Interim Results - Part 3
Aviva PLC
11 August 2005
Page 45
IFRS basis
Summarised consolidated income statement - IFRS basis
For the six months ended 30 June 2005
Page 6 months 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2005 2004 2004
€m £m £m £m
64,66 18,365 Premiums written net of reinsurance 12,672 11,677 23,351
17,909 Net premiums earned 12,357 11,380 23,175
777 Fee and commission income 536 379 872
14,607 Net investment income 10,079 2,934 16,050
36 Share of profit after tax of joint ventures and associates 25 36 99
772 Other operating income 533 258 357
34,101 23,530 14,987 40,553
(7,939) Change in insurance liabilities, net of reinsurance (5,478) (1,508) (6,104)
(13,566) Claims and benefits paid, net of recoveries from reinsurers (9,360) (8,811) (17,625)
(4,351) Expenses attributed to investment contracts (3,002) (1,715) (5,635)
(514) Change in unallocated divisible surplus (355) 890 (1,330)
(2,926) Fee and commission expense (2,019) (1,868) (4,734)
(2,358) Other operating expenses (1,627) (1,338) (2,655)
(401) Finance costs (277) (209) (445)
2,046 Profit before tax 1,412 428 2,025
(417) Tax attributable to policyholders' returns (288) 21 (383)
1,629 Profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits 1,124 449 1,642
Tax expense
(642) United Kingdom tax (443) (44) (280)
(220) Overseas tax (152) (115) (374)
(862) (595) (159) (654)
417 Less: tax attributable to policyholders' returns 288 (21) 383
(445) Tax attributable to shareholders' profits (307) (180) (271)
1,184 Profit for the period 817 269 1,371
Attributable to:
1,096 Equity shareholders of Aviva plc 756 234 1,275
88 Minority interests 61 35 96
1,184 817 269 1,371
All profit is from continuing operations.
6 months 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2005 2004 2004
Earnings per share - IFRS basis
47.1c Basic (pence per share) 32.5p 10.0p 55.8p
46.5c Diluted (pence per share) 32.1p 9.9p 55.3p
Subsequent to 30 June 2005, the directors proposed an interim dividend for 2005 of 9.83p (interim 2004: 9.36p) per
ordinary share, £233 million (interim 2004: £211 million) in total. This will be accounted for as an appropriation of
retained earnings in the full year ending 31 December 2005.
Page 46
Reconciliation of Group operating profit to retained profit for the period - IFRS basis
For the six months ended 30 June 2005
Page 6 months 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2005 2004 2004
€m £m £m £m
IFRS operating profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits
53 739 Long term business 510 520 1,116
53 48 Fund management 33 17 40
53 1,006 General insurance and health 694 583 1,259
55 3 Other:
55 (120) Other operations 2 (35) (121)
Corporate costs (83) (99) (188)
55 (309) Unallocated interest charges (213) (205) (437)
1,367 IFRS operating profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits 943 781 1,669
(14) Impairment of goodwill (10) - (41)
(65) Amortisation and impairment of acquired value of in-force business (44) (35) (85)
(23) Amortisation and impairment of other intangibles (16) (2) (7)
- Financial Services Compensation Scheme and other levies - (25) (49)
54 174 Short term fluctuation in return on investments backing
general insurance and health business 120 (238) 161
52 210 Profit on the disposal of subsidiaries and associates 145 8 34
52 (20) Integration costs (14) - -
52 - Exceptional costs for termination of operations - (40) (40)
1,629 Profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits 1,124 449 1,642
Tax attributable to shareholders' profits
56 (371) Operating profit (256) (245) (319)
56 (74) Other activities (51) 65 48
1,184 Profit after tax attributable to shareholders 817 269 1,371
6 months 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2005 2004 2004
Earnings per share - IFRS operating profit basis
39.3c Basic (pence per share) 27.1p 21.8p 54.1p
Page 47
Summarised consolidated balance sheet - IFRS basis
As at 30 June 2005
30 June 30 June 30 June* 31 December
2005 2005 2004 2004
€m £m £m £m
Intangible assets
3,366 Goodwill 2,289 1,137 1,184
1,350 Acquired value of in-force business and other intangible assets 918 466 516
1,287 Property and equipment 875 895 812
16,284 Investment property 11,073 10,267 11,057
2,050 Investments in joint ventures 1,394 1,115 1,242
1,313 Investments in associates 893 841 886
Financial investments
145,204 Debt securities 98,739 90,348 98,719
70,449 Equity securities 47,905 42,214 47,291
33,432 Other investments 22,734 17,603 20,346
32,237 Loans 21,921 19,098 22,055
12,912 Reinsurance assets 8,780 7,520 8,503
72 Current tax assets 49 8 -
1,234 Deferred tax assets 839 704 908
14,081 Receivables and other financial assets 9,575 6,901 7,509
4,728 Deferred acquisition costs and other assets 3,215 3,645 3,189
3,794 Prepayments and accrued income 2,580 2,285 2,307
21,184 Cash and cash equivalents 14,405 10,002 12,779
163 Assets of operations classified as held for sale 111 - -
365,140 Total assets 248,295 215,049 239,303
874 Share capital 594 566 570
6,487 Capital reserves 4,411 3,839 3,878
749 Other reserves 509 237 736
3,056 Retained earnings 2,079 1,107 1,709
11,166 Equity attributable to shareholders of Aviva plc 7,593 5,749 6,893
1,750 Preference share capital and direct capital instrument 1,190 200 1,190
1,453 Minority interests 988 767 910
14,369 Total equity 9,771 6,716 8,993
188,324 Gross insurance liabilities 128,060 113,222 124,122
104,419 Gross liability for investment contracts 71,005 58,932 69,555
11,371 Unallocated divisible surplus 7,732 9,128 7,549
3,678 Provisions 2,501 1,872 2,125
1,584 Current tax liabilities 1,077 871 922
2,434 Deferred tax liabilities 1,655 979 1,543
15,735 Borrowings 10,700 8,817 10,090
10,362 Payables and other financial liabilities 7,047 8,639 7,240
9,184 Other liabilities 6,245 3,820 4,917
3,631 Net asset value attributable to unitholders 2,469 2,053 2,247
49 Liabilities of operations classified as held for sale 33 - -
350,771 Total liabilities 238,524 208,333 230,310
365,140 Total equity and liabilities 248,295 215,049 239,303
* Balance sheet at 30 June 2004 has not been restated for FRS 27 Life Assurance as the Group considers this is
impracticable, as a consequence of the need for hindsight.
