IFRS restatement

Balfour Beatty PLC 23 June 2005 23 June 2005 BALFOUR BEATTY PLC TRANSITION TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS RESTATEMENT OF 2004 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Balfour Beatty plc has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards with effect from January 2005, in accordance with European Union regulations. Balfour Beatty will therefore publish its 2005 Interim Report and 2005 Annual Report and Accounts in accordance with IFRS. Today's announcement provides restated consolidated financial information for the full year 2004. It also includes indicative 2004 numbers to show the impact of adopting the financial instruments standards and draft interpretations relating to PFI/PPP concession accounting had the Group implemented these in 2004. Information for the first half-year 2004 is available on the Group's website. The key points for Balfour Beatty plc from today's announcement are: - IFRS has no impact on strategy, business operations, risk management, cash, financing or profit recognition policy on contracting and service activities - Indicative adjusted eps is in line with the position under UK GAAP - Net assets are reduced by the inclusion of pension scheme deficits. HIGHLIGHTS +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ | | UK GAAP | IFRS |Indicative| | | | | IFRS ** | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |2004 Underlying profit from | | | | |continuing | £150m | £110m | £106m | |operations* | | | | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |2004 Profit for the year | £203m | £250m | £248m | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |2004 Basic earnings per ordinary | 43.8p | 55.1p | 59.1p | |share | | | | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |2004 Adjusted earnings per ordinary | | | | |share+ | 23.4p | 20.2p | 21.9p | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |Shareholders' funds at 31 December | £413m | £273m | £247m | |2004 | | | | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |2004 Cash generated from operations | £171m | £171m | £171m | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ |Cash and cash equivalents at 31 | | | | |December | £406m | £406m | £406m | |2004 | | | | +-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+ * before exceptional items and taxation (under UK GAAP, before goodwill amortisation and impairment, and including £8m results of discontinued operations) + before exceptional items and the premium arising on buy-back of preference shares, and including the results of discontinued operations (under UK GAAP, before goodwill charges) ** including IAS 32 and IAS 39 ('Financial Instruments') This announcement summarises: 1. the impact of restatement in accordance with IFRS on the Group's previously reported 2004 results and financial position under UK GAAP; 2. the principal differences between UK GAAP and IFRS which affect the Group; 3. the basis on which Balfour Beatty has effected the transition to IFRS; and 4. indicative comparator IFRS results including the impact of IAS 32 and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments' and draft interpretations on PFI/PPP concession accounting, which will be adopted from 1 January 2005. 1. OVERVIEW AND IMPACT OF IFRS The following summarises the impact of IFRS on the Group's 2004 profit, earnings per share and net assets. Profit +--------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+ |Impact of IFRS | Pre-tax |Profit for | |For the year ended 31 December 2004 |profits* | the year | | | £m | £m | +--------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+ | | | | |UK GAAP | 150 | 203 | |Joint ventures' and associates' tax | (18)| - | |Exceptional items classified as operating loss | (2)| - | |IFRS 3 - Goodwill amortisation not charged | - | 17 | | - Goodwill previously written off under UK GAAP | - | 38 | |IAS 19 - Additional retirement benefit costs | (12)| (12)| | - Exceptional curtailment gain | - | 8 | |IFRS 2/ - Share-based payments/tax effects | - | (3)| |IAS 12 | | | |IAS 21 - Disposal of businesses/exchange movements | - | (1)| | +---------+-----------+ |IFRS restated | 118 | 250 | | +---------+-----------+ | | | | |Comprising: | | | |Profit for the year from continuing operations | 110 | 82 | |Profit for the year from discontinued operations | 8 | 168 | | +---------+-----------+ | | 118 | 250 | +--------------------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+ * before goodwill amortisation and impairment, and exceptional items Earnings per share +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |For the year ended 31 December 2004 | Basic| Adjusted*| | | (pence) | (pence) | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |UK GAAP | 43.8 | 23.4 | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |IFRS restated | 55.1 | 20.2 | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Change | 11.3 | (3.2) | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Due to: | | | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Goodwill amortisation not charged | 3.9 | - | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Goodwill previously written off under UK | | | |GAAP | 9.1 | - | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Disposal of business - exchange movements | (0.1) | - | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Increased retirement benefit obligations | | | |charge | (0.7) | (1.9) | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Share-based payments - additional tax | (0.9) | (0.9) | |charge | | | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Exceptional items classified as operating | | | |loss | - | (0.4) | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Change on adoption of IFRS | 11.3 | (3.2) | +------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ * before exceptional items and the premium arising on buy-back of preference shares, and including the results of discontinued operations (under UK GAAP, before goodwill charges) Net assets +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Reconciliation of net assets | £m | +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Net assets - UK GAAP at 31 December 2004 | 413 | |IFRS 3 - Goodwill amortisation not charged | 17 | |IAS 19 - Retirement benefit obligations (net of tax) | (174)| |IFRS 2/ - Share-based payments - tax effects | 5 | |IAS 12 | | |IAS 10 - Elimination of provision for proposed dividend | 16 | |IAS 12 - Deferred taxation | (4)| | +-------+ |Net assets - IFRS restated at 31 December 2004 | 273 | +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ Further amendments to the figures set out above will be necessary as the Group has maintained in the restated 2004 IFRS financial information UK GAAP accounting for five of its PFI/PPP concessions. This restatement awaits completion of the required conversion work on all the concessions resulting from the adoption of IAS 32 and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments' and the draft interpretations on PFI/PPP concession accounting from 1 January 2005. 2. PRINCIPAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN UK GAAP AND IFRS There are five principal differences which give rise to changes in the Group's reported profit and net assets for the year ended 31 December 2004: 1. Goodwill Under UK GAAP, goodwill was amortised on a straight line basis over its economic useful life of up to 20 years, tested for impairment and provided for as necessary. Under IFRS 3 'Business Combinations', goodwill is no longer amortised but is carried at cost and subject to annual review for impairment at 31 December. The following adjustments result from these changes: - £17m of goodwill amortisation charged under UK GAAP in 2004 is credited back to income under IFRS. £2m of this charge occurred in respect of joint ventures and associates. - The Group's carrying value of 'Goodwill' and 'Investments in joint ventures and associates' at 31 December 2004 are correspondingly increased by £15m and £2m respectively. During 2004 the Group took into account under UK GAAP £38m of goodwill previously written-off to reserves in determining the gain on the disposal of businesses. This entry is no longer required under IFRS and so has been reversed in the Income statement. There is no effect on 'Net assets'. 2. Defined benefit pension schemes Under UK GAAP, the Group accounted for its defined benefit pension schemes in accordance with SSAP 24 'Accounting for pension costs'. The cost of providing the defined benefit pensions was charged against 'Operating profit' with surpluses and deficits arising in the funds amortised to 'Operating profit' over the remaining service lives of participating employees. Under IAS 19 'Employee Benefits', the cost of providing pension benefits (current service cost) for defined benefit pension schemes is recognised in the Income statement and the defined benefit pension obligation is determined annually by independent actuaries and recognised on the Balance sheet. The Group has elected to include within 'Group operating profit' the interest cost arising on the projected obligations and the returns on the schemes' assets in addition to the current service cost. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in the Statement of recognised income and expense in the period in which they occur. The financial impacts arising from these changes are: - a reduction in net assets of £174m will be reported on the restated 31 December 2004 Balance sheet to reflect the additional pension liability - the charge to the Income statement will increase by £4m, comprising a charge of £12m and an exceptional curtailment gain of £8m. These impacts are substantially the same as those arising under the UK GAAP standard FRS 17, details of which have been disclosed in the notes to the Group's 2004 Financial Statements. 