Interim Results

Babcock International Group PLC 20 November 2003 Thursday 20 November 2003 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC 2003/4 INTERIM RESULTS Babcock International Group PLC, the Support Services company, announces its results for the half year ending 30 September 2003. First Half First Half % 2003/4 2002/3 Change Sales (1) £215m £156m +38% Operating Profit (2) £12.3m £10.1m +22% Profit before tax £9.4m £7.0m +34% Earnings per share (3) 6.69p 3.98p +68% Dividend 1.25p 1.15p +8.7% (1) Before discontinued operations (2004: £10.2m, 2003: £25.7m), (2) Before goodwill amortisation (2004: £1.6m, 2003: £0.8m) and discontinued operations losses (2004: £0.2m, 2003: £1.2m), (3) Before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation. (2004: £1.7m, 2003: £0.8m). Business Highlights: • Preferred Bidder on South West Regional Prime (SWRP). • Wins at RAF Valley and Exhibitions. • Contract win for Heathrow Terminal 5 modules. • Further progress on involvement in carrier construction. • Order book stands at £640m excluding Single Living Accommodation Modernisation (SLAM) and SWRP. • Materials Handling disposal complete. Commenting, Peter Rogers, Chief Executive, said: We have single-mindedly pursued our strategy and have now achieved a structure which will allow us to drive the business forward without distractions. The win of SWRP is particularly welcome as it gives us critical mass with Defence Estates. Contact: Peter Rogers, Chief Executive Bill Tame, Group Finance Director Babcock International Group PLC Telephone: 020 7269 7291 (am); 020 7291 5000 (after 4pm) Andrew Lorenz Richard Mountain Financial Dynamics Telephone: 020 7269 7291 Notes to editors: About Babcock International Group PLC Babcock International Group PLC is a support services business providing technical services, training and facilities management to the defence and civil sectors. In the year to 31 March 2003 sales from continuing business were £378 million. The Group operates in two principal sectors: Technical Services (engineering and support services in defence, rail, marine and secure facilities sectors) and Training & Support (support services, training and facilities management for the defence and civil sectors). Babcock's head office is in London and the Company's shares are quoted on the London Stock Exchange. For further information, please visit Babcock's website at Babcock International Group PLC Interim Results for the Half Year to 30 September 2003 Introduction In the period since the end of the last financial year, Babcock has achieved its goal of becoming a dedicated support services company. This was reinforced after the end of the half year with Babcock named as Preferred Bidder on the South West Regional Prime contract and the sale of the last substantial Materials Handling business. Following the award of the RAF Valley contract, Babcock will be responsible for maintaining virtually all Royal Navy and RAF Hawk jet trainers. The position of Rosyth as the nominated assembly and integration site for the new aircraft carrier programme has been further strengthened as a result of emerging agreement that Rosyth will also have a substantial part to play in the construction programme, which now looks likely to start in 2007. The award to Rosyth of significant work on Heathrow Terminal 5 demonstrates that the structural changes made there are bearing fruit. A number of other substantial opportunities outside the Ministry of Defence are being pursued. Financial Overview Total group turnover of £225.1 million represents an increase of 24% over the first half of last year (£181.5 million). With the disposal of the remaining BMH business in November 2003, turnover on continuing businesses increased by 38% to £214.9 million, driven by the inclusion of a full six months operations at the Clyde Naval Base and by growth in the Babcock Infrastructure Services (BIS) businesses. Higher profit contributions from the Clyde Naval Base and BIS increased group operating profit from continuing businesses, pre-goodwill, to £12.3 million, up £2.2 million or 22% compared with the first half of last year (£10.1 million). The operating margin pre goodwill from continuing businesses was 5.7% compared to 6.1% for the full year last year. Agreement for the sale of the BMH Marine business was reached in November and as such its operating results have been re-categorised as discontinued at the half year. The loss arising on disposal of £1.8 million is shown as a non-operating exceptional item. The interest charge before exceptionals for the first six months at £1.0 million was the same as the first half of last year. Net debt at 30 September 2003 stood at £26.7 million compared to £37.2 million at 31 March 2003. The large fluctuations in working capital not withstanding, this position reflects a strong underlying cash performance in the first half. A one-off cash benefit of £1.7 million arose on the sale of a financial asset in the first half of the year and is reported here as an exceptional gain within