Final Results
Witan Pacific Investment Trust PLC
27 April 2006
For the year ended 31 January 2006
Chairman's Statement
The year to 31 January 2006 has been a very significant one in the history of
your Company. There have been major changes in the management structure of the
Company which have been reflected in the change of name. The share price has
risen strongly, returning in total 47.4%, while the net asset value per share
returned 39.2%. This result reflected both the strong performance of the stock
markets of the Asia-Pacific region in which we invest and the narrowing of the
discount to net asset value at which the shares have traded.
New Management Structure
During the year we introduced a new management structure for your Company. I
reported in some detail on these changes in last year's annual report and in the
interim report. We have an Executive Manager, Witan Investment Services Limited
('WIS'), as well as two new Investment Managers, Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited
('Aberdeen') and Nomura Asset Management U.K. Limited ('Nomura'), together with
a new Company Secretary and Fund Administrator.
We believe the considerable strengths of our new Investment Managers are likely
to lead to better performance. In addition, by putting in place this new
structure, we have increased our flexibility and reduced our dependence on any
one investment management group for the provision of all these services. We have
also reduced our dependence on any one investment style or approach which should
limit the volatility of returns we deliver relative to our benchmark. The
Company remains a core investment for those investors who wish to invest in the
pan-Pacific region.
Aberdeen and Nomura took the place of F&C Management Limited ('F&C Management').
They are each responsible for investing approximately half of the Company's
assets, and each has the same benchmark: the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Free Index,
denominated in sterling.
Since they took responsibility for their respective portfolios at the end of May
2005 Aberdeen had a total return of 34.9% while Nomura had a total return of
39.7% against an index performance of 38.0% over the period to 31 January 2006.
The Executive Manager will expand on investment performance in the report and
accounts. Although it is early days the Board is encouraged by the Investment
Managers' approach to investment and by their performance to date.
The total expense ratio ('TER') of the Company (management fees and
administrative expenses as a percentage of net assets) over the year was 0.9%,
excluding an accrual for performance fees (1.0% including this accrual). The
costs of reorganisation and of the tender offer amounted to £1.1m (of which
£0.1m is included in the calculation of the TER above and charged to income, and
£1.0m has been charged to capital); but this was more than compensated by the
uplift from the tender offer which added 1.8 per cent to NAV. Your Company in
its new structure is competitive on costs against other investment trusts and
against unit trusts.
This year your Board is recommending a dividend of 1.33 pence per share compared
to 1.05 pence per share in 2005. This dividend is payable on 30 June 2006 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 12 May 2006. This
represents an increase of 26.7% year on year. Although dividend yields in the
pan-Pacific region have risen they remain low. In future years your Board
proposes to distribute as much income to shareholders as may be prudent but our
objective remains to maximise shareholders' total return, predominantly through
capital growth.
Share Buy-backs
As part of the reorganisation there was a tender offer through which 62,189,318
(net) shares were tendered. After the reorganisation the Company continued its
policy to use share buy-backs in order to manage the discount appropriately and
a further 4,684,253 were purchased for cancellation. The combined effect of all
these purchases was an enhancement of 2.3% to net asset value per share. The
Board will propose to the Annual General Meeting that powers for further
purchases should be taken. As at 31 January 2006, the net assets of the Company
were £155.6m.
Treasury Shares
At this year's Annual General Meeting the Company is seeking powers to take
shares into Treasury. An investment trust may hold up to 10% of its share
capital in this way. The Board feels that as pan-Pacific trusts can move to a
premium when the region is in favour it may be in shareholders' interests to
have taken shares into Treasury rather than cancel them. This process
facilitates the issue of shares in order to manage a premium effectively when it
The Board gives its Investment Managers discretion to hold up to 10% of their
portfolio in cash or to borrow up to 10%. Since the new Investment Managers took
over both have remained approximately fully invested.
Savings Plans
Many of you hold your shares in the Company through savings schemes managed by F
&C Asset Managers. We are making arrangements for the majority of these plans to
be transferred to the Executive Manager, Witan Investment Services. Savings plan
investors will receive relevant communications concerning the transfer to Witan
Investment Services during the summer of 2006. In the mean time current and
potential shareholders may invest either directly through a bank or stockbroker
or through savings plans using the methods described in the annual report and
Directors and Chairman
Directors stand for re-election to the Board every three years and at this
year's Annual General Meeting it is Mrs Nott's turn to stand for re-election. I
have been on the Board for nine years and have decided that I will stand down at
this year's Annual General Meeting. Providing she is re-elected to the Board,
Mrs Nott, who has been a Board member for seven years, will succeed me as
Chairman on that date. I warmly commend her re-election to you.
It has been satisfying for me to oversee the Company's transition to a
multi-manager vehicle which will have been in place for over a year by the time
of the Annual General Meeting. I am confident that Mrs Nott's expertise and
leadership qualities coupled with the strength of her fellow Board members will
ensure the future success of the Company.
Annual General Meeting
We hope that you will be able to attend the Company's Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting this year will be held at the offices of JPMorgan
Cazenove, 20 Moorgate, London EC2R 6DA at 11am on Thursday, 22 June 2006.
Your Board believes that the case for a pan-Pacific mandate is stronger than
ever. The Asia-Pacific region is developing into a major integrated economy with
significant opportunities for profitable investment. The Board believes that the
Investment Managers should be able to exploit investment opportunities across
the region and be able to switch between the different markets and industries.
Your Company is now one of the leading vehicles for those wishing to have a
broad exposure to Asia-Pacific.
Christopher Purvis
27 April 2006
For the year ended 31 January 2006
Year ended 31 January 2006 Year ended 31 January 2005
Revenue Capital Revenue Capital
Return Return Total Return Return Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments held at fair value through - 40,221 40,221 - 7,784 7,784
profit or loss
Exchange gains/(losses) - 82 82 4 (259) (255)
Income from investments held at fair value 3,825 - 3,825 3,962 - 3,962
through profit or loss
Management fee (598) - (598) (1,158) - (1,158)
Provision for performance-related management - (92) (92) - 644 644
Other expenses (788) (58) (846) (597) (59) (656)
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------
Net return before finance charges and taxation 2,439 40,153 42,592 2,211 8,110 10,321
Finance charges (208) - (208) (395) - (395)
---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
Net return on ordinary activities before 2,231 40,153 42,384 1,816 8,110 9,926
Taxation on ordinary activities (note 2) (786) (63) (849) (616) (193) (809)
---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Net return on ordinary activities after 1,445 40,090 41,535 1,200 7,917 9,117
====== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
Return per ordinary share - pence (note 3) 1.33 36.84 38.17 0.74 4.87 5.61
====== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
The total columns of this statement represent the profit and loss account of the
The Company had no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the
Income Statement and Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' funds.
