Final Results

Foreign & Colonial Eurotrust PLC 12 November 2001 Date: 12 November 2001 Contact: Stephen White, F&C Management Limited, F&C Management Limited, 020 7628 8000 / Tamsin Martle, Lansons Communications, 020 7294 3620 FOREIGN & COLONIAL EUROTRUST PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the year ended 30 September 2001 HIGHLIGHTS * In the year to 30 September 2001, the Company's net assets per share fell from 690.5p to 478.3p, a decline of 30.7%. This compares with a fall of 29.4% in the FTSE World Europe Index. Following some recovery, at 8 November the unaudited net assets per share had risen 9.9% to 525.6p. * The poor performance of the European equity markets over the year reflected the deterioration in prospects for business activity and corporate earnings as the slowdown already underway in the USA, aggravated by the atrocities of 11 September in New York and Washington, spread to Europe. * As the outlook deteriorated, the portfolio was shifted away from the telecoms, media and technology stocks (TMT), which had led the preceding bull market, to areas which were considered to be more defensive, such as insurance, utilities and retail. * The revenue account showed a substantial improvement, benefiting from lower expenses and reduced interest costs as the gearing was cut. * The Board is recommending an unchanged ordinary dividend of 1.70p per share in addition to the special dividend of 0.60p per share. This would enable shareholders to benefit from last year's buoyant revenue account without any commitment to the higher level for future years. SUMMARY OF RESULTS 30 September 2001 30 September 2000 % Change Net assets £359.90m £519.60m -30.7 Net assets per share 478.29p 690.54p -30.7 Earnings per share 3.64p 1.02p +257.8 Dividends per share 2.30p 1.70p +35.3 Share price 438.50p 653.50p -32.9 Extracts from the Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder, Capital Performance The year to 30 September 2001 proved a disappointing period for investors in Continental Europe. The Company's net assets per share fell from 690.5p to 478.3p, a decline of 30.7%. This compares with a fall of 29.4% over the same period in the FTSE World Europe Index, which excludes the United Kingdom and is adjusted for the movement in sterling against the European currencies. Since our year end, there has been some recovery, and at 8 November the unaudited net asset value per share was 525.6p, up 9.9% from 30 September. The poor performance of the European equity markets over the year reflected the deterioration in prospects for business activity and corporate earnings as the slowdown already underway in the USA spread to Europe. This was most evident in capital spending, particularly in the telecommunications industry. Within the markets, the best performing sectors over the year were the more defensive areas, such as food and drinks, pharmaceuticals and utilities. The poorer performers were the telecoms, media and technology stocks (TMT), which had led the preceding bull market. As the outlook deteriorated, we reduced our stake in TMT and reinvested in insurance, utilities and retail, which we thought would prove more resilient. We also made our balance sheet more cautious by eliminating our gearing. Management Fee Following the regular review of the fee, your Board agreed various changes with F&C Management. Under the new terms, which were backdated to 1 October 2000, the fee payable on funds under management will be at a flat rate of 0.5% per annum, compared to the previous rate of 0.75% on funds up to £400 million and 0.5% thereafter. A graduated performance fee has been added, which becomes payable if for a single year the manager has outperformed the benchmark index by 1.5% on a total return basis. This performance fee, together with quarterly management fees paid, may not in any circumstances exceed the fees which would have been incurred under the previous agreement, and any underperformance of the threshold in prior years must be caught up before any performance fee is paid. No performance fee is payable in respect to the year September 2001. The management agreement may be terminated upon one years' notice given by either party or upon six months' notice by the Company in certain circumstances related to performance or a change in ownership of the management company. Revenue Our gross income showed little change from the previous year because dividend growth from our portfolio was only modest. However, our expenses fell sharply, mainly because of the drop in the management fee from £4.483 million to £2.669 million. Downward pressure on the fee came from the renegotiation of the rate, the fall in markets and the elimination of the gearing, which also led to a reduction in interest costs for the year. The result is that net revenue attributable to shareholders rose by 258%, from £0.765 million to £2.737 million. Dividend In deciding the level of dividend to recommend for the year, the Board has had to take account both of the minimum distribution it can make in order to maintain the Company's investment trust status and the risk of setting a precedent which would be difficult to repeat should expenses rise again, which they might do, for example, should equity markets recover or gearing be resumed. The Board is thus recommending an unchanged ordinary dividend of 1.70p per share in addition to the special ordinary dividend of 0.60p per share declared on 9 November 2001. This would enable shareholders to benefit from last year's buoyant revenue account without any commitment to the higher level for future years. Corporate Governance We comply with the recommendations for best practice in corporate governance published by the Cadbury Committee and the Association of Investment Trust Companies. Private Investor Plan At the end of September, there were over two thousand individuals participating in the private investor plan on a regular monthly basis. It is a very attractive way for the private investor to buy shares, and we believe it justifies fully its cost to the Company. We now have some 27,000 shareholders and the percentage of the Company's share capital directly owned by private individuals is almost 76%. This is one of the highest levels of individual ownership in the investment trust sector, and a feature of the Company we are keen to see continue. AGM We hope that as many shareholders as possible will attend the Annual General Meeting which will be held on Tuesday 18 December at 3.00 p.m. at the Brewers' Hall, Aldermanbury Square, London EC2. We look forward to meeting all those of you who can come. Outlook The slowdown in economic activity which is well evident now in both the USA and Europe, disappointing corporate news and political uncertainties following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington are all likely to continue to weigh on investor sentiment. Our current focus on more defensive investments and our lack of gearing thus still seem appropriate. However, while the economic downturn may now be more severe than expected previously, it is possible that the recovery, when it comes, will be sharper. The authorities are taking both monetary and fiscal steps to support business activity. Directors and Staff David Thomson will be retiring from the Board at the AGM. He joined the Board in 1998 at the time of the merger between Foreign & Colonial Eurotrust and Foreign & Colonial German Investment Trust, having been chairman of the latter. We have benefited greatly from his experience and have valued his contribution to the success of the Company during that time. Finally, I should like to thank our manager, Stephen White, and his colleagues at F&C Management for their efforts during a difficult year. Douglas McDougall 9 November 2001 Balance Sheet at 30 September 2001 2000 £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Investments 359,512 561,976 Current assets Debtors 4,995 4,433 Taxation recoverable 507 1,080 Cash at bank 2,316 1,024 7,818 6,537 Current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Foreign currency loans - (44,370) Other (7,435) (4,539) (7,435) (48,909) Net current assets/(liabilities) 383 (42,372) Net assets 359,895 519,604 Capital and Reserves Called up equity share capital 18,811 18,811 Share premium 123,749 123,749 Capital reserves 214,035 374,750 Revenue reserve 3,300 2,294 Total equity shareholders' funds 359,895 519,604 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 478.29 690.54 The geographical distribution of investments at 30 September 2001 was: France - 38.1% Switzerland - 11.7% Germany - 10.7% Netherlands - 9.4% Italy - 8.2% Spain - 7.2% Finland - 5.1% Sweden - 3.7% Denmark - 2.7% United Kingdom - 1.4% Norway - 1.1% Greece - 0.7%. Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account*) for the year ended 30 September 2001 2000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s (Losses)/gains on - (158,845) (158,845) - 127,580 127,580 Investments Exchange (losses)/gains (18) (1,847) (1,865) (56) 2,539 2,483 Income 8,366 - 8,366 8,141 - 8,141 Management fee (2,669) - (2,669) (4,483) - (4,483) Other expenses (950) (23) (973) (956) (17) (973) Net return before finance costs and taxation 4,729 (160,715) (155,986) 2,646 130,102 132,748 Interest payable and similar charges (1,131) - (1,131) (1,526) - (1,526) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,598 (160,715) (157,117) 1,120 130,102 131,222 Taxation on ordinary (861) - (861) (355) - (355) activities Return attributable to equity shareholders 2,737 (160,715) (157,978) 765 130,102 130,867 Dividends on ordinary shares (equity) Proposed final of 1.7p (2000: 1.7p) (1,279) - (1,279) (1,279) - (1,279) Special dividend of 0.6p (2000: nil) (452) - (452) - - - Amount transferred to/ (from) reserves 1,006 (160,715) (159,709) (514) 130,102 129,588 Return per ordinary share - pence 3.64 (213.59) (209.95) 1.02 172.90 173.92 * The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 30 September 2001 2000 £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,291 2,935 Interest paid (1,235) (1,503) Taxation paid (288) (233) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 46,038 (4,572) Equity dividends paid (1,279) (1,279) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of liquid resources and 47,527 (4,652) financing Decrease in short-term deposits 293 4,456 Net cash outflow from financing (46,010) (1,401) Increase/(decrease) in cash 1,810 (1,597) Notes The Directors propose a final dividend of 1.70p (2000 - 1.70p) per share payable on 21 December 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 23 November 2001. The Directors have declared on 9 November 2001 a special dividend of 0.60p (2000 - nil) per share payable on 21 December 2001 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 23 November 2001. The above financial information comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 30 September 2000 has been extracted from published accounts for the year ended 30 September 2000 that have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the report of the auditors has been unqualified. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Brewers' Hall, Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7HR on Tuesday 18 December 2001 at 3.00 p.m. The Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders on 19 November 2001. Copies may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary 9 November 2001
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