Interim Results - Part 2

ASTRAZENECA PLC 3 August 1999 Part 2 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Continuing Operations Before Exceptional Exceptional Discontinued For the six months ended Items Items Operations Total 30 June 1999 Notes USDm USDm USDm USDm --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Sales 7 9,043 - 615 9,658 Cost of sales (2,768) (10) (380) (3,158) Distribution costs (167) - (29) (196) Research and development (1,312) (5) (43) (1,360) Selling, general and administrative expenses (2,778) (127) (94) (2,999) Other income 85 - 2 87 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Group operating profit 7 2,103 (142) 71 2,032 Share of joint ventures' and associates' operating profits 3 22 - 1 23 Profits less losses on sale and closure of operations 4 - - 237 237 Merger costs 4 - (917) - (917) Net interest (33) - - (33) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,092 (1,059) 309 1,342 Taxation (624) 238 (122) (508) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,468 (821) 187 834 Attributable to minorities (2) - - (2) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Net profit for the period 1,466 (821) 187 832 Dividends to Shareholders (408) - - (408) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit retained for the period 1,058 (821) 187 424 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Earnings per Ordinary Share before exceptional items USD0.83 - USD0.02 USD0.85 Earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.83 USD(0.46) USD0.10 USD0.47 Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.83 USD(0.46) USD0.10 USD0.47 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,776 --------------------------- ----- Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,780 --------------------------- ----- The interim financial statements on pages 8 to 21 were approved by the Board on 2 August 1999. Pro Forma* Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Continuing Operations Before Exceptional Exceptional Discontinued For the six months ended Items Items Operations Total 30 June 1998 USDm USDm USDm USDm --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Sales 8,096 - 672 8,768 Cost of sales (2,512) - (419) (2,931) Distribution costs (166) - (33) (199) Research and development (1,191) - (41) (1,232) Selling, general and administrative expenses (2,377) - (103) (2,480) Other income 88 - 2 90 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Group operating profit 1,938 - 78 2,016 Share of joint ventures' and associates' operating profits 23 - 2 25 Profits less losses on sale and closure of operations - - (46) (46) Net interest (27) - - (27) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,934 - 34 1,968 Taxation (601) - (16) (617) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,333 - 18 1,351 Attributable to minorities 3 - - 3 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Net profit for the period 1,336 - 18 1,354 Dividends to Shareholders (220) - - (220) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit retained for the period 1,116 - 18 1,134 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Earnings per Ordinary Share before exceptional items USD0.75 - USD0.03 USD0.78 Earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.75 - USD0.01 USD0.76 Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.75 - USD0.01 USD0.76 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,778 --------------------------- ----- Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,782 --------------------------- ----- * See Basis of Pro Forma Figures described in Note 2. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Continuing Operations Before Exceptional Exceptional Discontinued For the six months ended Items Items Operations Total 30 June 1998 Notes USDm USDm USDm USDm --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Sales 7 6,381 - 672 7,053 Cost of sales (1,861) - (419) (2,280) Distribution costs (158) - (33) (191) Research and development (1,113) - (41) (1,154) Selling, general and administrative expenses (1,879) - (103) (1,982) Other income 88 - 2 90 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Group operating profit 7 1,458 - 78 1,536 Share of joint ventures' and associates' operating profits 3 559 - 2 561 Profits less losses on sale and closure of operations 4 - - (46) (46) Net interest 38 - - 38 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,055 - 34 2,089 Taxation (636) - (16) (652) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 1,419 - 18 1,437 Attributable to minorities 3 - - 3 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Net profit for the period 1,422 - 18 1,440 Dividends to Shareholders (220) - - (220) --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Profit retained for the period 1,202 - 18 1,220 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Earnings per Ordinary Share before exceptional items USD0.80 - USD0.03 USD0.83 Earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.80 - USD0.01 USD0.81 Diluted earnings per Ordinary Share USD0.80 - USD0.01 USD0.81 --------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,778 --------------------------- ----- Diluted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue (millions) 1,782 --------------------------- ----- Consolidated Balance Sheet 30 June 31 Dec 1999 1998 Notes USDm USDm ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets 5,689 6,281 Goodwill and intangible assets 3,959 2,440 Fixed asset investments 225 353 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- 9,873 9,074 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Current assets Stocks 1,906 2,029 Debtors 4,587 3,963 Cash and short-term investments 6 3,264 3,412 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- 9,757 9,404 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Total assets 19,630 18,478 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Creditors due within one year Short-term borrowings and current instalments of loans 6 (678) (377) Other creditors (5,274) (5,273) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- (5,952) (5,650) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net current assets 3,805 3,754 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Total assets less current liabilities 13,678 12,828 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Creditors due after more than one year Loans 6 (749) (761) Other creditors (509) (40) Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,224) (1,045) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- (2,482) (1,846) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net assets 11,196 10,982 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Capital and reserves Shareholders' funds - equity interests 5 11,145 10,929 Minority equity interests 51 53 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Shareholders' funds and minority interests 11,196 10,982 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 1999 1998 For the six months ended 30 June USDm USDm ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net profit for the period 832 1,440 Exchange adjustments on net assets (491) (3) Translation differences on foreign currency borrowings (5) 7 Tax on translation differences on foreign currency borrowings - (2) Other movements (6) 2 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period 330 1,444 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 1999 1998 For the six months ended 30 June USDm USDm ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Cash flow from operating activities Operating profit before exceptional items 2,174 1,536 Depreciation 378 311 Amortisation 142 57 Increase in working capital (853) (762) Other non-cash movements 136 (50) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net cash inflow from operating activities before exceptional items 1,977 1,092 Outflow related to exceptional items (997) (41) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net cash inflow from operating activities 980 1,051 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Dividends received from joint ventures and associates 3 262 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Returns on investments and servicing of finance (49) 56 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Tax paid (550) (280) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Capital expenditure and financial investment Net cash expenditure on fixed assets (1,830) (713) New fixed asset investments - (18) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- (1,830) (731) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Acquisitions and disposals 1,945 (400) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Equity dividends paid to Shareholders (800) (772) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Net cash outflow before management of liquid resources and financing (301) (814) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Management of liquid resources Movement in short-term investments and fixed deposits (net) (1,011) 428 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Financing 324 234 ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Decrease in cash in the period (988) (152) ------------------------------------ ----- ----- Exceptional and Merger related cash flows included above: USDm ------------------------------------ ----- Merger and integration expenditure Merck 'Trigger Event' payment (713) Other merger and integration costs (284) ------------------------------------ ----- Outflow related to exceptional items (997) 'First Option' payment to Merck (included in 'Net cash expenditure on fixed assets') (967) Proceeds from the disposal of Specialties business (included in 'Acquisitions and disposals') 1,937 ------------------------------------ ----- (27) ------------------------------------ ----- Independent Review Report to AstraZeneca PLC by KPMG Audit Plc and Deloitte & Touche Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set out on pages 8 to 21, and we have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 June 1999. KPMG Audit Plc Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants London London 2 August 1999 2 August 1999 MORE TO FOLLOW IRCNFDPAEFFNEAN


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