Aviva plc
Aviva plc announces the results of the voting by poll on the resolutions put to its Annual General Meeting held today.
Against |
Votes Withheld |
Resolution 1: To receive the Annual Report and Accounts
1,680,827,106 |
1,771,127 |
813,619 |
Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report
689,866,051 |
823,427,927 |
152,226,917 |
Resolution 3: To receive the Corporate Responsibility Report
1,679,997,161 |
805,058 |
2,615,504 |
Resolution 4: To declare a final dividend
1,680,627,684 |
1,935,262 |
870,805 |
Resolution 5: To elect John McFarlane
1,674,723,759 |
7,328,460 |
1,381,277 |
Resolution 6: To elect Gay Huey Evans
1,675,913,722 |
1,419,516 |
Resolution 7: To elect Trevor Matthews
1,675,725,315 |
6,315,321 |
1,396,661 |
Resolution 8: To elect Glyn Barker
1,606,538,523 |
5,930,145 |
70,972,336 |
Resolution 9: To re-elect Mary Francis
1,586,818,335 |
25,742,681 |
70,872,731 |
Resolution 10: To re-elect Richard Karl Goeltz
1,622,585,954 |
59,433,432 |
1,417,280 |
Resolution 11: To re-elect Euleen Goh
1,664,348,970 |
17,721,039 |
1,368,223 |
Resolution 12: To re-elect Michael Hawker
1,523,210,002 |
89,368,954 |
70,852,420 |
Resolution 13: To re-elect Igal Mayer
Withdrawn |
Withdrawn |
Withdrawn |
Resolution 14: To re-elect Andrew Moss
1,519,199,522 |
77,584,355 |
86,638,938 |
Resolution 15: To re-elect Patrick Regan
1,658,627,324 |
23,490,474 |
1,327,193 |
Resolution 16: To re-elect Colin Sharman
1,588,673,919 |
8,009,007 |
86,742,879 |
Resolution 17: To re-elect Russell Walls
1,606,010,224 |
6,451,516 |
70,974,745 |
Resolution 18: To re-elect Scott Wheway
1,471,450,574 |
141,110,112 |
70,861,502 |
Resolution 19: To reappoint, as auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers |
1,663,198,326 |
13,188,041 |
7,043,290 |
Resolution 20: To authorise the directors to determine the auditor's remuneration
1,657,188,411 |
19,020,343 |
7,206,225 |
Resolution 21: To authorise the directors to allot relevant securities subject to the restrictions set out in the resolution
1,594,226,138 |
69,206,725 |
19,990,745 |
Resolution 22: To approve the renewal of the authority to make non pre-emptive share allotments (Special Resolution)
1,676,965,138 |
4,619,507 |
1,846,208 |
Resolution 23: To authorise the purchase of the Company's ordinary shares up to a specified amount (Special Resolution)
1,676,514,764 |
5,649,487 |
1,265,713 |
Resolution 24: To authorise the purchase of the Company's 8¾% preference shares up to a specified amount (Special Resolution)
1,678,761,102 |
1,864,270 |
2,803,265 |
Resolution 25: To authorise the purchase of the Company's 8⅜% preference shares up to a specified amount (Special Resolution)
1,678,729,936 |
1,878,080 |
2,817,335 |
Resolution 26: To authorise the Company and any subsidiary company in the Group to make political donations
1,601,851,472 |
79,255,457 |
2,187,093 |
Resolution 27: To authorise general meetings other than annual general meetings to be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice (Special Resolution)
1,526,586,056 |
155,807,519 |
1,022,388 |
Resolution 28: To adopt new Articles of Association (Special Resolution)
1,675,142,421 |
6,005,409 |
2,253,197 |
Resolutions 1, 3-28 were carried Resolution 2 was lost
On 3 May 2012, there were 2,907,695,021 Aviva plc ordinary shares in issue. Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share.
In accordance with UK Listing Rule 9.6.2R copies of all the resolutions voted on at the Annual General Meeting have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do.
A copy of the poll results for the Annual General Meeting is also available on the Aviva website at www.aviva.com/agm.
The full text of each of the resolutions is set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, copies of which are available on the Aviva website at www.aviva.com/agm
Kirstine Cooper
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary +44 (0)20 7662 6646
Nigel Prideaux +44 (0)20 7662 0215
Andrew Reid +44 (0)20 7662 3131
Sue Winston +44 (0)20 7662 8221
Charles Barrows +44 (0)20 7662 8115