Interim Results

Babcock International Group PLC 21 November 2002 Date: Thursday 21 November 2002 Contact: Gordon Campbell, Executive Chairman Bill Tame, Finance Director Babcock International plc Telephone: 020 7269 7291 (am); 020 7291 5000 (after 3pm) Richard Mountain Rob Gurner Financial Dynamics Telephone: 020 7269 7291 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC 2002 INTERIM RESULTS Babcock International Group PLC, the support services company, announces its interim results for the six months to 30 September 2002. H1 2002 H1 2001 % Change Sales* £181.3m £184.1m -1.5 Operating Profit** £9.2m £7.9m +15.9 Profit before Tax £7.0m £0.1m Basic EPS *** 3.90p 2.39p +63.2 Dividend 1.15p 1.10p +4.5 *excluding discontinued businesses **excluding discontinued businesses and before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation ***before non-operating exceptionals and goodwill amortisation Business Highlights: • Major new contract wins leave order book in excess of £700m • Preferred bidder status on Single Living Accommodation and Non-Project Procurement will add a further £200m to the order book • Nomination of Rosyth as preferred site for aircraft carrier assembly by each of the prime contractors • Acquisitions extend support services in the defence industry and provide entry point to the civil market • Disposal programme of Materials Handling business nearing completion Commenting, Gordon Campbell, Executive Chairman, said: 'Babcock has made significant progress in its transition to become a focused support services business. We have won a number of major contracts during the first half and this year's acquisitions have begun to contribute. Against this background, therefore, we look to the future with increasing confidence.' BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 Introduction The six months to 30 September 2002 saw Babcock reach and pass some notable milestones in its journey to become a dedicated support services company. The acquisition of both Service Group International ('SGI') and MEF strengthened our defence-related support services and, specific to SGI, also attained an initial presence in the civil support services market. Progress was also made in disposing of non core businesses in the Materials Handling division and negotiations are at an advanced stage on the sale of a further business. Preferred bidder status was achieved during the first half year on the Single Living Accommodation Modernisation ('SLAM') and Non-Project Procurement Organisation ('NPPO'). Contracts for Faslane and Afghanistan were concluded, as well as the renewal of the contract for pilot training. The total order book now stands at over £700m, a figure which does not include SLAM and NPPO. The details of these two contracts are still under negotiation but it is anticipated that, in aggregate, they will be valued in excess of £200m. The recent nomination of Rosyth as preferred site for the aircraft carrier assembly by each of the prime contractors, BAE SYSTEMS and Thales will, once confirmed, add further security and visibility to the order book. Financial Overview Group operating profit for continuing businesses, before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items, increased 16% to £9.2m on turnover 1.5% lower. Profit before tax on ordinary activities increased to £7.0m from £115,000 in the previous corresponding period. In Technical Services, turnover and operating profit declined 17% and 13% respectively to £92.0m and £7.2m, primarily due to the lower workload contracted for HMS Invincible. However, a better performance is expected in the second half from this division due to the arrival of HMS Illustrious at Rosyth and the refit of a number of smaller vessels. Turnover in Training and Support increased 29% to £64.1m and operating profit rose 27% to £4.1m. This was primarily due to a strong showing from Babcock Africa which continued the improvement shown in the second half of last year. Turnover and profit at HDS (the business acquired in March 2001) were similar to the previous corresponding period. Due to the post acquisition restructuring at SGI and MEF, there was only a minor contribution to profit during this period as restructuring costs offset the trading profit. In Materials Handling a major turn-round in the marine business helped to reduce losses significantly, despite being negatively affected by the issues surrounding the protracted process of selling Chronos Richardson. Equally, the losses on discontinued operations were materially lower, and exceptional items were eliminated. Group operating profit was, therefore, 84% higher at £8.1m, and earnings per share before