Final Results
16 September 1999
Chairman's Statement for the year ended 31 May 1999
1999 was a year of mixed fortunes for the Group with the first six months
showing a high level of enquiries. However, this was not sustained during the
second half when a number of major defence and commercial contracts expected
to have been awarded within the period were not finalised.
Our US operation continued to generate many Department of Defense and
commercial prospects but was unsuccessful in closing these during the year.
As indicated in the trading statement dated 11 August, 1999, these factors
have resulted in the year showing a loss of £1.64 million, compared with a
profit of £0.5m in 1997/8.
In the second half of 1998/9 the Group continued to develop MAPS and made
major enhancements to the product suite. This investment has resulted in a
substantial intellectual capital base from which to develop sales of MAPS.
Our MoD business was significantly below expectations during the year. This
can be attributed partly to the uncertainty created by the Strategic Defence
Review carried out by the Government which is effecting economies of scale
across all three defence services. Computer systems, such as MAPS, have been
shown to enhance this cost cutting process and there will, therefore, be
significant opportunities for MSW to sell MAPS further into the defence
market. The MoD is also in the process of selecting three standard Human
Resource software systems for civilian use within the MoD. MAPS is a leading
contender to be selected. However, this initiative did result in a number of
potential MAPS sales being postponed until the selection process completes in
early 2000.
On a positive note, during the year two major defence projects have gone live.
These are Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) and MoD Police (MDP). Both of these
systems are enterprise level implementations of MAPS utilising many facets of
the product suite in business critical environments.
The US business generated much interest over the year and created a number of
promising opportunities.
The Professional Services division continued to add new business and traded
profitably during the year, in particular supplying services to William Mercer
Limited and Tibbett & Britten Group PLC. The division remains non-specialised
and is able to supply both bespoke software development and strategic
infrastructure and IT consultancy.
Mr Ray Ride, formerly Sales Director, left the Board of the Company on 11
August 1999.
No final dividend is proposed for this year.
MAPS is now highly functional. The September 1999 release of the VBA
(Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications) enabled version further transforms
the product offering as it both speeds up and simplifies the process of
customisation. In turn, this reduces cost and increases the returns to our
Our expansion outside the defence sector continues and we have identified two
new high growth niches for MAPS. These are within the Maritime Cruise and
Shipping and the Business Services sectors. Both of these service-based
industries are particularly suited to the enterprise level implementation of
Our relationship with Calibre in the USA is now also close to showing some
tangible results with a large Defense Agency having committed to the
deployment of MAPS for strategic manpower planning.
Finally, we are very pleased to be able to add P&O Cruises to our client list.
In summary, although the year has been disappointing from a financial
perspective, the Directors remain confident about the future.
Robert Drummond
16 September 1999
1999 1998
£ £
Turnover 1,896,518 2,909,951
Cost of sales (2,286,751) (1,231,738)
Gross (loss)/ profit (390,233) 1,678,213
Administrative expenses (1,230,666) (1,146,861)
Operating (loss)/profit (1,620,899) 531,352
Interest receivable 14,015 2,990
Interest payable (34,638) (31,900)
(Loss)/profit on ordinary
activities before taxation(1,641,522) 502,442
Taxation 140,927 (138,666)
(Loss)/profit for the financial
year after taxation (1,500,595) 363,776
Dividends (61,508) (166,000)
(Loss)/profit for the financial
year transferred
(from)/to reserves (1,562,103) 197,776
(Loss)/earnings per share
Basic (21.27)p 7.07p
Diluted (20.86)p 7.05p
AT 31 MAY 1999
1999 1998
£ £
Tangible fixed assets 182,930 55,401
Fixed asset investments - -
182,930 55,401
Current assets
Stocks 119,920 128,403
Debtors 1,322,750 1,882,318
Cash at bank and in hand 16,659 54
1,459,329 2,010,775
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year (548,014) (1,339,527)
Net current assets 911,315 671,248
Total assets less current
liabilities 1,094,245 726,649
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year (60,839) -
Net assets 1,033,406 726,649
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 410,050 154,296
Share premium account 1,836,122 136,704
Profit and loss account (1,212,766) 435,649
Total shareholders' funds 1,033,406 726,649
(including non equity interests)
1999 1998
£ £
Net cash outflow from operating
Activities (951,324) (493,050)
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 14,015 2,990
Interest paid (28,750) (26,919)
(14,735) (23,929)
UK corporation tax paid (41,500) (70,236)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Payments to acquire
tangible fixed assets (189,235) (15,041)
Payments to acquire investments
in subsidiary undertakings - (5,331)
Equity dividends paid (227,508) -
Cash outflow before
financing (1,424,302) (607,587)
Issue of ordinary shares 2,510,996 3,296
Expenses of share issue (542,136) -
(Redemption)/issue of
preference shares (100,000) 100,000
Share premium - 136,704
1,868,860 240,000
Increase/(decrease) in cash in
the year 444,558 (367,587)
1 Financial Information
The financial information set out above does not constitute full accounts of
the Group.
