October 26, 2023
Dear Sir(s),
Sub.: Results of Postal Ballot under Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
In continuation to our letter no. AXIS/CO/CS/337/2023-24 dated September 26, 2023 and pursuant to Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we would like to inform you that the ordinary resolution relating to appointment of Mini Ipe (DIN: 07791184) as a Non-Executive (Nominee) Director of the Bank, as set out in our postal ballot notice dated September 25, 2023, has been passed by the members of the Bank through remote e-voting with requisite majority.
The result of aforesaid postal ballot along with a copy of scrutinizer's report is attached.
This is for your information and records.
Thanking You.
With warm regards,
For Axis Bank Limited
Rajiv Anand
Deputy Managing Director
Encl: a/a
cc: London Stock Exchange
Singapore Stock Exchange