Directors' Notification of Dealing in Shares

CGNU PLC 5 June 2000 Awards under the Norwich Union plc Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) have vested on the change of control. The Trustees of the LTIP, HSBC Trustee (Jersey) Ltd, have sold 1,050,000 Norwich Union plc shares on behalf of beneficiaries of the Plan, to meet beneficiaries' tax liabilities, and is in the process of transferring CGNU plc shares to the beneficiaries. These transfers are expected to complete on Tuesday 7 June. The interest in CGNU shares of the Directors of CGNU plc listed below will be increased as follows: - Richard Harvey: 34,303 Philip Scott: 25,890 Michael Biggs: 24,280 The Trustees continue to hold CGNU shares in Trust for beneficiaries of the Plan, including the Directors listed above. Richard Harvey subsequently disposed of 17,000 shares on 2 June at 991.3544p per share. Queries Andy Hodges CGNU plc (020) 7662 7577


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