non-operating exceptionals and goodwill increased by 63% to 3.9p per share. Cash inflow from operating activities was £5.7m compared to £6.7m in the six months to September 2001. Largely as a consequence of the two acquisitions, costing £23.6m, net debt increased to £33.6m The Board is recommending an interim dividend of 1.15p per share (1.1p per share in the previous corresponding period), an increase of 4.5%. OPERATIONAL REVIEW Technical Services Turnover in Technical Services fell, compared with the similar period last year, in line with our expectations. The programme on HMS Invincible is the smallest of the three aircraft carrier refits and, despite a reduction in overheads, profits fell accordingly. However, with the arrival of HMS Illustrious and the third of the Type-23 frigates, a better performance in the second half is expected. The MEF acquisition, which materially enhances our overall naval service capability, made a small contribution in the period. The long term future of the Rosyth dockyard received an additional boost, with the announcement by each of the prime contractors on the new aircraft carrier programme that it would be the prime choice for the assembly of the carriers. There is likely to be further work in terms of building some of the blocks from which the carriers will be constructed. This would enhance the security of the workload at Rosyth for many years. Meanwhile, the diversification into other areas of activity continues and the Mega-3 railway wagons were completed and an initial delivery made. The final delivery is dependent upon the Strategic Rail Authority's safety approval, but we do not anticipate any problems in achieving this approval. A contract to procure electronic and electrical equipment for the Ministry of Defence was secured, utilising the existing systems at Rosyth. This contract should be worth £100m over a seven year period, once it commences in 2003. Rosyth has been recently restructured into four business units and this will enable it to continue to develop its commercial activities. Compared with the same period last year, the losses in FBM increased, but were significantly down on the second half of 2002. There are a number of potential contracts for FBM, but delays in concluding these contracts left the business in loss. Work continued on the Smit air/sea rescue vessels, and confirmation of the start date for the bridge erection barge contract for the US Coastguard is awaited. The operation of the dockyard in New Zealand continued at the previous year's good level, and over 50% of the contracted workload is now in the non-defence market. The pipeline services business in the United States (Eagleton) had a poor first half in the wake of the turmoil in the US energy industry, but entered the second half with a much stronger order book. Training and Support The management contract for HM Naval Base Clyde (Faslane and Coulport) commenced on 1 September 2002. This contract comprises a sharing of cost savings, and we have already identified a number of areas where the savings targets can be achieved. The contract was originally £350m over a five year period, but this has now been increased to in excess of £400m and we would expect both the scope and the time period to be extended. The contract renewal rate at HCS continued at 100%, with renewals for the initial pilot training contract, Cranwell facilities management, and the simulator maintenance for the RAF. However, the size of the contract for the initial pilot training was significantly reduced, with the RAF preferring to use the University Air Squadrons as an alternative, and the Kosovo contract will cease by the end of the year as the British troops are withdrawn. We expect to replace some of the Kosovo contract with a new United Nations contract. A contract was also signed to provide similar facilities for the British troops in Afghanistan, with potential again to increase this, depending on the size of the Allied Forces in that country. Final bids have been submitted for two large PFI contracts - the Royal School of Military Engineering and the Armoured Vehicle Training System - and the outcome is awaited. We are also progressing the bid for the Airfield Support Services Project. SGI made a strong debut as part of Babcock by achieving preferred bidder status on the SLAM contract in conjunction with Bovis Lend Lease. SGI will provide the maintenance of the military accommodation once it has been built by Bovis Lend Lease. The initial phase of the contract is for 18,000 units to be built at an estimated cost of £1bn. SGI's revenue from this contract is expected to be £12m per annum over seven years, commencing