Proposed Merger

BRITISH AEROSPACE PLC 11 October 1999 Not for release, publication or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan BRITISH AEROSPACE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY PROPOSED MERGER OF BRITISH AEROSPACE WITH THE MARCONI ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS BUSINESS CREATION OF A WORLD-CLASS AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE BUSINESS British Aerospace announces that formal documentation relating to the proposed merger with the Marconi Electronic Systems business of GEC (the 'MES Business') is expected to be posted to shareholders of British Aerospace today. The documents include the following: * details of the proposed Merger and an update on its financial effects; * details of the specific undertakings sought by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and updates on the status of the US anti-trust clearance process; * a notice to British Aerospace ordinary shareholders convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of British Aerospace for 9.30 a.m. on 8 November 1999 to approve the Merger; and * further details of the expected timetable for the Merger, including an indicative date for Completion at the end of November 1999. The Proposed Merger On 19 January 1999, the Board announced that it had reached agreement with GEC on the principal terms of a proposed reconstruction, under which GEC will separate the MES Business from the rest of its business, and the merger of the MES Business with British Aerospace. The Merger will be a major step in progressing British Aerospace's strategy and vision of creating a competitive global aerospace and defence company. The MES Business is an international business with leading positions in avionics, electro-optics, naval and underwater systems, naval prime contracting and shipbuilding (surface ships and submarines) and defence systems together with joint ventures in radar and defence systems, missile systems, ground and naval systems, air traffic control, sonar and space. Further details of the MES Business are included in Appendix 1 and historical financial information on the MES Business is set out in Appendix 2. The combination of British Aerospace and the MES Business will create the third largest aerospace and defence company in the world in terms of group turnover with leading-edge technology to meet the increasing complexity of customer requirements. The Merger is expected to provide the Enlarged Group with increased growth potential both through a significant presence in nine 'home' markets and by allowing the pursuit of a unified approach in marketing to export markets. Pursuant to the Merger, GEC ordinary shareholders will be entitled to receive approximately 1.17 billion new British Aerospace ordinary shares and CALS, which will pay £440 million (pre-tax) of principal and interest over four years. Further details of the terms of the CALS are set out in Appendix 3. It is intended that, on Completion, the MES Business will have net tangible liabilities of approximately £0.9 billion (subject to adjustment). Based upon the 31 March 1999 balance sheet of the MES Business, this would result in pro forma net debt of £1.45 billion in the MES Business. Financial Effects At the time of the announcement of the Merger in January 1999, annual pre-tax cost savings were anticipated to be in excess of £275 million (including £25 million representing the Enlarged Group's share of cost savings in joint ventures) within three full financial years of completion of the Transactions (year ending 31 December 2002). It was also anticipated that Completion would be in Summer 1999. As a consequence of the delay in Completion, which has arisen from the extended regulatory clearance process, the Board has had an opportunity to revalidate the extent and phasing of the anticipated cost savings, and to commence the necessary planning for the integration of the British Aerospace Group and the MES Business. That validation process has confirmed confidence that, assuming Completion occurs at the end of November 1999, in excess of £275 million of cost savings can be achieved by the year ending 31 December 2002. The Board expects approximately £55 million of cost savings to be achieved in the year ending 31 December 2000 on the basis that the indicative timetable is achieved, with £150 million to be achieved in the following year. The Board also expects that the Merger will enhance fully diluted earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items by more than 10 per cent. in the third full financial year following Completion. As a result of the delay in obtaining regulatory clearance and the consequent delay in the delivery of the cost savings, the Board expects that there will be some modest dilution to fully diluted earnings per share in the financial year ending 31 December 2000 before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items. Any delay in Completion beyond the end of November 1999, whilst not affecting the total amount of the cost savings nor the absolute period of time needed for the cost savings to be achieved, may