Quarter & Final Results - Part 3
AstraZeneca PLC
24 February 2000
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement
This preliminary announcement has been prepared using the merger method
of accounting in relation to the merger of Zeneca Group PLC and Astra AB
which became effective on 6 April 1999. Under merger accounting, the
results and cash flows of Zeneca Group PLC and Astra AB are combined from
the beginning of the financial period in which the merger occurred and
their assets and liabilities combined at the amounts at which they were
previously recorded after adjusting to achieve consistency of accounting
policies. Profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow
comparatives are restated on the combined basis.
Following completion of the merger, AstraZeneca PLC's share capital has
been redenominated from sterling into US dollars and AstraZeneca has
elected to report its results in US dollars. Convenience translations
of key information into sterling and Swedish kronor are provided on page
The results for the year ended 31 December 1999 have been prepared in
accordance with UK generally accepted accounting principles. The
accounting policies applied are those set out in AstraZeneca PLC's
(formerly Zeneca Group PLC) 1998 Annual Report and Form 20-F, except
that during the current period AstraZeneca adopted Financial Reporting
Standard No. 12 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Assets' (FRS 12). The adoption of FRS 12 had no impact on the group's
net assets at 1 January 1999.
The results for the year ended 1999 presented in this preliminary
announcement are extracted from, and are consistent with, those in the
group's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December
1999 and those financial statements will be delivered to the Registrar
of Companies following the Company's annual general meeting. The
information in this preliminary announcement does not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1998 have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on
those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under
Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.
In addition to presenting the comparative information for 1998 on a
statutory basis, pro forma profit and loss and pro forma sales
information have been provided. The unaudited pro forma profit and loss
figures for 1998 reflect two adjustments to the statutory figures to
illustrate the effect on the sales and profits as if the Astra Merck
Restructuring and the merger related payments to Merck had occurred at
the beginning of 1998 (rather than July 1998 and April 1999 respectively).
The pro forma figures incorporate sales of USD1,715m for 1998 related
to the Astra Merck joint venture which are excluded from the statutory
consolidation. Changes in the cost base which arise from the Astra
Merck Restructuring have also been back dated to 1 January 1998. The
net effect of these pro forma adjustments is to reduce 1998 reported
profits by USD55m, before tax relief of USD23m.
A pro forma amortisation cost of USD12m per quarter and notional
interest cost of USD21m per quarter on the payments due to Merck on
completion of the merger have also been provided for 1998. These
charges are offset by tax relief of USD6m per quarter. Pro forma
adjustments of this size would also apply to quarter one 1999, but
because of their immaterial amount, in the context of the year as a
whole, no pro forma figures have been presented for 1999.
Further details on the basis of the pro forma adjustments are included
in the Merger Document and AstraZeneca's Circular to Shareholders
relating to the merger, both dated 21 January 1999, and in AstraZeneca's
Registration Statement on Form F-4 filed with the US Securities and
Exchange Commission.
The group's share of joint ventures' sales for the year ended 31 December
1999 amounted to USD208m and USD1,080m for the comparative period. Share
of joint ventures' and associates' operating (loss)/profits for the year
to 31 December 1999 amounted to (USD9m) and USD2m respectively, and for
the comparative period USD538m and USD1m, respectively. Prior to 1 July
1998, the operations of Astra Merck, Inc. were accounted for as a joint
4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Year Year
Exceptional items included in the 1999 1998 1999 1998
profit and loss account USDm USDm USDm USDm
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Integration and synergy costs (532) - (864) -
Astra Pharmaceuticals L.P.
restructuring costs (4) (63) (28) (72)
Salick Health Care impairment and
rationalisation costs (145) - (145) -
Agrochemicals restructuring costs (125) - (125) -
Granting of US Imdur marketing rights - 163 - 163
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Exceptional items included in
operating profits (806) 100 (1,162) 91
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Gain on disposal of Specialties
business (after charging USD406m
of goodwill previously written
off to reserves) - - 237 -
Loss on closure of organophosphate
intermediates business - - - (46)
Profit on sale of fixed assets - 17 - 17
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit/(loss) on sale and closure of
operations and assets - 17 237 (29)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Merck 'Trigger Event' payment and
related costs (96) - (809) -
Other merger costs - - (204) -
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Merger costs (96) - (1,013) -
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Total exceptional items before
taxation (902) 117 (1,938) 62
Net taxation credit 166 (20) 351 (4)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
(736) 97 (1,587) 58
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Current period cash flow related 4th
to exceptional items and merger Quarter Year
related payments, before associated 1999 1999
tax charge/relief USDm USDm
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Merck 'Trigger Event' payment - (713)
Pharmaceuticals other merger,
integration and synergy costs (129) (527)
Salick Health Care rationalisation 12 12
Agrochemicals restructuring (20) (20)
Costs relating to the disposal of
Specialties business (338) (338)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Outflow related to exceptional charges (475) (1,586)
Proceeds from the disposal of Specialties
business (included in 'Acquisitions
and disposals') 19 1,956
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Exceptional item cash flow (456) 370
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
'First Option' payment to Merck
(included in 'Net cash expenditure
on fixed assets') - (967)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Exceptional and merger related cash
outflow (456) (597)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
1999 1998
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Shareholders' funds at beginning of year 10,929 9,552
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net profit for the financial year 1,143 2,611
Dividends (1,242) (1,061)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
(99) 1,550
Issues of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary Shares 19 12
Repurchase of AstraZeneca PLC Ordinary
Shares (183) -
Astra AB minority interest buy out (142) -
Foreign currency adjustments (630) (183)
Goodwill written back 410 -
Other movements (2) (2)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net (reduction in)/addition to Shareholders' funds (627) 1,377
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Shareholders' funds at end of year 10,302 10,929
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
The table below provides an analysis of net cash funds and a
reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash funds.
Acquis- non- Exc-
At itions cash hange At
1 Jan Cash & dis- move- move- 31 Dec
1999 flow posals ments ments 1999
Loans due after 1 year (761) (27) - 30 19 (739)
Current instalments of loans (30) 28 - (30) (2) (34)
Finance leases (20) 6 12 - - (2)
Total loans and lease finance (811) 7 12 - 17 (775)
Short-term investments 2,702 254 - - (97) 2,859
Cash 710 (249) - - (32) 429
Overdrafts (144) (31) - - 8 (167)
Short-term borrowings, excluding
overdrafts (203) 14 - - 12 (177)
3,065 (12) - - (109) 2,944
Net cash funds 2,254 (5) 12 - (92) 2,169
Net purchase of shares 164
Issue of shares by subsidiaries to
minorities (3)
Net cash inflow before management of
liquid resources and financing 156
4th 4th
Quarter Quarter Year Year
1999 1998 1999 1998
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Sales by class of business
Healthcare 3,894 3,662 15,042 11,223
Pharmaceuticals 3,850 3,607 14,834 11,015
Salick Health Care 44 55 208 208
Other trading 22 30 92 95
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Ongoing operations 3,916 3,692 15,134 11,318
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Agrochemicals (to be discontinued) 553 532 2,657 2,790
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Continuing operations 4,469 4,224 17,791 14,108
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Specialties (discontinued) 24 320 654 1,294
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Operations 4,493 4,544 18,445 15,402
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit/(loss) before
exceptional items
Healthcare 803 815 3,595 2,573
Pharmaceuticals 805 823 3,603 2,587
Salick Health Care (2) (8) (8) (14)
Other trading (7) (9) (25) (27)
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Ongoing operations 796 806 3,570 2,546
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Agrochemicals (to be discontinued) (11) (5) 267 359
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Continuing operations 785 801 3,837 2,905
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Specialties (discontinued) 4 40 71 146
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Operations 789 841 3,908 3,051
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit/(loss) before
exceptional items as a percentage
of sales % % % %
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Healthcare 20.6 22.3 23.9 22.9
Pharmaceuticals 20.9 22.8 24.3 23.5
Salick Health Care (4.5) (14.5) (3.8) (6.7)
Ongoing operations 20.3 21.9 23.6 22.5
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Agrochemicals (to be discontinued) (2.0) (0.9) 10.0 12.9
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Continuing operations 17.6 19.0 21.6 20.6
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Specialties (discontinued) 16.7 12.5 10.9 11.2
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Operations 17.6 18.5 21.2 19.8
------------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- -----
4th 4th Pro Forma Pro Forma
Quarter Quarter % Growth Year Year % Growth
1999 1998 Constant 1999 1998 Constant
USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Losec 1,522 1,366 14% 5,909 4,799 24%
Others 12 13 0% 48 46 11%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Gastrointestinal 1,534 1,379 14% 5,957 4,845 24%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Zestril 297 347 -12% 1,221 1,126 9%
Tenormin 141 141 2% 509 502 2%
Seloken 122 122 3% 531 450 19%
Plendil 124 99 28% 452 367 24%
Imdur 24 37 -30% 109 121 -8%
Ramace 17 17 12% 68 64 9%
Atacand 55 19 215% 171 43 312%
Others 90 90 3% 355 344 4%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Cardiovascular 870 872 3% 3,416 3,017 14%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Pulmicort 191 197 4% 730 691 9%
Accolate 47 28 72% 156 152 4%
Rhinocort 30 39 -18% 167 158 8%
Bricanyl 39 42 -2% 142 154 -5%
Oxis 24 16 69% 87 44 107%
Others 16 16 6% 57 57 -
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Respiratory 347 338 10% 1,339 1,256 10%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Zoladex 194 168 14% 686 626 9%
Nolvadex 144 136 4% 573 526 7%
Casodex 95 74 31% 340 245 41%
Arimidex 40 35 20% 140 121 19%
Others 7 8 0% 25 20 30%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Oncology 480 421 14% 1,764 1,538 15%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Diprivan 144 196 -25% 608 653 -6%
Xylocaine 65 66 -4% 249 240 2%
Marcaine 25 21 24% 88 80 11%
Naropin 12 10 20% 45 31 48%
Zomig 54 40 40% 189 102 88%
Seroquel 71 22 223% 232 66 254%
Merrem 39 32 31% 153 128 29%
Other Products 180 182 0% 683 674 1%
Astra Tech 29 28 15% 111 100 15%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Specialist/
Hospital 619 597 6% 2,358 2,074 15%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Pharmaceuticals 3,850 3,607 10% 14,834 12,730 18%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Salick Health
Care 44 55 -20% 208 208 -
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Healthcare 3,894 3,662 9% 15,042 12,938 17%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
4th 4th Pro Forma Pro Forma
Quarter Quarter % Growth Year Year % Growth
1999 1998 Constant 1999 1998 Constant
USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
icals 1,749 1,666 5% 7,156 5,834 23%
Salick Health
Care 44 55 -20% 208 208 -
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total USA 1,793 1,721 4% 7,364 6,042 22%
Japan 242 181 13% 710 568 8%
France 246 211 31% 870 714 27%
Germany 207 232 - 850 861 2%
Italy 141 135 18% 579 512 17%
Sweden 96 92 13% 359 348 8%
UK 229 238 -1% 819 808 3%
Rest of World 940 852 19% 3,491 3,085 18%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Healthcare 3,894 3,662 9% 15,042 12,938 17%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Pro Forma constant currency % growth has been calculated as if the Astra Merck
Restructuring had occurred on 1 January 1998 and excluding the effects arising
from exchange rate movements.
4th 4th
Quarter Quarter % Growth Year Year % Growth
1999 1998 Constant 1999 1998 Constant
Agrochemicals USDm USDm Currency USDm USDm Currency
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Product Analysis
Non-Selective 138 120 13% 671 670 -
Selective 163 139 21% 753 874 -13%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Herbicides 301 259 17% 1,424 1,544 -8%
Insecticides 76 121 -35% 406 504 -19%
Fungicides 154 129 24% 744 651 14%
Others 22 23 - 83 91 -9%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Agrochemicals 553 532 6% 2,657 2,790 -5%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Territorial Analysis
North America 95 108 -10% 822 933 -12%
Latin America 151 154 -5% 453 550 -18%
Europe 174 154 25% 929 899 5%
Asia, Africa,
Australasia 133 116 12% 453 408 8%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Agrochemicals 553 532 6% 2,657 2,790 -5%
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Constant currency % growth has been calculated excluding the effects arising
from exchange rate movements.
Convenience Translation of key financial information
For the three
months ended 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
31 December USDm USDm GBPm GBPm SEKm SEKm
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Sales 4,493 4,544 2,776 2,808 38,249 38,683
Ongoing operations 3,916 3,692 2,420 2,281 33,337 31,430
Healthcare 3,894 3,662 2,406 2,263 33,150 31,175
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit
before exceptional
items (EI) 789 841 487 520 6,717 7,159
Ongoing operations
before EI 796 806 492 498 6,776 6,861
Healthcare before
EI 803 815 496 504 6,836 6,938
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit before tax
on ongoing
before EI 802 797 496 492 6,827 6,785
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net (loss)/profit
for the period (173) 700 (107) 432 (1,473) 5,959
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Earnings per
Ordinary Share
before EI USD0.32 USD0.34 GBP0.20 GBP0.21 SEK2.72 SEK2.89
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
For the year
ended 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998
31 December USDm USDm GBPm GBPm SEKm SEKm
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Sales 18,445 15,402 11,397 9,517 157,022 131,117
Ongoing Operations 15,134 11,318 9,351 6,993 128,836 96,350
Healthcare 15,042 11,223 9,294 6,935 128,053 95,541
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Operating profit
items (EI) 3,908 3,051 2,415 1,885 33,269 25,973
Ongoing operations
before EI 3,570 2,546 2,206 1,573 30,391 21,674
Healthcare before
EI 3,595 2,573 2,221 1,590 30,604 21,904
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Profit before
tax on ongoing
before EI 3,556 3,127 2,197 1,932 30,272 26,620
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net profit for
the period 1,143 2,611 706 1,613 9,730 22,227
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Basic earnings per
Ordinary Share USD0.64 USD1.47 GBP0.40 GBP0.91 SEK5.45 SEK12.51
Earnings per
Ordinary Share
before EI USD1.54 USD1.44 GBP0.95 GBP0.89 SEK13.11 SEK12.26
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Dividend per
Ordinary Share USD0.70 n/a 43.3p n/a SEK5.90 n/a
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net cash inflow
from operating
activities 3,113 3,832 1,923 2,368 26,501 32,622
Decrease in cash (280) (186) (173) (115) (2,384) (1,583)
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
funds - equity
31 December 10,302 10,929 6,366 6,753 87,701 93,039
------------------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Sterling (GBP) and Swedish Kronor equivalents are shown for convenience and
have been calculated using the current period end rates of USD1=GBP0.6179 and
USD1=SEK 8.5130, respectively. Dividend per Ordinary Share is shown as the
actual amount payable using the rates at the date of declaration of the
Information for US Investors
The group profit and loss account and group balance sheet set out on pages
13, 14 and 16 are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles in the United Kingdom (UK GAAP) which differ in certain material
respects from those generally accepted in the United States (US GAAP). For
the purposes of US GAAP, the merger has been regarded as a purchase accounting
acquisition of Astra by Zeneca. Under purchase accounting, the cost of the
investment is calculated at the market value of the shares issued together
with other incidental costs and the assets and liabilities of the acquired
entity are recorded at fair value. As a result of the fair value exercise,
increases in the values of Astra's tangible fixed assets and inventory were
recognised and values attributed to their in-process research and development,
existing products and assembled work force, together with appropriate deferred
taxation effects. The difference between the cost of investment and the fair
value of the assets and liabilities of Astra has been recorded as goodwill.
The in-process research and development and inventory step up have been taken
as a one off charge to net income, together with additional amortisation and
depreciation arising as a result of the fair value exercise. Pre-acquisition
results of Astra are excluded from net income. Other differences as they
apply to AstraZeneca PLC (formerly Zeneca Group PLC) are explained in the
group's 1999 Annual Report and Form 20-F. The approximate effects on group
income and shareholders' equity of the GAAP differences are shown below.
1999 1998
Income attributable to Shareholders USDm USDm
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net income for the period under UK GAAP 1,143 2,611
Pre-acquisition results of Astra (413) (1,427)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
730 1,184
Adjustments to conform to US GAAP:
Purchase accounting adjustments,
(including goodwill and intangibles):
- deemed acquisition of Astra
- in-process research and development (3,315) -
- inventory step-up (826) -
- amortisation and other acquisition
adjustments (759) -
- others (61) (80)
Divestment of Specialties business 284 -
Impairment of Salick Health Care goodwill (308) -
Capitalisation, less disposals and
amortisation of interest 5 8
Deferred taxation
- on fair value of Astra 547 -
- other 117 (28)
Pension expense (103) (53)
Post-retirement benefits/plan amendment 4 5
Software costs capitalised 29 -
Restructuring costs 119 -
Unrealised losses on foreign exchange (2) -
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net (loss) income in accordance
with US GAAP (3,539) 1,036
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net (loss) income from continuing
operations (4,071) 796
Net income from discontinued operations 108 240
Gain on disposal of Specialties business 424 -
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Net (loss) income per Ordinary Share
under US GAAP (basic) (2.26) 1.09
Net (loss) income per Ordinary Share
under US GAAP (diluted) (2.25) 1.09
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
In addition to the pre-acquisition results of Astra, net income from
continuing operations in accordance with US GAAP is depressed by one off
charges of USD3,315m to write off acquired in-process research and
development and USD826m for the step up in inventory values at acquisition
(USD3,800m in total after tax relief of USD341m).
