IFRS update

Babcock International Group PLC 26 May 2005 Thursday 26 May 2005 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS - UPDATE Babcock International Group PLC, ('the Group'), today releases an update on how International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are likely to affect the Group's earnings and net assets. Separately today, the Group has announced its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2005. These results were prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The key points to note in respect of the application of IFRS are as follows: • Minimal impact on the Group's underlying earnings (1) • The Group's cash performance is unaffected • The Group's ability to pay dividends is unaffected • On adoption of International Accounting Standard 19 in respect of pensions, net assets will reduce on recognition of pension scheme deficits. This is also likely to lead to greater balance sheet volatility in the future. Following the EU's adoption of Regulation No. 1606/2002 on the use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by EU-listed companies, the group is implementing IFRS from 1 April 2005. The first financial information to be reported by the group in accordance with IFRS will be for the six months ending 30 September 2005 but the requirement to present comparative information means that a balance sheet as at 31 March 2004 and primary statements for 2005 prepared in accordance with IFRS will also be required. The group has continued to report its consolidated accounts in accordance with UK GAAP for 2005. Although the presentational requirements of IFRS will differ from those currently applied under UK GAAP, the Group will continue to provide details of underlying earnings, which under IFRS will be defined as earnings before significant non-recurring items and before amortisation of intangibles arising on acquisitions. Interpretation of the standards is still evolving, consequently information given in this announcement is subject to change and is un-audited. However, in order to assist stakeholders in understanding the potential impact of application of the standards on the group's reported profit before tax for the year to 31 March 2005 and its net assets at 31 March 2005, estimates of the main changes are set out in the table below. This does not represent full IAS1 compliant financial information. (1) Earnings before significant non-recurring items and amortisation of intangibles arising on acquisition. UK GAAP Share Pension Goodwill Intangibles Dividends Other IFRS/IAS based payments schemes £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Note (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Profit before interest, tax, goodwill amortisation and exceptional items 41.3 (0.5) (8.7) 0.1 32.2 Net interest & similar (6.2) 8.8 0.2 2.8 charges Profit before tax, goodwill and exceptional items 35.1 (0.5) 0.1 0.3 35.0 Goodwill and acquisition (6.6) 6.6 (4.4) (4.4) intangible amortisation Operating exceptional 1.5 5.6 (0.1) (8.8) (1.8) items Non-operating exceptional (1.6) (1.6) items Profit before tax 28.4 (0.5) 5.7 6.5 (13.2) 0.3 27.2 Tax (pre-exceptional) (8.1) 0.1 0.0 (8.0) Exceptional 0.4 (1.4) (0.3) 1.3 0.0 tax Profit after 20.7 (0.4) 4.3 6.2 (11.9) 0.3 19.2 tax Basic eps pre-goodwill and exceptionals 14.20 14.22 Net assets* 174.0 0.1 (82.6) 7.7 9.0 5.4 (1.2) 112.4 * Each of these adjustments include the deferred tax effect. 1. Share based payments Under IFRS 2 'Share based payments', share options and other share based remuneration are expensed through the profit and loss account based on their fair value at the date of grant to employees and spread over the vesting period, taking into account the number expected to vest. Under UK GAAP only the intrinsic value is expensed. As a result additional expense will be recognised in the IFRS income statement. 2. Pension schemes Under UK GAAP, the group currently accounts for defined benefit pension schemes in accordance with SSAP 24 Accounting for Pension Costs (SSAP24). The group also reports the transitional disclosures required in accordance with FRS 17 Retirement Benefits (FRS 17). The methodology and assumptions used to calculate the value of pension assets and liabilities under FRS 17 are substantially consistent with the requirements of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (IAS 19). In accordance with the requirements of IAS 19, the group will be reviewing the allocation of the IAS pension deficit / surplus to the underlying group subsidiary companies. The above adjustments reflect a full balance sheet recognition interpretation of the Standard whereby the full pension deficit / surplus is reflected within the balance sheet with actuarial movements going through the Statement of Recognised Income and Expense. The Group will finalise its policy in this area when further clarity emerges as to generally adopted accounting practise. 3. Pension curtailment Under IAS 19 any significant change in the active pension population will result in either a curtailment gain or loss. During the year a number of redundancies in one of the Group's subsidiaries has resulted in an exceptional curtailment gain reflected above. The resultant tax charge (£1.4m) is also considered exceptional. 4. Goodwill Babcock has elected to utilise the exemption under IRFS 1 'First Time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' to not restate business combinations prior to the transition date. Goodwill arising before 31 March 2004 will not therefore be restated with the exception of negative goodwill. Under IFRS 3 negative goodwill is credited to reserves as at 1 April 2004. This means that the previously held negative goodwill (£4.7m) is eliminated on the transition to IFRS. Under IFRS goodwill is no longer amortised and, is instead assessed annually for impairment. This results in a reversal of the current year amortisation charge of £6.6 million. 5. Intangibles Other intangible assets arising from acquisitions after 1 April 2004 are separately identified and will be amortised over their useful economic lives. These intangibles represent the estimated value of contracts and relationships which previously formed part of general goodwill. Intangible amortisation in the current year is £4.4 million. The exceptional gain realised on the early termination of the Rail Maintenance contracts of £8.8m is valued in the acquisition balance sheet as an intangible asset and fully amortised in the year. 6. Dividends Under SSAP 17 Post Balance Sheet Events, proposed dividends are accrued for as an adjusting post balance sheet event in the accounting period to which they relate. Under IAS 10 Events after the balance sheet date, dividends are recognised in the accounting period in which they are declared. The final dividend accrual is therefore reversed in the consolidated IFRS accounts for the period. 7. Other 7.1. Holiday pay As a result of further more prescriptive guidance in IAS 19, holiday pay accruals and prepayments are definitively required and have been included above. 7.2. Long term contracts Under IFRS all contracts which are in progress at a reporting date are accounted for as long term contracts. Under UK GAAP only 'significant' contracts are accounted for as long term. This results in a small profit change due to the difference in timing. Additionally disclosure and balance sheet classifications differ under IFRS, although not creating net asset changes. 7.3. Discounting debtors Under IAS 18 'Revenue', account must be taken of any inbuilt financing within extended payment terms. Where payment terms are deemed to fall into this category the related debtor is stated at the present value after discounting at prevailing interest rates. The deemed financing element of the debt is credited to profit and loss as interest income as the discount unwinds. Application of this standard has resulted in a small adjustment to profit before tax and net assets for extended credit in non-UK subsidiaries. This adjustment is a timing difference only. 7.4. Financial instruments Babcock has elected to utilise the exemption under IFRS 1 'First Time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' to not restate comparatives for IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: disclosure and presentation' and IAS 39 ' Financial Instruments: recognition and measurement'. These reporting standards will be implemented from 1 April 2005 onwards. On the implementation of IAS 39 there are specific transitional arrangements. 7.5. Joint ventures Under IFRS 31 'Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures' the group has the option of adopting the equity investment method or proportional consolidation method for reporting interests in joint ventures. Under the IFRS adjustments shown above results for joint ventures are accounted for under the equity method and are given net of interest and tax within the share of joint ventures. This treatment will be reviewed and a firm policy adopted prior to the reporting of the interim results. 7.6. Tax Under IAS 12 'Income Taxes' certain temporary differences, some of which were not recognised under UK GAAP, will be recognised. Contact: Bill Tame, Finance Director Franco Martinelli, Financial Controller Babcock International plc Telephone: 020 7291 5000 Andrew Lorenz Rob Gurner Financial Dynamics Telephone: 020 7269 7291 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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