The 1998 figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Group
for the year ended 31 May 1998 which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies and on which the auditors issued an unqualified report. The 1999
figures have been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Group for the
year ended 31 May 1999 on which the auditors have issued an unqualified
report, and which will be filed with the Registrar of Companies following the
Annual General Meeting. The same accounting policies as the previous periods
have been used.
2 Reconciliation of operating profit to net
cash flow from Operating activities 1999 1998
£ £
Operating (loss)/profit (1,620,899) 531,352
Depreciation and amortisation charges 40,344 17,484
Fixed asset investment written down - 5,331
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 585,579 (1,250,414)
Decrease/(increase)in work in progress 8,483 (128,403)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors 35,169 331,600
Net cash outflow from operating
activities (951,324) (493,050)
3 Reconciliation of net cash flow to
Movement in net (debt)/funds
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 550,893 (367,587)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and
finance leases - -
Change in net debt resulting from cash
Flows 550,893 (367,587)
New finance leases (106,335) -
Movement in net funds/(debt) in the year 444,558 (367,587)
Net (debt)/funds at beginning of the year (544,164) (176,577)
Net funds/(debt) at end of year 99,606 (544,164)
4 Analysis of change in net (debt)/funds
At At
1 June 1998 Cash flows 31 May 1999
£ £ £
Cash at bank and in hand 54 16,605 16,659
Bank overdraft (544,218) 534,288 (9,930)
Finance leases - (106,335) (106,335)
Total (544,164) 444,558 (99,606)
5 Turnover
Turnover represents the invoiced amount of goods and services provided during
the year stated net of value added tax. The turnover and pre-tax loss is
wholly attributable to the principal activity and all originates in the United
Kingdom. There is no material difference between the origin and destination
of turnover.
6 Dividends proposed and paid
1999 1998
£ £
An equity dividend of 0.75p per ordinary share
was paid in the year(1998: £3.057 paid) on
8,201,000 shares (1998: 54,296 shares). No
further dividend is proposed for the year ended
31 May 1999. 61,508 166,000
7 Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share are based on the following profits and
numbers of shares:
Basic Diluted
1999 1998 1999 1998
£ £ £ £
(Loss)/profit for the
financial year (1,500,595) 363,776 (1,500,595) 363,776
Weighted average number of shares
1999 1998
Number Number
of shares of shares
Basic 7,054,053 5,145,407
Diluted 7,192,800 5,162,323
8 Copies of the report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in
due course.
9 The Annual General Meeting will be held at 20 Bloomsbury Square,
London WC1A 2NA on 28 October 1999 at 11:00 am.
10 Copies of this announcement are available from the Company at 33
Bedford Place, London WC1B 5JH. For all further enquiries please contact Ross
McBeath or Simon Thorne on 0171 462 3300.