Interim Results

ATHELNEY TRUST PLC 1 September 1999 ATHELNEY TRUST PLC: INTERIM STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30TH JUNE 1999 Athelney Trust PLC, the AIM-quoted investment company which specialises in smaller companies and junior markets, announces its unaudited results for the six months ended June 30 1999. * Net Asset Value (NAV) up 26.2% at 96.1p a share * Gross revenue up 2% at £20,513 * Return per ordinary share more than doubled from 8.4p to 19.9p * Dividend to be decided at year end * NAV nearly doubled since company's formation Athelney Chairman Hugo Deschampneufs said: 'The pleasing news to report is that NAV is 26.2 per cent higher than at December 31 1998 and, having reversed the setback which occurred in the second half of 1998, is 1.2 per cent above the level reached 12 months ago. 'It would be even more satisfactory to report that the major institutions had returned to the market to buy good quality small company shares but, alas, with the notable exceptions of a few, this is not the case. There is an unprecedented amount of corporate activity with a plethora of bids, mergers, buy-ins and buy-outs due to the fact, which is obvious to anyone except a blue-chip fund manager, that small company shares are undervalued compared to their larger brethren. My only worry is that some of these deals substantially undervalue the target companies. 'The strategy of seeking undervalued small companies has resulted in a near doubling of NAV since Athelney's formation'. For further information: Robin Boyle, Managing Director Athelney Trust 01208 72700 Paul Quade Paternoster Partnership 0171 336 7776 Chairman's Statement I have pleasure in enclosing the Interim Report for the six months ended 30th June 1999. The salient points are as follows: - * Net Asset Value (NAV) has increased by a handsome 26.2% to 96.1p from 76.1p as at 31st December 1998. * Gross revenue has risen by 2% to £20,513. * The return per ordinary share was 19.9p (8.4p). As usual, consideration of a dividend for 1999 will be left until the final results are available to the Board. The pleasing news to report is that NAV is 26.2% higher than 31st December 1998 and, having reversed the setback which occurred in the second half of 1998, 1.2% above the level reached twelve months ago. Our chosen benchmark, the FTSE Fledgling Index, has risen by 28.3% during the period under review. It would be even more satisfactory to report that the major institutions had returned to the market to buy good quality small company shares but, alas, with the notable exceptions of a few, this is not the case. Smaller institutions and active private investors, however, are taking advantage of the much healthier market conditions which now exist compared with only six months ago. Not only is profitability increasing as the economy gradually recovers, there is an unprecedented amount of corporate activity with a plethora of bids, mergers, buy-ins and buy-outs due to the fact, which is obvious to anyone except a blue-chip fund manager, that small company shares are undervalued compared with their larger brethren. My only worry is that some of these deals substantially undervalue the target companies - this is a subject to which I may return in six months time. During the period under review new purchases were made of Wolstenholme Rink, Christie Group, Landround and Stat-Plus Group whereas holdings in Country Gardens, Cradley Group, Crown Eyeglass, Dinkie Heel, Gall Thomson, LIBERfabrica, Partridge Fine Arts, Sentry Farming, SFI and WSP were either reduced or sold outright. The existing investment in NHP was increased. Century Inns has metamorphosed into Entreprise Inns following the successful takeover. The strategy of seeking out undervalued small companies has resulted in a near-doubling of NAV since Athelney's formation. The Board believes that this strategy should remain unaltered. Finally, your Directors, together with Athelney's nominated adviser Noble & Co are continuing to review the wide gap between the current share price and the NAV and ways of narrowing this discount. Hugo Deschampsneufs Chairman 1st September 1999 ATHELNEY TRUST PLC INTERIM BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30TH JUNE 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited 30/6/99 30/6/98 31/12/98 £ £ £ Fixed assets Investments 1,689,261 1,665,686 1,373,397 --------- --------- --------- Current assets Debtors 5,575 9,664 3,699 Cash at bank and in hand 43,069 51,626 25,619 ------ ------ ------ 48,644 61,290 29,318 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (6,240) (15,866) (30,414) ------- -------- -------- Net current assets 42,404 45,424 (1,096) ------ ------ ------- Net assets £1,731,665 £1,711,110 £1,372,301 ========== ========== ========== Capital and reserves Called up share capital 450,700 450,700 450,700 Share premium account 405,605 405,605 405,605 Other reserves - non distributable Capital reserve - realised 52,727 40,877 19,759 Capital reserve - unrealised 810,120 792,652 489,721 Revenue reserve 12,513 21,276 6,516 ------- ------- ------- Shareholders' funds £1,731,665 £1,711,110 £1,372,301 ========== ========== ========== Net assets per share 96.1p 94.9p 76.1p ----- ----- ----- ATHELNEY TRUST PLC INTERIM STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (INCORPORATING THE REVENUE ACCOUNT) FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30TH JUNE 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited 6 months to 30/6/99 6 months to 30/6/98 31/12/98 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Total £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Gains/(losses) on investment - 361,321 361,321 - 154,126 154,126 (169,729) Income 20,513 - 20,513 20,140 - 20,140 49,291 Investment management cost (2,804) (2,804) (5,608) (2,870) (2,871) (5,741) (11,430) Other expenses (13,896) - (13,896)(14,666) - (14,666) (26,970) -------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ------- -------- Return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 3,813 358,517 362,330 2,604 151,255 153,859 (158,838) Taxation 2,184 (5,150) (2,966) (175) (1,702) (1,877) (7,257) ----- ------- -------- ------ -------- -------- -------- Return/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 5,997 353,367 359,364 2,429 149,553 151,982 (166,095) Dividend - - - - - - (20,732) ----- ------- ------- ----- ------- ------- -------- Transfer to/(from) reserves £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 5,997 353,367 359,364 2,429 149,553 151,982 (186,827) ===== ======= ======= ===== ======= ======= ======== Return/ (loss) per Ordinary Share 0.3p 19.6p 19.9p 0.1p 8.3p 8.4p (9.2p) NOTES 1. The financial information contained in this report is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended). The results for the year ended December 31 1998 were reported on by the auditors and received an unqualified report and contained no statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended) and a copy of this has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. The unaudited results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted in the audited accounts for the year ended December 31 1998. 3. The calculation of the return/(loss) per Ordinary Share is based on the number of shares in issue during the period of 1,802,802 (1998: 1,802,802). 4. The potential risks to the company resulting from the Year 2000 issue have been addressed and steps taken to ensure that all data and systems in use by the company are Year 2000 compliant. There is not considered to be a material risk with potential Year 2000 issues for parties on which the company is reliant. 5. Copies of the interim statement for the six months to June 30 1999 will be posted to shareholders on September 1 1999 and will be available free of charge from the company's nominated adviser, Noble & Co, 4th Floor, Royex House, Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7HR for a period of 14 days from the date thereof.
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