towards the end of 2003. SGI's other business is continuing as predicted and we are seeing significant benefit to the Group's overall proposition for the Ministry of Defence. SGI also opens up the possibility of building a civil sector support services business. Babcock Africa continued its recovery with increased turnover and more robust margins. Materials Handling An improved order book, plus the results of the cost reduction programme implemented last year, lead to Marine, our ship unloading business, contributing a positive performance during this half, which saw the reversal of the heavy losses incurred in the previous corresponding period. We are now progressing with the sale of this business and, once completed, we should have exited all our engineering interests. We are now at an advanced stage in the disposal of the bagging and batching business, Chronos Richardson. However, losses continued in the first half at this business due to continued market difficulties, which were exacerbated by the longevity of the sale process. Summary and Prospects The first half of this year has seen Babcock make significant progress in its objective of becoming a focused support services business and we now have the building blocks in place to realise the potential in this field. The intended disposals of the Materials Handling businesses have proved to be challenging given the difficult market environment; however, with the expected sale of Chronos Richardson, the remaining business comprises less than 5% of total group turnover. As a consequence of delivering the strategic plan, we expect to make further progress in the second half, with the benefits of acquisitions and organic growth contributing. BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 Year ended 31 March 2002 Six months ended Six months ended 30 September 2002 30 September 2001 Before Before goodwill goodwill Goodwill and and and exceptional exceptional exceptional Items items items Goodwill Total Total Total (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) £'000 Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Group turnover 358,861 Continuing 175,392 - 175,392 184,096 - 184,096 operations - Acquisitions 5,904 - 5,904 - - - 358,861 181,296 - 181,296 184,096 - 184,096 64,123 Discontinued 4 253 - 253 42,894 - 42,894 operations 422,984 3 181,549 - 181,549 226,990 - 226,990 Group operating profit/(loss) 3,545 Continuing 8,979 (801) 8,178 7,915 (2,195) 5,720 operations - Acquisitions 197 - 197 - - - 3,545 9,176 (801) 8,375 7,915 (2,195) 5,720 (2,124) Discontinued 4 (319) - (319) (776) (580) (1,356) operations 1,421 3 8,857 (801) 8,056 7,139 (2,775) 4,364 Share of operating loss of joint ventures and (529) associates (76) - (76) (246) - (246) (13,798) Loss on sale of operations - - - - (3,348) (3,348) Profit/(loss) on ordinary (12,906) activities before interest 8,781 (801) 7,980 6,893 (6,123) 770 (1,004) Net interest and similar (977) (655) charges Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities (13,910) before taxation 7,003 115 Tax on profit/ (loss) on (3,089) ordinary activities 7 (2,013) (1,145) Profit/(loss) on ordinary (16,999) activities after taxation 4,990 (1,030) (143) Minority interest (16) 88 Profit/(loss) for the financial (17,142) period 4,974 (942) Dividends paid and (4,168) proposed 9 (1,664) (1,646) Retained profit/(loss) (21,310) for the financial period 3,310 (2,588) Earnings/(loss) per 8 share (11.68)p - Basic 3.36p (0.64)p (11.66)p - Diluted 3.34p (0.64)p Earnings per share 8 before non-operating exceptional items and goodwill 4.51p - Basic 3.90p 2.39p 4.50p - Diluted 3.88p 2.38p BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC GROUP BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 As at As at 30 September 30 September 2002 2001 As at (unaudited) (unaudited) 31 March 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 Note Fixed assets Intangible assets 1,236 Development costs 1,102 1,378 Goodwill 66,670 - Goodwill 87,571 82,819 (9,384) - Negative goodwill (9,141) (10,840) 57,286 78,430 71,979 58,522 79,532 73,357 22,396 Tangible assets 19,884 31,484 Investments Investments in joint ventures 1,831 - Share of gross assets 1,616 1,903 (1,256) - Share of gross liabilities (1,191) (1,077) 575 425 826 600 Investments in associates - 537 3,010 Other investments 3,946 2,720 4,185 4,371 4,083 85,103 103,787 108,924 Current assets 15,143 Stocks 21,756 22,279 71,441 Debtors - due within one year 74,993 89,032 68,810 Debtors - due after more than one 69,096 70,330 year 140,251 144,089 159,362 14,142 Cash and bank balances 12 14,192 24,542 169,536 180,037 206,183 Creditors - amounts due within one year (22,129) - Borrowings 12 (26,965) (19,498) (121,839) - Other (125,386) (156,579) (143,968) (152,351) (176,077) 25,568 Net current assets 27,686 30,106 110,671 Total assets less current liabilities 131,473 139,030 Creditors - amounts due after more than one year (457) - Borrowings 12 (20,867) (812) (2,440) - Other - (513) (2,897) (20,867) (1,325) (26,799) Provisions for liabilities and (26,217) (38,407) charges 80,975 Net assets 84,389 99,298 Capital and reserves 88,571 Called up share capital 88,876 88,712 37,921 Share premium account 38,068 37,674 30,631 Capital redemption reserve 30,631 29,957 (76,195) Profit and loss account (73,249) (57,092) 80,928 Equity interests 84,326 98,577 - Non-equity interests - 674 80,928 Shareholders' funds 84,326 99,251 47 Equity minority interests 63 47 80,975 84,389 99,298 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC SUMMARISED GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 Six months ended Six moths ended Year ended 30 September 2002 30 September 31 March (unaudited) 2001 2002 £'000 (unaudited) £'000 £'000 Notes 19,834 Cash inflow from operating 10 5,675 6,739 activities (1,090) Returns on investments and servicing of (839) (762) finance (3,401) Taxation (1,423) (531) (8,489) Capital expenditure and financial investment (1,846) (4,592) (13,907) Acquisitions and disposals (23,608) 4,755 (3,823) Equity dividends paid (2,536) (2,237) (2,917) Management of liquid resources (460) - (13,793) Cash (outflow)/inflow before (25,037) 3,372 financing 14,918 Financing 22,286 3,390 1,125 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the 12 (2,751) 6,762 period GROUP STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 Six months Six months ended Year ended ended 30 September 31 March 30 September 2001 2002 2002 (unaudited) £'000 (unaudited) £'000 £'000 (17,142) Profit/(loss) for the financial 4,974 (942) period (1,647) Currency translation differences on foreign currency (364) (1,940) net investments and related loans (18,789) Total recognised gains and losses 4,610 (2,882) RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 Year ended Six months Six months 31 March ended ended 2002 30 September 30 September £'000 2002 2001 £'000 £'000 105,636 Shareholders' funds at start of 80,928 105,636 period (18,789) Total recognised gains and losses 4,610 (2,882) 1,017 Shares issued in the period 452 237 (2,768) Redemption of 'B' preference - (2,094) shares (4,168) Dividends (1,664) (1,646) (24,708) Net movement in shareholders' 3,398 (6,385) funds 80,928 Shareholders' funds at end of 84,326 99,251 period BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 1 Accounting policies The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2002, as set out in the annual report for that year. 2 Basis of preparation The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2002 and the other financial information contained in this interim report do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts, their report was not qualified and did not contain a statement under section 273(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information in the interim report is unaudited. The interim report for the six months ended 30 September 2002 was approved by the Directors on 20 November 2002. 3 Segmental analysis Six months ended 30 September 2002 Six months ended 30 September 2001 Group Group operating operating profit profit before before goodwill and goodwill Goodwill operating and and exceptional Group operating operating Group Group items operating Group exceptional exceptional operating turnover £'000 Goodwill profit turnover items items profit £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Continuing operations Technical Services 91,770 7,205 - 7,205 110,233 8,293 - 8,293 Training and 64,050 4,134 - 4,134 49,544 3,262 - 3,262 Support Materials Handling 25,476 (903) - (903) 24,319 (2,606) (698) (3,304) Unallocated costs and - (1,260) - (1,260) - (1,034) (625) (1,659) other income 181,296 9,176 - 9,176 184,096 7,915 (1,323) 6,592 Goodwill - - (801) (801) - - (872) (872) amortisation Total continuing operations 181,296 9,176 (801) 8,375 184,096 7,915 (2,195) 5,720 Discontinued 253 (319) - (319) 42,894 (776) (354) (1,130) operations Goodwill - - - - - - (226) (226) amortisation Total discontinued operations 253 (319) - (319) 42,894 (776) (580) (1,356) Group total 181,549 8,857 (801) 8,056 226,990 7,139 (2,775) 4,364 The group made two acquisitions during the six month period ended 30 September 2002. The business and assets of Service Group International Ltd were purchased on 19 June 2002. This business is included in the Training and Support segment and has contributed turnover and operating profit to 30 September 2002 of £5.2 million and £19,000 respectively. The shares of MEF were acquired on 2 August 2002. This business is included in the Technical Services segment and has contributed turnover and operating profit to 30 September 2002 of £0.7 million and £0.2 million respectively. 