Capital Increase
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA
03 December 2002
BBVA reports that, as a stockholder of 50% of the capital of the Peruvian
company Holding Continental S.A., it has proceeded on 26 November 2002 to
subscribe to a capital increase in said company for a value of 10 million USD.
This capital increase is to be earmarked for financing the offer for the
acquisition of shares in Banco Continental, for the purpose of acquiring the
stock that is does not hold itself (143,713,997 shares) at a price of 1.59 soles
per share. On 27 November 2002, Holding Continental S.A. submitted this
operation to the Lima Stock Exchange and reported it as a 'Significant Event' to
the National Commission for Supervising Companies and Securities of said city.
The purchase transactions are to be performed in the Rueda de Bolsa de Valores
(Stock Exchange Circle) in Lima as of the date of notification to said Exchange
and until 13 December 2002 inclusive.
December 3rd 2002
'BBVA, S.A.', pursuant to the provisions of section 82 of the Securities Market
Act, hereby announces the following
The Board of Directors of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., at its meeting
held on 22 November 2002 in Barcelona, adopted the following resolutions:
• To amend point Six of the Rules of Corporate Governance of Banco Bilbao
Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., which were approved by its Board of Directors and
reported as a significant event to the supervisory bodies, on 28 June 2002,
which point Six is to read as follows:
The qualification of the persons proposed to be appointed as
members of the entity's Board of Directors, which is the
responsibility of the General Shareholders' Meeting or the Board
of Directors, in case of a vacancy, shall be evaluated by a
Committee of the Board consisting solely of Independent
Directors, considering the personal and professional conditions
of the candidate, as well as the needs which the company's
governing bodies may have from time to time.
• To approve the Director's Statute of the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria,
S.A., herein attached.
• To create the Committee for Appointments and Remunerations which shall
have as President and members the same as those who are currently designated
as members of the Committee for Remunerations, including one further
Director to said Committee, Mr Jaume Tomas.
Charter of
Banco bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. directors
The Board of Directors of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A., in its meeting
of 28th June 2002, approved some Principles of Corporate Governance as
guidelines for the structure and operation of its corporate bodies in the
interest of the Company and its shareholders.
As the Charter of the Bank Directors is an essential part of the rules for the
Corporate Governance System, the current Charter needs to be reformulated to
adapt to the BBVA's new Principles of Corporate Governance.
The number of Directors sitting on the Board shall fall within the
limits established by the Bylaws and the resolutions passed by the
Company's General Shareholders' Meeting, although it should not be more
than eighteen, according to the BBVA Principles of Corporate Governance.
The Directors may be executive or non-executive Directors. Executive
Directors are those with general powers to represent the Company
delegated to them on a permanent basis.
The Board shall be composed such that at least two thirds of its members
at any one time be independent Directors, i.e. non-executive Directors
who are not in any of the following situations:
• Are shareholders in the Company, or have been appointed because of a
special relationship with any of its shareholder, when the shareholding,
in either of these cases, is more than three percent of the shares with
voting rights.
• Organisations entitled to a seat on the Board of the Bank or the
individuals they may have appointed as their representatives.
• Have been executive Director, or a member of the Top Management of the
Company, or executive Director, or a member of the Top Management of the
Auditing Firm which is or has been auditing the Company, until three
years have elapsed since this situation ceased.
• Have a material relationship with the Company, either directly or as
partners, shareholders, executives or employees of any other persons or
companies that, in turn, have a material relationship with the Company,
which might undermine their independence.
• Have a family relationship with any of the individuals mentioned
above, or be in other circumstances that the Board of Directors may deem
to impair their independence.
Independent Directors shall be in a majority on the Bank's Executive
Committee, and only independent Directors can be members of the Audit
Committee and the Nominating and Compensation Committee for the Board of
The Chair of the Board shall be Chairman of the Company and,
consequently, the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank, and is entitled
not just to the attributes established in the Corporate Bylaws, but
also, by delegation from the Board, to all the powers inherent to such
position with which to exercise effective management of the Company.
Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the General
Shareholders' Meeting, without prejudice to the Board's power to co-opt
Directors in the event of a vacancy.
In either case, the persons proposed for appointment as Directors must
meet the requirements established in the prevailing legal provisions, in
the specific regulations applicable to financial institutions, and in
the corporate Bylaws.
The qualifications of the persons proposed for appointment as members of
the Board of Directors shall be assessed by the Nominating and
Compensation Committee with due reference to the candidates' personal
and professional attributes, as well as the needs of the Company's
governing bodies at any time. The Nominating and Compensation Committee
shall inform the Board of the opinion it has issued in this respect.
When proposals for re-electing Directors are made, the Bank's Board of
Directors will evaluate the performance of directorship duties of
Directors proposed for a further term, their dedication, and such other
circumstances as may make it advisable to re-elect them or not.
