Final Results
Baillie Gifford Shin Nippon PLC
27 February 2004
Results for the year to 31 January 2004
Shin Nippon's share price rose 59.5% over the year to 31 January 2004. The
Company ranks second in its AITC peer group in terms of one year net asset value
performance, and first over three and five years.
• 2003 was a much better year for global equity markets and small Japanese
companies fully participated in the recovery.
• During this year the Company's share price rose by 59.5% and net asset
value per share rose by 57.5%, while the comparative index* gained 53.3%.
• In the six months to 31 January 2004 net asset value per share rose 25.0%,
compared to a 17.6% rise in the comparative index.
• Good stock selection along with the selective use of gearing aided
• There has been a strong rebound in the Japanese Economy. Export growth has
been accompanied by a sharp pick-up in domestic capital expenditure, and
the recovery in industrial production has stimulated the labour market.
• The Managers view positively the outlook for Japanese equities. The rebound
in Japanese equities is firmly rooted in fundamental factors, namely
the improving structural profitability of corporate Japan coupled with the
strong cyclical economic recovery underway. Shin Nippon continues to find
attractively valued small companies and remains geared into the market.
* The Company's comparative index for the year ending 31/01/04, is a composite
comprising a market-capitalisation weighted index of the Tokyo Second Section
Index, the TOPIX Small Index and the JASDAQ OTC Index in sterling terms.
Baillie Gifford Shin Nippon PLC aims to achieve long-term capital growth
principally through investment in small Japanese companies which are believed to
have above average prospects for capital growth. At 31 January 2004 the Company
had total assets of £51.4 million (before deduction of bank loans of £7.3
The Company is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co., an Edinburgh based fund
management group.
27 February 2004
For further information please contact:
Alistair Way, Manager,
Baillie Gifford & Co. 0131 275 2000
Mike Lord, Director,
Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111
This was a much better year for the Company's performance. The Japanese market
outperformed its global counterparts, rallying from low levels in the spring,
and smaller companies were strong. In the year to 31 January 2004, Shin
Nippon's share price rose by 59.5%, as the net asset value increased by 57.5%.
The Company's composite index rose by 53.3% over the same twelve month period.
Despite the continued improvement in economic statistics, markets were weak at
the start of the year. The war in Iraq and its potential impact on the global
recovery weighed on investor sentiment. The end of the war and the avoidance of
a major financial crisis led to a strong rebound in the Japanese market.
Significant foreign share buying was in evidence for the remainder of the year,
as investors were attracted back by good earnings growth and low valuations.
Total borrowing remained constant at Y1.4bn throughout the year, and by 31
January 2004 this equated to potential gearing of 16.5% of net assets if fully
utilised, a lower ratio than a year ago owing to the rise in net assets.
Borrowing contributed positively to performance, with the Company benefiting
from being geared into a rising market. At the start of the year we had net
gearing equivalent to 14.6% of shareholders' funds. The figure at the end of the
year had fallen slightly to 11.8%. This position reflects the Managers' belief
that the long term outlook for Japanese smaller companies remains positive and
that valuations are attractive. The cost of borrowing in Japanese yen remains
Shin Nippon undertook no currency hedging during the year. The exchange rate as
at 31 January 2004 was £/Y 192.67 which represented a 2.3% appreciation of the
yen from the £/Y 197.15 rate at the start of the year. The weakness of the
dollar was again the main force at play within world currency markets on
continuing concerns about the US budget and trade deficits. We will continue to
monitor currency moves and will consider hedging if we feel that the yen has
diverged sharply from fair value.
Shin Nippon's policy of pursuing capital growth rather than income has remained
the same since its listing in 1985. The loss per share for the year was 0.78p,
an improvement from last year partly thanks to revenues from stock lending.
Dividend yields on Japanese stocks have continued to rise and Shin Nippon saw
income from dividends rise by 11.6% to £441,000. Dividend yields remain low by
international standards and with the Company still having a deficit on the
revenue account, no dividend can be recommended.
