Interim Results - 6 Months to 30 November 1999
Usher (Frank) Holdings PLC
24 February 2000
30 NOVEMBER 1999
1999 1998
£'000 £'000
Turnover 8,995 10,456
Profit before tax 35 741
Earnings per share 0.4p 7.3p
Dividend per share 2.0p 4.0p
Jeremy Hamer, the Chairman, said
- Positive reaction to new collections
- Fixed cost base continuing to fall
For further information please contact:
Jeremy Hamer - Chairman, Frank Usher Holdings plc
(Tel: 07977 234614)
Paul Berendt - Company Secretary, Frank Usher Holdings plc
(Tel: 020 8202 1811)
Frank Usher Holdings plc
Group Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 30 November 1999
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 8,995 10,456 20,482
Gross profit 3,147 4,216 8,036
Distribution costs (329) (388) (700)
Administrative expenses (2,762) (3,067) (5,936)
Operating profit 56 761 1,400
Net interest payable (21) (20) (66)
Profit on ordinary activities 35 741 1,334
before taxation
Taxation (10) (230) (481)
Profit on ordinary activities 25 511 853
after taxation
Dividends (126) (263) (480)
Retained earnings (101) 248 373
Earnings per share - basic 0.4p 7.3p 12.7p
Earnings per share - diluted 0.4p 7.3p 12.7p
Frank Usher Holdings plc
Group Balance Sheet
at 30 November 1999
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets 3,740 3,828 3,786
Current assets
Stocks 2,723 2,716 2,418
Debtors 2,294 2,711 2,914
Cash at bank and in hand 15 150 244
5,032 5,577 5,576
Creditors (amounts falling due
within one year)
Loans and overdrafts 149 - 544
Trade and other creditors 2,602 3,156 2,696
2,751 3,156 3,240
Net current assets 2,281 2,421 2,336
Total assets less current 6,021 6,249 6,122
Creditors (amounts falling due - - -
after more than one year)
Deferred taxation (79) (68) (79)
5,942 6,181 6,043
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 316 329 316
Share premium account 3,247 3,247 3,247
Capital redemption reserve 813 801 813
Other reserves 180 180 180
Profit and loss account 1,386 1,624 1,487
5,942 6,181 6,043
Frank Usher Holdings plc
Group Cashflow Statement for the 6 months ended 30 November 1999
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 56 761 1,400
Depreciation 112 118 263
Working capital decrease 338 497 487
Net cash inflow from operating 506 1,376 2,150
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Net interest paid (21) (20) (66)
UK corporation tax paid - (75) (676)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed (66) (123) (226)
assets (net)
Equity dividends paid (253) (499) (726)
Cash inflow before financing 166 659 456
Issue of ordinary share capital - 23 23
Purchase of own share capital - (605) (868)
- (582) (845)
Increase/(decrease) in cash 166 77 (389)
1. Basic earnings per share are based on earnings of £25,000 (1998:£511,000)
and 6,322,531 (1998: 6,971,547) Ordinary Shares being the weighted average
number of shares in issue during the period.
2. This interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent
with those set out in the 1999 Annual Report and Accounts. The comparative
figures for the year ended 31 May 1999 do not constitute statutory
accounts. These figures have been extracted from the audited accounts
for that year,which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
on which the auditors issued an unqualified report, which did not contain
a statement under either Section 237 (2) or 237 (3) of the Companies Act
1985. The results for the six months ended 30 November 1999 are
3. This statement is being sent to shareholders of the Company and will be
available at the Company's Registered Office at 100 The Broadway, West
Hendon, London NW9 7AQ.
4. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds:
Profit for the period after taxation 25
Dividends (126)
Shareholders' funds at 1 June 1999 6,043
Shareholders' funds at 30 November 1999 5,942
Frank Usher Holdings plc
Chairman's statement
In difficult trading conditions it is with some relief that I report a first
half profit for the six months to 30 November 1999 of £35,000 (1998: £741,000)
in line with our earlier statement. Earnings per share are 0.4p (1998: 7.3p).
A dividend of 2.0p (1998: 4.0p) will be paid on 5 April 2000 to shareholders
on the register on 10 March 2000.
Of the total sales of £8,995,000 (1998: £10,456,000) the UK contributed
£4,665,000 (1998: £5,525,000) and overseas contributed £4,339,000 (1998:
£4,931,000). In the UK the retail market was held back by the previous year's
stock carry over, while in Europe the £ sterling has strengthened a further
12% in the last 12 months. However against these fundamentals we have seen
sales in our Dusk label rise 20% over the last year. Margins have fallen to
35% (1998: 40%) as a direct result of the difficult trading conditions.
Administration costs of £2,762,000 (1998: £3,067,000) are down for the second
year running reflecting management's continuing efforts in this area.
During the last 6 months we have changed our design team and initial
reactions to the new collection are encouraging. We have a new marketing
consultancy whose work on our brand image is just being introduced. The
euphoria that preceded the Millennium created an overstock situation amongst
retailers particularly the evening wear sector . Against this background we
are pleased to see positive reaction to our new collections. We are
exhibiting at all major international fashion fairs and we are pleased to
report the continuing development of our mediterranean customers . Frank Usher
is maintaining its UK position whilst Dusk is increasing its presence. We are
investing in further designs for the very important UK wedding market, as
demonstrated in the spring 2000 brochure.
Our fixed cost base is continuing to fall and as part of the ongoing cost
reduction programme we have decided to relocate the London premises to
smaller prestigious showrooms in Grosvenor Street, Mayfair which will show
substantial cost saving. Overall much of the reorganisation referred to in my
two previous statements has been completed
Future Prospects
The impact of our new design and marketing teams will begin
to be seen by the market this spring and more so in our Autumn 2000
collection. Initial reactions are encouraging despite market conditions. Your
board is confident that the changes being implemented will bear fruit in the
long term.
Jeremy Hamer
24 February 2000