The Board shall discuss and vote resolutions on such matters in the
absence of Directors proposed for re-election. If such Directors are
present at the meeting, they should leave it.
Directors shall retire from their directorships at the age of seventy,
and the Chairman, as Chief Executive Officer, shall retire at the age of
65, continuing to sit on the Board as Director. Their respective
resignations should be instrumented in the first session of the Bank's
Board of Directors to be held after the General Shareholders Meeting
that approves the accounts for the year in which they reach said age.
The executive Directors of the Bank will retire from their executive
posts at the age of 62, following the same timing rules as established
in the above paragraph. When, for this or any other reasons, they cease
to be executive Directors, they should place their membership of the
Bank's Board of Directors at the disposal of said Board, which may agree
that they should continue to be Directors notwithstanding.
Non-executive Directors shall cease to be members of the different Board
Committees three years after they are appointed, although the Board of
Directors may decide to re-elect them.
The members of the Bank's Board of Directors shall carry out the duties
inherent to their post on the Board and on the Board Committees on which
they sit, according to the Law, the Corporate Bylaws, the Bank's rules
on Corporate Governance, and the resolutions adopted in this respect by
the Company's administrative organs.
The Director shall be obliged to attend the meetings of the Corporate
Bodies and the Board Committees, unless able to show due cause,
participating in deliberations, discussions and debates that arise on
the matters put before them.
They shall act according to established practice, and as a function of
their respective duties on the Board of Directors and its Committees,
and in the exercise of the powers expressly delegated to them by the
Company's administrative bodies, especially in their relations with the
Bank's customers, managers and employees.
The Directors shall have sufficient information to be able to form
criteria regarding the issues related to the corporate organs of the
Bank. The information shall be furnished as far in advance as required
in each case.
The exercise of their right to information shall be channelled through
the Chairman or Secretary of the Board of Directors, who shall attend to
applications directly facilitating the information or establishing
suitable information flows within the organisation, unless the operating
rules for the Board's Committees have established a specific procedure
for the case.
Directors may propose to the Board of Directors that external experts,
not directly involved in the Bank, be brought in on matters submitted to
their consideration, whose special complexity or importance they deem to
require such help, without prejudice to the provisions in the operating
rules for the Board's Committees on such matters, or to any necessary
additional training for adequate exercise of their duties.
The deliberations of the corporate organs are secret. Consequently,
Directors shall keep secret the deliberations of the Board and the
Committees on which they sit, and all information to which they may have
access in the exercise of their post, which they shall use exclusively
in pursuit of their duties and shall look after with due diligence.
The obligation of confidentiality shall remain in force even after they
have ceased to hold the post.
Directors shall behave ethically in their activities, in keeping with
the normative requirements applicable to those who pursue directorship
duties in mercantile companies, and more particularly financial
institutions, in good faith, and according to the principles
constituting the values of the BBVA Group.
In this Charter, this means the regulation of such conflicts as may
arise between the interests of the Directors and/or their family
members, and the interests of the Bank and its Group, as well as of the
instances of incompatibility preventing them from exercising their
duties as Directors, amongst other aspects.
Directors shall abstain from attending and taking part in cases from
which a conflict of interest with the Company may ensue.
They shall not be present in the deliberations of the corporate organs
they sit on when these relate to affairs in which they may have a direct
or indirect interest; which may affect their family members, customers
or companies in which they are directors, managers or employees or hold
a significant stake; or when dealing with issues that may affect
competitors of companies in which they hold a directorship or a
management post or a significant stake.
Likewise, Directors may not directly or indirectly carry out personal,
professional or commercial transactions with the Company or its
subsidiaries, other than habitual banking relations, unless these are
subject to procurement procedures of guaranteed transparency, with
competitive bidding and at market prices.
Directors shall also abstain from having a direct or indirect stake in
businesses or companies in which the Bank or its subsidiaries have a
holding, unless it predates their joining the Board or the Bank or its
subsidiaries' taking out the holding, or the companies are listed on
domestic or international stock markets, or the stake is authorised by
the Board of Directors.
Directors may not use their position in the Company to obtain material
advantage, nor take advantage of any business opportunities that they
may get to know of in pursuit of their activity as Director of the Bank,
whether to their own direct or indirect profit, or to that of their
family members, of customers or of companies in which they are
directors, managers or employees, or have a significant stake, unless
said opportunity had previously been offered to the Company, which
refrained from exploiting it and the Board of Directors has given
authorisation for it to be taken up.
In all cases, Directors' actions shall be subject to the applicable
provisions of the BBVA Group's Code of Conduct relating to Stock Market
operations, and to the legal provisions and internal instructions that
may be applicable when asking for credit, bonds and warrants from the
financial institutions that make up the BBVA Group.
In pursuit of their duties, Directors shall be subject to the regime of
incompatibilities established under applicable regulations at any time,
and in particular those contained in Spanish Law 31/1968, 27th July, on
the Incompatibilities for High-Level Management in Private Banking (Ley
sobre Incompatibilidades de Altos Cargos de la Banca privada).
Directors may not provide professional services, or be employee, manager
or director in companies competing with the Bank or any of the companies
of its Group except in those cases expressly authorised by the Board of
Directors, unless such services or involvement pre-date the Directors'
joining the Board of the Bank and they have duly reported them when
Nor may Directors of the Bank hold directorships in any of the companies
in which the Bank or any of its subsidiaries hold shares.
Exceptionally, an executive Director may pursue directorships, by
appointment of the Bank, in companies directly or indirectly controlled
by the Bank, with the approval of the Executive Committee, and in any of
the companies in which the Bank or any of its subsidiaries hold shares,
with the approval of the Board of Directors. Outgoing Directors shall be
obliged to present their resignation from such posts they hold in fully
or partly owned subsidiaries by reason of their BBVA directorship.
Non executive Directors may hold directorships in companies in which the
Bank or any of its subsidiaries hold shares, with the prior approval of
the Board of Directors, provided that the directorship does not derive
from the BBVA Group's holding shares in that company. To such effect,
shares held by the Bank or any of its subsidiaries in any company in the
course of normal business activities (fund management, treasury, hedging
or similar transactions) will not be taken into consideration.
Likewise, Directors may not hold political posts or carry out any
activities that may transcend into the public realm, or in any way
affect the image of the Company, unless they have prior authorisation
from the Board of Directors of the Bank.
Directors shall leave their post on expiry of the term for which they
were appointed, unless they are re-elected.
Likewise, Directors shall place their post at the disposal of the Board
of Directors and accept whatever decision the Board may adopt regarding
whether or not they should continue as a member. Should the Board decide
that they should not, they are obliged to formally present their
resignation in the following cases:
• Should they fall into any of the categories entailing incompatibility
or proscription stipulated in the prevailing regulations, in the Bylaws
or in the Charter of Directors.
• Should significant changes take place in their professional situation
or in the character by virtue of which they were appointed Directors.
• Should they be in serious breach of their duties as Directors.
• Should events for which the Director, acting as such, may be
responsible have occasioned serious damage to the Company's assets, or
should they lose the commercial and professional honourability necessary
to hold a directorship in the Bank.
The remuneration of Board members shall be governed by the provisions of
the Bylaws, distinguishing the payment to which Board members are
entitled as Directors from that to which executive Directors are
entitled for carrying out their specific duties. Both kinds of payment
shall be determined according to the Board of Directors' resolutions,
where not previously established under the Bank Bylaws, and in
accordance with the powers of the Nominating and Compensation Committee.
The remuneration of Board members shall be linked to the
responsibilities of, the time required by and the incompatibilities
inherent to the post that they hold on the Board of Directors and its
Committees. Payment of said remuneration shall be compatible, within the
framework established in the Bylaws, with the remuneration to which
executive Directors are entitled for carrying out their duties in the
Company, unless the Board of Directors resolves otherwise.
The Board may also establish exceptions to the application of said
criteria of payment when it deems circumstances so to require.
Members of the Bank's Board of Directors shall be entitled to a system
of security benefits to cover severance, retirement or death. It shall
be established by the Board of Directors, with such conditions and
exceptions as the Board may decide, independently of the system to which
executive Directors are entitled.
Directors shall also be entitled to sickness benefits under a medical
insurance policy, with such cover as the Board may determine. This may
be extended to family members, and accident insurance may also be
They shall also be entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses they incur
in pursuit of their duties as Directors, under the conditions determined
by the Bank's Board of Directors.
The Bank shall insure, through a civil liability policy underwritten by
an insurance company, against liabilities that Directors may incur in
pursuit of their duties. The policy shall cover in advance all expenses
(including legal fees), bonds and services that may ensue from any
civil, criminal or administrative proceedings initiated against Bank
Directors. The Bank shall ensure that the cover remains in force even
after Directors have left their posts.
In all cases, the Bank shall relieve Directors from any claim that
Directors may incur in the legitimate pursuit of their duties.
Directors who cease to belong to the Bank's Board of Directors may not
provide services to any other financial institution competing with the
bank or any of its subsidiaries for two years after leaving the Board,
unless the Board should expressly authorise them to do so. This
authorisation may be denied on the ground of the Company's best
This document is an English translation of the Spanish original. In the event of
any doubt, the Spanish original shall prevail.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange