Final Results

AVATION PLC ('Avation' or the 'Company') CONSOLIDATED AUDITED RESULTS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 Avation, the aircraft leasing company, presents its consolidated audited results for the twelve months to 30 June 2008. HIGHLIGHTS * A final dividend for the year of 0.5p per ordinary share has been proposed by the directors; * The group has obtained a $150,000,000 finance facility for the acquisition of additional aircraft; * Group operating revenues increased by 179% to GBP 5,031,679 (2007 : GBP 1,806,251); * Earnings per share were 28.75 pence; and * Profits attributable to shareholders increasing to GBP 6,965,915 (2007: GBP 547,585), this includes extraordinary gains and ongoing business. Enquires: Avation PLC Jeff Chatfield, Chairman 07783 942 553 Advisor Frank Lucas, Loeb Aron & Co. 0207 628 1128 Financial Public Relations Bishopsgate Communications 0207 562 3350 Maxine Barnes Nick Rome, Nick Farmer Websites: AVATION PLC (the "Company") CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Dear Fellow Shareholders, On behalf of your board of directors I present to you the audited financial statements for Avation PLC and its subsidiaries for the year ended 30th June 2008 and seek to appraise you of the progress that the Avation group has made. Your board is pleased to report that in respect of the year ending 30th June 2008 the consolidated net profit after tax was GBP 6,965,915 with earnings per share of 28.75 pence. The numbers in the foregoing paragraph speak for themselves and are all the more satisfactory as your company is in its early growth stage. Nevertheless a substantial fraction of the profit increase resulted from the creation of Capital Lease Aviation PLC ("CLA") as a subsidiary and the gains therefrom. The operating businesses also had a satisfactory year with excellent and robust cash flows being recorded across the group. Despite a challenging economic backdrop for the world economy as a whole, some firms continue to prosper and your Company - Avation Plc - is one such extraordinary business. As at June 30th the asset base of the group had grown to GBP 70,365,393 which is representative of the value of the aircraft owned by the Company. The Avation group currently owns 11 aircraft. This number is likely to increase as one of its subsidiaries, CLA, is looking to acquire additional aircraft. CLA has recently announced that it has secured a further USD $150,000,000 of revolving credit to be used for aircraft acquisitions, this funding is in the form of a "warehouse facility". The Company and all its subsidiaries, including CLA, manages to mitigate credit maturation risk by closely aligning the finance for aircraft acquisitions to match the corresponding lease term of the aircraft - this is a key differential from some other aircraft lessors. The Company was formed via a special dividend from Skywest Airlines Ltd with shares distributed in specie to all of the then Skywest Airlines Ltd shareholders. Avation PLC was intended to support Skywest Airlines Ltd by providing aircraft leasing facilities and continues to do so. Your Company is now growing in all senses inasmuch as its universe of customers now includes large international airlines and the aircraft owned by the group are of diverse types. Your Board recognises the importance of rewarding shareholders - the owners of the Company and second only in importance to our customers. Avation Plc has paid dividends and conducted a capital management program by buying in shares for cancellation. Despite the current economic and financial problems extant, the Company continues to prosper, and therefore your board is recommending to shareholders a final dividend payment of 0.5p per share and it hopes to maintain a progressive dividend policy going forward. The record date for this final dividend is the 11th of November 2008 and the proposed payment date, subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting, is the 5th January 2009. The Company and its subsidiaries have secured the bulk of its debt funding at a cost of around 6% per annum. Whilst the Company believes that it can obtain access to further funds for the purchase of aircraft, access to funding nevertheless remains a risk, this risk is common to all businesses that are capital intensive such as your business. Specific aviation risks are also present and include the credit worthiness of client airlines in the wake of the unprecedented surge in the price of jet fuel and the crisis of confidence in world financial structures and institutions. My colleagues and I will continue to work tirelessly to build this Company into a well respected, highly profitable, diversified, cash generative aircraft leasing enterprise. Your board would like to thank you - the shareholders and all other stakeholders - for their continued support and good will and look forward with confidence to another year in the development of Avation PLC. In due course an annual report and notice of meeting for the Annual General Meeting will be sent out to shareholders and will be available on the Company website at Jeff Chatfield Chairman AVATION PLC CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 (Audited) Year Period ended ended 30 June 30 June 2008 2007 £ £ Continuing operations and acquisitions Revenue 5,031,679 1,806,251 Cost of sales (127,739) (560,242) Gross profit 4,903,940 1,246,009 Other operating income 53,114 53,457 Administrative expenses (890,923) (175,395) Exceptional item 5,503,165 - Other operating expenses (1,115,199) (165,257) Finance income and expenses (308,885) (179,415) Profit before taxation 8,145,212 779,399 Taxation (782,035) (231,814) Profit after tax 7,363,177 547,585 Minority interests (397,262) - Attributable to the shareholders 6,965,915 547,585 Earnings per share for continuing and total operations - Basic 28.75 pence 3.01 pence - Fully Diluted 25.40 pence 1.96 pence AVATION PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 2008 2008 2007 £ £ ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents 1,257,525 828,345 Trade and other receivables 362,866 369,813 Inventories 735 697 Total current assets 1,621,126 1,198,855 Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 67,419,726 9,473,546 Goodwill 1,324,541 1,324,541 Total non-current assets 68,744,267 10,798,087 Total assets 70,365,393 11,996,942 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Trade and other payables 1,963,385 192,323 Provision for taxation 586,368 197,458 Loans and borrowings 6,263,715 985,890 Short-term provisions 299,336 - Deferred income 279,968 121,198 Total current liabilities 9,392,772 1,496,869 Non-current liabilities: Trade and other payables 323,403 242,063 Loans and borrowings 37,599,720 5,319,577 Deferred tax liabilities 1,825,398 939,018 Total non-current liabilities 39,748,521 6,500,658 Equity attributable to shareholders: Share capital 252,700 191,142 Share premium 1,213,770 1,155,094 Assets revaluation reserve 4,454,006 2,130,503 Share option reserve 12,788 - Foreign currency translation reserve (6,605) (24,909) Retained earnings 7,386,700 547,585 13,313,359 3,999,415 Minority Interest 7,910,741 - 21,224,100 3,999,415 Total liabilities and equity 70,365,393 11,996,942 AVATION PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 30 June 2008 30 June 2007 £ £ Cash flows from operating activities: Total profit 7,363,177 547,585 Adjustments for: Income tax 782,035 231,814 Depreciation expense 1,115,198 163,240 Gain on dilution (5,503,165) - Share option expense 24,968 - Interest expense 655,713 186,197 Interest income (346,828) (8,950) Operating profit before working capital changes 4,091,098 1,119,886 Trade and other receivables 6,947 (369,813) Inventory (38) (697) Trade and other payables 1,852,402 434,387 Short-term provisions 299,336 - Deferred income 158,770 121,198 Cash from operations 6,408,515 1,304,961 Interest paid (655,713) (186,197) Interest received 346,828 8,950 Corporation tax paid (201,384) (34,356) Net cash from operating activities 5,898,246 1,093,358 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchase of property, plant and equipment (53,735,874) (6,585,135) Net cash used in investing activities (53,735,874) (6,585,135) Cash flows from financing activities: Net proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares 251,500 - Share buyback (131,266) - Net proceeds from issuance of subsidiary's shares to 10,791,329 - minority Dividends paid (126,800) - Proceeds from borrowings 39,332,659 6,620,655 Repayment of borrowings (1,774,691) (315,188) Net cash from financing activities 48,342,731 6,305,467 Net effect of exchange rate changes in consolidating subsidiaries (75,923) 14,655 Net increase in cash 429,180 828,345 Cash and cash equivalent at beginning of financial year 828,345 - Cash and cash equivalent at end of financial year 1,257,525 828,345 Avation plc


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