Page 48
Summarised consolidated statement of recognised income and expense - IFRS basis
For the six months ended 30 June 2005
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Fair value gains/(losses), net of transfers to the income statement 1 (38) 151
Actuarial (losses)/gains on pension schemes (46) 18 (145)
Foreign exchange rate movements (265) (230) 59
Aggregate tax effect - shareholder tax 18 41 (15)
Net (expense)/income recognised directly in equity (292) (209) 50
Profit for the period* 817 269 1,371
Total recognised income and expense for the period 525 60 1,421
* Stated before the effect of foreign exchange rate movements, which are reported within the foreign exchange rate
movements line.
Summarised consolidated statement of changes in equity - IFRS basis
For the six months ended 30 June 2005
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Balance at 1 January 8,993 7,024 7,024
Total recognised income and expense for the period 525 60 1,421
Dividends and appropriations (note 14) (373) (351) (570)
Movement in shares held by employee trusts - 1 1
Issue of share capital for the acquisition of RAC 530 - -
Other issue of share capital 27 23 25
Shares issued in lieu of dividends 12 - 103
Issue of direct capital instrument, net of transaction costs of £9 million - - 981
Capital contributions from minority shareholders 93 - 4
Minority share of dividends declared in the period (36) (41) (41)
Minority interest in acquired subsidiaries - - 45
Total equity 9,771 6,716 8,993
Minority interests (988) (767) (910)
Balance at 30 June/31 December 8,783 5,949 8,083
Page 49
Summarised consolidated cash flow statement - IFRS basis
For the six months ended 30 June 2005
The cash flows presented in this statement cover all the Group's activities and include flows from policyholder and
shareholder activities.
6 months 2005
Long-term term Total Total Total
business business 6 months 6 months Full year
operations operations 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 3,586 1,630 5,216 4,670 14,568
Tax (paid)/received (155) 138 (17) (48) (290)
Net cash from operating activities 3,431 1,768 5,199 4,622 14,278
Cash flow from investing activities:
Acquisition of subsidiaries, joint ventures
and associates, net of cash acquired (77) (623) (700) - (294)
Disposal of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates,
net of cash transferred - 192 192 174 308
Net purchases of property and equipment (10) (34) (44) (99) (61)
Net purchases of other financial investments (1,814) (544) (2,358) (4,474) (12,806)
Net loans granted to joint ventures and associates - - - - (129)
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures 16 - 16 41 52
Net cash from investing activities (1,885) (1,009) (2,894) (4,358) (12,930)
Cash flow from financing activities:
Proceeds from issue of shares, net of transaction costs - 27 27 3 3
Proceeds from issue of Direct Capital Instrument, net of
transaction costs - - - - 981
Dividends and appropriations paid to group equity - (373) (373) (351) (467)
capital holders
Dividends paid to minority interests of subsidiaries (20) (16) (36) (41) (41)
Movement in shares held by employee trusts - - - 1 1
Interest paid on borrowings (118) (159) (277) (209) (445)
Net drawdown/(repayment) of borrowings (365) 420 55 714 1,713
Finance lease payments - (5) (5) (6) (26)
Non-trading cash flows between operations (58) 58 - - -
Capital contributions from minority shareholders 93 - 93 - 4
Net cash from financing activities (468) (48) (516) 111 1,723
Total cash flow 1,078 711 1,789 375 3,071
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 1,078 711 1,789 375 3,071
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 9,086 3,040 12,126 9,023 9,023
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (214) (118) (332) (87) 32
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June/31 December 9,950 3,633 13,583 9,311 12,126
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June/31 December comprised:
Cash at bank and in hand 2,709 1,388 4,097 1,626 1,631
Cash equivalents 7,623 2,685 10,308 8,376 11,148
10,332 4,073 14,405 10,002 12,779
Bank overdrafts (382) (440) (822) (691) (653)
9,950 3,633 13,583 9,311 12,126
Page 50
1. Basis of preparation - IFRS basis
(a) From 2005, all European Union listed companies are required to prepare consolidated financial statements using
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
The FSA listing rules in the UK require that the 2005 interim results must also be presented on a basis consistent
with IFRS. Accordingly, the results for the six months to 30 June 2005 have been prepared using the Group's
accounting policies under IFRS published in the market release on 5 July 2005, 'Impact of International Financial
Reporting Standards on the results for 31 December 2004'. This is the Group's first set of financial results
prepared in accordance with IFRS accounting policies and its previously reported 2004 consolidated financial
statements have accordingly been restated to comply with IFRS, with the date of transition to IFRSs being
1 January 2004.
The Group's accounting policies are in accordance with IFRS issued by the IASB. The European Union has endorsed
all relevant IFRS with the exception of the amendment to IAS19 Employee Benefits (2004), the amendments to IAS39
The Fair Value Option published by the IASB in June 2005 and Interpretation 4 of the International Financial
Reporting Interpretations Committee Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease (IFRIC4). These amendments
and IFRIC4 are expected to be endorsed by the European Commission during 2005 and, although they are not mandatory
until 2006, the Group has decided to adopt them early and reflect their impact within this interim announcement.
The Group's full year financial statements at 31 December 2005 will be prepared in accordance with these endorsed
IFRSs and this announcement reflects the accounting policies expected to apply at the year end.
The IFRSs themselves are subject to possible amendment by interpretative guidance from the IASB or external bodies
and are therefore subject to change prior to publication of the Group's full year financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2005.
(b) In line with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard 1, First-Time Adoption of International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS1), Aviva has applied the Group's accounting policies under IFRS
retrospectively at the date of transition being 1 January 2004, with exception of a number of permitted exemptions.
These are detailed in the market release of 5 July 2005, 'Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on
the results for 31 December 2004'.
(c) Aviva has chosen to revisit its longer term investment return ('LTIR') methodology from 2005 as part of a
discretionary change not required by IFRS. This change in accounting policy was adopted and detailed in the market
release of 5 July 'Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on the results for 31 December 2004.
(d) The requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
Operations have been applied prospectively from 1 January 2005.
(e) Financial Reporting Standard 27, Life Assurance (FRS27) was issued by the UK's Accounting Standards Board (ASB) on
13 December 2004, following the Penrose inquiry. Aviva, along with other major insurance companies and the
Association of British Insurers (ABI), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the ASB relating to
FRS27. Under this MoU, Aviva has agreed to adopt voluntarily in full the standard from 2005 within the Group's
IFRS financial statements.
Within FRS27, the ASB acknowledged the difficulty of applying the requirements retrospectively and indeed it is the
Group's view that it would be impractical to do so. Hence, in accordance with IAS8 and FRS 27, only the balance
sheet at 31 December 2004 has been restated for the impact of FRS27. No adjustments have been made, nor are any
required, to the 2004 income statement, the opening balance sheet at 1 January 2004 or the balance sheet at 30 June
(f) In accordance with Phase 1 of International Financial Reporting Standard 4, Insurance Contracts (IFRS 4), the Group
has applied existing accounting practices for insurance and participating investment contracts, modified as
appropriate to comply with the IFRS framework and applicable standards.
(g) Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group's entities are measured in the currency of the
primary economic environment in which that entity operates (the 'functional currency'). The consolidated financial
statements are stated in sterling, which is the Company's functional and presentation currency. As supplementary
information, consolidated financial information is also presented in Euros.
(h) The results for the six months to 30 June 2005 and the results for the six months to 30 June 2004 are unaudited
but have been reviewed by the auditor, Ernst & Young LLP. The interim accounts do not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The results on an IFRS basis for the full year 2004
have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP. The Group's 2004 Annual Report and Accounts have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on the 2004 accounts and their report was unqualified and did
not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
2. Exchange rates
The euro rates employed in this announcement are an average rate of 1 euro = £0.69 (6 months to 30 June 2004: 1 euro
= £0.68; full year 2004: 1 euro = £0.68) and a closing rate of 1 euro = £0.68 (30 June 2004: 1 euro = £0.67; 31
December 2004: 1 euro = £0.71).
Page 51
3. Acquisitions
(a) RAC plc
On 4 May 2005, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of RAC plc. The results of RAC plc's operations have been
included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group with effect from 4 May 2005, and contributed £17 million
to the consolidated profit before tax.
Purchase cost
Cash paid 566
Fair value of 88 million shares issued,
based on their published price at date of exchange (average of £6.03 per share) 530
Costs attributable 17
Total 1,113
The assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition were:
Fair value
Goodwill and
reversal and Pension accounting
Book intangible scheme policy Fair
value revaluation valuation adjustments value
£m £m £m £m £m
Goodwill 510 (510) - - -
Intangible assets 59 333 - - 392
Tax assets 58 - - (58) -
Other assets 608 - - 52 660
Total assets 1,235 (177) - (6) 1,052
Pension deficit (257) - (56) - (313)
Other (8) - - (4) (12)
Tax liabilities - (118) 17 47 (54)
Other liabilities (708) - - (5) (713)
Total liabilities (973) (118) (39) 38 (1,092)
Shareholders' funds acquired 262 (295) (39) 32 (40)
Goodwill (including £118 million arising from the
creation of the deferred tax liability on intangibles) 1,153
Intangible assets 392
Total goodwill and intangible assets 1,545
Less: deferred tax liability (118)
Total value of goodwill and intangible assets net of
associated tax included on balance sheet 1,427
Separable intangible assets have been identified and valued by an independent third party at £392 million, using
estimated post-tax cash flows and post-tax discount rates. These comprise the RAC, BSM and Lex brands and contractual
customer relationships. Of this £260 million has been assessed as having an indefinite life with the remaining
£132 million being amortised over 9 to 22 years.
A deferred tax liability of £118 million has been provided against these intangible assets, resulting in an increase
in residual goodwill by this amount. Although this liability has been recognised in accordance with IAS12, and a
proportion will be amortised to the income statement as the related intangible asset is amortised, this liability is
only payable if the intangible asset is sold separately and this is not expected to happen.
The pension scheme valuation adjustment and associated deferred taxation represents the effect of aligning the
assumptions of the RAC plc schemes to those of Aviva. The fair value of the RAC pension deficit at the date of
acquisition amounted to £313 million (£219 million after deferred tax).
The residual goodwill of £1,153 million essentially represents synergies, both in increased revenues and in reduced
costs, expected to arise in RAC plc and our UK general insurance business as a result of the acquisition.
£14 million of integration costs for the restructuring of the combined Norwich Union Insurance and RAC businesses has
been included in the results to 30 June 2005.
Page 52
In July 2005, the Group completed the transfer of ownership of Hyundai Cars (UK) to motor manufacturer Hyundai Motor UK
Limited. Accordingly, the assets and liabilities of this business have been presented as held for sale on the balance
(b) Gresham Insurance Company Limited
On 31 March 2005, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Gresham Insurance Company Limited. The cash
consideration including purchase costs was £75 million. The fair value of the net assets acquired, including
intangibles of £14 million, was £75 million, giving rise to no goodwill on acquisition.
(c) Solus Automotive Limited
On 11 May 2005, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Solus Automotive Limited. The cash consideration
including purchase costs was £20 million, including £12 million of cash and £8 million of deferred consideration.
The fair value of the net assets acquired was nil, giving rise to £20 million of goodwill on acquisition.
