Statistical Appendix - 3 Months to 31 March 2000

CGU PLC 10 May 2000 CGU plc STATISTICAL APPENDIX - ISSUED 10 MAY 2000 UNAUDITED GROUP RESULTS FOR 3 MONTHS ENDED 31 MARCH 2000 (USING LIFE ACHIEVED PROFITS) All results in the statistical appendix are before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 1999 at at at average average average 2000 roe 2000 roe 1999 roe Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited GROUP OPERATING PROFIT £m £m £m Life and savings United Kingdom 123 73 73 France 48 29 33 Netherlands 81 38 43 Italy 5 12 13 Poland 26 16 17 Other Europe 1 (3) (4) United States 2 5 5 Canada 2 2 2 Rest of World 1 (1) (1) --- --- --- 289 171 181 === === === Health France 3 4 4 Netherlands 6 2 3 --- --- --- 9 6 7 === === === General insurance United Kingdom 47 17 17 France (13) (3) (3) Netherlands 6 7 9 Other Europe 6 - - United States 79 61 60 Canada 12 11 11 Australia & NZ 17 9 9 Rest of World 8 5 5 Group reinsurance 3 5 5 --- --- ---- 165 112 113 === === ==== Associated undertakings United Kingdom - 2 2 France 1 1 2 Other Europe - 2 2 Rest of World - - - --- --- --- 1 5 6 === === === Asset management United Kingdom 8 7 7 France 4 2 2 Netherlands 11 4 4 Other Europe 1 - - United States 1 - - Australia & NZ - - - --- --- --- 25 13 13 === === === Group operating profit United Kingdom 178 99 99 France 43 33 38 Netherlands 104 51 59 Other Europe (inc Italy and Poland 39 27 28 United States 82 66 65 Canada 14 13 13 Australia & NZ 17 9 9 Rest of World 9 4 4 Group reinsurance 3 5 5 --- --- --- 489 307 320 Unallocated expenses (26) (17) (18) Unallocated interest charges - external (21) (16) (16) - intra-group (46) (30) (31) ---- ---- ---- Group operating profit before tax 396 244 255 ==== ==== ==== GROUP GENERAL INSURANCE RESULT 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 1999 at at at average average average 2000 roe 2000 roe 1999 roe £m £m £m Underwriting result United Kingdom (64) (78) (78) France (37) (16) (18) Netherlands (10) (5) (5) Other Europe (18) (16) (18) United States (26) (33) (33) Canada (19) (18) (17) Australia & NZ (6) (8) (8) Rest of World (8) (7) (7) Group reinsurance (9) (3) (3) ----- ----- ----- (197) (184) (187) ===== ===== ===== Longer term investment return (LTIR) United Kingdom 111 95 95 France 24 13 15 Netherlands 16 12 14 Other Europe 24 16 18 United States 105 94 93 Canada 31 29 28 Australia & NZ 23 17 17 Rest of World 16 12 12 Group reinsurance 12 8 8 ---- ---- ---- 362 296 300 ==== ==== ==== General insurance result United Kingdom 47 17 17 France (13) (3) (3) Netherlands 6 7 9 Other Europe 6 - - United States 79 61 60 Canada 12 11 11 Australia & NZ 17 9 9 Rest of World 8 5 5 Group reinsurance 3 5 5 --- --- ---- 165 112 113 === === ==== Note: Investment income, which is included in the longer term investment return,is analysed below. 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 1999 at at at average average average 2000 roe 2000 roe 1999 roe £m £m £m Investment income United Kingdom 80 76 76 France 8 6 6 Netherlands 9 7 8 Other Europe 17 12 14 United States 74 74 72 Canada 26 27 26 Australia & NZ 19 15 15 Rest of World 10 10 10 Group reinsurance 9 7 7 ---- ---- ---- 252 234 234 ==== ==== ==== Worldwide Life & Savings New Business - 3 months 2000 New single premiums New annual premiums Investment sales(ii) Local Local Local 3 months currency 3 months currency 3 months currency 2000 1999 growth 2000 1999 growth 2000 1999 growth £m £m % £m £m % £m £m % United Kingdom Individual pensions 127 97 31 19 14 39 Group pensions 65 99 (34) 12 10 23 Mortgage - - - 6 8 (22) Other life 557 409 36 9 4 93 ISAs/PEPs/ Unit Trusts - - - - - - 104 259 (60) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 749 605 24 46 36 28 104 259 (60) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- France AFER (excluding unit-linked) 207 168 39 - - - Unit-linked & other savings 223 112 124 4 4 29 Group protection business 36 39 3 - - - --- --- --- --- --- --- 466 319 64 4 4 29 --- --- --- --- --- --- Netherlands(iii) Individual pensions 64 18 289 - - - Group pensions 23 53 (50) 5 5 13 Universal life 3 4 (4) 3 3 27 Other individual life 15 13 18 5 10 (55) Group life 4 4 18 2 1 103 --- --- --- --- --- --- 109 92 32 15 19 (13) --- --- --- --- --- --- Italy Unit-linked 49 249 (78) - 6 (95) Savings, protection & other 10 34 (66) 1 10 (87) --- --- --- --- --- --- 59 283 (77) 1 16 (90) --- --- --- --- --- --- Poland Life & savings 3 3 24 12 16 (24) Pensions - - - 77 - n/a --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 3 24 89 16 486 Germany Life & savings 8 9 (4) 6 4 87 Pensions & annuities 6 42 (83) 6 3 103 --- --- --- --- --- --- 14 51 (69) 12 7 95 Other Europe Life & pensions (iv) 72 29 180 10 3 264 UCITS - - - - - - 68 29 138 --- --- --- -- -- --- --- --- --- 72 29 180 10 3 264 68 29 138 United States Life assurance 1 2 (35) 2 3 (43) Pensions & annuities 39 30 27 3 3 (4) --- --- -- -- -- -- 40 32 23 5 6 (24) Other 10 8 11 8 5 69 ----- ----- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Total 1522 1422 14 190 112 79 172 288 (40) ===== ===== == === === === === === ==== Notes: (i) Average exchange rates used. (ii) 2000 figures include ISAs, unit trusts and UCITS (collective investments sold throughout Europe and Asia). 