Aukett Swanke Group Plc
Trading Statement
Aukett Swanke Group Plc, the international architectural and interior design practice with offices in Europe, the Middle East and Russia, is pleased to provide the following update on trading.
We are pleased to report that the improvement in the UK property development sector noted at the annual general meeting in March has continued; a trend we now believe will extend through this year and into next. This has resulted in both new commissions continuing to be won and existing commissions continuing into their later project stages faster, and at a higher rate, than was previously expected.
Whilst the rest of the group continues to trade in line with the board's expectations, the pleasing performance of our UK business indicates that group revenue and profits for the current financial year will exceed the board's previous expectations.
Integration of the newly acquired Swanke Hayden Connell Europe continues to proceed as planned.
Interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2014 are still expected to be reported in late June 2014.
Aukett Swanke - 020 7843 3000
Nicholas Thompson, Chief Executive Officer
Duncan Harper, Group Finance Director
FinnCap - 020 7220 0500
Corporate Finance: Julian Blunt / James Thompson
Corporate Broking: Stephen Norcross / Simon Starr
Hermes Financial PR
Chris Steele - 07979 604687
Trevor Phillips - 07889 153628