3. Share-based payments Income statement: Under IFRS 2 'Share-based Payment', a charge is recognised in the Income statement for all share-based payments granted after 7 November 2002, but not vested, based on the fair values of the grants and the number expected to become exercisable. £3m of current and deferred tax credits recognised in the Income statement for the full year 2004 under UK GAAP are, under IAS 12 'Income Taxes', required to be credited directly to Equity. As a result 'Profit for the year' is reduced through the revised recognition of these credits. Balance sheet: In the UK, the tax relief arising from share-based payments is not related to the expense recognised under IFRS 2. IAS 12 specifies how both the current tax relief and deferred tax arising on share-based payments should be assessed. A deferred tax asset of £4m arises on transition at 1 January 2004 which is increased by £1m in 2004, giving a total increase of £5m in 'Net assets' at 31 December 2004 from that reported under UK GAAP. 4. Proposed dividends Under UK GAAP, proposed dividends are recognised as a liability in the period to which they related. Under IAS 10 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', dividends are not recognised as a liability until they are declared. 'Net assets' at 31 December 2004 included provision for the 2004 final dividend of £16m. This dividend was not declared until the Annual General Meeting on 12 May 2005 and as a result 'Net assets' at 31 December 2004 under IFRS increase by £16m as the accrual for the final dividend is reversed. 5. Deferred tax IAS 12 requires the recognition of deferred tax on property revaluations and, subject to certain conditions, on the undistributed reserves of foreign subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. Under UK GAAP such provisions were not required. The impact arising from these changes results in an additional deferred tax provision of £6m, comprising £1m for property revaluations and £5m for foreign undistributed reserves, with a £4m resulting reduction in 'Net assets'. 3. BASIS OF PREPARATION The transition to IFRS is governed by the requirements of IFRS 1 'First-time Adoption of IFRS'. The opening IFRS balance sheet on 1 January 2004 (the date of transition to IFRS) has been prepared using accounting policies which the Directors expect to be applicable as at 31 December 2005 except as referred to above. IFRS 1 permits companies adopting IFRS for the first time to take certain exemptions from full retrospective application of IFRS accounting policies. Balfour Beatty has adopted the following key exemptions: a) Business combinations: The Group has chosen not to restate business combinations that occurred prior to 1 January 2004 to comply with IFRS 3 'Business Combinations'. As a result the carrying value of goodwill recorded under UK GAAP as at 1 January 2004 has been fixed at transition date. Also goodwill previously written off to reserves under UK GAAP will be deemed to be zero and will not be taken into account in determining any gain or loss on the disposal of the acquired entity. b) Fixed assets: Fixed assets that were revalued under UK GAAP are deemed to be carried at cost for subsequent accounting under IFRS. c) Employee benefits: All cumulative actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit pension schemes have been recognised in Equity at the transition date, 1 January 2004. d) Share-based payments: IFRS 2 'Share-based Payment' has been applied retrospectively to equity-settled awards that had not vested as at 1 January 2005 and were granted on or after 7 November 2002. e) Cumulative foreign currency translation: All cumulative foreign currency translation differences arising on the re-translation into Sterling of the Group's net investments in foreign operations have been deemed to be zero at 1 January 2004 for all overseas subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. f) Financial instruments: The Group has elected to apply IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation' and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' from 1 January 2005. In addition, the Group has adopted the following disclosure principles: a) Joint venture entities: The Group has chosen, as permitted by IAS 31 'Interests in Joint Ventures', to use the equity method to consolidate its interests in joint venture entities. This disclosure format is the same as the Group is required to adopt under IAS 28 'Investments in Associates', for its interests in associate companies. The Group considers that the clearest presentation of its interests in its PFI/PPP associate and joint venture entities is achieved by having a common disclosure format which permits grouping and comparison of the financial information of these businesses. b) Exceptional items: Consistent with IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements', Balfour Beatty considers that items which are both material and non-recurring should be presented and disclosed as what the Group will term 'exceptional items'. Examples of items which may give rise to the classification as exceptional items include gains or losses on the disposal of businesses, investments and fixed assets, costs of restructuring and reorganisation of businesses, asset impairments and pension fund settlements and curtailments. 4. INDICATIVE COMPARATOR IFRS RESULTS Financial instruments (IAS 32 and IAS 39) - from 1 January 2005 IAS 32 and IAS 39 govern the accounting for and disclosure of financial instruments. IAS 32 covers disclosure and presentation, while IAS 39 covers recognition and measurement. These standards have a significant impact on Balfour Beatty and particularly affect: - The Group's convertible redeemable preference shares - The hedging activities of the Group and those of the PFI/PPP concessions - The assets and income of the PFI/PPP concessions. The Group has elected not to adopt these standards until 1 January 2005. Indicative IFRS financial statements, which include their impact as if the Group had adopted them for the year ended 31 December 2004, are included in this statement along with the IFRS financial statements. The specific changes arising from IAS 32 and IAS 39 are set out below. Preference shares: The Group's £136m outstanding convertible redeemable preference shares included within 'Shareholders' funds' at 31 December 2004 under UK GAAP are, under IAS 32, regarded as a compound instrument consisting of a liability (£112m, including £10m deferred tax) and an equity component (£19m). The preference dividend is shown in the Income statement as an interest expense. The £6m premium incurred in 2004 on the buy-back of preference shares was reported as an appropriation of profit under UK GAAP. Under IFRS it is treated as an interest expense and has been classified as exceptional. Derivatives - hedging activities: Under UK GAAP, the derivatives used by the Group in treasury management are not recognised as assets and liabilities on the Balance sheet and gains and losses are not reported in the Profit and loss account until realised. Under IFRS, derivatives appear on the Balance sheet at their fair value. Derivatives used in managing the Group's foreign currency denominated debt have not been designated for hedge accounting, so the movement in their fair value is recognised in the Income statement. The fair value liability of these derivatives, net of tax, at 31 December 2004 was £2m. The Group's PFI/PPP concessions have entered into substantial swap contracts. These derivative contracts will qualify for hedge accounting, so the movement in their fair value is recognised in Equity. The fair value liability of these derivatives, net of tax, at 31 December 2004 was £43m, of which £9m arises in Group subsidiaries and £34m in joint ventures and associates. PFI/PPP concession assets and income: Under UK GAAP, PFI/PPP assets are classified as either tangible fixed assets or long-term finance assets. Under IFRS and the draft interpretations of accounting for service concession arrangements, Balfour Beatty considers that its PFI/PPP concessions would be classified as financial assets. The indicative effect on the Group's reported results in 2004 of reclassifying its PFI/PPP concessions would have been an £18m increase in 'Profit for the year from continuing operations', of which £9m arises from a revaluation of the interest acquired in Connect Roads and would be classified as exceptional. The impact on the Balance sheet is an increase in 'Net assets' of £131m, which arises mainly through the increase in the fair value of the financial assets. Impact of IAS 32 and IAS 39 The following summarises the indicative impact on the Group's 2004 income, earnings per share and net assets at 31 December 2004, had the Group adopted IAS 32 and IAS 39 and the draft interpretations in respect of the PFI/PPP financial assets from 1 January 2004. Income +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |For the year ended 31 December 2004 | Pre-tax |Profit for | | |profits* | the year | | | £m | £m | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |IFRS restated | 110 | 250 | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |Preference shares | | | |- dividend restated as a finance cost | (13) | (13) | |- additional accrued interest | (1) | (1) | |- premium on buy-back restated as a finance| - | (6) | |cost+ | | | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |PFI/PPP concessions - financial assets | | | |- Group PFI/PPP concessions | 8 | 6 | |- Group PFI/PPP concessions - gain on share| - | 9 | |purchase+ | | | |- JV & associate PFI/PPP concessions | 3 | 3 | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |Derivatives | | | |- Group interest rate swaps | (1) | - | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | | | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ |Indicative IFRS profit for the year | 106 | 248 | +-------------------------------------------+----------+------------+ + classified as exceptional items * from continuing operations - before exceptional items Earnings per share +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-----------+ |For the year ended 31 December 2004 | Basic |Adjusted* | | |(pence) | (pence) | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-----------+ |IFRS restated | 55.1 | 20.2 | |Indicative IFRS | 59.1 | 21.9 | | +--------+-----------+ |Change resulting from IAS 32 and IAS 39 | 4.0 | 1.7 | |Due to: +--------+-----------+ |Preference shares - additional accrued interest | (0.2) | (0.2) | |PFI/PPP concessions - financial assets | | | |- Group PFI/PPP concessions | 1.2 | 1.2 | |- Group PFI/PPP concessions - gain on share purchase | 2.3 | - | |- JV & associate PFI/PPP concessions | 0.7 | 0.7 | | +--------+-----------+ | | 4.0 | 1.7 | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-----------+ * before exceptional items and including the results of discontinued operations Net assets +---------------------------------------------------------+----------+ |Reconciliation of net assets | £m | +---------------------------------------------------------+----------+ |IFRS restated net assets at 31 December 2004 | 273 | |Preference shares - liability element and deferred tax | (112) | |Group derivatives | (2) | | | | |PFI/PPP concessions - derivatives | (43) | |PFI/PPP concessions - financial assets | 131 | | +----------+ |Indicative IFRS net assets at 31 December 2004 | 247 | +---------------------------------------------------------+----------+ The draft interpretations in respect of PFI/PPP concessions have fundamental accounting implications for how the Group values and accounts for its interests in PFI/PPP concessions. The timing of these draft interpretations has not permitted the Group to complete the required conversion work on all the PFI/PPP concession companies in which the Group has an interest. The above indicative figures have been prepared for 2004 to show the impact of these proposals, but these will be further refined before publication of the Group's 2005 Interim Report. 5. RESTATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Group financial statements showing the restated IFRS position, along with the comparator UK GAAP results (in IFRS format), are appended: Restated IFRS - Income statement - Statement of recognised income and expense - Balance sheet - Statement of changes in shareholders' equity - Cash flow statement Indicative IFRS - Income statement - Balance sheet. The Group has today placed on its website (at www.balfourbeatty.com/bbeatty/ir/) its IFRS Report 'Transition from UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards'. This includes: - comprehensive details on the way the Group has implemented IFRS - the principal differences between UK GAAP and IFRS affecting Balfour Beatty - the new accounting policies adopted - copies of the restated financial information for the full year 2004 and the first half-year 2004 - detailed reconciliations showing the changes between UK GAAP and IFRS disclosure format and the changes arising from the adoption of IFRS. In addition, a webcast of the presentation made to analysts on 23 June 2005 is also available on the website. ENDS Enquiries to: Anthony Rabin, Finance Director Tim Sharp, Director of Corporate Communications Tel: 020 7216 6800 www.balfourbeatty.com Group income statement For the year ended 31 December 2004 UK GAAP IFRS in IFRS format ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Before Before exceptional Exceptional exceptional Exceptional items items Total items items Total 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 £m £m £m £m £m £m Continuing operations ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Revenue including share of joint ventures and associates 4,120 - 4,120 4,120 - 4,120 Share of revenue of joint ventures and associates (672) - (672) (672) - (672) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Group revenue 3,448 - 3,448 3,448 - 3,448 Cost of sales (3,137) 7 (3,130) (3,137) 7 (3,130) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Gross profit 311 7 318 311 7 318 Net operating expenses (254) - (254) (233) (9) (242) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Group operating profit 57 7 64 78 (2) 76 Share of results of joint ventures and associates 30 - 30 32 - 32 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit from operations 87 7 94 110 (2) 108 Investment income 23 - 23 23 - 23 Finance costs (23) - (23) (23) - (23) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit before taxation 87 7 94 110 (2) 108 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit before goodwill amortisation, impairment and taxation 122 7 129 110 16 126 Goodwill amortisation and impairment (35) - (35) - (18) (18) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Taxation (21) (2) (23) (22) (4) (26) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit for the year from continuing operations 66 5 71 88 (6) 82 Profit for the year from discontinued operations 8 124 132 8 160 168 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit for the year 74 129 203 96 154 250 Preference dividends (13) - (13) (13) - (13) Premium paid on buy-back of preference shares (6) - (6) (6) - (6) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders 55 129 184 77 154 231 =============================== =============================== p p Basic earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations 12.4 15.0 Basic earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations 31.4 40.1 ------- ------- Basic earnings per ordinary share 43.8 55.1 ======= ======= Diluted earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations 12.3 14.9 Diluted earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations 31.1 39.7 ------- ------- Diluted earnings per ordinary share 43.4 54.6 ======= ======= Dividends per ordinary share 6.6 6.6 ======= ======= Group statement of recognised income and expense For the year ended 31 December 2004 Total Total 2004 2004 £m £m Profit for the year from continuing operations 71 82 Profit for the year from discontinued operations 132 168 Exchange adjustments - 1 Actuarial gains and losses on pension obligations - (17) Tax on items taken directly to equity (2) 3 ------- ------- Total recognised income for the year 201 237 ======= ======= Group balance sheet At 31 December 2004 UK GAAP in IFRS format IFRS £m £m Non-current assets Goodwill 265 280 Property, plant and equipment - PFI/PPP constructed assets 288 288 - other 149 149 Investments in joint ventures and associates 181 169 Investments 42 42 Deferred tax assets 20 86 Trade and other receivables 75 49 -------- -------- 1,020 1,063 -------- -------- Current assets Inventories 50 50 Due from customers for contract work 218 218 Trade and other receivables 564 563 Cash and cash equivalents - PFI/PPP subsidiaries 30 30 - other 388 388 -------- -------- 1,250 1,249 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total assets 2,270 2,312 -------- -------- Current liabilities Trade and other payables (962) (946) Due to customers for contract work (264) (264) Current tax liabilities (38) (38) Borrowings - PFI/PPP non-recourse term loans (13) (13) - other (15) (15) -------- -------- (1,292) (1,276) -------- -------- Non-current liabilities Borrowings - PFI/PPP non-recourse term loans (261) (261) - other (62) (62) Trade and other payables (84) (81) Deferred tax liabilities (2) (2) Retirement benefit obligations - (254) Long-term provisions (156) (103) -------- -------- (565) (763) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total liabilities (1,857) (2,039) -------- -------- Net assets 413 273 ======== ======== Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 213 213 Share premium account 150 150 Share of joint ventures' and associates' reserves 68 52 Special reserve 181 181 Other reserves 6 9 Accumulated losses (205) (332) -------- -------- Shareholders' funds 413 273 ======== ======== Group statement of changes in shareholders' equity For the year ended 31 December 2004 UK GAAP in IFRS format IFRS £m £m Profit for the year from continuing operations 71 82 Profit for the year from discontinued operations 132 168 Preference dividends (13) (13) Ordinary dividends (28) (26) Premium paid on buy-back of preference shares (6) (6) Exchange adjustments - 1 Actuarial gains and losses on pension obligations - (17) Tax on items taken directly to equity (2) 3 Goodwill on businesses sold 38 - Issue of ordinary shares 4 4 Buy-back of preference shares - carrying value (14) (14) Movements relating to share-based payments - 4 -------- -------- 182 186 Opening shareholders' funds 231 87 -------- -------- Closing shareholders' funds 413 273 ======== ======== Group cash flow statement For the year ended 31 December 2004 IFRS £m Cash flows from operating activities Cash generated from operations 171 Income taxes paid (41) ------- Net cash from operating activities 130 ------- Cash flows from investing activities Dividends received from joint ventures and associates 8 Acquisition of businesses, net of cash and cash equivalents acquired (17) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (110) Investment in and loans made to joint ventures and associates (11) Disposal of businesses, net of cash and cash equivalents disposed 217 Disposal of property, plant and equipment 13 Disposal of investments 51 ------- Net cash from investing activities 151 ------- Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares 4 Purchase of ordinary shares (2) Proceeds from new loans 6 Repayment of loans (12) Finance lease principal repayments (2) Buy-back of preference shares (20) Ordinary dividends paid (25) Interest received 18 Interest paid (24) Preference dividends paid (15) ------- Net cash used in financing activities (72) ------- ------- Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 209 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 198 Effects of exchange rate changes (1) ------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 406 ======= Notes to the cash flow statement (a) Cash generated from operations comprises: £m Profit from continuing operations 108 Profit from discontinued operations 8 Share of results of joint ventures and associates (32) Depreciation 50 Goodwill impairment 18 Loan on disposal of property, plant and equipment 1 Profit on disposal of businesses (1) Movements relating to share-based payments 2 Working capital decrease 17 ------- Cash generated from operations 171 ======= (b) Cash and cash equivalents comprise: At 1 At 31 January December 2004 2004 £m £m Cash and cash equivalents 202 418 Bank overdrafts (4) (12) ------- ------- 198 406 ======= ======= Indicative IFRS Group income statement including IAS 32 and IAS 39 For the year ended 31 December 2004 Indicative IFRS IFRS including IAS 32 & IAS 39 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Before Before exceptional Exceptional exceptional Exceptional items items Total items items Total 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 £m £m £m £m £m £m Continuing operations --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Revenue including share of joint ventures and associates 4,120 - 4,120 4,237 - 4,237 Share of revenue of joint ventures and associates (672) - (672) (748) - (748) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Group revenue 3,448 - 3,448 3,489 - 3,489 Cost of sales (3,137) 7 (3,130) (3,198) 7 (3,191) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Gross profit 311 7 318 291 7 298 Net operating expenses (233) (9) (242) (233) - (233) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Group operating profit 78 (2) 76 58 7 65 Share of results of joint ventures and associates 32 - 32 35 - 35 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit from operations 110 (2) 108 93 7 100 Investment income 23 - 23 51 - 51 Finance costs (23) - (23) (38) (6) (44) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit before taxation 110 (2) 108 106 1 107 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit before goodwill impairment and taxation 110 16 126 106 19 125 Goodwill impairment - (18) (18) - (18) (18) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Taxation (22) (4) (26) (23) (4) (27) --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit for the year from continuing operations 88 (6) 82 83 (3) 80 Profit for the year from discontinued operations 8 160 168 8 160 168 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit for the year 96 154 250 91 157 248 Preference dividends (13) - (13) - - - Premium paid on buy-back of preference shares (6) - (6) - - - --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Profit for the year attributable to equity shareholders 77 154 231 91 157 248 ================================= ================================= p p Basic earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations 15.0 19.0 Basic earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations 40.1 40.1 ------- ------- Basic earnings per ordinary share 55.1 59.1 ======= ======= Diluted earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations 14.9 18.8 Diluted earnings per ordinary share from discontinued operations 39.7 39.7 ------- ------- Diluted earnings per ordinary share 54.6 58.5 ======= ======= Indicative IFRS Group balance sheet including IAS 32 and IAS 39 At 31 December 2004 Indicative IFRS including IAS 32 & IFRS IAS 39 £m £m Non-current assets Goodwill 280 274 Property, plant and equipment - PFI/PPP constructed assets 288 - - other 149 149 Investments in joint ventures and associates 169 202 Investments 42 42 PFI/PPP financial assets - 368 Deferred tax assets 86 56 Trade and other receivables 49 41 -------- -------- 1,063 1,132 -------- -------- Current assets Inventories 50 50 Due from customers for contract work 218 218 Trade and other receivables 563 563 Cash and cash equivalents - PFI/PPP subsidiaries 30 30 - other 388 388 -------- -------- 1,249 1,249 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total assets 2,312 2,381 -------- -------- Current liabilities Trade and other payables (946) (946) Due to customers for contract work (264) (264) Derivative financial instruments - PFI/PPP subsidiaries - (13) - other - (3) Current tax liabilities (38) (38) Borrowings - PFI/PPP non-recourse term loans (13) (13) - other (15) (15) -------- -------- (1,276) (1,292) -------- -------- Non-current liabilities Borrowings - PFI/PPP non-recourse term loans (261) (261) - other (62) (62) Liability component of preference shares - (102) Trade and other payables (81) (58) Deferred tax liabilities (2) (2) Retirement benefit obligations (254) (254) Long-term provisions (103) (103) -------- -------- (763) (842) -------- -------- -------- -------- Total liabilities (2,039) (2,134) -------- -------- -------- -------- Net assets 273 247 ======== ======== Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 213 212 Share premium account 150 15 Equity component of preference shares - 19 Share of joint ventures' and associates' reserves 52 85 Special reserve 181 181 Other reserves 9 49 Accumulated losses (332) (314) -------- -------- Total equity 273 247 ======== ======== This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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