(d) Unaudited proforma combined revenues and profit
Shown below are unaudited pro forma figures for combined revenues and profit as though the acquisition date for all
business combinations effected during the period had been 1 January 2005, after giving effect to purchase accounting
adjustments and the elimination of intercompany transactions. The pro forma financial information is not necessarily
indicative of the combined results that would have been attained had the acquisitions taken place at 1 January 2005,
nor is it necessarily indicative of future results.
6 months
Revenues (premiums and fee income) 13,636
IFRS profit before tax attributable to shareholders 1,138
4. Exceptional costs for termination of operations
In February 2004, the Group announced the closure of its UK national broker subsidiary, Hill House Hammond (HHH)
together with the sale of its commercial business. The associated pre-tax costs of the closure of HHH were £40 million
and relate to termination activities, including redundancy costs and closure provisions.
5. Profit on the disposal of subsidiaries and associates
The net profit on the disposal of subsidiary and associated undertakings comprises:
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
General insurance businesses
United Kingdom - - 28
France 1 7 6
Asia (a) 145 - -
Other small operations (1) 1 -
145 8 34
(a) Sale of Asian general insurance businesses
On 7 September 2004, the Group announced the disposal of its Asian general insurance businesses to Mitsui Sumitomo
Insurance (MSI) for a total of US$450 million in cash. The sale was subject to obtaining regulatory clearance and
approval from other shareholders in the Asian businesses.
Under the terms of the agreement, MSI will acquire all of Aviva's general insurance businesses in Asia. These comprise
the general insurance business of Aviva Limited and the general insurance assets of Aviva Asia Pte Limited in
Singapore; Aviva Insurance Berhad in Malaysia (including its branch in Brunei); Aviva Insurance (Thai) Company
Limited in Thailand; PT Aviva Insurance in Indonesia; Dah Sing General Insurance Co Limited in Hong Kong; and Aviva's
branch operations in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Marianas, Macau and Taiwan. The transaction will be achieved through
share purchase of Aviva's interests in joint venture operations, business purchase and asset purchase in Singapore, and
transfer of Aviva's general insurance branch operations in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Marianas, Macau and Taiwan.
The transaction is expected to complete in phases. Phase I completed on 28 February 2005 and included all businesses
above except for Malaysia, Indonesia, Macau, Marianas, Taiwan, Dah Sing and the Philippines. The businesses in Macau
and Dah Sing were then sold prior to 30 June 2005. The sale of Indonesia completed in July 2005 and the remaining
businesses will be included as part of the completion of Phase II, expected in the second half of 2005. The assets and
liabilities of these businesses are included in the totals held for sale on the balance sheet.
Subject to the receipt of regulatory approval, the total proceeds for the sale of these businesses were fixed by
reference to the net assets of the businesses as at 31 December 2003 and are not adjusted to reflect the results in
the period from 1 January 2004 to completion. The Group does not bear any continuing operating risk from 31 December
The results of the Asian general insurance business have been consolidated with those of the Group's ongoing
operations until the completion of each transaction. Although the Group has retained no economic interest in the
operations of this business beyond 31 December 2003, the post-tax operating profits are incorporated in the Group's
consolidated income statement from 1 January 2004 to the date of completion. This will be offset by a corresponding
change to the final profit on sale. Total profit on sale on the first tranche of the disposal was £145 million and
£102 million after tax.
Page 53
6. Geographical analysis of life IFRS operating profit
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
United Kingdom
With-profit 33 49 97
Non-profit 178 179 256
Europe (excluding UK)
France 131 89 213
Ireland 14 14 31
Italy 24 19 49
Netherlands (including Belgium and Luxembourg) 58 54 214
Poland 48 39 80
Spain 39 24 72
Other 1 (4) 5
International (16) 57 99
Total 510 520 1,116
7. Geographical analysis of fund management IFRS operating profit
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
- UK business 11 4 10
- European and International business 7 3 8
Other fund management operations
- Royal Bank of Scotland (3) (6) (6)
- Norwich Union investment funds 3 5 4
France 10 8 15
Other Europe 1 - 2
International 4 3 7
Total 33 17 40
8. Geographical analysis of general insurance and health
(a) Operating result
Operating profit Underwriting result
----------------------------- ------------------------------
6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 431 364 797 104 52 146
Europe (excluding UK)
France 17 20 33 (12) (9) (16)
Ireland 83 60 135 53 38 82
Netherlands 55 53 88 14 2 10
Other 19 12 32 2 (4) 6
Canada 67 52 133 14 5 37
Other 22 22 41 7 8 6
Total 694 583 1,259 182 92 271
Page 54
(b) Investment return information
Actual investment return
credited to income Longer-term investment return
----------------------------- -----------------------------
6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 280 301 569 327 312 651
Europe (excluding UK)
France 23 24 48 29 29 49
Ireland 24 18 39 30 22 53
Netherlands 53 19 83 41 51 78
Other 14 12 20 17 16 26
Canada 44 39 83 53 47 96
Other 15 15 33 15 14 35
Total longer-term investment return 512 491 988
Total actual investment income 453 428 875
Realised gains/(losses) 55 (6) 47
Unrealised gains/(losses) 124 (169) 227
Total actual investment return 632 253 1,149
The total short-term fluctuation in investment return of £120 million (six months 30 June 2004: £(238) million; full
year 2004: £161 million) is the difference between the total actual investment return of £632 million (six months 30
June 2004: £253 million; full year 2004: £1,149 million) and the total longer-term investment return of £512 million
(six months 30 June 2004: £491 million; full year 2004: £988 million).
Actual income and longer-term investment return both contain the amortisation of the discount/premium arising on the
acquisition of fixed income securities.
The longer-term investment return is calculated separately for each principal general insurance and health business
unit. In respect of equities and properties, the return is calculated by multiplying the opening market value of the
investments, adjusted for sales and purchases during the period, by the longer-term rate of investment return. The
longer-term rate of investment return is determined using consistent assumptions between operations, having regard to
local economic and market forecasts of investment return. The allocated longer-term return for other investments is
the actual income receivable for the year.
The principal assumptions underlying the calculation of the longer-term investment return are:
Longer-term rates of return Longer-term rates of return
Equities Properties
--------------------------- ---------------------------
2005 2004 2005 2004
% % % %
United Kingdom 7.6% 7.8% 6.6% 6.8%
France 6.7% 7.3% 5.7% 6.3%
Ireland 6.7% 7.3% 5.7% 6.3%
Netherlands 6.7% 7.3% 5.7% 6.3%
Canada 7.4% 7.7% 6.4% 6.7%
The table below shows the sensitivity of Group operating profit before tax to changes in the longer-term rates
of return:
6 months 6 months
2005 2004
£m £m
Movement in investment return for By Change in By By
Equities 1% higher/lower Group operating profit 27 25
Properties 1% higher/lower Group operating profit 4 3
Page 55
9. Other operations
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
RAC 11 - -
Hill House Hammond - (9) (8)
Personal finance subsidiaries 1 - (1)
Your Move - 8 9
Norwich Union Life Services (38) (15) (80)
Other 28 (19) (41)
2 (35) (121)
10. Corporate costs
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Global finance transformation programme (28) (45) (85)
Central costs and sharesave schemes (55) (54) (103)
(83) (99) (188)
11. Unallocated interest charges
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
subordinated debt (85) (84) (169)
other (45) (40) (77)
Internal (101) (100) (219)
Net finance income on pension schemes 18 19 28
(213) (205) (437)
12. Tax
(a) Tax charged to the income statement
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Current tax:
For the year 492 214 475
Prior year adjustments 21 (48) (92)
Total current tax 513 166 383
Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing differences 66 (6) 272
Changes in tax rates or tax laws - (1) (1)
Write down of deferred tax assets 16 - -
Total deferred tax 82 (7) 271
Total tax charged to income statement 595 159 654
Page 56
12. Tax (continued)
(a) Tax charged to the income statement (continued)
The tax expense attributable to policyholders' returns in the UK, Ireland and Australia included in the tax charge is
as follows:
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Current tax 198 49 195
Deferred tax 90 (70) 188
Total tax attributable to policyholders' returns charged to income statement 288 (21) 383
Tax charge analysed between
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Tax charge/(credit) attributable to policyholders' returns 288 (21) 383
Tax charge on IFRS operating profit before tax attributable to
shareholders' profits from continuing operations 256 245 319
Tax charge/(credit) on profit on other activities 51 (65) (48)
Total tax charged to income statement 595 159 654
(b) Tax charged to equity
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Deferred tax (18) (41) 15
Total tax charged to equity (18) (41) 15
(c) Tax reconciliation
The tax on the Group's net profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the tax rate
of the home country of the Company as follows:
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Net profit before tax 1,412 428 2,025
Tax calculated at standard UK corporation tax rate of 30% (2004: 30%) 424 128 608
Different basis of tax for UK life insurance 164 29 217
Adjustment to tax charge in respect of prior years 20 (34) (88)
Non-assessable dividends (59) (41) (30)
Non-taxable profit on sale of subsidiaries and associates - 20 12
Disallowable expenses 21 26 65
Different local basis of tax on overseas profits/(losses) 34 5 (13)
Deferred tax assets not recognised 7 15 (120)
Other (16) 11 3
Tax charge for the period 595 159 654
Page 57
13. Earnings per share
(a) Basic earnings per share
6 months 2005 6 months 2004 Full year 2004
----------------------------- ---------------------------- -----------------------------
Net of tax, Net of tax, Net of tax,
minorities minorities minorities
and and and
Before preference Per Before preference Per Before preference Per
tax dividends share tax dividends share tax dividends share
£m £m p £m £m p £m £m p
Operating profit
attributable to ordinary
shareholders from
continuing operations 943 623 27.1 781 492 21.8 1,669 1,221 54.1
Adjusted for the following
- Impairment of goodwill (10) (10) (0.4) - - - (41) (41) (1.8)
- Amortisation and net
impairment of
acquired value of
in-force business (44) (44) (1.9) (35) (35) (1.6) (85) (85) (3.8)
- Amortisation and net
impairment of
other intangibles (16) (14) (0.6) (2) (2) (0.1) (7) (7) (0.3)
- Financial Services
Scheme and other
levies - - - (25) (18) (0.8) (49) (29) (1.3)
- Short term
fluctuation on return
on investments backing
general insurance
and health business 120 100 4.3 (238) (190) (8.4) 161 195 8.7
- Profit on the
disposal of
subsidiaries and 145 102 4.4 8 8 0.4 34 34 1.5
- Integration costs (14) (10) (0.4) - - - - - -
- Exceptional costs for
termination of operations - - - (40) (30) (1.3) (40) (30) (1.3)
Profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders 1,124 747 32.5 449 225 10.0 1,642 1,258 55.8
Earnings per share has been calculated based on the operating profit before impairment of goodwill, amortisation and
impairment of acquired additional value of in-force long-term business and other intangibles and exceptional items,
after tax, attributable to ordinary shareholders, for continuing operations, as well as on the profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders. The directors believe the former earnings per share figures provide a better indication of
operating performance. The calculation of basic earnings per share uses a weighted average of 2,300 million (six
months 30 June 2004: 2,252 million; full year 2004: 2,256 million) ordinary shares in issue, after deducting shares
owned by the employee share trusts.
The actual number of shares in issue at 30 June 2005 was 2,371 million (30 June 2004: 2,262 million; full year 2004:
2,282 million).
(b) Diluted earnings per share:
6 months 2005 6 months 2004 Full year 2004
------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
Weighted Weighted Weighted
average average average
number of Per number of Per number of Per
Total shares share Total shares share Total shares share
£m m p £m m p £m m p
Profit attributable
to equity shareholders 747 2,300 32.5 225 2,252 10.0 1,258 2,256 55.8
Dilutive effect of
share awards and options - 26 (0.4) - 22 (0.1) - 18 (0.5)
Diluted earnings per share 747 2,326 32.1 225 2,274 9.9 1,258 2,274 55.3
Page 58
14. Dividends and appropriations
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
Ordinary dividends declared and charged to equity in the period
Final 2003 - 15.15p per share, paid on 17 May 2004 - 342 342
Interim 2004 - 9.36p per share, paid on 17 November 2004 - - 211
Final 2004 -16.00p per share, paid on 17 May 2005 364 - -
364 342 553
Preference dividends declared and charged to equity in the period 9 9 17
373 351 570
Subsequent to 30 June 2005, the directors proposed an interim dividend for 2005 of 9.83p per ordinary share, £233
million in total. This will be accounted for as an appropriation of retained earnings in the full year ending 31
December 2005.
Interest payable on the deferred capital instrument issued in November 2004 is treated as an appropriation of retained
profits and, accordingly, it is accounted for when paid. No interest has been paid since the deferred capital
instrument was issued last year, and the first and subsequent payments will be made in the second half of each
accounting period. The pre-tax accumulated interest payable at 30 June 2005 amounted to £31 million (31 December 2004:
£6 million). Tax relief will be obtained at a rate of 30%.
Irish shareholders who are due to be paid a dividend denominated in euros will receive a payment at the exchange rate
prevailing on 11 August 2005.
15. Segmental information
(a) Segmental results - primary reporting format - business segments
The principal activity of the Group is financial services, which is managed using the following reportable segments:
long-term business, fund management, general insurance and health.
Long-term business
Our long-term business comprises life insurance, long-term health and accident insurance, savings, pensions and
annuity business written by our life insurance subsidiaries including managed pension fund business and our share of
the other life and related business written in our associates and joint ventures, as well as the equity release
business written in the UK.
Fund management activities
Our fund management business invests policyholders' and shareholders' funds, provides investment management services
for institutional pension fund mandates and manages a range of retail investment products, including investment funds,
unit trusts, OEICs and ISAs. Clients include Aviva group businesses and third-party financial institutions, pension
funds, public sector organisations, investment professionals and private investors.
General insurance and health
Our general insurance and health business provides insurance cover to individuals and to small and medium-sized
businesses, for risks associated mainly with motor vehicles, property and liability, such as employers' liability
and professional indemnity liability, and medical expenses.
Head office expenses, such as Group treasury and finance functions, and other activities not related to the core
business segments are included as 'Other' in the following tables. Any segments that are not reportable segments due
to their immateriality are also included in this category, together with eliminations and any other reconciling items.
Certain financing costs and taxes are not allocated among the segments.
The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those for the Group as a whole. Any transactions between the
business segments are on normal commercial terms and market conditions.
Segment assets and liabilities comprise operating assets and liabilities, being the majority of the balance sheet but
excluding items such as tax and borrowings.
Page 59
15. Segmental information (continued)
(a) Segmental results of the income statement - primary reporting format - business segments for the six
months ended 30 June 2005
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Segment revenue from external customers:
Net earned premiums 7,468 - 4,889 - 12,357
Fee and commission income 286 114 15 121 536
7,754 114 4,904 121 12,893
Net Investment income 9,311 4 688 76 10,079
Other income 25 1 73 434 533
Inter segment revenue 16 73 (3) (86) -
Total income 17,106 192 5,662 545 23,505
Claims and benefits paid, net of recoveries from reinsurers (6,490) - (2,870) - (9,360)
Change in insurance liabilities, net of reinsurance (5,147) - (331) - (5,478)
Change in unallocated divisible surplus (355) - - - (355)
Expenses attributed to investment contracts (3,002) - - - (3,002)
Fee and commission expense (683) (33) (1,286) (17) (2,019)
Other operating expenses
Depreciation (7) (2) (5) (28) (42)
Amortisation of acquired value of business in-force (36) - - - (36)
Net impairment of acquired value of business in-force (7) - - - (7)
Net impairment of other intangible assets (8) - (5) (3) (16)
Impairment of goodwill (10) - - - (10)
Other impairment losses recognised in the income statement (4) - - - (4)
Other expenses (528) (123) (295) (566) (1,512)
Finance costs (118) - (22) (137) (277)
Total expenses (16,395) (158) (4,814) (751) (22,118)
Segment result before share of profit/(loss) of
joint ventures and associates 711 34 848 (206) 1,387
Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures and associates 23 (3) - 5 25
Segmental result before tax 734 31 848 (201) 1,412
Unallocated costs:
Tax attributable to policyholders' returns (288)
Tax attributable to shareholders' profits (307)
Total tax expense (595)
Profit for the period 817
Page 60
15. Segmental information (continued)
(b) Segmental results of the income statement - primary reporting format - business segments continued
Reconciliation to operating profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits for the six months ended
30 June 2005
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Segment result before tax 734 31 848 (201) 1,412
Impairment of goodwill 10 - - - 10
Amortisation of acquired value of in-force business 44 - - - 44
Impairment of other intangible assets 8 - 5 3 16
Net profit on the disposal of subsidiaries and associates - - (41) (104) (145)
Integration costs - - - 14 14
Short-term fluctuation on investment return - - (120) - (120)
Corporate costs reallocation 2 2 2 (6) -
798 33 694 (294) 1,231
Tax attributable to policyholders' returns (288) - - - (288)
