Interim Results

Baillie Gifford Shin Nippon PLC 10 September 2007 BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC Results for the six months to 31 July 2007 For the six months to 31 July 2007, the Company's net asset value per share declined by 8.2% compared with a 5.9% decline in the comparative index*. The disappointing performance of the Japanese market has left the valuations of many smaller Japanese companies at appealing levels. • Smaller companies in aggregate delivered impressive growth in profits during the last full year, and recently announced first quarter results suggest that many profit forecasts this year are conservative. Dividends have also been rising and this helped contribute to the revenue surplus in the first half. • The Japanese economy has continued to grow and is now substantially less dependent on the US, as trade with Asia has expanded. The key domestic drivers of growth remain in place, with companies investing more in capital equipment and consumption remaining supportive. • Investor sentiment towards the Japanese market has been impacted by global cyclical concerns. This may have been compounded by some disappointment that domestic consumption growth in Japan has not accelerated faster. • During the period, stock selection and gearing were negative contributors to the Company's performance. On the positive side, many of the stocks held in the Manufacturing and Machinery sector performed well. • The Board and Managers remain confident that the low cost of borrowing in yen will help enhance portfolio returns in the long term. • The Board and Managers are of the opinion that corporate Japan, in particular largely domestic focused Japanese smaller companies, is relatively better placed to deal with the risks associated with a possible slowdown in global economic growth. * The Company's comparative index is a composite index of the Tokyo Second Section Index, the TOPIX Small Index and the JASDAQ Index, weighted by market capitalisation, in sterling terms. Shin Nippon aims to achieve long term capital growth principally through investment in small Japanese companies which are believed to have above average prospects for capital growth. At 31 July 2007 the Company had total assets of £72.8 million (before deduction of bank loans of £12.0 million). The Company is managed by Baillie Gifford & Co, an Edinburgh based fund management group with around £52 billion funds under management and advice as at 6 September 2007. - ends - For further information please contact: Anzelm Cydzik Baillie Gifford & Co 0131 275 2000 Mike Lord, Director Broadgate Marketing 020 7726 6111 The following is the unaudited Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months to 31 July 2007. BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC Half - Yearly Financial Report 31 July 2007 Responsibility Statement We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: a) the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's statement 'Half - Yearly Financial Reports'; b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and c) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein). By order of the Board AM HATHORN Chairman 7 September 2007 BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC Interim Management Report Investment Commentary Despite continued steady economic expansion and further strong operational performance from most companies, the Japanese market fell over the last six months. Recent global cyclical concerns have weighed on sentiment while there was perhaps also some disappointment that domestic consumption growth has not accelerated. It was a difficult period for investing in small capitalisation stocks as larger companies again proved to be more resilient in share price terms. Shin Nippon's net asset value declined by 8.2% over the period compared to a 5.9% fall in the weighted index of the TOPIX Small, JASDAQ and Tokyo Stock Exchange Second Section. The current economic growth cycle is now the longest period of expansion in Japan since the war. The key domestic drivers remain in place with companies investing more in capital equipment and consumption remaining supportive. Productivity gains are also being made in many parts of the economy. Conditions within the real estate market have improved further but consumer prices have so far remained flat. One slight concern is that the tightness in the labour market has yet to feed through to wage increases and significantly higher spending. We believe it is only a matter of time before wages start to rise, boosting consumer sentiment. Exports have continued to be buoyant, supported to some extent by the weak yen although this situation has been reversing more recently. Japan's dependence on the US has declined substantially over the past few years as trade with Asia has expanded. We therefore believe economic growth in Japan will remain fairly robust if the potential deterioration in the US economy remains largely confined to that country. Further interest rate rises in Japan may now be delayed given the global concerns. After peaking in early 2006, smaller capitalisation stocks have now been underperforming the broad market for about eighteen months. The fairly indiscriminate nature of the sell-off has left many small stocks trading on sizeable discounts to the overall market despite many of the companies having much better growth prospects. Smaller companies in aggregate delivered impressive growth in profits during the last full year, and recently announced first quarter results suggest that many profit forecasts this year are conservative. Dividends have also been rising and this helped contribute to the revenue surplus in the first half. A small number of stocks were especially weak over the period and they hurt the company's relative performance. In the Information, communication and utilities sector both Intertrade, a specialist financial software provider, and Sammy Networks, a mobile phone content company, reported disappointing results. While in the Commerce and services segment, Fullcast and Nova suffered after regulatory breaches. However, many of the stocks held in the Manufacturing and machinery sector performed well. Shinko Plantech, an oil and petrochemical plant maintenance company, and Nabtesco, a robotic equipment manufacturer, both benefited from strong domestic demand as their customers spend more on capital equipment. In February the company issued 500,000 shares at a premium, marginally enhancing net asset value per share. Over the six months gearing detracted from performance, but we remain confident that the low cost of borrowing in yen will help enhance portfolio returns in the long term. Despite the recent turbulence in markets, stock turnover within the portfolio has remained relatively low. New holdings were taken in several stocks including EPS, a provider of outsourced research to the pharmaceutical industry, and Iriso Electronics, a specialist manufacturer of connectors used in automobile electronics. Shares were also purchased in Round One, a bowling alley operator that is increasing prices successfully. Related Party Transactions Details of related party transactions are contained in note 6. The investment management fee is payable to Baillie Gifford & Co. There have been no material changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report. Principal Risks and Uncertainties There remains the risk of further weakness in the yen which would reduce returns to a sterling based trust investing in yen denominated equities. Furthermore, rising labour costs due to the tight labour market in Japan may have a proportionately greater impact on smaller companies. The broader macro economic background is also not without risks, in particular those associated with a potential global slowdown in economic activity. However, compared with other countries we believe that corporate Japan, and in particular largely domestic focused smaller Japanese companies, is relatively less exposed to the potential problems that this would bring. With low levels of corporate and consumer borrowing, Japan also seems to be at a different stage of the credit cycle compared with other markets. Outlook Determining exactly when sentiment towards smaller capitalisation Japanese stocks will turn around is difficult, but valuations in many cases now look compelling. The extreme recent volatility has provided lots of attractive opportunities for the company. By order of the Board Baillie Gifford & Co 7 September 2007 Past performance is no guarantee of future performance BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC INCOME STATEMENT (unaudited) For the six months ended For the six months ended For the year ended 31 July 2007 31 July 2006 31 January 2007 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised (losses)/ gains on investments - (1,224) (1,224) - 4,649 4,649 - 6,024 6,024 Unrealised losses on investments - (4,553) (4,553) - (26,537) (26,537) - (29,197) (29,197) Currency gains (note 4) - 269 269 - 409 409 - 1,538 1,538 Income (note 5) 591 - 591 526 - 526 929 - 929 Investment management fee (note 6) (304) - (304) (373) - (373) (694) - (694) Other administrative expenses (117) - (117) (109) - (109) (210) - (210) Net return before finance costs and taxation 170 (5,508) (5,338) 44 (21,479) (21,435) 25 (21,635) (21,610) Finance costs of borrowings (115) - (115) (120) - (120) (226) - (226) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 55 (5,508) (5,453) (76) (21,479) (21,555) (201) (21,635) (21,836) Tax on ordinary activities (note 7) (36) - (36) (33) - (33) (57) - (57) Net return on ordinary activities after taxation 19 (5,508) (5,489) (109) (21,479) (21,588) (258) (21,635) (21,893) Net return per ordinary share (note 9) 0.06p (17.73p) (17.67p) (0.36p) (70.19p) (70.55p) (0.84p) (70.70p) (71.54p) The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET at 31 July 2007 (unaudited) 31 July 2007 31 July 2006 31 January 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Listed equities 72,200 77,727 76,704 Unlisted equities - 1,208 197 72,200 78,935 76,901 Current assets Debtors 97 976 108 Cash and short term deposits 840 499 762 937 1,475 870 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (note 10) (348) (3,688) (2,451) Net current assets/(liabilities) 589 (2,213) (1,581) Total assets less current liabilities 72,789 76,722 75,320 Creditors Amounts falling due after more than one year (note 11) (11,986) (11,233) (10,136) Total net assets 60,803 65,489 65,184 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called-up share capital 3,110 3,060 3,060 Share premium 7,674 6,616 6,616 Capital redemption reserve 21,521 21,521 21,521 Capital reserve - realised 33,514 33,178 34,357 Capital reserve - unrealised 118 6,118 4,783 Revenue reserve (5,134) (5,004) (5,153) Shareholders' funds 60,803 65,489 65,184 Net asset value per ordinary share 195.5p 214.0p 213.0p Ordinary shares in issue (note 12) 31,100,497 30,600,497 30,600,497 BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS (unaudited) For the six months ended 31 July 2007 Share Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total capital premium redemption reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' reserve realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 February 2007 3,060 6,616 21,521 34,357 4,783 (5,153) 65,184 Ordinary shares issued 50 1,058 - - - - 1,108 Net return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - (843) (4,665) 19 (5,489) Shareholders' funds at 31 July 2007 3,110 7,674 21,521 33,514 118 (5,134) 60,803 For the six months ended 31 July 2006 Share Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total capital premium redemption reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' reserve realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 February 2006 3,060 6,616 21,521 28,485 32,290 (4,895) 87,077 Net return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - 4,693 (26,172) (109) (21,588) Shareholders' funds at 31 July 2006 3,060 6,616 21,521 33,178 6,118 (5,004) 65,489 For the year ended 31 January 2007 Share Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total capital premium redemption reserve - reserve - reserve shareholders' reserve realised unrealised funds £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Shareholders' funds at 1 February 2006 3,060 6,616 21,521 28,485 32,290 (4,895) 87,077 Net return on ordinary activities after taxation - - - 5,872 (27,507) (258) (21,893) Shareholders' funds at 31 January 2007 3,060 6,616 21,521 34,357 4,783 (5,153) 65,184 BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC CONDENSED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (unaudited) Six months Six months to Year to to 31 July 2007 31 July 2006 31 January 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (note 13) 157 (82) (65) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM SERVICING OF FINANCE (108) (124) (238) TOTAL TAX PAID (38) (31) (55) FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Acquisitions of investments (7,025) (19,149) (31,127) Disposals of investments 5,977 14,063 26,621 Realised currency gains/(losses) 7 44 (152) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (1,041) (5,042) (4,658) NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING FINANCING (1,030) (5,279) (5,016) Ordinary shares issued 1,108 - - INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 78 (5,279) (5,016) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 78 (5,279) (5,016) Exchange movement on bank loans 262 365 1,690 MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT IN THE PERIOD 340 (4,914) (3,326) NET DEBT AT START OF THE PERIOD (11,486) (8,160) (8,160) NET DEBT AT END OF THE PERIOD (11,146) (13,074) (11,486) BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC TWENTY LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS at 31 July 2007 Name Sector Value % of total £'000 assets Shinko Plantech Manufacturing and machinery 2,733 3.8 Funai Zaisan Consultants Financials 2,439 3.3 Juki Manufacturing and machinery 2,321 3.2 Nabtesco Manufacturing and machinery 2,307 3.2 Pronexus Manufacturing and machinery 2,089 2.9 Moshi Moshi Hotline Commerce and services 1,982 2.7 Modec Manufacturing and machinery 1,969 2.7 Harakosan Real estate and construction 1,765 2.4 Suruga Corp Real estate and construction 1,701 2.3 Tecmo Commerce and services 1,694 2.3 Aruze Manufacturing and machinery 1,645 2.2 USS Company Commerce and services 1,579 2.2 H.I.S. Commerce and services 1,485 2.0 Message Commerce and services 1,480 2.0 Bando Chemical Industries Manufacturing and machinery 1,439 2.0 Imagineer Information, communication and utilities 1,430 2.0 Japan Asia Investment Financials 1,429 2.0 Ryobi Chemicals and other materials 1,429 2.0 Intage Information, communication and utilities 1,413 1.9 Nakanishi Manufacturing and machinery 1,369 1.9 35,698 49.0 BAILLIE GIFFORD SHIN NIPPON PLC Notes to the condensed set of financial statements 1. The financial information contained within this half-yearly financial report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on those accounts was not qualified and did not contain statements under the sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. The condensed set of financial statements have not been audited or reviewed by the Auditors pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on 'Review of Interim Financial Information'. 3. The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared on the basis of the same accounting policies as set out in the Company's Annual Financial Statements at 31 January 2007 and in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's statement 'Half -Yearly Financial Reports'. In the current financial year, the Company will adopt Financial Reporting Standard 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' (FRS 29) for the first time. As FRS 29 is a disclosure standard, there is no impact of that change in accounting policy on the half-yearly financial report. Full details of the change will be disclosed in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 January 2008. Six months to Six months to Year to 31 July 2007 31 July 2006 31 January 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 4. Currency gains/(losses) Realised exchange differences 381 44 (152) Movement in unrealised exchange differences (112) 365 1,690 269 409 1,538 5. Income includes stock lending fee income of £56,000 (31 July 2006 - £56,000; 31 January 2007 - £111,000). 6. Baillie Gifford & Co are employed by the Company as Managers and Secretaries under a management agreement which is terminable on not less than twelve months' notice or on shorter notice in certain circumstances. The fee in respect of each quarter is 0.25% of the total net assets of the Company attributable to its shareholders on the last day of that quarter. Miss SJM Whitley, a Director of the Company, is a partner of Baillie Gifford & Co. 7. The Company has accumulated tax losses as the total expenses normally exceed income in any year. Accordingly no corporation tax is payable. The Company currently suffers overseas withholding tax on its equity income at the rate of 7%. 8. No interim dividend will be declared. 9. The returns per ordinary share are based on the following: Revenue return 19 (109) (258) Capital return (5,508) (21,479) (21,635) Total return (5,489) (21,588) (21,893) Net return per ordinary share is based on the above totals of revenue and capital and on 31,068,990 (31 July 2006 and 31 January 2007 - 30,600,497) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. 10. The amounts falling due within one year at 31 July 2006 include a bank loan of £2.3 million (Y 500 million). The amounts falling due within one year at 31 January 2007 include a bank loan of £2.1 million (Y500 million). 11. The amounts falling due after more than one year represent bank loans of £12.0 million (Y2.9 billion) outstanding under yen loan facilities which are repayable between October 2010 and March 2014 (31 July 2006 - £11.3 million (Y2.4 billion); 31 January 2007 - £10.1 million (Y2.4 billion)). During the period, a bank loan of Y500 million was repaid and a bank loan of Y500 million was drawn down. 12. At 31 July 2007 the Company had authority to buy back 4,661,964 of its own shares for cancellation in accordance with the authority granted at the AGM in April 2007. No shares were bought back during the period under review. During the period the Company issued 500,000 shares at a premium to net asset value for a total consideration of £1,108,000 resulting in an estimated uplift in net asset value per share of 0.04%. Year to Six months to 31 Six months to 31 January July 2007 31 July 2006 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 13. Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Net return before finance costs and taxation (5,338) (21,435) (21,610) Losses on investments 5,777 21,888 23,173 Currency gains (269) (409) (1,538) Changes in debtors and creditors (13) (126) (90) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 157 (82) (65) 14. The half-yearly financial report is available on the Managers' website and will be posted to shareholders on or around 20 September 2007. 15. None of the views expressed in this document should be construed as advice to buy or sell a particular investment. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange BF
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