AstraZeneca PLC announced the results of the voting at its Annual General Meeting today. As proposed in the Notice of AGM, all Resolutions were decided by poll vote.
Resolution 1: Ordinary Resolution to receive the Company's Accounts and the Reports of the Directors and Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2011:
VOTES FOR: 853,786,587 (97.89%)
VOTES AGAINST: 18,427,136 (2.11%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 2: Ordinary Resolution to confirm dividends:
VOTES FOR: 872,290,344 (99.99%)
VOTES AGAINST: 94,349 (0.01%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 3: Ordinary Resolution to re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc, London as Auditor:
VOTES FOR: 855,745,825 (99.07%)
VOTES AGAINST: 8,001,343 (0.93%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 4: Ordinary Resolution to authorise the Directors to agree the remuneration of the Auditor:
VOTES FOR: 866,203,059 (99.31%)
VOTES AGAINST: 6,012,959 (0.69%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(a): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Louis Schweitzer as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 862,472,092 (98.93%)
VOTES AGAINST: 9,362,667 (1.07%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(b): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect David Brennan as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 871,141,919 (99.92%)
VOTES AGAINST: 721,478 (0.08%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(c): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Simon Lowth as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 870,481,611 (99.85%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,304,163 (0.15%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(d): Ordinary Resolution to elect Geneviève Berger as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 870,531,324 (99.83%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,461,465 (0.17%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(e): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Bruce Burlington as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 871,137,357 (99.93%)
VOTES AGAINST: 609,462 (0.07%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(f): Ordinary Resolution to elect Graham Chipchase as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 871,182,671 (99.94%)
VOTES AGAINST: 550,412 (0.06%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(g): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Jean-Philippe Courtois as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 860,787,497 (99.74%)
VOTES AGAINST: 2,257,899 (0.26%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(h): Ordinary Resolution to elect Leif Johansson as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 870,705,124 (99.84%)
VOTES AGAINST: 1,357,808 (0.16%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(i): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Rudy Markham as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 843,293,602 (97.69%)
VOTES AGAINST: 19,948,800 (2.31%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(j): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Dame Nancy Rothwell as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 861,560,148 (98.83%)
VOTES AGAINST: 10,228,023 (1.17%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(k): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Shriti Vadera as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 871,015,230 (99.92%)
VOTES AGAINST: 739,147 (0.08%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(l): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect John Varley as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 861,380,868 (98.81%)
VOTES AGAINST: 10,369,552 (1.19%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 5(m): Ordinary Resolution to re-elect Marcus Wallenberg as a Director:
VOTES FOR: 818,567,723 (94.92%)
VOTES AGAINST: 43,800,968 (5.08%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 6: Ordinary Resolution to approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2011:
VOTES FOR: 755,813,183 (91.37%)
VOTES AGAINST: 71,362,678 (8.63%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 7: Ordinary Resolution to authorise limited EU political donations:
VOTES FOR: 838,231,130 (97.29%)
VOTES AGAINST: 23,313,258 (2.71%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 8: Ordinary Resolution to authorise the Directors to allot shares:
VOTES FOR: 808,093,298 (93.42%)
VOTES AGAINST: 56,953,521 (6.58%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 9: Ordinary Resolution to approve the New SAYE Scheme:
VOTES FOR: 856,218,728 (98.24%)
VOTES AGAINST: 15,344,000 (1.76%)
The Resolution was passed as an Ordinary Resolution.
Resolution 10: Special Resolution to authorise the Directors to disapply pre-emption rights:
VOTES FOR: 858,844,089 (98.66%)
VOTES AGAINST: 11,698,730 (1.34%)
The Resolution was passed as a Special Resolution.
Resolution 11: Special Resolution to authorise the Company to purchase its own shares:
VOTES FOR: 860,595,117 (99.66%)
VOTES AGAINST: 2,915,899 (0.34%)
The Resolution was passed as a Special Resolution.
Resolution 12: Special Resolution to reduce the notice period for general meetings:
VOTES FOR: 761,582,404 (87.36%)
VOTES AGAINST: 110,211,068 (12.64%)
The Resolution was passed as a Special Resolution.
A C N Kemp
Company Secretary
26 April 2012