Operating profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits 510 33 694 (294) 943
Page 61
15. Segmental information (continued)
(c) Segmental results of the income statement - primary reporting format - business segments for the year ended
31 December 2004
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Segment revenue from external customers
Net earned premiums 13,533 - 9,642 - 23,175
Fee and commission income 443 144 25 260 872
13,976 144 9,667 260 24,047
Net investment income 14,557 17 1,216 260 16,050
Inter-segment revenue 8 126 7 (141) -
Other income 133 58 4 162 357
Total income 28,674 345 10,894 541 40,454
Claims and benefits paid, net of recoveries from reinsurers (11,967) - (5,658) - (17,625)
Change in insurance liabilities, net of reinsurance (5,393) - (711) - (6,104)
Change in unallocated divisible surplus (1,330) - - - (1,330)
Expenses attributed to investment contracts (5,635) - - - (5,635)
Fee and commission expense (2,068) (77) (2,482) (107) (4,734)
Other operating expenses
Depreciation (14) (4) (19) (60) (97)
Amortisation of acquired value of business in force (72) - - - (72)
Net impairment of acquired value of business in force (12) - - - (12)
Net impairment of other intangible assets (7) - - - (7)
Impairment of goodwill (18) - (2) (21) (41)
Other impairment losses recognised in the income statement (1) - - (24) (25)
Other reversal of impairment losses recognised in the
income statement - - - - -
Other expenses (721) (230) (685) (765) (2,401)
Finance costs (126) - (43) (276) (445)
Total expenses (27,364) (311) (9,600) (1,253) (38,528)
Segmental result before share of profit/(loss) of
joint ventures and associates 1,310 34 1,294 (712) 1,926
Share of profit/(loss) of joint ventures and associates 71 (6) - 34 99
Segmental results before tax 1,381 28 1,294 (678) 2,025
Unallocated costs:
Tax attributable to policyholders' returns (383)
Tax attributable to shareholders' profits (271)
Total tax expense (654)
Profit for the period 1,371
Page 62
15. Segmental information (continued)
(d) Segmental results of the income statement - primary reporting format - business segments
Reconciliation to operating profit before tax attributable to shareholders' profits for the year ended 31 December 2004
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Segment result before tax from continuing operations 1,381 28 1,294 (678) 2,025
Add: Impairment of goodwill 18 - 2 21 41
Amortisation of acquired value of in-force business 85 - - - 85
Impairment of other intangible assets 7 - - - 7
Financial Services Compensation Scheme and other levies - 9 40 - 49
Short-term fluctuation on investment return - - (161) - (161)
Net profit on the disposal of subsidiaries and associates 4 - 62 (100) (34)
Exceptional costs for termination of operations - - - 40 40
Corporate costs reallocation 4 3 22 (29) -
1,499 40 1,259 (746) 2,052
Tax attributable to policyholders' returns (383) - - - (383)
Operating profit before tax attributable to
shareholders' profits 1,116 40 1,259 (746) 1,669
(e) Segmental balance sheet - primary reporting format - on business segments
As at 30 June 2005
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Goodwill 551 - 359 1,379 2,289
Acquired value of in-force business and other intangible assets 425 - 379 114 918
Investment property 10,662 - 357 54 11,073
Investments in joint ventures and associates 2,069 40 8 170 2,287
Financial investments
Debt securities 86,818 - 9,320 2,601 98,739
Equity securities 44,843 1 2,460 601 47,905
Other investments 22,455 5 231 43 22,734
Loans 16,763 - 2,710 2,448 21,921
Other assets 26,949 429 10,137 2,026 39,541
Segment assets 211,535 475 25,961 9,436 247,407
Unallocated assets - tax assets 888
Total assets 248,295
Insurance liabilities 109,933 - 18,127 - 128,060
Liability for investment contracts 71,005 - - - 71,005
Unallocated divisible surplus 7,732 - - - 7,732
External 3,601 - 2,014 746 6,361
Other liabilities, including inter-segment liabilities 6,968 169 (525) 9,214 15,826
Net asset value attributable to unitholders 2,469 - - - 2,469
Segment liabilities 201,708 169 19,616 9,960 231,453
Unallocated liabilities
Central borrowings 4,339
Tax liabilities 2,732
Total liabilities 238,524
Central borrowings are borrowings by holding companies within the Group which are not allocated to operating companies.
Page 63
15. Segmental information (continued)
(f) Segmental balance sheet - primary reporting format on business segments
As at 31 December 2004
Long-term Fund insurance
business management and health Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Goodwill 595 - 308 281 1,184
Acquired value of in-force business and other intangible assets 451 - 19 46 516
Property and equipment 404 7 133 268 812
Investment property 10,639 - 362 56 11,057
Investments in joint ventures and associates 1,995 40 13 80 2,128
Financial investments
Debt securities 86,897 2 9,255 2,565 98,719
Equity securities 44,269 1 2,449 572 47,291
Other investments 20,067 6 224 49 20,346
Loans 17,090 - 2,635 2,330 22,055
Other assets 23,455 311 9,786 735 34,287
Segment assets 205,862 367 25,184 6,982 238,395
Tax 908
Total assets 239,303
Insurance liabilities 106,329 - 17,793 - 124,122
Liability for investment contracts 69,555 - - - 69,555
Unallocated divisible surplus 7,549 - - - 7,549
External 4,082 - 1,439 270 5,791
Other liabilities, including inter-segment liabilities 6,250 191 474 7,367 14,282
Net asset value attributable to unitholders 2,247 - - - 2,247
Segment liabilities 196,012 191 19,706 7,637 223,546
Unallocated liabilities
Central borrowings 4,299
Tax liabilities 2,465
Total liabilities 230,310
Central borrowings are borrowings by holding companies within the Group which are not allocated to operating companies.
(g) Goodwill allocation and impairment testing
IFRS requires formal impairment testing to be carried out annually. The Group's policy is to perform formally this
testing at year end. For impairment testing, goodwill has been allocated to cash-generating units by geographical
reporting unit and business segment. In line with the Group's policy, the last formal impairment test was carried out
at 31 December 2004. The tests led to an impairment charge of £41 million which comprised £21 million on one
non-insurance Dutch operation, £17 million on other small European businesses and £3 million on other operations. In
the first six months of 2005, an impairment charge of £10 million was made in respect of smaller European acquisitions.
Other long lived assets such as acquired additional value of in-force, and other intangibles are not subject to formal
impairment testing but are amortised on an annual basis. There have been no indications of impairment and hence no
charge has been made in any period.