the interest and similar income line. This, together with a lower tax charge than originally anticipated, contributed to an increase of 60% in earnings per share from 3.43 pence in the first half of 2002/03, to 5.50 pence in the current half year. Excluding the effect of goodwill and exceptional items, earnings per share were 6.69 pence, up 68% from 3.98 pence for the first six months of last year. At the end of the half year the order book stood at £640 million excluding SLAM and SWRP. The addition of these two contracts would take the level to over £1.2 billion. Improving profitability and cash flow has enabled the Board to declare an interim dividend of 1.25 pence per ordinary share for the six months ended 30 September 2003, up 8.7% from 1.15 pence for the first half of last year. Technical Services Turnover £88.7 million (2002: £91.8 million). Operating profit (before goodwill) £7.3 million (2002: £7.2 million) Turnover in Technical Services was slightly down, in line with our expectations, reflecting the end of the submarine programme at Rosyth. The restructuring of Rosyth into four separate business units is now complete and is beginning to show dividends, both in aligning the cost base and developing commercial opportunities. The work programme on HMS Illustrious, the third of the carrier refits, accelerated during the period. The refit continues on schedule and the innovative partnering initiatives introduced at the start of the refit are being viewed as best practice by our customer. This programme will complete in the second half of next year. Work continued on the Type 23 Frigate batch and the fourth started refit in September. Towards the end of the period four small ships contracts, two of which were won in competition, started. The Engineered Products Business Unit at Rosyth has won a significant contract (£13 million excluding materials) for production design and manufacture of steel modules for the new Terminal 5 construction project at London's Heathrow airport. In addition, its marketing programme to develop other opportunities in the offshore Oil and Gas, Water, Marine and Civil Engineering sectors is beginning to show benefits. The programme for the 'SMIT' training boats has completed and half of the sixteen landing craft have been delivered, with the remainder to be delivered in the second half. Other significant wins for Rosyth include, the 'Design Alliance' contract with the Ministry of Defence. This partnership secures a base load of defence work for Babcock Design & Technology (BD&T), worth in the region of £8 million over the next four years. The success of BD&T's interactive asset information service, V-Bridge, has continued with the award of contracts to cover a further six RN ships. This ground-breaking solution was awarded the Scottish Enterprise award for Innovation in 2003, and is attracting interest from commercial, asset-intensive markets. The Non-Project Procurement Organisation (NPPO) contract, which was won last year, is currently ahead of plan and the Supply Chain Services business unit are pursuing a number of opportunities in the same area. Discussions have continued with the Prime Contract Office for the new aircraft carriers, and a number of packages of information relating to construction options have been submitted. Rosyth remains the nominated site for assembly, integration, final outfit and commissioning of the new aircraft carriers and we are optimistic that significant construction work will also be awarded. Construction is now most likely to start during 2007. Despite difficult market conditions and severe competition FBM were successful in winning a £9 million contract to construct a 64 metre Ropax ferry for Doeksen with an option for a further vessel. This business remained in loss during the first half, but some improvement should occur in the second half. Eagleton, the US oil pipeline business, was profitable throughout the period, although there were few significant contracts awarded during the half year. Training and Support Turnover £126.2 million (2002: £64.0 million). Operating profit (before goodwill) £7.1 million (2002: £4.1 million) As expected, turnover in Babcock Defence Services slipped back compared with last year as the effect of British troop withdrawal from Kosovo was seen. Some ground was regained with the award of contracts to support NATO and the UN in the Balkans and for further support in Afghanistan. Towards the end of the half-year there was success in winning a technician-training contract for Hawk maintenance in the UAE - while not large in turnover terms it will be profitable and establishes our credentials in the region which has a large population of Hawk aircraft. Progress on major bids in BDS continues to be slow with the Ministry of Defence requiring a further bid revision period on The Armoured Vehicle Training System (AVTS), some 14 months after supposed final bids had been submitted for final evaluation. The process on the Royal School of Military Engineering project remains opaque - our elevation