1999 figures also included PEP sales in the UK (PEPs were replaced by ISAs in April 1999). (iii) Figures include £20m in single premiums and £0.4m in annual premiums from Nuts Ohra. (iv) Figures include £26m in single premiums and £6m in annual premiums from Hibernian. GENERAL INSURANCE ANALYSIS BY TERRITORY UNITED KINGDOM General insurance 3 months to 31 March Premium income Underwriting result Operating ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 £m £m % £m £m % % Personal Motor 142 130 9 (17) (29) 113 123 Homeowners 160 153 5 2 (7) 99 104 Creditor 25 17 50 4 9 96 123 Other 13 23 (45) - 1 106 95 ---- ---- ---- ----- 340 323 5 (11) (26) 104 109 Commercial Motor 86 81 6 (19) (32) 123 141 Property 119 137 (13) (19) 2 116 97 Liability 54 63 (15) (9) (19) 116 129 Other 25 28 (12) 2 3 89 89 ---- ---- ----- ----- 284 309 (8) (45) (46) 116 114 ---- ---- ----- ----- Total 624 632 (1) (56) (72) 109 112 London market 113 78 45 (8) (6) 111 103 ---- ---- ----- ----- Total 737 710 4 (64) (78) 109 111 ==== ==== ===== ===== Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 82 82 Commission 16 16 Expenses 11 13 --- --- Operating 109 111 === === Notes: Certain reclassifications have taken place during 2000. Global Risks has been reclassified from the Commercial classes to London Market. Part of Commercial Other has been reclassified to Commercial Property. 1999 has been restated. FRANCE General insurance 3 months to 31 March Underwriting Operating Premium income result ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 FFrm FFrm % FFrm FFrm % % Agents/brokers Property 1020 1007 1 (172) (29) 117 95 Motor 770 701 10 (167) (36) 122 103 Other 447 500 (11) (22) (32) 105 106 ---- ---- ----- ----- 2237 2208 1 (361) (97) 116 104 Direct 101 86 17 (38) (74) 138 192 ---- ---- ----- ----- Total 2338 2294 2 (399) (171) 120 105 ==== ==== ===== ===== Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 91 76 Commission 18 18 Expenses 11 11 --- --- Operating 120 105 === === NETHERLANDS General insurance 3 months to 31 March Underwriting Operating Premium income result ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 Flm Flm % Flm Flm % % Domestic 64 42 53 (2) 3 102 91 Motor 141 100 41 (9) (20) 105 119 Commercial fire 70 65 7 (10) 1 112 93 Liability 37 37 - (9) (2) 134 101 Inward reinsurance 3 11 (72) (2) - 164 102 Other 57 50 12 (5) 1 106 90 ---- ---- --- --- Total 372 305 22 (37) (17) 108 103 ==== ==== === === Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 72 67 Commission 20 23 Expenses 16 13 --- --- Operating 108 103 === === UNITED STATES General insurance Statutory Basis 3 months to 31 March Underwriting Operating Premium income result ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 $m $m % $m $m % % Personal Automobile 326 349 (7) (7) 6 101 96 Homeowners 95 95 - - (8) 104 112 Other 32 28 16 4 5 93 82 ---- ---- ---- ---- 453 472 (4) (3) 3 101 99 Commercial Automobile 155 143 9 (10) (11) 104 106 Property 259 249 4 (16) (32) 107 113 Liability 50 51 (2) - (2) 100 98 Workers compensation 143 126 13 (2) (5) 97 99 Other 28 26 5 10 (2) 79 116 ---- ---- ----- ----- 635 595 7 (18) (52) 101 107 ---- ---- ----- ----- Total 1088 1067 2 (21) (49) 101 104 ==== ==== ===== ===== Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 72 73 Commission 15 17 Expenses 14 14 --- --- Operating 101 104 === === Note: 1999 Travel has been reclassified from Commercial Other to Personal Other. CANADA General Business 3 months to 31 March Underwriting Operating Premium income result ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 C$m C$m % C$m C$m % % Automobile 274 243 13 (33) (14) 111 106 Property 135 122 10 (15) (20) 111 115 Liability 37 32 17 1 (10) 99 128 Other 7 8 (6) 2 2 67 66 ---- ---- ---- ---- Total 453 405 12 (45) (42) 109 110 ==== ==== ==== ==== Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 77 76 Commission 18 19 Expenses 14 15 --- --- Operating 109 110 === === AUSTRALIA & NZ General insurance 3 months to 31 March Underwriting Operating Premium income result ratio 2000 1999 Growth 2000 1999 2000 1999 £m £m % £m £m % % Australia 110 106 4 (5) (8) 104 109 New Zealand 23 22 2 (1) - 107 101 --- --- ---- --- 133 128 3 (6) (8) 105 107 === === ==== === Underwriting ratios 3 months to 31 March 2000 1999 % % Claims 76 80 Commission 14 14 Expenses 15 13 --- --- Operating 105 107 === === Note: All figures are at 3 months to 31 March 2000 average rates of exchange.


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