Final Results

British Empire Sec & Gen Tst PLC 8 November 2000 UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 * Net asset value per share rose 26.7% to 202.1p compared with gains for the MSCI World, FTSE All-Share and Datastream indices of 19.3%, 7.2% and 24.0% respectively. Net asset value at year end was £356 million. * Since the major Rights Issue in 1985 net asset value per share has increased by 608% compared to a gain for the MSCI World (£) of 437%. * The share price rose by 28.3%, making a two year gain of 90%. The discount to net asset value narrowed to 13.5% (11.9% taking debentures at market value). * Revenue increased by 44% to £10.1 million and e.p.s. by 99%. * Dividends for the year total 1.30p, an increase of 15%. * 10,750,000 ordinary shares costing £16.5 million were bought back at an average discount of 17.6% enhancing value for shareholders by 2p per share. * We held firm to our policy of buying undervalued assets and this paid off handsomely in the past two years with n.a.v. per share growth of 74%. * This year significant gains have been realised in European property (£3.9 million - Unione Immobiliare and Beni Stabili); closed-end funds specialising in biotech (£12.3 million - Finsbury Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Investments); UK smaller companies (£6.7 million - Gartmore Fledgling). * Our major area of interest, European Investment Holding Companies, has been enlivened by news of an intended restructuring in the Lazard group. This is a landmark event for a sector which represents about 30% of British Empire's portfolio. * Our sale last year to Vincent Bollore of our £46 million stake in Rue Imperiale has been followed by strong gains in our two on-going Lazard holdings, Eurafrance and Immobiliere Marseillaise, which have a combined value of £35 million (9% of our assets). * We have also seen a strong performance in the Agnelli group company, IFI, up 50% in local currency on rumours of a flotation of Juventus. * Following sustained profit-taking where expected values have been realised, liquidity increased to £96 million, including some profitable US inflation-linked securities valued at £20 million. William Fossick, Chairman said: 'Our continuing focus on undervalued assets has paid off with a share price gain over two years of 90% maintaining the momentum of previous years. Against a background of high valuations, our 'growth at a discount' philosophy aims to tilt the balance towards reward and away from risk'. John Walton, Investment Manager said: 'Markets have become brittle recently. History suggests relatively poor performance when the starting point is based on a pattern of high p/e's and almost invisible dividend yields. It is common in bull markets to substitute one valuation tool for another, if the former (the p/e) appears implausible. Multiples of sales are now frequently used. When these also seem outrageous it is time to be worried. We do not mimic indices. Closet indexation, a trend to investor socialism, is not for us. After an eighteen year bull market risks in the major indices must be increasing sharply relative to rewards. The challenge is to find values that are not heavily correlated with the averages. Against this background we intend to maintain our distinctive policy of buying companies owning growth assets at a considerable discount. Discounts in the portfolio remain very wide and we intend to be alert to new opportunities'. The Group's Statement of Total Return and Balance Sheet (unaudited) follow: For further information, please contact: William Fossick Chairman, British Empire Securities and General Trust p.l.c. Tel: 0207 853 6900 John Walton Managing Director, Ivory & Sime Asset Management Tel: 0207 853 6900 British Empire Securities and General Trust p.l.c. Unaudited Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) of the Group Year to 30 September 2000 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 72,733 72,733 Realised exchange differences - 318 318 Appreciation of loan stock - (883) (883) Income 10,148 1,405 11,553 Investment management fee (including VAT) (1,529) (765) (2,294) Other expenses (including VAT) (1,006) - (1,006) Net return before finance 7,613 72,808 80,421 costs and taxation Finance costs (2,806) (7) (2,813) Return on ordinary activities 4,807 72,801 77,608 before tax Tax on ordinary activities (925) 33 (892) Return attributable to 3,882 72,834 76,716 equity shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares (2,280) - (2,280) Transfer to reserves 1,602 72,834 74,436 Return per ordinary share 2.15p 40.31p 42.46p British Empire Securities and General Trust p.l.c. Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) of the Group Year to 30 September 1999 Revenue Capital Total (Restated) (Restated) £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 81,343 81,343 Realised exchange differences - (506) (506) Appreciation of loan stock - (2,223) (2,223) Income 6,608 3,499 10,107 Investment management fee (including VAT) (1,172) (878) (2,050) Other expenses (including VAT) (477) - (477) Net return before finance 4,959 81,235 86,194 costs and taxation Finance costs (2,812) (7) (2,819) Return on ordinary activities 2,147 81,228 83,375 before tax Tax on ordinary activities (109) 65 (44) Return attributable to 2,038 81,293 83,331 equity shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares (2,119) - (2,119) Transfer (from)/to reserves (81) 81,293 81,212 Return per ordinary share 1.08p 42.99p 44.07p British Empire Securities and General Trust p.l.c. Unaudited Group Balance Sheet As at As at 30 September 30 September 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 Investments 312,823 250,985 Freehold investment properties 6,900 7,300 Net current assets 76,455 79,626 _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 396,178 337,911 Financed by : Equities index unsecured loan stock 2013 12,516 12,233 10.375 per cent debenture stock 2011 11,883 11,883 8.125 per cent debenture stock 2023 14,836 14,829 Provision for liabilities and charges 606 565 Ordinary Shareholders' funds 356,337 298,401 _______ _______ 396,178 337,911 Net Asset Value per ordinary share 202.11p 159.53p Number of shares in issue 176,305,089 (1999: 187,055,089) British Empire Securities and General Trust p.l.c. Notes : 1. During the year, 10,750,000 ordinary shares were bought back by the Company for cancellation, at an average price of 152.31p per share. The Company now has 176,305,089 ordinary shares in issue. 2. The Company bought back for cancellation 197,000 units of Equities Index Unsecured Loan Stock during the year at prices between 298p and 313p. The Company now has 4,131,530 units in issue. 3. In accordance with FRS16, franked investment income is now shown excluding any associated tax credit with a consequent reduction in the amount of the tax charge. The figures for the period to 30 September 1999 have accordingly been restated. The effect of this change in policy is to decrease franked investment income and the tax charge by £252,000 (1999: £354,000). 4. The Group suffered United Kingdom taxation of £661,000 (1999 - £42,000) and overseas taxation of £231,000 (1999 - £2,000). 5. The final proposed dividend of 1.00p (1999 : 0.88p)per share will be paid on 10 January 2001 to Ordinary Shareholders on the Register on 24 November 2000. The interim dividend of 0.30p (1999 : 0.25p) was paid on 11 June 2000. 6. These are not full statutory accounts in terms of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The full audited accounts for the year to 30 September 1999, which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. The annual report will be sent to shareholders in November 2000 and will be available for inspection at the registered office of the Company, 7 Princes Street , London EC2R 8AQ. 7. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Saddlers' Hall, Gutter Lane, Cheapside, London on 14 December 2000 at 12 noon.
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