have an impact on the precise accounting period in which the cost savings will accrue. The validation process also confirms that the non-recurring pre-tax cost of achieving these cost savings is expected to be approximately £200 million over the same three year period. The Merger will be accounted for as an acquisition under UK GAAP, leading to pro forma goodwill on consolidation of approximately £6.2 billion. It is anticipated that this amount will be written off over a period of 20 years, resulting in an estimated annual amortisation charge of approximately £310 million. The figures in this section on financial effects (other than earnings per share) and the previous section on the proposed Merger (relating to net tangible liabilities and pro forma net debt) are derived from the pro forma statement of net assets of the Enlarged Group set out in Part IV of the Listing Particulars. Regulatory clearances UK anti-trust clearance to the Merger is likely to be granted subject to agreement of certain requested undertakings being given by British Aerospace. The directors of British Aerospace are confident that agreement will be reached on the specific terms of the undertakings requested by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Although the actual effect of the proposed undertakings will not be known until they are finally agreed, in the opinion of the Board, the undertakings are not expected to compromise the delivery of synergies resulting from the Merger. US anti-trust clearance has not yet been granted. It is not possible to complete the Merger without the agreement of the US Department of Justice. While the Company is continuing its discussions with all relevant US authorities, there may be a delay in the date of Completion indicated in the timetable set out below. Process to Completion British Aerospace is today posting to its shareholders the Listing Particulars for the new British Aerospace ordinary shares and the Capital Amortising Loan Stock and a Circular including a recommendation by the Board to vote in favour of the resolutions to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of British Aerospace convened for 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 8 November 1999. GEC is today posting to its shareholders the British Aerospace Listing Particulars and other documents in connection with the Transactions. The indicative timetable for the proposed Merger is as follows: 1999 Deadline for receipt of forms 9.30 a.m. on of proxy for British Aerospace Saturday, 6 November Extraordinary General Meeting in connection with the Merger British Aerospace Extraordinary 9.30 a.m. on General Meeting in connection Monday, 8 November with the Merger Indicative date for completion Monday, 29 November of the Merger(1) Indicative date for Tuesday, 30 November commencement of dealings in the new British Aerospace ordinary shares and CALS(1) Note: (1) It is unlikely that Completion will occur any sooner than is indicated above, but it may not occur or may occur later. In particular, it is conditional upon a number of matters, including US regulatory clearance. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast or be interpreted to mean that the future earnings per share of the Enlarged Group will necessarily be the same as, or greater than, the pro forma earnings per share of British Aerospace for completed financial periods. Enquiries: British Aerospace 01252 373 232 Locksley Ryan Andrew Wrathall Dresdner Kleinwort Benson 0171 623 8000 Tim Shacklock Goldman Sachs 0171 774 1000 Simon Robertson Simon Dingemans Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and Goldman Sachs, which are regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, are acting for British Aerospace in connection with the Transactions and for no-one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than British Aerospace for providing the protections afforded to customers of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and Goldman Sachs or for giving advice in relation to the Transactions. This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, an offer or any solicitation of an offer for securities. Neither this document nor any copy of it may be taken, transmitted or distributed, directly or indirectly, into Canada, Australia or Japan. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of Canadian, Australian or Japanese securities laws. None of the British Aerospace new ordinary shares, the CALS nor any other securities proposed to be issued in connection with the Transactions will be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 or under the securities laws of any state of the United States and they may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933 or an exemption from registration. This announcement is not an offer of any such securities for sale in the United States or elsewhere. Appendix 1 The MES Business The MES Business is GEC's international aerospace, naval shipbuilding, defence electronics and defence systems business. It has leading positions in avionics, electro- optics, naval and underwater systems, naval prime contracting and shipbuilding (surface ships and submarines) and defence systems together with joint ventures in radar and defence systems, missile systems, ground and naval systems, air traffic control, sonar and space. The MES Business' capabilities, particularly in system-of-systems applications, were strengthened in 1998 with the acquisition of Tracor Inc. for approximately US$1.4 billion, which enhanced the market presence of the MES Business in the US. The main activities of the MES Business include: * advanced airborne radar systems and mission avionics on military projects, including Eurofighter Typhoon and Joint Strike Fighter development, and for civil aviation; * missiles, air defence and naval radars, command and information systems for air, land and sea; * infra-red sensors, airborne communication, navigation and electro-optic systems; * naval prime contracting, shipbuilding (surface ships and submarines), land and naval armament systems, underwater systems and naval support services; * sonar systems for ships, submarines and aircraft; and * space systems, including satellites and ground stations. The principal activities of the MES Business are shown below: The Marconi Avionics division with turnover of £847 million (for the year ended 31 March 1999) combines prime contractorship and systems integration with the production of airborne radars, head-up and helmet mounted displays, air data computers, cockpit systems, flight controls, airborne communications, electro-optic and electronic warfare equipment. Its activities cover the design and manufacture of electronic and electro-optic devices, modules, subsystems and systems with a range of defence applications including airborne targeting and navigation systems, electro-optic seekers, missile guidance, smart munitions, thermal imaging and data links. Marconi Avionics products include infra-red cameras and night vision image intensifiers. Marconi Avionics also provides through-life support to all its products covering spares and repairs, technical documentation and technical support. The Marconi Naval Systems division with turnover of £594 million (for the year ended 31 March 1999) is a prime contractor for major programmes covering surface ships, submarines, underwater systems, land and naval systems and weapons. Marconi Naval Systems comprises prime contracting organisations; Marconi Marine; Underwater Systems; Land and Naval Systems and Naval Support Systems. It has resources for naval construction; maintenance, repair and training activities in high technology underwater weapons; artillery, naval weapon systems and armoured fighting vehicle systems integration. The Marconi North America division with turnover of £1,163 million (for the year ended 31 March 1999 including Tracor Inc. for the period of forty weeks from its acquisition by the MES Business in June 1998) designs, develops, manufactures, sells and supports a range of products and intelligent electronic systems in the following areas: * Information Systems: Mission management and strategic war planning systems; imagery; mapping systems; test and space systems; information services; training and facilities management; * Communications and Data Links: Wide band, spread spectrum and Link 16 tactical data links, including JTIDS and MIDS and integration of C3I systems; * Combat Systems: Electronic identification systems, infra- red imaging, mine counter measures, camouflage systems and 'signature' management coatings, and mobile operations towers; * Electronic Warfare Defence Aids: Electronic jammer and acoustic counter measures, decoys, dispensing systems and radar warning receivers; * Avionics and Navigation: Precision landing systems, Doppler, GPS and inertial navigation systems, flight management systems, display systems (HUD, helmet and cockpit) information processing and space electronics; * Aeronautic Products: Military and civil flight control, avionics and vehicle management systems, actuators and fuel systems, unmanned aerial vehicles and targets, aircraft modification and maintenance, aerostructures and assemblies; and * System Technical Support: Integration of ship combat systems; command, control and communications engineering and range systems and support. Alenia Marconi Systems NV ('AMS') with turnover of £136 million (for the period from 23 December 1998 to 31 March 1999) is a joint venture company owned equally by the MES Business and Finmeccanica S.p.A. Its principal activities include the design, development and manufacture and through- life support of: * air-to-surface, anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles, integrated missile systems, precision munitions and seeker systems; * land-based and ship-borne radar systems for both civil and military applications covering air defence, long range surveillance, multifunction radar and missile and gun fire control systems; * air traffic control radar and integrated air traffic management centres; and * sophisticated synthetic environment based systems for simulation and training and whole system modelling. AMS provides the exploitation of these systems and sub-systems through its design and integration capabilities in C3I systems. These include total combat system integration and application of digital battlespace systems. Matra Marconi Space NV ('MMS') with turnover of £432 million (for the year ended 31 March 1999) is a joint venture between Aerospatiale Matra of France and the MES Business which, it has been agreed, will be held as to 50 per cent. by each party. MMS has two operating subsidiaries - Matra Marconi Space UK Limited and Matra Marconi Space France SA. It designs and manufactures satellites and spacecraft sub-systems for communications, remote sensing and scientific applications together with earth stations (civil and military), launcher and orbital infrastructures and ground support and control facilities. MMS's product directory encompasses the following range of space engineering activities: prime contractorship, systems studies, assembly; integration and test, design, development and manufacture of space craft systems and launcher systems - including payloads, structures, thermal control, power, propulsion, navigation and guidance control, telemetry and command mechanisms and data handling; design, development and manufacture of ground control and user systems, civil and military earth stations (fixed, mobile, portable and airborne). Thomson Marconi Sonar NV ('TMS') with turnover of £134 million (for the year ended 31 March 1999) is a joint venture between Thomson-CSF (50.1 per cent.) and the MES Business (49.9 per cent.). TMS operates through three established companies: Thomson Marconi Sonar Limited in the UK; Thomson Marconi Sonar Pty Limited in Australia and Thomson Marconi Sonar SAS in France. TMS is a sonar system supplier for surface ships, submarines, aircraft and naval anti-mine warfare. The turnover of the MES Business for the year ended 31 March 1999 also includes £260 million for those parts of the MES Business transferred into the AMS joint venture (covering the period up to 23 December 1998), £71 million for other businesses and, upon aggregation, excludes £102 million for intra-MES Business divisional trading. The turnover figures of the joint ventures above represent the share of the MES Business of the relevant joint venture's total turnover. Note:A glossary of technical terms is included in the Listing Particulars. Appendix 2 Financial information relating to the MES Business The following information is based on the aggregated financial information for the MES Business extracted from the accountants' report disclosed in the Listing Particulars. The summary financial information below should be read in conjunction with the whole of the Circular and the Listing Particulars. Aggregated profit and loss account (extract) Year ended 31 March 1999 1998 1997 £m £m £m Turnover Group turnover - Continuing operations 2,207 2,435 2,183 - Acquisitions 594 - 67 ----- ----- ----- 2,801 2,435 2,250 Share of joint ventures 734 568 626 ----- ----- ----- 3,535 3,003 2,876 ----- ----- ----- Operating profit Group operating profit - Continuing operations 307 299 248 - Acquisitions 26 - 7 - Exceptional items (35) (33) (33) ----- ----- ----- 298 266 222 Share of joint ventures - Excluding share of exceptional items 63 36 35 - Share of exceptional items (8) - - ----- ----- ----- 55 36 35 Associates 2 1 1 ----- ----- ----- Operating profit 355 303 258 Exceptional items, gains less losses on disposals of subsidiaries and other fixed assets - 41 - Income from loans, deposits and investments, less interest payable ----- ----- ------- Group I 12 12 16 I Share of joint ventures I 2 4 4 I ----- ----- ------- 14 16 20 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation - Excluding exceptional items and ----- ----- ------- goodwill amortisation I 448 352 311 I - Exceptional items and goodwill I I amortisation I(79) 8 (33) I ----- ----- ------- 369 360 278 Tax on profit on ordinary activities ( 75) (79) (53) ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 294 281 225 Minority interests (5) (6) (3) ----- ----- ----- Profit on ordinary activities attributable to the shareholders 289 275 222 Distribution to GEC (384) (147) (242) ----- ----- ----- Retained (loss)/profit for the financial year (95) 128 (20) ----- ----- ----- Notes: 1. The historical capital structure of the MES Business will not reflect the future capital structure under British Aerospace ownership and future interest, management charges, taxation and distributions may be significantly different from the historical amounts that arose under GEC ownership. 