from sole bidder to preferred bidder was expected in the half year but has not yet happened. The other long-running process for Airside Support is under evaluation by the Ministry Team, but we have no certainty as to when the award will be made. Babcock has expensed some £6 million on preparing these bids and decisions by the MoD are still awaited. The disappointment of losing Cranwell was more than compensated by the win of RAF Valley - the RAF station on Anglesey. The win of RAF Valley will result in Babcock, in April 2004, having responsibility for maintenance and operation of virtually all RAF and Royal Navy Hawk trainers. We also retained the RAF Exhibitions contract. Babcock Infrastructure Services (BIS) turnover grew as a result of the SGI business being included for the full period and as a result of a very strong showing from the South African business. The Single Living Accommodation Modernisation project is on plan, although we do not expect significant income from this project until 2005 when accommodation units have been completed and handed over by our partners, Bovis Lend Lease. It will then provide a steady income for the following seven to ten years. We have also secured a two-year extension on the Ealing education contract and on the Crown Estates contract. Significant time and money is being invested in bidding for the Regional Prime Contracts for Defence Estates. Nomination as preferred bidder for the South West Regional Prime contract was a significant win for Debut - our joint venture with Bovis Lend Lease. Babcock's element of the contract is currently valued at an average of £65 million a year for seven years and we would expect to achieve substantial growth above this level. The bid was led by the business we acquired last year as SGI and will more than treble the turnover of the acquired business. This is the second of five regional prime contracts to be awarded and the BIS team have already qualified to tender for two further regions. So far, Defence Estates have managed to meet every deadline they set themselves to achieve during the procurement processes. The scope of these contracts is very broad - covering all maintenance and the majority of capital works projects for the MoD Estates - and will be delivered through management by Babcock of a 'best in class' supply chain. Our South African operations made significant progress, both in revenue and profit terms, over the first half. The support business for energy generation has improved margins substantially (although there is still room for progress) and the Volvo Construction Equipment distributorship has been outstandingly successful with new equipment sales more than doubling compared with the same period last year. Margins should continue to improve as the vehicle park grows, vehicles age, and the parts and service markets develop. It is still the plan to build on the successful African base to create a company which looks more like the UK operations in addition to the continuation of the existing business. Babcock Naval Services won the Private Finance Initiative/Public:Private Partnership of the Year Award from Insider Magazine and Bank of Scotland - a recognition of the success of the partnering concept as implemented at the Clyde Naval Base. Savings identified and implemented under the contract are ahead of plan and we remain confident that we will continue to deliver savings and excellent service to the Royal Navy. This will result in further margin improvement. Our relationship with the customer at Faslane remains an excellent example of the partnering ethos and is clearly recognised as such by ourselves. Materials Handling Turnover £10.2 million (2002: £25.7 million). Operating loss (before goodwill) £0.2 million (2002: £1.2 million) The Swedish Material Handling businesses continued to experience difficult market conditions, making a small loss in the first half. Agreement has been reached for the sale of the business and assets of BMH Marine which effectively completes our strategy of exiting the BMH businesses. Completion of the sale will take place on 30 November. Summary and Prospects In the period since the end of the last financial year, we attained the goal of becoming a focused support services business. Following the end of the half year the disposal of the Materials Handling business and the nomination as Preferred Bidder for South West Regional Prime underlined the transformation. Current trading is in line with our expectations. Babcock will now concentrate on continuing to deliver outstanding service to its customers and, at the same time, focus on achieving further contract wins. BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC SUMMARISED GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Year ended 31 March 2003 Six months ended Six months ended 30 September 2003 30 September 2002 Before goodwill and non Goodwill operating and non exceptional operating items exceptional Before (unaudited) items Total goodwill Goodwill Total (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) £m £m £m £m £m £m Total £m Note Group turnover 377.9 Continuing 214.9 - 214.9 155.8 - 155.8 operations 45.6 Discontinued 4 10.2 - 10.2 25.7 - 25.7 operations 423.5 3 225.1 - 225.1 181.5 - 181.5 Group operat Group operating profit/(loss) 21.1 Continuing 12.3 (1.6) 10.7 10.1 (0.8) 9.3 operations (2.2) Discontinued 4 (0.2) - (0.2) (1.2) - (1.2) operations 18.9 3 12.1 (1.6) 10.5 8.9 (0.8) 8.1 Share of operating loss of joint (0.2) ventures and associates - - - (0.1) - (0.1) Provision for loss on sale (2.7) of operations 5 - (1.8) (1.8) - - - Profit on ordinary 16.0 activities before interest 12.1 (3.4) 8.7 8.8 (0.8) 8.0 Net interest and similar (2.6) (charges)/ income 6 (1.0) 1.7 0.7 (1.0) - (1.0) Profit on ordinary 13.4 activities before taxation 11.1 (1.7) 9.4 7.8 (0.8) 7.0 Tax on profit on (5.1) ordinary activities 7 (1.4) (2.0) Profit on ordinary 8.3 activities after taxation 8.0 5.0 Dividends paid and (4.4) proposed 9 (1.8) (1.7) Retained profit 3.9 for the financial period 6.2 3.3 Earnings per share 8 5.72p - Basic 5.50p 3.43p 5.69p - Diluted 5.47p 3.41p Earnings per share before non-operating exceptional items and goodwill 8 8.91p - Basic 6.69p 3.98p 8.87p - Diluted 6.66p 3.96p BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC GROUP BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 As at As at 30 September 30 September 2003 2002 As at (unaudited) (unaudited) 31 March 2003 £m £m £m Note Fixed assets Intangible assets 1.0 Development costs 0.8 1.1 Goodwill 84.0 - Goodwill 83.6 86.3 (6.5) - Negative goodwill (5.6) (7.9) 77.5 78.0 78.4 78.5 78.8 79.5 16.5 Tangible assets 15.0 19.9 Investments Investments in joint ventures 1.4 - Share of gross assets 2.1 1.6 (1.8) - Share of gross liabilities (2.6) (2.0) 0.8 - Loans to joint ventures 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.4 3.9 Other investments 4.9 4.0 4.3 5.5 4.4 99.3 99.3 103.8 Current assets 23.4 Stocks 28.0 21.7 88.7 Debtors - due within one year 92.1 75.0 69.6 Debtors - due after more than one 65.4 69.1 year 158.3 157.5 144.1 12.7 Cash and bank balances 12 14.0 14.2 194.4 199.5 180.0 Creditors - amounts due within one year (31.1) - Borrowings 12 (24.8) (27.0) (128.8) - Other (132.2) (125.3) (159.9) (157.0) (152.3) 34.5 Net current assets 42.5 27.7 133.8 Total assets less current liabilities 141.8 131.5 Creditors - amounts due after more than one year (18.8) - Borrowings 12 (15.8) (20.9) (0.2) - Other (0.1) - (19.0) (15.9) (20.9) (27.4) Provisions for liabilities and (31.1) (26.2) charges 87.4 Net assets 94.8 84.4 Capital and reserves 88.9 Called up share capital 89.2 88.9 38.1 Share premium account 38.2 38.1 30.6 Capital redemption reserve 30.6 30.6 (70.3) Profit and loss account (63.3) (73.3) 87.3 Equity interests 94.7 84.3 - Non-equity interests - - 87.3 Shareholders' funds 94.7 84.3 0.1 Equity minority interests 0.1 0.1 87.4 94.8 84.4 BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC SUMMARISED GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Six months ended Six months ended 30 September 2003 30 September Year ended (unaudited) 2002 31 March £m (unaudited) 2003 £m £m Note 11.3 Cash inflow from operating 10 13.4 5.7 activities (2.5) Returns on investments and servicing of finance 0.8 (0.8) (3.0) Taxation (0.7) (1.4) (3.0) Capital expenditure and financial investment (1.8) (1.9) (26.8) Acquisitions and disposals 1.1 (23.6) (4.2) Equity dividends paid (2.7) (2.5) (28.2) Cash inflow/(outflow) before management of 10.1 (24.5) liquid resources and financing (0.2) Management of liquid resources 0.2 (0.5) 20.7 Financing (4.9) 22.2 (7.7) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 11 5.4 (2.8) GROUP STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Six months Six months ended ended 30 September Year ended 30 September 2002 31 March 2003 (unaudited) 2003 (unaudited) £m £m £m 8.3 Profit for the financial period 8.0 5.0 Currency translation differences on foreign currency 2.0 net investments and related loans 0.7 (0.4) 10.3 Total recognised gains and losses relating to 8.7 4.6 the period RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 31 March 30 September 30 September 2003 2003 2002 £m £m £m 80.9 Shareholders' funds at start of 87.3 80.9 period 0.5 Shares issued in the period 0.5 0.5 10.3 Total recognised gains and losses 8.7 4.6 (4.4) Dividends (1.8) (1.7) 6.4 Net movement in shareholders' 7.4 3.4 funds 87.3 Shareholders' funds at end of 94.7 84.3 period BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 1 Accounting policies The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2003, as set out in the annual report for that year. 2 Basis of preparation The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2003 and the other financial information contained in this interim report do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts, their report was not qualified and did not contain a statement under section 273(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information in the interim report is unaudited. The interim report for the six months ended 30 September 2003 was approved by the Directors on 19 November 2003. 