* See notes 1 c) and 5
Called up Share premium Capital Capital Revenue Total
share capital account redemption reserves reserves
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Year ended 31 January 2006
At 31 January 2005 (restated see 38,420 5 19,151 133,148 8,455 199,179
note 5)
Net return from ordinary - - - 40,090 1,445 41,535
Dividends paid in respect of year - - - - (1,614) (1,614)
ended 31 January 2005
Tender offer (including costs) (15,547) - 15,547 (77,451) - (77,451)
Purchase of own shares (1,172) - 1,172 (6,096) - (6,096)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------
At 31 January 2006 21,701 5 35,870 89,691 8,286 155,553
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== =======
Year ended 31 January 2005
At 31 January 2004 (restated see 42,750 5 14,821 144,188 9,040 210,804
note 5)
Net return from ordinary - - - 7,917 1,200 9,117
Dividends paid in respect of year - - - - (1,785) (1,785)
ended 31 January 2004
Purchase of own shares (4,330) - 4,330 (18,957) - (18,957)
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ------------
At 31 January 2005 38,420 5 19,151 133,148 8,455 199,179
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== =======
at 31 January 2006
2006 2005
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments designated as held at fair value through profit or loss 153,733 209,155
----------- ------------
Current assets
Debtors 2,384 986
Cash at bank and short term deposits 5,233 5,488
----------- -----------
7,617 6,474
----------- -----------
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Loans (3,000) (14,845)
Other (2,759) (1,571)
----------- -----------
(5,759) (16,416)
----------- -----------
Net current assets/(liabilities) 1,858 (9,942)
----------- -----------
Total assets less current liabilities 155,591 199,213
----------- -----------
Provisions for liabilities (38) (34)
----------- -----------
Net assets 155,553 199,179
====== ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 21,701 38,420
Share premium account 5 5
Capital redemption reserve 35,870 19,151
Capital reserves 89,691 133,148
Revenue reserve 8,286 8,455
----------- ----------
Equity shareholders' funds 155,553 199,179
====== ======
Net asset value per ordinary share - pence (note 4) 179.20 129.61
====== ======
* restated see notes 1 c) and 5
For the year ended 31 January 2006
2006 2006 2005 2005
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,609 2,054
Servicing of finance
Bank and loan interest paid (181) (402)
------------ -----------
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (181) (402)
UK Corporation tax paid (678) (400)
Withholding and income tax paid (350) (285)
------------ -----------
Net tax paid (1,028) (685)
Financial investment
Purchases of investments (138,449) (319,195)
Sales of investments 234,037 353,598
Capital expenses and performance fee repayments 590 555
------------ -----------
Net cash inflow from financial investment 96,178 34,958
Equity dividends paid (1,614) (1,785)
----------- -----------
Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing 34,140
Management of liquid resources
Cash withdrawn from/(placed on) deposit 2,621 (3,826)
Repurchase on own shares (84,456) (19,039)
Drawdown of sterling loan 3,000 -
Repayment of US dollar loans (15,205) (9,605)
------------ -----------
Net cash outflow from financing (96,661) (28,644)
----------- -----------
Increase in cash 1,924 1,670
====== ======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movements in net funds/
Increase in cash as above 1,924 1,670
Cash (inflow)/outflow from short term deposits (2,621) 3,826
Cash outflow from movement in debt financing 12,205 9,605
----------- -----------
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 11,508 15,101
Exchange movements 82 (255)
----------- -----------
Movement in net debt in the year 11,590 14,846
Net debt at 1 February (9,357) (24,203)
----------- -----------
Net funds/(debt) at 31 January 2,233 (9,357)
====== ======
1. Accounting policies
a) Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified
to include fixed asset investments at valuation and in accordance with the
Companies Act 1985, accounting standards applicable in the United Kingdom and
with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment
Trust Companies' revised December 2005 (the revised SORP).
b) Changes in presentation
The Company has adopted the provisions of the revised SORP which has resulted in
some changes to the presentation of the Company's accounts.
What was previously called the Statement of Total Return is now the Income
Statement. Dividends payable to equity shareholders are no longer reflected in
the Income Statement, although they continue to be shown in the Reconciliation
of Movements in Shareholders' Funds which is now presented as a primary
c) Changes in accounting policy
The Company has changed its accounting policy for the valuation of listed
investments and the recognition of dividends payable to equity shareholders in
accordance with the provisions of FRS 26 - Financial Instruments: Recognition
and Measurement ('FRS 26') and FRS 21 - Events after the balance sheet date
('FRS 21') respectively. These changes in policy and the associated impact on
the results of the Company are referred to below.
d. Valuation of investments
Investments - prior to 1 February 2005, listed investments were valued at
middle market prices. Following the adoption of FRS 26, listed investments
have been designated by the Board as held at fair value through profit or
loss and accordingly are valued at fair value, deemed to be bid market
prices for quoted investments. Comparatives have been restated for this
change and note 5 shows the effect on the Balance Sheet and the Income
Statement for the year ended 31 January 2005.
Unquoted investments are valued by the Directors using primary valuation
techniques such as earnings, multiples, recent transactions and net assets.
Changes in the fair value of investments held at fair value through profit
or loss and gains and losses on disposal are recognised in the Income
Statement as 'Gains or losses on investments held at fair value through
profit or loss'. Also included within this caption are transaction costs in
relation to the purchase or sale of investments, including the difference
between the purchase price of an investment and its bid price at the date of
purchase. All purchases and sales are accounted for on a trade date basis.
e. Foreign currency
The results and financial position of the Company are expressed in pounds
sterling, which is the functional and presentational currency of the
Company. The Directors, having regard to the Company's share capital and the
predominant currency in which it's shareholders operate, have determined the
functional currency to be sterling.
Transactions recorded in overseas currencies during the year are translated
into sterling at the appropriate daily exchange rates. Assets and
liabilities denominated in overseas currencies at the Balance Sheet date are
translated into sterling at the exchange rates ruling at the date.
Any gains or losses on the translation of foreign currency balances, whether
realised or unrealised, are taken to the capital or the revenue return of
the Income Statement, depending on whether the gain or loss is of a capital
or revenue nature.
f. Income
Income from equity shares is brought into the Revenue Return of the Income
Statement (except where, in the opinion of the Directors, its nature indicates
it should be recognised as capital return) on the ex-dividend date or, where no
ex-dividend date is quoted, when the Company's right to receive payment is
established. Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities are
recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield on
the investment.
Dividends are accounted for in accordance with Financial Report Standard 16
'Current Taxation' on the basis of income actually receivable, without
adjustment for the tax credit attaching to the dividends. Dividends from
overseas companies continue to be shown gross of withholding tax.
Where the Company has elected to receive its dividends in the form of additional
shares rather than in cash, the amount of the cash dividend foregone is
recognised as income. Any excess in the value of the shares received over the
amount of the cash dividend foregone is recognised in the capital reserve.
The bank interest and stock lending fees are accounted for on an accruals basis.
g) Expenses including finance costs
Management fee rebates received in the form of new units in the Aberdeen
International India Opportunities Fund are offset against management fees paid.
Expenses are charged to the Revenue Return of the Income Statement, other than:
• performance-related management fees/repayments insofar as they relate to
capital performance which are charged/credited through the capital reserve
• expenses incurred buying back the Company's own shares ; and
• expenses incidental to the acquisition or disposal of investments which
are charged to capital reserve realised.
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.
h. Taxation
The tax effect of different items of expenditure is allocated between
capital and revenue using the marginal basis.
Deferred taxation is provided on all timing differences that have originated
but not been reversed by the Balance Sheet date other than those differences
regarded as permanent. This is subject to deferred tax assets only being
recognised if it is considered more likely than not that there will be
suitable profits from which the reversal of timing differences can be
deducted. Any liability to deferred tax is provided at the average rate of
tax expected to apply. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not
discounted to reflect the time value of money.
i. Bank borrowings
Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded as the proceeds
received, net of direct issue costs. Finance charges, including interest
payable, premiums on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs are
accounted for on an accruals basis in the Income Statement using the effective
interest rate method and are added to the carrying amount of the instrument to
the extent that they are not settled in the period in which they arise.
j) Dividends payable to equity shareholders
Under FRS 21 dividends should not be accrued in the accounts unless they have
been approved by shareholders before the Balance Sheet date. Dividends payable
to equity shareholders are recognised in the Reconciliation of Movements in
Shareholders' Funds when they have been approved by shareholders and become a
liability of the Company.
There is no impact from this change on the recognised gains and losses in either
2005 or 2006. However, the net assets at 31 January 2005 and 31 January 2004
have been impacted as disclosed in note 5. The effect of this change is to
increase net assets at 31 January 2005 by £1,614,000 (or 1.05p per share) (31
January 2004: £1,796,000 or 1.05p per share).
2. Taxation on ordinary activities
Analysis of tax charge for the year
2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005
Revenue Return Capital Return Total Revenue Return Capital Return Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £''000 £'000 £'000
Corporation tax payable at 30% 646 35 681 589 193 782
(2005: 30%)
Relief for overseas taxation (185) - (185) (231) - (231)
---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------
461 35 496 358 193 551
Under provision in prior years 5 - 5 - - -
Overseas taxation 316 28 344 285 - 285
---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- ----------
Total current taxation charge 782 63 845 643 193 836
Deferred tax
On accrued income 4 - 4 (27) - (27)
---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ----------
Taxation on ordinary 786 63 849 616 193 809
---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ---------- ---------
3. Return per ordinary share
Revenue return
Revenue return per share is based on the revenue return attributable to equity
shareholders of £1,445,000 (2005: £1,200,000). No diluted results are shown as
the Company does not have any potentially dilutive securities in the current or
prior year.
Capital Return
Capital return per share is based on the capital return attributable to equity
shareholders of £40,090,000 (2005: £7,917,000 as restated).
Both the revenue and capital returns are based on a weighted average of
108,816,460 ordinary shares in issue during the year (2005: 162,597,412).
4. Net asset value per ordinary share
Net asset values are based on net assets of £155,553,000 (2005: £199,179,000 as
restated) and on 86,805,263 (2005: 153,678,834) ordinary shares in issue at the
year end.
5. Restatement of opening balances at 31 January 2005 and 31 January 2004
Previously Restated Previously Restated
reported reported
31 January 2005 Adjustments 31 January 31 January Adjustments 31 January
2005 2004 2004
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments 1 209,644 (489) 209,155 234,408 (873) 233,535
Currents assets 6,474 - 6,474 8,545 - 8,545
amounts falling due 2 (18,030) 1,614 (16,416) (33,011) 1,796 (31,215)
within one year
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------
Total assets less 198,088 1,125 199,213 209,942 923 210,865
current liabilities
Provision for (34) - (34) (61) - (61)
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
198,054 1,125 199,179 209,881 923 210,804
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Capital and reserves
Ordinary called up 38,420 - 38,420 42,750 - 42,750
share capital
Share premium 5 - 5 5 - 5
Capital redemption 19,151 - 19,151 14,821 - 14,821
Capital reserves 1 133,637 (489) 133,148 145,061 (873) 144,188
Revenue reserve 2 6,841 1,614 8,455 7,244 1,796 9,040
----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- -----------
198,054 1,125 199,179 209,881 923 210,804
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Net asset value per 128.88 0.73 129.61 122.74 0.54 123.28
ordinary share
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Notes to the reconciliation
1. Prior to 1 February 2005, listed investments were valued at middle market
prices. Following the adoption of FRS 26, listed investments have been
designated as held at fair value through profit or loss and are valued at
fair value deemed to be bid market prices. The adoption of bid market prices
at 31 January 2005 decreased the value of listed investments by £489,000 (31
January 2004: £873,000).
2. Under FRS 21 dividends should not be accrued in the accounts unless they have
been approved by shareholders before the Balance Sheet date. Dividends
payable to equity shareholders are recognised in the Reconciliation of
Movements in Shareholders' Funds when they have been approved by
shareholders and become a liability of the Company. The effect of this
change is to increase net assets at 31 January 2005 by £1,614,000 (31
January 2004: £1,796,000).
Reconciliation of the Statement of Total Return to the Income Statement for the
year ended 31 January 2005
Return on ordinary activities after taxation per Statement of Total Return 8,733
Change from mid to bid at 31 January 2004 873
Change from mid to bid at 31 January 2005 (489)
Net return per Income Statement 9,117
6. The above financial information for the year ended 31 January 2006 does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2006 will be
finalised on the basis of information included within this announcement. The
audit report on the full financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2006
has yet to be signed. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2006 will
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 22 June 2006 at 11 am at
the offices of JPMorgan Cazenove, 20 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6DA.
Copies of the annual report will be sent to shareholders in May 2006 and will be
available from the Company Secretary.
For further information, please contact:
Susan Venables
BNP Paribas Secretarial Services Limited
Tel: 020 7410 5971
27 April 2006
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange