Final Results

Foreign & Col. Pacific Inv Tst PLC 20 April 2001 Date 20 April 2001 Contact: Charles Brock Andrew Waterworth/Louise Dolan Foreign & Colonial Financial Dynamics 0207 628 8000 0207 831 3113 FOREIGN & COLONIAL PACIFIC INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the year ended 31 January 2001 Highlights - The past year has proved to be a difficult period for investors in the Pacific region, with significant falls in both the Japanese and other Asian stock markets. - Over the year to 31 January 2001, our benchmark fell by 15.0%. Our net asset value (NAV) per share fell by 35.7% and share price by 33.6%. The most important factor behind this under-performance was poor stock selection in Japan. - This poor performance should be put into the context of an excellent year in 1999/00 for both absolute and relative performance, when the NAV per share rose by 77.4% against a benchmark rise of 56.7%. Over the two-year period ended 31 January 2001 the share price rose by 19.0%. - Although the full impact of the global economic slowdown has yet to be felt in Asia, we remain of the view that the region is on track for a sustainable recovery after a bleak few years. Markets are cheap and discounting bad news on economies and corporate profits. - Decision made to reduce gearing to 15%. - We have reduced the portfolio's exposure to property; we have sold the Gateways shopping Centre and our half interest in the office building at 190 St George's Terrace. - The Company has bought back 8,790,000 shares over the year. - The Company now has 20,000 investors via the Foreign & Colonial savings plans and the level of individual ownership is now over 50%. SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 31 Jan 31 Jan % 2001 2000 Change Attributable to equity shareholders Consolidated net assets £342.5m £554.1m -38.2 Consolidated net asset value per share 155.7p 242.3p -35.7 Consolidated net asset value per share - diluted* n/a 233.5p n/a Share price 124.75p 188.00p -33.6 Consolidated net revenue £0.87m £3.00m -71.0 Consolidated earnings per share 0.39p 1.30p -70.0 Dividends per share 1.05p 1.85p -43.2 * There is no dilution at 31 January 2001 Extracts from Chairman's Statement Commenting on these results Christopher Purvis, the Chairman said: The past year has proved to be a difficult period for investors in our region, with significant falls in both the Japanese and other Asian stock markets. Over the year to 31 January 2001, the FTSE Japan Index fell by 17.9% in sterling terms. Our benchmark for the rest of the region, the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free ex Japan Index, fell by 12.1%. Our overall benchmark, which is a 50/50 combination of these two indices, fell by 15.0%. The relative performance of the portfolio has been disappointing, with a fall of 35.7% in net asset value and of 33.6% in share price over the year. The most important factor behind this under-performance was poor stock selection in Japan, where our portfolio fell in value by 32.8% due to our low exposure to those elements of the stock market representing industries in which we have less confidence in the medium term but which performed relatively well over the past year. The portfolio in the rest of Asia also under-performed, falling by 23.5%; the main contributors to this being a large underweight position in Australia, a market which performed comparatively well and a corresponding overweight position in Taiwan, which did not. The fact that the Company remained geared during a period of falling markets was also a significant negative factor. % change over the year ended 31 January 2001, in sterling terms* Share price -33.6% Share price total return -33.1% Net asset value per share -35.7% Benchmark+ -15.0% FTSE Japan Index -17.9% MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free ex Japan Index -12.1% + The Company's benchmark is a combination of 50% FTSE Japan and 50% MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free ex Japan. All Index numbers are on a total return basis. This poor performance should be put into the context of an excellent year in 1999/2000 for both absolute and relative performance, when the NAV per share rose by 77.4% against a benchmark rise of 56.7%. Over the two-year period ended 31 January 2001 the share price rose by 19.0%. Markets and Investment Strategy Our markets started the year on an optimistic note with regional economies performing well, indications that the Japanese economy was recovering and strong profit growth from companies across the region. However, the markets were soon to be buffeted by a number of negative factors. A tightening of global liquidity led to foreign investors exiting the region and the collapse of the NASDAQ market in the United States had significant adverse repercussions on technology shares across our region. Japan's slide back to economic weakness was not helped by the lack of strong political leadership and the sharp slowdown in the US economy led to fears that regional export growth will slow dramatically. During the year, the Company made an investment in the F&C New@sia fund, through which will be gained diversified exposure to new markets, sectors and companies throughout Asia. All additional management fees paid due to this investment are fully rebated back to the Company. While initial performance has been disappointing we believe that exposure to these markets will be rewarding in the long-term. The Company remained geared throughout the year. Any gearing clearly hurts performance in falling markets and exaggerates the impact of poor performance within the portfolio. In November the Yen Convertible Bond was redeemed as debt. Towards the end of the year, the decision was made to reduce gearing to 15%. Australian Property Reflecting the change in the Company's objective to emphasise total return predominantly through growth in capital, the decision was taken to reduce exposure to property in Perth, where little scope for capital gain is forecast. Over the year, we have sold the Gateways Shopping Centre and our half interest in the office building at 190 St George's Terrace. Revenue, Expenses and Dividend Revenue for the year was materially lower than for the preceding year. This was a direct result of our move to a fully invested position during 1999/2000 when we invested the cash reserves that had been built up during the Asian crisis. The dividend yield available from investing in Asian shares is much lower than the return from cash or bonds. No interim dividend was paid, as foreshadowed in the last annual report. However, the Board is recommending an unchanged final dividend of 1.05p per share. Excluding the Australian property operations, the cost of running your Company, as a percentage of average shareholder funds, amounted to 0.99%. This is significantly lower than unit trusts specialising in the region. Discount, Marketing and Share Buy-backs The Board has continued to keep under careful review the level of discount to net asset value at which your shares trade. Over the last year the Company has bought back and cancelled 8,790,000 shares at discounts ranging from 17.7% to 19.9%. The Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that powers for further such purchases should be taken. Increased marketing activities by the management company, together with support for the AITC its campaign, is also aimed to increase demand for your shares. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will be held at Stationers' Hall at 12 noon on 31 May. I look forward to welcoming as many of you as are able to attend. Prospects Although the full impact of the global economic slowdown has yet to be felt in Asia, we remain of the view that the region is on track for a sustainable recovery after a bleak few years. Japan has started to take action on the economy and the banking and corporate sectors are demonstrating a willingness to restructure and reform. Sentiment towards Japan is poor and, at these levels, the market is cheap both compared to its own history and when compared to other global markets. Markets in the rest of Asia are also at low valuation levels, even assuming a poor year for profits in 2001. The improvement in global and local liquidity conditions should aid sentiment towards these markets. The news flow is likely to remain poor whilst uncertainty about the US led economic slowdown persists and at a time when Sino-US relations are strained. We believe that at some point the markets will start to discount a recovery in economies and in corporate profitability. We remain confident that the Asian region will over time deliver superior levels of economic growth and corresponding superior stock market returns. It is the objective of your Company to provide broad exposure to all the major stock markets in the region and, through having a widely diversified portfolio, to deliver superior returns with a comparatively low level of volatility. Your Company is well placed to benefit from an anticipated recovery in regional markets over the coming years. Christopher Purvis April 2001 Consolidated Balance Sheet At 31 Jan At 31 Jan 2001 2000 £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,397 18,035 Investments Listed Investments 370,699 625,851 Unlisted at Directors'valuation 6,303 8,406 377,002 634,257 Current assets Freehold land held for resale 8,855 6,756 Debtors 18,286 5,341 Taxation recoverable 219 735 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 29,489 35,710 56,849 48,542 Current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Foreign currency loans (36,821) (20,172) Yen convertible bonds - (57,636) Other (10,423) (25,553) (47,244) (103,361) Net current assets/(liabilities) 9,605 (54,819) Total assets less current liabilities 388,004 597,473 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Foreign currency loans (44,143) (43,227) Provision for liabilities and charges (1,410) (101) (45,553) (43,328) Net assets 342,451 554,145 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 54,980 57,176 Capital redemption reserve 2,591 394 Share premium 5 - Capital reserves 274,010 484,271 Revenue reserve 10,865 12,304 Total shareholders funds - equity 342,451 554,145 Net asset value per share- basic 155.7p 242.3p Net asset value per share - diluted n/a 233.5p n/a - There is no dilution at 31 January 2001 Geographical distribution of total assets less current liabilities (excluding loans) at 31 January 2001 was Japan - 53.5%; Taiwan - 11.4%; Australasia 8.2%; South Korea - 6.7%; Hong Kong - 4.9%; Others - 15.3%. Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account*) - 2001 - -2000- Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Gains on - 1,293 1,293 - 11 11 tangible fixed assets (Losses)/gains - (187,363) (187,363) - 254,795 254,795 on fixed asset investments Exchange (190) (6,091) (6,281) 91 (10,868) (10,777) gains and losses on currency balances Income 10,512 - 10,512 12,620 - 12,620 Management fee (2,796) - (2,796) (2,722) - (2,722) Other expenses (3,027) (93) (3,120) (3,182) (57) (3,239) Net return 4,499 (192,254) (187,755) 6,807 243,881 250,688 before finance costs and taxation Interest (2,891) - (2,891) (2,488) - (2,488) payable and similar charges Return on 1,608 (192,254) (190,646) 4,319 243,881 248,200 ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on (740) (2,078) (2,818) (1,321) - (1,321) ordinary activities Return 868 (194,332) (193,464) 2,998 243,881 246,879 attributable to equity shareholders Dividends on (2,307) - (2,307) (4,203) - (4,203) ordinary shares (equity) Amount (1,439) (194,332) (195,771) (1,205) 243,881 242,676 transferred (from)/ to reserves Return per 0.39p (87.72)p (87.33)p 1.30p 105.93p 107.23p ordinary share - pence Return per n/a n/a n/a n/a 92.56p 94.17p ordinary share (diluted) - pence * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Group. n/a - There is no dilution. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 2001 2000 £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,379 7,645 Cash outflow from servicing of finance (3,218) (2,412) Total tax paid (629) (1,974) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 57,794 (21,020) Equity dividends paid (2,359) (4,260) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid resources and financing 55,967 (22,021) Decrease in short term deposits 3,571 12,261 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (66,128) 19,186 (Decrease)/increase in cash (6,590) 9,426 During the year to 31 January 2001 Company purchased for cancellation 8,790,000 ordinary shares of 25p at prices ranging from 164p to 198p per share and the total cost amounted to £15,929,000. The Directors propose a final dividend of 1.05p per share payable on 01 June 2001 to shareholders registered on 04 May 2001. The above financial information comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2000 has been extracted from published accounts for the year ended 31 January 2000 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors was unqualified. The Audited Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on or around 30 April 2001. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Stationers' Hall, Ava Maria Lane, London EC4 on Thursday 31 May 2001 at 12 noon. By order of the Board Secretary 19 April 2001
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