3 Segmental analysis Six months ended 30 September 2003 Six months ended 30 September 2002 Group Group operating operating profit Group profit Group Group before operating Group before Goodwill operating turnover goodwill Goodwill profit turnover goodwill £m profit £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Continuing operations Technical Services 88.7 7.3 - 7.3 91.8 7.2 - 7.2 Training and 126.2 7.1 - 7.1 64.0 4.1 - 4.1 Support Unallocated costs and other income - (2.1) - (2.1) - (1.2) - (1.2) 214.9 12.3 - 12.3 155.8 10.1 - 10.1 Goodwill - - (1.6) (1.6) - - (0.8) (0.8) amortisation Total continuing operations 214.9 12.3 (1.6) 10.7 155.8 10.1 (0.8) 9.3 Discontinued 10.2 (0.2) - (0.2) 25.7 (1.2) - (1.2) operations Group total 225.1 12.1 (1.6) 10.5 181.5 8.9 (0.8) 8.1 4 Discontinued operations Discontinued operations comprise BMH Marine AB, which has been sold since the period end and BMH Kellve AB, which is expected to be sold prior to the year end. The prior year results have been adjusted to reflect this. The turnover and operating profit of BMH Kellve were £2.6 million and £0.1m respectively (2002: £3.1 million and £0.2m). 5 Provision for loss on sale of operations A non-operating exceptional loss of £1.8 million was provided for during the period for the disposal of the remaining BMH businesses. 6 Interest exceptional items A gain arose on the sale of a financial asset in the first half of the year and is reported as an exceptional gain within the interest and similar income line. 7 Taxation The charge for taxation has been based on the estimated effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2004. There is no tax on the exceptional items. 8 Earnings per share The basic earnings per share has been calculated on the profit for the period of £8.0 million (2002: profit of £5.0 million) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue throughout the period of 144,696,659 (2002: 144,937,815). The diluted earnings per share has been calculated after taking account of 4,818,062 dilutive share options where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the company's own shares during the period. The basic and diluted earnings per share before non-operating exceptional items and goodwill have been calculated using the same weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue as above and after adjusting for goodwill amortisation of £1.6 million (2002: £0.8 million), the provision for loss on sale of operations of £1.8 million (2002: £nil) and the interest exceptional income of £1.7 million (2002: £nil). There is no tax effect on these adjustments. Last year's average share numbers have been revised to eliminate the shares held by the Babcock Employee Share Trust. 9 Dividends An interim dividend of 1.25p per 60p ordinary share (2002: 1.15p per 60p ordinary share) will be paid on 23 January 2004 to shareholders registered on 19 December 2003. 10 Reconciliation of operating profit to cash flow from operating activities Six months ended Six months ended 30 September 2003 30 September Year ended (unaudited) 2002 31 March £m (unaudited) 2003 £m £m 18.9 Group operating profit 10.5 8.1 8.8 Depreciation 2.4 4.4 0.3 Amortisation of intangibles 0.1 0.1 1.9 Amortisation of goodwill 1.6 0.8 (18.6) Movement on working capital (1.2) (7.7) 11.3 Cash inflow from operating activities 13.4 5.7 11 Movement in net debt Six months Six months ended ended Year ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2003 2002 2003 (unaudited) (unaudited) £m £m £m (7.7) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 5.4 (2.8) 0.2 (Decrease)/increase in liquid resources in the year (0.2) 0.5 Cash flow from the decrease/(increase) in debt and (20.2) lease financing 5.4 (21.8) (27.7) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 10.6 (24.1) Loans and finance leases (acquired)/disposed of with (0.1) subsidiaries - (0.1) (0.7) New finance leases - (0.7) (0.3) Foreign currency translation differences (0.1) (0.3) (28.8) Movement in net debt in the period 10.5 (25.2) (8.4) Net debt at the start of the period (37.2) (8.4) (37.2) Net debt at the end of the period (26.7) (33.6) 12 Changes in net debt At Acquisitions Other At 1 April and non-cash Exchange 30 September 2003 Cashflow disposals changes movement 2003 £m £m £m £m £m £m Cash and bank balances 9.6 1.4 - - - 11.0 Bank overdrafts (7.9) 4.0 - - - (3.9) 1.7 5.4 - - - 7.1 Debt (40.7) 5.2 - - - (35.5) Finance leases (1.3) 0.2 - - (0.1) (1.2) (42.0) 5.4 - - (0.1) (36.7) Liquid resources 3.1 (0.2) - - - 2.9 Total (37.2) 10.6 - - (0.1) (26.7) 13 Distribution Copies of this interim report will be distributed to all holders of the company's ordinary shares. Copies will also be available at the company's registered office: 2 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PX. In addition, this report will be available on the company's website: www. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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