Page 64
15. Segmental information (continued)
(h) Long-term business summary analysis by geographical segment
(i) Income statement
Net written premiums Fee and commission income Profit before tax
---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 2,228 2,228 4,768 96 95 145 471 175 650
France 1,803 1,345 2,892 78 63 140 114 89 196
Ireland 95 106 195 10 9 15 18 19 52
Italy 696 548 1,084 31 17 44 14 16 28
Netherlands 1,227 966 1,859 18 3 15 56 55 220
Poland 148 129 267 10 6 11 48 39 80
Spain 664 707 1,206 16 14 29 33 21 61
Other Europe 260 261 565 16 2 24 (4) (7) (8)
Europe excluding
United Kingdom 4,893 4,062 8,068 179 114 278 279 232 629
International 347 252 697 11 11 20 (16) 55 102
Total 7,468 6,542 13,533 286 220 443 734 462 1,381
The following analysis shows the net written premiums from associates and joint ventures which are not included in the
analysis above.
6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m
RBS 102 125 319
India 6 2 6
China 13 1 3
121 128 328
(ii) Balance sheet
Segmental total assets Net assets
---------------------- --------------------
30 June 31 December 30 June 31 December
2005 2004 2005 2004
£m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 112,071 107,495 2,868 3,162
France 41,642 41,827 1,149 1,175
Ireland 5,102 5,108 376 403
Italy 9,686 9,492 606 478
Netherlands (including Belgium and Luxembourg) 27,485 27,357 1,761 1,758
Poland 1,546 1,564 142 176
Spain 5,809 5,638 717 761
Other Europe 1,283 1,104 161 160
Europe excluding United Kingdom 92,553 92,090 4,912 4,911
International 6,911 6,277 642 735
Total 211,535 205,862 8,422 8,808
Page 65
15. Segmental information (continued)
(i) Geographical analysis of life and pensions and investment sales - new business and total income
For the purpose of recording life and pensions new business premiums, the Group's policy is to include life insurance,
long term health and accident insurance, savings, pensions and annuity business written by our life insurance
subsidiaries, including managed pension fund business and our share of the other life and related business written in
our associates and joint ventures as well as the equity release business written in the UK. This includes both
insurance and investment contracts as defined under IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' and is consistent with the definition
of covered business used for our supplementary embedded value reporting.
New single premiums New regular premiums Total income
------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------
6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Life and pensions:
United Kingdom 3,056 2,938 230 273 2,228 2,228 4,768
France 1,607 1,183 41 27 1,803 1,345 2,892
Ireland 191 85 32 35 95 106 195
Italy 1,146 694 30 20 696 548 1,084
Netherlands (including
Belgium and Luxembourg) 653 542 73 65 1,227 966 1,859
Poland 35 33 14 15 148 129 267
Spain 638 875 49 42 664 707 1,206
Other Europe 177 167 38 41 260 261 565
Total Europe
excluding United Kingdom 4,447 3,579 277 245 4,893 4,062 8,068
International 326 225 56 51 347 252 697
Total life and pensions
(including share of associates) 7,829 6,742 563 569 7,468 6,542 13,533
Retail sales of mutual
fund type products:
United Kingdom 504 437 9 14 513 451 859
Netherlands 180 120 - - 180 120 196
Poland 24 48 2 1 26 49 77
Other Europe 237 91 - - 237 91 254
International 106 64 - - 106 64 243
Total investment sales 1,051 760 11 15 1,062 775 1,629
Total long term savings
(including share of associates) 8,880 7,502 574 584 8,530 7,317 15,162
Single premiums are those relating to products issued by the Group, which provide for the payment of one premium only.
Regular premiums are those where there is a contractual obligation to pay on an ongoing basis.
* Included within new business sales is £2,104 million single premiums and £194 million regular premiums (six months
30 June 2004: £2,060 million single premiums and £203 million regular premiums; full year 2004: £4,338 million
single premiums and £410 million regular premiums), in respect of contracts that meet the definition of
'non-participating investment' contracts under IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts'. Under IFRS, the premiums on these
contracts are not included in the Group income statement under earned premiums, but are included on the balance
sheet as a deposit.
Page 66
15. Segmental information (continued)
(j) General insurance and health business summary analysis by geographical segment
(i) Income statement
Net written premiums Fee and commission income Profit before tax
---------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------------
6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year 6 months 6 months Full year
2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004 2005 2004 2004
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 2,891 2,819 5,715 - - - 430 85 702
France 424 382 670 - 1 4 30 27 71
Ireland 262 292 545 - 1 1 93 60 144
Netherlands 790 800 1,286 14 10 18 123 53 145
Other Europe 129 124 230 1 1 2 17 8 44
Europe excluding
United Kingdom 1,605 1,598 2,731 15 13 25 263 148 404
Canada 627 601 1,202 - - - 94 35 153
Other 81 117 170 - - - 61 12 35
International 708 718 1,372 - - - 155 47 188
Total 5,204 5,135 9,818 15 13 25 848 280 1,294
(ii) Balance sheet
Segmental total assets Net assets
---------------------- --------------------
30 June 31 December 30 June 31 December
2005 2004 2005 2004
£m £m £m £m
United Kingdom 13,073 12,927 3,006 2,504
France 1,767 1,741 351 416
Ireland 1,865 1,989 453 498
Netherlands 4,542 3,677 510 461
Other Europe 879 914 137 162
Europe excluding United Kingdom 9,053 8,321 1,451 1,537
Canada 3,291 3,111 704 687
Other 544 825 324 277
International 3,835 3,936 1,028 964
Total 25,961 25,184 5,485 5,005
(iii) General insurance, fund management and other investments mix at 30 June 2005
United Continental
Kingdom Europe International Total
£m £m £m £m
Equity securities-fair value 1,669 948 445 3,062
Debt and fixed income securities at market value 5,198 4,973 1,750 11,921
Loans secured by mortgages and other loans 623 4,518 17 5,158
Other investments 23 256 - 279
Investments in joint ventures and associates 181 37 - 218
Investment property 237 171 3 411
Total investments 7,931 10,903 2,215 21,049
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange