AstraZeneca PLC announced the results of the voting at its Annual General Meeting today. As proposed in the Notice of AGM, all Resolutions were decided by poll vote.
Resolution 1: Ordinary Resolution to receive the Company's Accounts and the Reports of the Directors and Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2008:
VOTES FOR: 863,615,453 (95.06%)
VOTES AGAINST: 44,922,985 (4.94%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 2: Ordinary Resolution to confirm dividends:
VOTES FOR: 910,394,568 (99.98%)
VOTES AGAINST: 185,120 (0.02%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 3: Ordinary Resolution to re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc, London as Auditor:
VOTES FOR: 902,794,992 (99.67%)
VOTES AGAINST: 3,027,558 (0.33%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 4: Ordinary Resolution to authorise the Directors to agree the remuneration of the Auditor:
VOTES FOR: 903,909,501 (99.79%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,872,951 (0.21%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(a): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Louis Schweitzer as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 852,999,005 (95.98%)
VOTES AGAINST: 35,688,615 (4.02%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(b): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect David Brennan as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 896,145,406 (99.62%)
VOTES AGAINST: 3,429,994 (0.38%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(c): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Simon Lowth as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 896,482,501 (99.66%)
VOTES AGAINST: 3,062,318 (0.34%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(d): Ordinary Resolution to elect Bo Angelin as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 909,913,836 (99.90%)
VOTES AGAINST: 919,924 (0.10%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(e): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect John Buchanan as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 842,555,499 (93.55%)
VOTES AGAINST: 58,069,313 (6.45%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(f): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Jean-Philippe Courtois as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 907,503,373 (99.87%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,139,966 (0.13%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(g): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Jane Henney as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 906,405,867 (99.75%)
VOTES AGAINST: 2,252,688 (0.25%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(h): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Michele Hooper as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 907,582,907 (99.88%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,078,591 (0.12%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(i): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Rudy Markham as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 880,123,467 (96.85%)
VOTES AGAINST: 28,583,164 (3.15%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(j): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Dame Nancy Rothwell as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 899,859,091 (99.68%)
VOTES AGAINST: 2,892,063 (0.32%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(k): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect John Varley as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 899,762,070 (99.67%)
VOTES AGAINST: 2,987,526 (0.33%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(l): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Marcus Wallenberg as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 835,306,128 (92.75%)
VOTES AGAINST: 65,272,851 (7.25%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 6: Ordinary Resolution to approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2008:
VOTES FOR: 798,618,984 (91.01%)
VOTES AGAINST: 78,847,491 (8.99%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 7: Ordinary Resolution to authorise limited EU political donations:
VOTES FOR: 881,044,594 (97.90%)
VOTES AGAINST: 18,853,951 (2.10%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 8: Ordinary Resolution to authorise the Directors to allot unissued shares:
VOTES FOR: 895,771,313 (98.59%)
VOTES AGAINST: 12,768,256 (1.41%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 9: Special Resolution to authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights:
VOTES FOR: 896,019,198 (98.40%)
VOTES AGAINST: 14,560,672 (1.60%)
The Resolution was passed as a Special Resolution.
Resolution 10: Special Resolution to authorise the Company to purchase its own shares:
VOTES FOR: 905,634,325 (99.66%)
VOTES AGAINST: 3,095,745 (0.34%)
The Resolution was passed as a Special Resolution.
A C N Kemp
Company Secretary
30 April 2009