Company name: |
Aviva Plc |
Company number: |
2468686 |
Annual Information Update for the 12 months up to and including 24 March 2010. |
1. In accordance with Prospectus Rule 5.2, the following information has been published or made available to the public between 27 March 2009 and 24 March 2010 (inclusive). The information referred to in this update was up to date at the time the information was published but some information may now be out of date. |
The following regulatory announcements have been made via a Regulatory Information Service. Details of all regulatory announcements for Aviva Plc can be found on the prices page of the London Stock Exchange website ( |
Date published |
Headline |
27/03/2009 |
Rule 8.3 - Aquarius Platinum Limited |
27/03/2009 |
Rule 8.3 - Chaucer Holdings plc |
27/03/2009 |
Rule 8.3 - Eidos plc |
30/03/2009 |
UK Life Analyst Event & Financial Calendar Update |
30/03/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Eidos plc |
31/03/2009 |
Notification of Transactions of PDMRs |
31/03/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
01/04/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
01/04/2009 |
SCRIP Dividend Scheme Mailing and Price |
01/04/2009 |
Publication of Final Terms |
03/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Eidos plc |
03/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
03/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- 2 Ergo Group plc |
03/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
06/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
06/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
08/04/2009 |
Annual Information Update |
08/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
14/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
14/04/2009 |
Aviva Acquires Pension Fund From ING in Russia |
16/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Eidos plc |
17/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
22/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
22/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
22/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Just Retirement (Holdings) plc |
24/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Ltd |
24/04/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/04/2009 |
Publication of Supplementary Prospectus |
27/04/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
27/04/2009 |
Q1 2009 Interim Management Statement |
29/04/2009 |
Result of AGM |
30/04/2009 |
Publication of Final Terms |
30/04/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
01/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Raven Russia Limited |
01/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
06/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
06/05/2009 |
Directorate Change |
06/05/2009 |
Aviva Announces Restructured Reattribution Offer |
06/05/2009 |
Investor Briefing -UK Life Business & Reattribution |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Raven Russia Limited |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Powerleague plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Just Retirement (Holdings) plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Carluccios plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- BPP Holdings plc |
07/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
07/05/2009 |
Additional Listing |
08/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
15/05/2009 |
Replacement - Director/PDMR Shareholding |
15/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
15/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
15/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
15/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
19/05/2009 |
Holding(s) in Company |
20/05/2009 |
Holding(s) in Company |
20/05/2009 |
Holding(s) in Company |
21/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Just Retirement (Holdings) plc |
22/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Powerleague plc |
22/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
26/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
26/05/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/05/2009 |
Holding(s) in Company |
27/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
28/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
28/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Brixton plc |
28/05/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
29/05/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
03/06/2009 |
Non-executive director notification |
03/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Finsbury Food Group plc |
04/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Replacement(Aquarius Platinum Limited) |
04/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Brixton plc |
05/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
08/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Brixton plc |
09/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Brixton plc |
09/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Ecosecurities Group plc |
10/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Aquarius Platinum Limited |
10/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Ecosecurities Group plc |
15/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Brixton plc |
18/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions Intl |
18/06/2009 |
Aviva Plc Board Change |
22/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- BPP Holdings plc |
22/06/2009 |
Proceeds From Sale Of Aus Life Business Of A$925m |
23/06/2009 |
FRN Variable Rate Fix |
24/06/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/06/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
25/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
25/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
26/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Renewable Energy Generation Ltd |
26/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Chaucer Holdings plc |
26/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
29/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
29/06/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
30/06/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
01/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Firstgroup plc |
01/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
02/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Renewable Energy Generation |
02/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
03/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International |
03/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
06/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- FirstGroup plc |
06/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
07/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Powerleague Group plc |
07/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
08/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
09/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
10/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Tarsus Group plc |
10/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
13/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
13/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Firstgroup plc |
14/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- FirstGroup plc |
14/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
15/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- FirstGroup plc |
15/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
16/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- BPP Holdings plc |
16/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Replacement - Resolution Limited |
16/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Firstgroup plc |
17/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