31 Dec 31 Dec
1999 1998
Shareholders' equity USDm USDm
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Shareholders' equity under UK GAAP 10,302 10,929
Net assets of Astra before acquisition - (6,757)
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
10,302 4,172
Adjustments to conform to US GAAP:
Purchase accounting adjustments,
(including goodwill and intangibles):
- deemed acquisition of Astra
- goodwill 14,202 -
- tangible and intangible fixed assets 11,174 -
- others 490 1,157
Capitalisation, less disposals and
amortisation of interest 151 181
Deferred taxation
- on fair value of Astra (3,172) -
- others (247) (111)
Dividend 834 442
Pension expense (172) (241)
Post-retirement benefits/plan amendment (31) (42)
Software costs captialised 29 -
Restructuring costs 119 -
Others 56 -
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Shareholders' equity in accordance
with US GAAP 33,735 5,558
----------------------------------------- ----- -----
Shareholder Information
Announcement of first quarter results 3 May 2000
Annual General Meeting 26 May 2000
The record date for the second interim dividend payable on 17 April 2000 (in
the UK, Sweden and the US) is 10 March 2000. Ordinary Shares will trade ex-
dividend on the London Stock Exchange from 6 March 2000 and on the Stockholm
Stock Exchange from 8 March 2000. ADSs will trade ex-dividend on the New
York Stock Exchange from 8 March 2000.
Future dividends will normally be paid as follows:
First interim Announced in early August and paid in late October.
Second interim Announced in February and paid in April.
All product or brand names included in Note 8 of this Preliminary
Announcement and the following names are trademarks of, or licensed to,
AstraZeneca PLC or its subsidiary companies:
Amistar Iressa Karate Nexium Prilosec Rhinocort Aqua Surpass Symbicort
Touchdown Turbuhaler Viozan
For simplicity, sales are reported under the above lead brand names, whereas
some compounds are sold under several brand names to address separate market
Registrar and Depositary Registered Office Swedish Securities
Transfer Office for ADRs Register Centre
The AstraZeneca Morgan Guaranty 15 Stanhope Gate Vardepapperscentralen
Registrar Trust Company London VPC AB
Lloyds TSB of New York W1Y 6LN Box 7822
Registrars 60 Wall Street S-103 97 Stockholm
The Causeway New York Sweden
Worthing New York 10260
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Tel: (01903) Tel: (212) Tel: (0171) Tel: (8)
502 541 648 3208 304 5000 402 9000
In order to utilise the 'Safe Harbour' provisions of the United States
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, AstraZeneca is providing
the following cautionary statement. This Preliminary Announcement contains
certain forward-looking statements about AstraZeneca. We intend to identify
the forward-looking statements in this Preliminary Announcement, by using
the words 'anticipates,' 'believes,' 'expects,' 'intends,' and similar
expressions in such statements. Although we believe our expectations are
based on reasonable assumptions, our forward-looking statements are subject
to numerous risks and uncertainties and factors that could cause actual
outcomes and results to be materially different from those projected or
implied. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those in our forward-looking statements, certain of which
are beyond our control, include, among other things: risk of loss or
expiration of patents or trademarks (in particular, the expiration in the
near future of patents covering Losec and Zestril); the difficulty of
completing the integration of Zeneca's and Astra's large and complex
businesses on a timely basis and realizing synergies; the risk that R&D will
not yield new products that achieve commercial success; the impact of
competition, price controls and price reductions; the difficulties of
obtaining governmental regulatory approvals for new products; the risk of
substantial product liability claims; exposure to fluctuations in exchange
rates for foreign currencies; exposure to US environmental liabilities and
the impact on the Agrochemicals business from the growing importance to
agriculture of biotechnology and the use of genetically modified crops.
No assurances can be given that any of the events anticipated by our forward-
looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what
impact they will have on the results of operations and financial condition
of AstraZeneca.