2. For the purposes of this Appendix 2, 'Group' means the MES Business excluding its joint ventures. Appendix 3 Summary terms of the CALS The Capital Amortising Loan Stock was created by a resolution of the Board passed on 29 September 1999 and a resolution of a duly authorised committee of the Board passed on 6 October 1999 and will be constituted by a trust deed (the 'Trust Deed') to be entered into between the Company, The Chase Manhattan Bank (the 'Trustee') as trustee for the holders of the CALS (the 'Stockholders') and Lloyds TSB Registrars ('Lloyds') as registrar and paying agent. The Trust Deed will be qualified under the US Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as amended. The Trust Deed will not contain any restriction on borrowing or the disposal of assets but will contain, inter alia, provisions to the following effect: 1. Interest The CALS will carry interest at the rate of 7.45 per cent. per annum on the principal amount outstanding from time to time payable (less any tax required by law to be deducted) by yearly instalments on the anniversary of the date of issue in each year, the first payment of interest to be made on the first anniversary of the date of issue and to amount to a full year's interest (less any tax required by law to be deducted). 2. Redemption and Purchase 2.1 On the anniversary of the date of the issue of the CALS in each year, the Company will redeem a proportion of the original principal amount of each holding of the CALS (the 'Original Principal Amount') at par, together with accrued interest (less any tax required by law to be deducted from the payment), as follows: - on the first anniversary of the date of issue, 22.373 per cent. of the Original Principal Amount; - on the second anniversary of the date of issue, 24.040 per cent. of the Original Principal Amount; - on the third anniversary of the date of issue, 25.831 per cent. of the Original Principal Amount; and - on the fourth anniversary of the date of issue, the balance of the Original Principal Amount. On each of the above dates a holder of CALS will therefore receive a payment made up partly of interest and partly of redemption monies. The amount of the Original Principal Amount to be redeemed in each year shall, if not an integral multiple of £1, be rounded down to the nearest whole number of pounds. 2.2 The Company is not entitled to redeem the CALS early, although the CALS may become immediately due and repayable on a date other than that specified in section 2.1 above on the happening of an event of default. 2.3 The Company may at any time purchase CALS at any price in the market or by private treaty, except that (a) in the case of a purchase by tender, tenders will be available to all Stockholders alike and (b) if the Capital Amortising Loan Stock is then listed on the London Stock Exchange such purchases shall comply with the rules for the time being of the London Stock Exchange. 2.4 Any CALS purchased by the Company or redeemed will be cancelled and will not be available for re-issue. Any CALS purchased by any subsidiary may be retained or resold but, whilst held by such subsidiary, will not entitle the holder to vote at, or to be counted in the quorum for, any meeting of Stockholders and for the purposes of the provisions contained in the Trust Deed concerning meetings of Stockholders will not be regarded as being in issue. 3. Listing and Transfer The Company will use its best endeavours to obtain and, so long as any of the Capital Amortising Loan Stock remains outstanding, maintain a listing for the CALS on the London Stock Exchange. The CALS will be in registered form, are capable of being held in uncertificated form and will be freely transferable in amounts and multiples of £1 nominal. 4. Governing Law The Trust Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. However, the immunities, liability and duty of care of the Trustee under the Trust Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Appendix 4 Definitions The following definitions apply throughout this document, unless the context requires otherwise: 'Board' the board of British Aerospace 'British Aerospace' or the British Aerospace Public 'Company' Limited Company 'British Aerospace Group' British Aerospace and its subsidiary undertakings 'CALS' or 'Capital Amortising £368,839,202 7.45 per cent. Loan Stock' Unsecured Capital Amortising Loan Stock 2000/2003 of British Aerospace, to be issued in consideration for the acquisition of the MES Business 'Circular' the document, dated 11 October 1999, addressed, inter alia, to British Aerospace ordinary shareholders setting out details of the Merger and containing a notice convening the British Aerospace Extraordinary General Meeting in connection with the Merger 'Completion' completion of the Merger 'Dresdner Kleinwort Benson' Kleinwort Benson Limited 'Enlarged Group' the British Aerospace Group following the Merger 'GEC' The General Electric Company, p.l.c 'GEC Group' GEC and its subsidiary undertakings 'GEC Reorganisation' the proposed reorganisation of the GEC Group to separate the MES Business from the rest of GEC's businesses, assets and liabilities prior to the Merger 'Goldman Sachs' Goldman Sachs International 'Listing Particulars' the document, dated 11 October 1999, comprising listing particulars relating to British Aerospace 'Marconi' Marconi plc, which, after Completion, will hold, directly or indirectly, all the businesses, assets and liabilities of the GEC Group other than the MES Business 'Merger' the proposed merger of British Aerospace and the MES Business details of which are set out in the Listing Particulars 'Transactions' the GEC Reorganisation and the Merger


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