Share Buy Backs & AGM
At the Annual General Meeting in May 2003, shareholders approved the Company's
authority to buy back up to 14.99% of its issued share capital. The purpose of
using such authority is to enhance the net asset value of Shin Nippon for
existing shareholders when the discount of the share price to net asset value
becomes substantial. The Company has to balance the benefits of buying back
shares with considerations on liquidity of the shares in the market. The Company
bought back 0.95% of shares outstanding during the year. Shareholders will be
asked to renew this power to repurchase 14.99% of the Company's shares at the
Annual General Meeting on 29 April 2004. My fellow Directors and I intend to
support this proposal and urge shareholders to do likewise.
In addition, the Company will be seeking to renew the Directors' authority to
issue shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £267,661, and to issue a
limited number of shares for cash on a non-pre-emptive basis. It is the Board's
intention only to issue shares under this authority when the share price is at a
premium to net assets value, thereby enhancing net asset value per share.
There will also be a resolution to increase the aggregate annual limit of
Directors' fees to £100,000 from the current limit of £50,000 which has been in
place since the launch of the Company in 1985. Total directors fees currently
amount to £40,000 which does not leave scope for attracting additional Board
members of sufficient calibre, especially given the additional regulatory and
corporate governance requirements on directors.
The Japanese economy has continued to recover strongly over the past year. GDP
estimates were continually revised up during the year and now suggest that Japan
grew by a healthy 2.7% in calendar year 2003. Growth was again supported by
exports with continued strength in Chinese demand. The yen has strengthened
during the year against the dollar despite the government intervening in the
currency markets to an unprecedented extent. However, this is a less important
factor now that Asia has overtaken the US as the largest export market. More
encouragingly, the recovery has broadened out into the domestic economy.
Companies have had to spend to improve or increase production capacity to meet
increased demand. The improvement in machinery order figures highlights the
better capital expenditure environment, while deflationary pressures appear to
have eased gradually. Further, there also now appears to be a higher chance of
rises in asset prices, with land price rises in certain parts of Tokyo.
Disappointingly there has been a lack of real progress by the government on the
reform front. Koizumi was re-elected leader of the LDP but he has been largely
been focusing on international matters. The Industrial Revitalisation
Corporation of Japan has not so far received many large troubled corporate
candidates for restructuring, although it has just announced a potentially
significant deal with Kanebo.
Perhaps the most significant change over the year has been the dramatic
improvement in sentiment towards the banking sector. The Bank of Japan and the
FSA have started to coordinate their efforts to tackle the industry's problems.
Fears of a significant financial crisis were alleviated, following the injection
of public funds last May into Resona Holdings, probably the weakest of the big
banks. Since then the banks themselves have shown some progress in the disposal
of their bad loans, and the rise in markets has strengthened their balance
The recent recovery in markets encouragingly seems to be much more founded on
reality than past rebounds. Capacity in many industries is now much more in tune
with demand and the pricing environment looks a lot more positive. The improving
domestic economy gives many companies an excellent opportunity to improve
profitability. Shin Nippon continues to find attractively valued small companies
who are growing their sales, cash flows and earnings. The Board continues to
believe that Shin Nippon's policy of investing in small Japanese companies for
capital growth will bring good long term shareholder returns.
The following is the unaudited preliminary statement for the year to 31 January
2004 which was approved by the Board on 26 February 2004. The Board of Baillie
Gifford Shin Nippon PLC are recommending to the Annual General Meeting of the
Company to be held on 29 April 2004 that no dividend be paid for the year ended
31 January 2004.
(unaudited and incorporating the revenue account*)
For the year ended For the year ended
31 January 2004 31 January 2003
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised losses on investments - (2,542) (2,542) - (6,077) (6,077)
Unrealised gains/(losses) on
investments - 18,777 18,777 - (3,741) (3,741)
Currency gains (note 1) - 42 42 - 335 335
Income 524 - 524 398 - 398
Investment management fee (389) - (389) (358) - (358)
Other administrative expenses (160) - (160) (157) - (157)
Net return before finance costs
and taxation (25) 16,277 16,252 (117) (9,483) (9,600)
Finance costs of borrowings (170) - (170) (231) - (231)
Return on ordinary activities
before taxation (195) 16,277 16,082 (348) (9,483) (9,831)
Tax on ordinary activities (43) - (43) (59) - (59)
Return on ordinary activities
after taxation (238) 16,277 16,039 (407) (9,483) (9,890)
Transfer (from)/to reserves (238) 16,277 16,039 (407) (9,483) (9,890)
Return per ordinary share (0.78p) 53.14p 52.36p (1.32p) (30.69p) (32.01p)
(note 3)
There was no dilution of the above returns in either year.
* The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing
at 31 January 2004
31 January 2004 31 January 2003
£'000 £'000
Listed overseas equities 38,320 24,893
Unlisted - traded on the OTC market 10,791 6,573
- other unlisted 809 614
Total equities 49,920 32,080
Net liquid assets 1,451 3,307
Total assets (before deduction of bank loans) 51,371 35,387
Bank loans (note 4) (7,266) (7,101)
Net assets 44,105 28,286
Called-up share capital 3,060 3,090
Capital reserves 45,183 29,096
Revenue reserve (4,138) (3,900)
Equity shareholders' funds 44,105 28,286
Net asset value per ordinary share (note 5) 144.1p 91.5p
Ordinary shares in issue (note 6) 30,600,492 30,900,492
There was no dilution of net asset value at either date.
Year to Year to
31 January 2004 31 January 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
TOTAL TAX PAID (44) (59)
Acquisitions of investments (19,423) (18,719)
Disposals of investments 18,588 20,456
Realised currency gain/(loss) 207 (51)
Shares repurchased (220) -
Bank loans repaid - (2,563)
DECREASE IN CASH (942) (1,311)
Decrease in cash in the year (942) (1,311)
Net outflow from bank loans - 2,563
Exchange movement on bank loans (165) 386
NET DEBT AT 1 FEBRUARY (4,115) (5,753)
NET DEBT AT 31 JANUARY (5,222) (4,115)
at 31 January 2004
Name Business Market % of
value total
£'000 assets
Fuji Seal Packaging and shrink-wrap materials 1,732 3.4
* Goodwill Group Part-time labour and nursing care 1,709 3.3
Arisawa Manufacturing Specialist industrial materials 1,588 3.1
Sumisho Lease Specialist leasing operator 1,541 3.0
Bandai Maker of toys, cartoons and character goods 1,339 2.6
USS Company Second-hand car auctioneer 1,301 2.5
* SES Wafer polishing equipment 1,266 2.5
Seiko Corporation Watches and lenses 1,216 2.4
* LeoPalace21 Condominium developer and lessor 1,192 2.3
Sanyo Shinpan Finance Consumer loans and credit cards 1,134 2.2
MEW Information Systems Business software developer 1,035 2.0
* Aark Design consulting 1,027 2.0
* Tamron Camera lenses 1,026 2.0
Koei Games software developer 1,015 2.0
Tsumura Herbal medicines 938 1.8
Kose Cosmetics 934 1.8
Eneserve Alternative power generation 916 1.8
Chiyoda Integre Component outsourcing 912 1.8
Taito Arcade operator 891 1.7
Nissin Consumer loans and credit cards 885 1.7
23,597 45.9
* Denotes unlisted holdings, including those traded on the Japanese OTC market
31 January 2004 31 January 2003
£'000 £'000
1. Currency gains
Realised exchange differences 207 77
Unrealised exchange differences (165) 258
42 335
2. No dividend will be declared.
3. Return per ordinary share
Revenue return (238) (407)
Capital return 16,277 (9,483)
Return per ordinary share is based on the above returns and on 30,631,725 (2003 - 30,900,492) ordinary
shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.
4. Bank loans of £7.3 million (Y1.4 billion) have been drawn down under yen loan facilities which are
repayable between August 2004 and May 2005 (31 January 2003 - £7.1 million (Y1.4 billion)).
5. Net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets of £44,105,000 (2003 - £28,286,000) and
30,600,492 (2003 - 30,900,492) ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the
year end.
6. At 31 January 2004 the Company had authority to buy back 4,587,013 shares in accordance with the
authority granted at the AGM in May 2003. The Company bought back 300,000 shares with a nominal value
of £30,000 at a total cost of £220,000 during the year under review.
7. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the
year ended
31 January 2004. The financial information for 2003 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2003,
which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors have reported on the 2003
accounts, their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2004 will be finalised on the basis of the
financial information presented in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange SEMFAMSLSESE