17/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident plc |
17/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- FirstGroup plc |
17/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
17/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
20/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Firstgroup plc |
20/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
20/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Ecosecutities Group plc |
21/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- EcoSecurities Group plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Firstgroup plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
22/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- BPP Holdings plc |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- FirstGroup plc |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Concateno plc |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- BPP Holdings plc |
23/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
24/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
24/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
24/07/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
27/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Connaught plc |
27/07/2009 |
Blocklisting Interim Review |
28/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
28/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
28/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Replacement Anglo American plc |
29/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
30/07/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
03/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
03/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
04/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
04/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
05/08/2009 |
Directorate Change |
05/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
05/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Resolution Limited |
05/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
06/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Segro plc |
06/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Resolution Limited |
06/08/2009 |
HY09 Report |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3 - Stagecoach Group plc |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3 - National Express Group plc |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Friends Provident Group plc |
07/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Anglo American plc |
10/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
10/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
11/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
11/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
11/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
12/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
12/08/2009 |
Directorate Change |
13/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
14/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
14/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
17/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
18/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
18/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
19/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
20/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
20/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
20/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
21/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Resolution Limited |
21/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Friends Provident Group plc |
21/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3-Anglo American plc |
24/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Segro plc |
24/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
26/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
26/08/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
27/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
28/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Connaught plc |
28/08/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
28/08/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
01/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
01/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
02/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
02/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
02/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
03/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
03/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
03/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
03/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
04/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
08/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
08/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
08/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
09/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
09/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
10/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
11/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
11/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
11/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
14/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
14/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions Intl NV |
14/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
14/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
15/09/2009 |
Publication of Prospectus |
15/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
15/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
16/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
17/09/2009 |
Additional Listing |
18/09/2009 |
FRN Variable Rate Fix |
18/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
18/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
18/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
21/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
22/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
22/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
22/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
23/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
23/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
23/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
24/09/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
25/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- National Express Group plc |
25/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
25/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
29/09/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
29/09/2009 |
Aviva Appoints Andrea Moneta to Board |
30/09/2009 |
Scrip Dividend Scheme |
01/10/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
01/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
01/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Care UK plc |
01/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
01/10/2009 |
Aviva Completes the Sale of Australian Businesses |
01/10/2009 |
Aviva Customers to Receive £470m in Reattribution |
01/10/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
02/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
02/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
02/10/2009 |
Director Declaration |
05/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
05/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- National Express Group plc |
05/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
05/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
05/10/2009 |
Aviva & Delta Lloyd Confirm IPO Intention |
06/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
06/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- National Express Group plc |
06/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International |
06/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
06/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
06/10/2009 |
Aviva Announces New Executive Appointments |
07/10/2009 |
Intention to List on the New York Stock Exchange |
07/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
07/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
07/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International |
07/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
08/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
08/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
08/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
08/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
08/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
09/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc - Replacement |
09/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
09/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
12/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
12/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions International NV |
12/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
13/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Ltd |
13/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
13/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
14/10/2009 |
Director's Responsibilities |
14/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
14/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
14/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
15/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Anglo American plc |
15/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
16/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
16/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
16/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
19/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
19/10/2009 |
Initial Public Offering of Delta Lloyd Launched |
20/10/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
20/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
20/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
20/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
20/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
20/10/2009 |
Aviva Starts Trading on New York Stock Exchange |
21/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
21/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- National Express Group plc |
21/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
22/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
22/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- National Express Group plc |
22/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Friends Provident Group plc |
22/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Care UK plc |
22/10/2009 |
Aviva to Transform European Business |
23/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
23/10/2009 |
Aviva Appoints Patrick Regan as CFO |
26/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
26/10/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
28/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Stagecoach Group plc |
29/10/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Alphameric plc |
30/10/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
03/11/2009 |
Delta Lloyd IPO Priced at €16.00 Per Share |
04/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
04/11/2009 |
Q3 2009 Interim Management Statement |
05/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Resolution Limited |
05/11/2009 |
Additional Listing |
13/11/2009 |
Non-Executive Director Notification |
13/11/2009 |
Provisional 2010 dividend dates |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
20/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions Intl |
20/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansen Transmissions Intl |
24/11/2009 |
Over-Allotment Option for Delta Lloyd Ipo |
25/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
25/11/2009 |
Notification of Interests in Shares |
25/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
26/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Care UK PLC |
30/11/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Novera Energy plc |
30/11/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
02/12/2009 |
Aviva Sells RAC France |
03/12/2009 |
Director's Responsibilities |
03/12/2009 |
Holdings in Company |
04/12/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
10/12/2009 |
Directorate Change |
11/12/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
11/12/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Replacement - Hansteen Holdings plc |
17/12/2009 |
FRN Variable Rate Fix |
17/12/2009 |
Major Interests in Shares |
22/12/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Shed Media plc |
22/12/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Shed Media plc |
22/12/2009 |
Rule 8.3- Shed Media plc |
24/12/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
31/12/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
04/01/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
05/01/2010 |
Acquisition |
06/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
06/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Shanks Group plc |
07/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
07/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
08/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
08/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
11/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
14/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
18/01/2010 |
Major Interests in shares |
20/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
26/01/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
27/01/2010 |
8 3/8 % Preference Dividend Declaration |
27/01/2010 |
Directorate Change |
28/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
28/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
28/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Aurelian Oil & Gas plc |
29/01/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
29/01/2010 |
Total Voting Rights |
01/02/2010 |
Blocklisting Interim Review |
02/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Shanks Group plc |
03/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
04/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings PLC |
04/02/2010 |
Q4 09 LNB Results |
08/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group |
17/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Shanks Group PLC |
17/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Care UK PLC |
18/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Hansteen Holdings plc |
25/02/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding - Replacement |
25/02/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Shanks Group plc |
03/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
04/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
04/03/2010 |
Dividend Declaration |
04/03/2010 |
FY 2009 Results |
11/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Assura Group Ltd |
12/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Assura Group Ltd |
12/03/2010 |
Notification of award and sale of shares |
17/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Assura Group Ltd |
18/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- ARRIVA PLC |
18/03/2010 |
FRN Variable Rate Fix |
18/03/2010 |
Additional Listing |
18/03/2010 |
Acquisition |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Consort Medical plc |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- VT Group plc |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Shed Media plc |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Blacks Leisure Group plc |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Babcock International Group plc |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Assura Group Ltd |
