Final Results

F&C Pacific Inv Tst 22 April 2004 Date: 22 April 2004 Contact: Christian Dangerfield, F&C Management Limited, 020 7628 8000// Lisa Stanley, Lansons Communications, 020 7294 3692 / 07766 143636 F&C PACIFIC INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the year ended 31 January 2004 SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 31 January 2004 31 January 2003 % Change Consolidated net assets £209.9m £176.9m +18.6 Consolidated net assets per share 122.74p 93.33p +31.5 Dividend per share 1.05p 1.05p - Share price 110.75p 81.25p +36.3 Commenting on these results, Christopher Purvis the Chairman said: Dear Shareholder, STOCKMARKETS This was a rewarding year for investors in equities. Markets all around the world recovered sharply after three years of losses: from 31 January 2003 to 31 January 2004, the Morgan Stanley World Index (the 'World Index') rose by 27.38%, measured in sterling. The recovery in the Pacific region was even more pronounced. In the first quarter of 2003, the Japanese equity market hit a 20 year low, while a number of the other Asian markets fell to levels last seen during the financial crisis in 1997. Although all world markets were depressed at that time, the Pacific region suffered particularly from concerns relating to the SARS virus and the situation in North Korea. Initially, Asian markets responded somewhat hesitantly to signs that the global economy was emerging from a prolonged period of weakness; in the first six months of your Company's year, the region's benchmark rose broadly in line with the World Index. However, in the second half, global interest in the region began to accelerate and the region significantly outperformed the rest of the world. Over the whole year our benchmark index rose by 34.18% (in sterling terms). PERFORMANCE The table below illustrates the market environment and the performance of your Company during the year under review. % increase NAV per share (total return) 32.64% Benchmark 34.18% Share price 36.31% Discount at: 31 January 2003 12.94% 31 January 2004 9.77% The net asset value per share of your Company rose by 32.64%. While it is good to see such a recovery, it is disappointing to report that this rise was lower than that of the benchmark. The underperformance arose primarily because our Manager took a cautious view of the recovery in Japan, with a relatively low exposure to the Japanese market and with investments in Japan concentrated in stocks that were not geared to a recovery in the economy; thus we failed to benefit fully from the dramatic turnaround in sentiment towards Japan. The exposure to Japan was increased towards the end of the year. The share price outperformed the benchmark during the year, as the discount to net asset value at which your Company trades continued to narrow. PERFORMANCE FEE The Company provides its shareholders with a broad-based exposure to equity markets across the Pacific region. Many investors who consider that this region is important and attractive and would like it represented in their portfolios choose to invest in the region through a company which gives coverage of all the major markets and whose managers make the asset allocation decisions between the various markets, as well as selecting stocks for the portfolio. The Board measures the successes and failures of F&C Management by comparing its performance against an index. Last year we announced that with effect from 1 February 2003 a two way performance fee was being introduced. There is a base management fee of 0.6% of net assets. The performance fee allows for the payment of an additional 0.15% for each 1% of outperformance and the payment to the Company by F&C Management of 0.15% for each 1% of underperformance of the Index. The minimum total fee payable is 0.25% of net assets and the maximum total fee payable is 1.15% of net assets. During the year under review the Company's portfolio has underperformed the Index. After excluding from the calculation the positive impact on net asset value from the buy backs that took place during the year the total fee for the year is the minimum payable i.e. 0.25% of net assets and this resulted in a fee payable by F&C Management to the Company of £619,000 (including irrecoverable VAT). REVENUE, EXPENSES AND DIVIDEND The expense ratio is down from 1.47% last year to 0.60% this year, primarily as a result of the new fee structure. Following the introduction of the new performance fee, the expense ratio is likely in future to fluctuate from year to year to a greater extent than in the past. On 25 February 2004 your Board announced a dividend of 1.05 pence per ordinary share for the year ended 31 January 2004, in lieu of a final dividend, due to the fact that the 10% dividend tax credit was being withdrawn for equity ISA and PEP holders at the end of the tax year, on 5 April 2004. BENCHMARK At the end of the financial year we announced that, with effect from 1 February 2004, being the start of the Company's new financial year, the benchmark against which the performance of the portfolio is measured will be the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free Index. Previously, the benchmark was a composite index which comprised 50% Japan and 50% the rest of the region. That benchmark was set by the Board in 1999 at a time when the market capitalisation of Japan was approximately 75% of the total market capitalisation of the Asia Pacific region and the Board believed that shareholders wanted a more balanced exposure to the region. Now Japan constitutes approximately 60% of the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free Index and the Board believes that a single index is a more suitable and clearer measure of the Company's portfolio performance. MANAGEMENT During the year fundamental changes were made in the management team responsible for your Company. In June 2003 F&C Management announced the appointment of Christian Dangerfield as Lead Fund Manager of your Company, and he was able to take over responsibility for the investment management of the Company's portfolio in November. He has had over 15 years' experience of investment in Asia having been at AIB Govett for 11 years, most recently as Chief Investment Officer, Asia, based in Singapore, and previously head of the Asian equity desk, based in London. He has also worked in Tokyo, for Cazenove & Co, during the early 1990s. He has had a successful performance record, notably in the management of pan-Pacific funds with the same mandate as that of your Company. Towards the end of the Company's financial year F&C Management also appointed Kerry Goh, who also has had long experience in the region, as deputy manager; he also has had a good record, particularly in managing Japanese portfolios. Christian Dangerfield and Kerry Goh are now working with the rest of F&C's Pacific team; with the addition of Christian and Kerry this now comprises 6 executives. There have also been changes in the structure of the management team and the Pacific specialists are working closely with the global team at F&C led by Tony Broccardo, Chief Investment Officer, in the management of your Company. SHARE BUY-BACKS During the year, 18,546,823 shares (9.8% of the shares in issue at the beginning of the period) were repurchased for cancellation at an average discount to net asset value of 14.8%. Buying back shares at a discount has raised net asset value per share by approximately 1.4%. 4,019,934 shares have been bought back and cancelled since the Company's year end. The Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that powers for further purchases should be taken. Your Board continues to monitor the discount to net asset value at which your shares trade and believes that share buy-backs, coupled with the marketing activities of the management company, are an important factor in addressing the supply/demand imbalances that can widen the discount. During the year, the proportion of shares owned by private investors and private client stockbrokers continued to rise. Your Board believes that the Company, providing as it does a broad exposure to markets in the Pacific region, is particularly suited to the requirements of the private investor. DIRECTORS It was with great sadness that the Board announced on 28 October 2003 that Eric Elstob had died after a long illness. Eric was appointed to the Board in 1984. He was involved with the investment trust industry for all of his career in the City. He had a wealth of experience of international markets, particularly those in the Far East, having managed investments there since 1968. His experience and contribution to the Company, as Manager, Director and as Deputy Chairman, demonstrated through his considerable knowledge, his independent mind and his great wit, was much respected and appreciated by his fellow Directors, who all miss him enormously. The Board appointed Sarah Bates as a non-executive Director with effect from 1 January 2004. Sarah has considerable experience of the investment management industry, having joined the industry in 1980. Most recently she was chief executive of INVESCO Institutional UK (which included their investment trust activities) and was managing director of their investment trust business in the 1990s. Sarah stands for election by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and the Board recommends her election in the belief that her considerable experience of the investment management industry is already bringing important insights to the Board and her election would be in the interests of the Company. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Your Board continues to be committed to high standards of corporate governance and has considered the application to the Company of the revised Combined Code on Corporate Governance issued by the Financial Reporting Council and the principles and rec-ommendations of the new Code on Corporate Governance issued by the Association of Investment Trust Companies, both published in July 2003. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Board continues to encourage communication with all shareholders. The Chairman and other Directors have met with some shareholders during the course of the year. An ideal opportunity to hear more of the views of shareholders is at the Company's Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting this year will be held at Stationers' Hall, at 12 noon on Friday 28 May 2004. I look forward to welcoming as many of you as are able to attend. OUTLOOK We believe that the outlook for stockmarkets in the Pacific region remains attractive, notwithstanding the rises seen over the last year. While there are risks particularly of a fall in the United States market from which it would be difficult for Asian markets to remain immune, Asian markets are less severely stretched in their valuations than those in other parts of the world and the economic prospects of the region appear attractive. Your Board believes that, with a strengthened management and increasingly powerful drivers for growth in Asia, the Company should now be able to deliver improved long-term performance to you its shareholders. Christopher Purvis April 2004 Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 January 2004 2003 £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Investments Listed outside Great Britain 231,456 175,470 Unlisted at Directors' valuation 2,952 1,629 234,408 177,099 Current assets Debtors 4,879 4,902 Taxation recoverable - 1,221 4,879 6,123 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 3,666 3,584 8,545 9,707 Current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Loans (24,887) (5,072) Other (8,185) (4,824) (33,072) (9,896) Net current liabilities (24,527) (189) Net assets 209,881 176,910 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 42,750 47,387 Capital redemption reserve 14,821 10,184 Share premium 5 5 Capital reserves 144,397 111,826 Revenue reserve 7,908 7,508 Total shareholders' funds - equity 209,881 176,910 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 122.74 93.33 The geographical distribution of investments at 31 January 2004 was: Japan - 47.9%, Australia - 10.2%, Hong Kong - 10.1%, South Korea - 8.8%, Taiwan - 7.7%, Singapore - 4.5%, China - 3.8%, India - 2.0%, Malaysia - 1.9%, Thailand - 1.9%, Indonesia - 1.1%, Vietnam - 0.1%. Statement of Consolidated Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account*) for the year ended 31 January 2004 2003 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Gains/(losses) on Investments - 51,229 51,229 - (56,431) (56,431) Exchange gains/(losses) 177 137 314 (10) (431) (441) Income 4,839 - 4,839 5,222 - 5,222 Management fee (1,117) - (1,117) (2,459) - (2,459) Performance related management fee - 619 619 - - - Other expenses (644) (63) (707) (763) (66) (829) Net return before finance costs and taxation 3,255 51,922 55,177 1,990 (56,928) (54,938) Interest payable and similar charges (121) - (121) (1,563) - (1,563) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,134 51,922 55,056 427 (56,928) (56,501) Taxation on ordinary activities (961) (349) (1,310) 484 346 830 Return attributable to equity shareholders 2,173 51,573 53,746 911 (56,582) (55,671) Dividends on ordinary shares Dividend in lieu of a final dividend 1.05p (2003: nil) (1,773) - (1,773) - - - Proposed final of nil (2003: 1.05p) - - - (1,976) - (1,976) Amount transferred to/(from) reserves 400 51,573 51,973 (1,065) (56,582) (57,647) Return per ordinary share - pence 1.20 28.35 29.55 0.45 (27.70) (27.25) * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Group. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 January 2004 2003 £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,408 1,473 Interest paid (93) (1,704) Taxation received/(paid) 176 (448) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (4,661) 44,444 Equity dividends paid (1,967) (2,200) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (3,137) 41,565 Decrease in short-term deposits 424 3,077 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 2,958 (54,713) Increase/(decrease) in cash 245 (10,071) Notes The Board propose that no final dividend payment be made (2003 - 1.05p per share). On 25 February 2004, the Board announced a dividend of 1.05p per share (2003 - nil) in lieu of a final dividend. This dividend was paid on 2 April 2004 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 12 March 2004. The above financial information comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2003 has been extracted from published accounts for the year ended 31 January 2003 that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors has been unqualified. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Stationers' Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London EC4 on Friday 28 May 2004 at 12 noon. The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in late April 2004. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary 21 April 2004 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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