4 Discontinued operations Discontinued operations comprise the BMH Americas business, the last remaining part of the Materials Handling cement business, which was disposed of on 30 April 2002. 5 Operating exceptional items Exceptional costs of £nil (2001:£1.7 million) have been incurred to 30 September 2002. Prior period operating exceptional costs were in respect of restructuring businesses within the Materials Handling segment (£1.1 million) and a proposed acquisition that did not proceed (£0.6 million). BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 6 Loss on sale of operations A loss on sale of operations of £nil (2001: £3.3 million) has been incurred to 30 September 2002. The prior period loss on sale was in relation to the BMH Wood business and included the write-off of goodwill amounting to £2.6 million. 7 Taxation The charge for taxation has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2003. 8 Earnings/(loss) per share The basic earnings/(loss) per share has been calculated on the profit for the period of £4,974,000 (2001: loss of £942,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue throughout the period of 148,050,460 (2001: 146,628,978). The diluted earnings/(loss) per share has been calculated after taking account of 5,942,711 dilutive share options where the exercise price is less that the average market price of the company's own shares during the period. The basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share before non-operating exceptional items and goodwill have been calculated using the same weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue as above and after adjusting for goodwill amortisation of £801,000 (2001: £1,098,000) and the loss on the sale of operation of £nil (2001: £3,348,000). 9 Dividends An interim dividend of 1.15p per 60p ordinary share (2001: 1.1p per 60p ordinary share) will be paid on 24 January 2003 to shareholders registered on 20 December 2002. 10 Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from operating activities Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 2002 30 September 31 March (unaudited) 2001 2002 £'000 (unaudited) £'000 £'000 1,421 Group operating profit 8,056 4,364 10,550 Depreciation 4,424 5,650 271 Amortisation of intangibles 134 129 2,085 Amortisation of goodwill 801 1,098 (2,455) Movement on working capital (7,739) (4,516) 7,873 Impairment of goodwill - - 89 Other items (1) 14 19,834 Cash inflow from operating activities 5,675 6,739 11 Movement in net funds Six months ended Six months 30 September Ended Year ended 2002 30 September 31 March (unaudited) 2001 2002 £'000 (unaudited) £'000 £'000 1,125 (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (2,751) 6,762 2,917 Increase in liquid resources in the year 460 - (13,469) Cash flow from the increase in debt and lease (21,834) (2,047) financing (9,427) Change in net funds resulting from cash flows (24,125) 4,715 Loans and finance leases (acquired)/disposed of with 2,152 subsidiaries (78) 535 (790) New finance leases (640) (1,027) 1,214 Loan from minority shareholders in subsidiary - 1,214 capitalised (255) Foreign currency translation differences (353) 133 (7,106) Movement in net (debt)/funds in the period (25,196) 5,570 (1,338) Net debt at the start of the period (8,444) (1,338) (8,444) Net (debt)/funds at the end of the period (33,640) 4,232 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 12 Changes in net funds At Acquisitions Other At 1 April Cash and non-cash Exchange 30 September 2002 flow disposals changes movement 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash and bank balances 11,225 (579) - - 169 10,815 Bank overdrafts (1,832) (2,172) - - (588) (4,592) 9,393 (2,751) - - (419) 6,223 Debt (20,020) (21,991) - - 1 (42,010) Finance leases (734) (483) (78) - 65 (1,230) (20,754) (22,474) (78) - 66 (43,240) Liquid Resources 2,917 460 - - - 3,377 Total (8,444) (24,765) (78) - (353) (33,640) 13 Distribution Copies of this interim report will be distributed to all holders of the company's ordinary shares. Copies will also be available at the company's registered office: 2 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PX. In addition, this report will be available on the company's website: www. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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