19/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Ark Therapeutics Group plc |
22/03/2010 |
Director Declaration |
22/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Raymarine PLC |
22/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Care UK PLC |
22/03/2010 |
8 3/4% Preference Dividend Declaration |
23/03/2010 |
Rule 8.3- Arriva plc - Replacement |
24/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/03/2010 |
Notice of AGM |
2. During the period the following documents were filed at Companies House. Copies of these documents may be obtained from Companies House, Crown Way, Maindy, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ.
Date Published |
Description of Form |
10/03/2010 |
Director appointed Mr Patrick Regan |
02/02/2010 |
Director's change of particulars Mr Andrea Moneta |
27/01/2010 |
Appointment terminated, director Philip Scott |
26/01/2010 |
Director appointed Mr Michael John Hawker |
12/01/2010 |
Statement of capital |
31/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Mr Philip Gordon Scott |
31/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Jonathan Scott Wheway |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Mr Richard Karl Goeltz |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Mr Leslie Van de Walle |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / John Russell Fotheringham Walls |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Lord Colin Sharman of Redlynch |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Mr Andrea Moneta |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Euleen Yiu Kiang Goh |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Carole Piwnica |
30/12/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Mary Elizabeth Francis |
30/12/2009 |
Secretary's change of particulars / Mr Edward Graham Jones |
01/12/2009 |
Statement of capital |
16/11/2009 |
Statement of capital |
21/10/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 30/09/09 |
15/10/2009 |
Register moved to SAIL address |
15/10/2009 |
SAIL address created |
29/09/2009 |
Director appointed Mr Andrea Moneta |
25/08/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 08/08/09 |
17/08/2009 |
Appointment terminated director Nikesh Arora |
30/07/2009 |
Director's change of particulars / Colin Sharman of Redlynch / 30/07/2009 |
16/07/2009 |
Memorandum of Association and Articles of association |
03/07/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 15/05/09 |
01/07/2009 |
Annual Return made up to 01/05/09; bulk list available separately |
24/06/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 15/06/09 |
01/06/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 22/05/09 |
18/05/2009 |
Resolution in respect of Company business dated 29/04/2009, increase in Nominal Capital, Disapplication of pre-emption rights and Authorised Allotment of Shares and Debentures |
14/05/2009 |
Group of Companies' Accounts made up to 31/12/08 |
08/05/2009 |
Director appointed Mr Leslie Van de Walle |
07/05/2009 |
Appointment terminated director Wim Dik |
29/04/2009 |
Allotment of Shares 30/03/09-09/04/09 |
3. During the period, the following documents were submitted to the UKLA. These are available for viewing at the UKLA's Document Viewing Facility, The Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS:
Date filed |
Document |
24/03/2010 |
2009 Report and Accounts |
24/03/2010 |
2009 Annual Review |
24/03/2010 |
2010 Notice of Annual General Meeting |
24/03/2010 |
Form of Proxy |
24/03/2010 |
Share Account Voting Instruction Form |
24/03/2010 |
Aviva Share Account Annual Statement |
24/03/2010 |
Consolidated Tax Voucher |
24/03/2010 |
A letter to ordinary shareholders advising that shareholder documents are available for viewing on the Company's website |
24/03/2010 |
A letter to preference shareholders advising that shareholder documents are available for viewing on the Company's website |
24/03/2010 |
A letter to preference shareholders enclosing a copy of the Report or Review, as required, and the Notice |
24/03/2010 |
A letter to new preference shareholders enclosing a copy of the Report, the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the form referred to below |
24/03/2010 |
A Shareholder Communications Election Form |
4. During the period the following documents were filed at the Securities and Exchange Commission in compliance with the Company's obligations under national laws and rules dealing with the regulation of securities, issuers of securities and securities markets by virtue of having American Depositary Shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Full details of documents published can be viewed on the Securities and Exchange Commission website (
Date published |
Headline |
06/10/2009 |
Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing |
07/10/2009 |
Registration of securities |
07/10/2009 |
Intention to List on the New York Stock Exchange |
07/10/2009 |
Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers |
14/10/2009 |
Director's Responsibilities |
15/10/2009 |
Registration of American Depository Receipt shares, not immediately effective |
20/10/2009 |
Aviva Starts Trading on New York Stock Exchange |
22/10/2009 |
Aviva to Transform European Business |
23/10/2009 |
Aviva Appoints Patrick Regan As CFO |
26/10/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
30/10/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
03/11/2009 |
Delta Lloyd IPO Priced At Eur16.00 Per Share |
04/11/2009 |
Q3 2009 Interim Management Statement |
05/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05/11/2009 |
Additional Listing |
13/11/2009 |
Non-Executive Director Notification |
13/11/2009 |
Provisional 2010 dividend dates |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
18/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/11/2009 |
Over-Allotment Option for Delta Lloyd IPO |
25/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
25/11/2009 |
Notification of Interests in Shares |
25/11/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
30/11/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
02/12/2009 |
Aviva Sells RAC France |
03/12/2009 |
Director's Responsibilities |
03/12/2009 |
Holdings in Company |
04/12/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
10/12/2009 |
Directorate Change |
17/12/2009 |
FRN Variable Rate Fix |
24/12/2009 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
31/12/2009 |
Total Voting Rights |
04/01/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
05/01/2010 |
Acquisition |
18/01/2010 |
Major Interests in shares |
26/01/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
27/01/2010 |
8 3/8 % Preference Dividend Declaration |
27/01/2010 |
Directorate Change |
29/01/2010 |
Total Voting Rights |
04/02/2010 |
Q4 09 LNB Results |
25/02/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
04/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
04/03/2010 |
Dividend Declaration |
04/03/2010 |
FY 2009 Results |
12/03/2010 |
Notification of award and sale of shares |
18/03/2010 |
Acquisition |
22/03/2010 |
Director Declaration |
22/03/2010 |
8 3/4% Preference Dividend Declaration |
24/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/03/2010 |
Director/PDMR Shareholding |
24/03/2010 |
Notice of AGM |
5. Copies of the Company's Annual Report 2009, the Notice of Annual General Meeting 2010 and associated proxy voting forms were also sent to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in accordance with the NYSE Listed Company Manual.
For further information, please contact Fahrin Ribeiro, Group Secretarial, Aviva plc, St Helen's, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ, telephone 020 7662 7577.